Chapter 772
In the past, Xu Tong thought that enlightenment was a deeper understanding of one's own Dao fruit. It was not until now that he became enlightened that he really understood that it was not the case.

Enlightenment, Taoism is natural, and enlightenment is enlightened.

The so-called opportunity is more like a medicine introduction. Medicine introduction is important, but more importantly, understanding of mind, these four words.

Once the mind is connected, the heart is in harmony with the sky, and every thought and movement can cause the world to change. My own Taoism is no longer limited to the shape, but should be in harmony with the heaven and the earth, so those who become enlightened are all heaven and man.

So... the opportunity is more like a tricky way, even if there is no opportunity, one can become enlightened.

Zhang Haisheng is the latter, forcibly becoming enlightened without taking advantage of opportunities.

Xu Tong's heart suddenly became clear. These things can only be understood at this level. If you don't reach this level, he will have only a half-knowledge when you say it, and he will even comprehend the wrong meaning and go astray.

Xu Tong then had an idea to immerse his consciousness into his physical body to achieve the effect of inner vision.

With a single glance, he saw that his heart was enveloped by a crystal-clear emerald light, and there was a heart of stone in the light. Although it was a stone, it was born with seven orifices.

The heart is the residence of the gods, the master of the blood, the master of the veins, and the master of the whole body.

The heart has seven orifices, five aggregates and six roots, which is thousands of times better than others.

Being able to listen to the voices of all things and speak the language of all things is infinitely mysterious. When the heart orifice is exhaled and inhaled, it is to swallow and breathe out the essence, nourish the body, and live forever.

This heart inevitably reminded Xu Tong of Bigan in the novel Feng Shen Yan Yi.

I don't know if this thing is the same as Bigan's Qiqiao Linglong Heart, but Xu Tong feels that it is not much different after careful consideration.

Immediately Xu Tong withdrew from the inner vision, opened his eyes, and took out another object.

[Dari Casting Dao Pill] (Peerless Treasure)

Eater, whoever eats it can get the innate Dao foundation, forcefully break through the big realm, and has an 80.00% probability of gaining the godhead. If there is a godhead, it can make the godhead break through a level.

Ordinarily, since I have just broken through to enlightenment, it is the best time to take this elixir after I have truly mastered the realm of enlightenment.

It's just that with the seven-orifice exquisite mind, Xu Tong's thoughts are quicker than before, which is several times faster than before. After looking inside, he can see himself thoroughly.

Although I am enlightened, it should be said to be a fluke.

The three Dao fruits all came by chance, and they are completely different from the ones that the eldest princess and the old Taoist cultivated themselves, which caused a big problem.

That is my practice is mixed but not refined.

But this can't be completely blamed on myself for cheating and cheating, because I was originally from a different family.

There is no orthodox practice path like the Three Religions. In the Qimen lineage, those who can reach the Grand Master are masters.

The master himself also gathered the essence of a hundred schools of thought to create the Baishan button, and then he suddenly reached the realm of a great master.

As the saying goes, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. My disciple and grandson also follow the same path, but they are far better than the master in miscellaneous books.

However, I don't have the savvy of my master, and I can gather hundreds of schools into one furnace.

Last time, Tu Feiyuan in the script world spent decades of youth in order to cut the way, but in the end it still failed.

I have a messy foundation, and if I want to cut my way, I'm afraid it will be dozens of times more difficult than Tu Feiyuan.

Instead of getting entangled in this aspect, it is better to become a fairy as soon as possible. As for whether you can go one step further, let's wait until the time comes.

Moreover, with the Great Sun Casting Dao Pill, he can obtain the innate Dao foundation, which just makes up for his unstable foundation.

He first tried to throw this elixir into the Dream Rubik's Cube, intending to try to upgrade it to see the effect, but after looking at the upgrade price, he directly dismissed the idea.

Well, the first level of strengthening requires 3200 script points.

After a rough calculation in my mind, the second level is 6400, the third level is 12800, and if I want to break through the sixth level and achieve a qualitative improvement, I need 124000 script points.

Oh, this is not counting the consumption of the previous upgrade.

Looking at the poor script points in his hand now, only [-] script points left, Xu Tong decisively gave up this idea.

The [-] script points are already the team's entire property. If they burn all of them, they will cry in the next script world.

As soon as he thought so, Xu Tong directly put the pill into his mouth.

"Why don't you come out??"

Outside, Xue Gui and the others had already approached, and Elder Song was waiting desperately.

But when he thought about it again, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smug that he had taught a good disciple who had attained enlightenment.

From time to time, he raised his head and looked at the old man with a half-smile.

It caused the old Taoist to complain; "Isn't it just enlightenment? The master leads the door, and the cultivation is up to the individual. You are the one who leads the way. What a shame."

"Hahahaha, a teacher for one day and a father for the rest of his life, the master doesn't want the blue to be better than the blue."

Elder Song pinched his beard with a proud expression on his face.

The civilization of China is like this. The predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade, hoping to see that one generation is better than the next.

Whether it's the three religions, or the family of father and son.

For the strength of the next generation, the older generation can dedicate their whole lives, suffer all the hardships and suffer all the hardships.

Everything is just two words...


But this kind of inheritance carries a very strong imprint.

Just like Xu Tong was born in seven sects, even if he has mixed studies, he is also the head teacher of the seven sects. This imprint cannot be changed and will last his whole life.

"Even if my apprentice becomes a land god in the future, my old Song will still be his master."

Song Lao was so proud that he wished he could raise his tail to the sky.

The corner of the old Taoist's mouth twitched, and he glanced at Xue Gui, and found that Xue Gui was also smiling and silent, although he was not as exaggerated as Song Lao, but the expression of smiling and silent, clearly said: "Yes, even if you have cultivated land Immortal, I am also his grandpa."

Seeing these two arrogant, the old man had nothing to say for a while, after all, who would let him not have a promising apprentice like Xu Tong?

Just as she was about to speak, the eldest princess' face suddenly changed, she quickly removed the water curtain, and shouted at the same time: "Quickly move away!"

After saying that, I saw the eldest princess' black water melting sleeves, and the long sleeves were rolled up, like rolling waves, directly rolled up Gao Zhuo and the three of them and retreated.

Seeing this, the old Taoist dragged Xue Gui and Song Lao and ran away.

"Namo Amitabha!!"

A resonant Buddha's name was chanted in unison, followed by the six-foot-long golden body appearing behind Xu Tong.

Just listening to the mysterious scriptures sung from Xu Tong's mouth, the Buddha's light was shining for a moment, which made people's mind turbulent, and even had the urge to rush to worship.

This is the Buddhist scriptures.

Is this kid going to become a Buddha? ?

Let alone Song Lao, even Xue Gui couldn't help but look dumbfounded.

But soon, Xu Tong's expression calmed down, and the six-zhang vajra dharma behind him gradually dissipated, and there were turbulent waves floating around him, as if he was like a source of water, calling out endless river waves, rolling forward.

At this moment, Xu Tong seemed to have turned into a water god, blending with the surging waves around him, and when he raised his hand, a cold light shone, and countless icicles exploded, turning the surrounding into a biting cold forest.

"My dear!!"

Seeing this scene, the three of Gao Zhuo were shocked.

I didn't expect Xu Tong's change to be so terrifying.

"No, this kid, cut his way!!"

The old man stared wide-eyed, and couldn't help exclaiming, almost biting his own tongue.

The Eldest Princess frowned. Naturally, she knew about the Great Sun Casting Dao Pill in Xu Tong's hand, but Xu Tong had just become enlightened, and swallowed this pill in a blink of an eye, isn't he afraid of the foundation being unstable? ?
"Zhan Dao, land god??"

Elder Song doesn't care about these things, his eyes are about to turn into stars.

The enlightened person is a heavenly being, although it is an exaggeration, but it is still within the scope of human beings.

However, if you reach the Dao, you are a land immortal. Although the word "land" is added in front of this immortal, it is also a god, an earth immortal.

The Earth Immortal is also known as the Omniscient Real Man, who is both Yang God, with three flowers gathered on the top, five qi towards the Yuan, a bit of true yang pointing to the Yin quality of the whole body, can wander under the sun, and wherever the mind travels, it is able to know, That's why he is known as the all-knowing real person.

Xu Tong cultivated into an Earth Immortal, which made Elder Song so happy that his little hands didn't know how to place it.

At this moment, Xu Tong drew an inexplicable trajectory with his hands, the wind and thunder were deafening, the lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled, as if he was opening up the world.

As soon as this kind of secret technique came out, the world trembled, and a strange talisman appeared behind Xu Tong. This talisman was neither innate nor acquired, but it had the ability to seize the innate and interpret the acquired good fortune.

There is no doubt that this is exactly the method of Yanshu.

After Xu Tong showed his three Dao fruits one by one, his expression gradually became peaceful and peaceful, and a strange charm spread around his body, forming a mist that no one could see through.

"What dharma and way he wants to evolve, and why it is interrupted, I can't see through it." Everyone showed doubts and watched carefully.


Suddenly, a long sword was transformed into a long sword. The blade swung like lightning, and the infinite sword energy seemed to gallop like a wild horse.


At this time, another villain appeared in the water mist, clasped his hands together, and chanted Buddhist scriptures in his mouth, and a dragon elephant dharma appeared behind him.

"Dingling!" 【魑鬼钟】rang.

A villain, with countless pieces of paper flying around as he waved his hand.

More and more villains appeared in the water mist, and each of them represented a kind of skill, whether it was obtained from his own practice or from the item book, these abilities were displayed one by one, and then all of them were interpreted to the extreme .

No one can tell how amazing the changes in Xu Tong are.

Although in terms of knowledge, whether it is the old man, the master, the eldest princess, or even the master Song Lao, they all surpass Xu Tong by a lot in terms of knowledge accumulation.

But after all, they didn't kill the way. It's like no matter how rich the theoretical knowledge is, the more you talk about it on paper, it's not as good as Xu Tong just rushing in to see what's going on.

Finally, all the white mist gathered in the sky, Xu Tong's temperament changed drastically again, his blood was drained, he was as hot as a walking stove, and he was as dazzling as sparks in this vast underworld.

Stretching out his arms, he saw a treasure furnace appearing behind him, that was the innate Dao foundation that Xu Tong ate the Great Sun Casting Dao Pill, Xu Tong fused it with Yanshu Dao Fruit, and finally became this mouth, the Great Sun Ruyi stove.

(End of this chapter)

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