Chapter 773 The Return
I saw that the belly of the stove is round and round, with two ears and three legs. There are innate dao patterns on the stove, which flicker and move, as if there are infinite mysteries.

On the furnace cover, there is a newt holding a coil, opening its mouth to blow out fireworks, and it looks a little fierce.

This appearance seems to be very similar to the fairy furnace in Xu Tongtang's mouth, and even Yun Yuan lying on it has the same expression.

The reason for this is precisely because this is the shape Xu Tong deliberately imitated.

There is a congenital Dao foundation in Da Ri Zhu Dao Dan.

I combined the innate Dao foundation with the Yanshu Dao fruit. On the one hand, it made up for my problem of being too complicated and not good at learning, and sublimated the Yanshu Dao fruit. Ruyi stove.

On the other hand, it is also planning for your own future.

The compassion of Buddhism is not in harmony with one's own nature.

Taoism is profound, and I am a half-baked person, walking with twice the result with half the effort.

Only Yanshu is the most suitable for you, and you can use it when you take it. You only need to know what it is, and you don’t need to know why it is. It is very practical for me.

Hmm... I'm still lazy after all.

With the blessing of this innate dao foundation, this big sun wishful furnace is the key to rely on in the future.

Xu Tong put away the Ruyi furnace behind him, stood up slowly, glanced at Lilith, and found that Lilith was still in a coma, but had recovered, but her godhead was damaged, which made her become a human being again. The state of walking out of Youshan Palace before.

"Head, you have become a fairy!!"

Gao Zhuo and the others hurried over, staring at Xu Tong, dancing with excitement.

Only a strong team can go further among future players.

Xu Tong glanced at Gao Zhuo, and found that Gao Zhuo had also broken through. Xu Tong looked at him, and saw Gao Zhuo's aura was like that of ordinary people, and his corpse gathered in his chest, turning into a horizontal bone.

This is boneless.

Although zombies don't have Dao fruit, this non-melting bone is similar to Dao fruit.

As the name suggests, this bone is immortal and possesses unique supernatural powers.

As long as Gao Zhuo can make the bones cover his whole body, he can advance to become a wandering corpse of a higher level.

From then on, he is immortal, immortal, and immortal. He is abandoned for the sake of heaven and earth outside the six circles of reincarnation. He can enter and exit the two realms of yin and yang.

"Hey, good luck, times come and go!"

Gao Zhuo grinned.

It seemed that after entering Netherland, his luck suddenly became particularly good.

This is not surprising, this guy practiced the way of the corpse and was rejected by the world of Yang, even if he was lucky, he would still be unlucky.

This is also the reason why the eldest princess had to hide in the palace and refused to go out.

In comparison, Chang Wuzhi and Gu Xibai's luck is naturally a bit average, but the luck of the two is not too bad. Chang Wuzhi got the bronze dagger, which has the power to kill gods and is as sharp as it is. Yu Chunyangjian also harvested a Xinghuo class leopard horse, which is a rare horse.

Gu Xibai was nourished by the Yin-Yang Spring in the back mountain, and his physical body has undergone tremendous transformation. He only needs to go back to warm up, and entering the Tao is already a certainty.

"Stinky boy, you made a lot of money this time."

Song Laoyu's master Xue Gui and others came, everyone looked at Xu Tong, the more they looked, the more shocked they became, this kid made too fast progress, and in the blink of an eye, he left the old Taoist and the eldest princess behind.

Especially the old way, the envy is almost drooling.

"It's better to be taught by Master and Master."

Even if he became Dao Slashing Realm, Xu Tong didn't dare to trust his master in the slightest, otherwise he believed that the sole of the master's shoe would definitely kick his ass.

"This item is extraordinary, you have to be careful to put it away!"

Xue Gui took out the Nine Immortal Cauldron and returned it to Xu Tong.

Seeing the Nine Immortal Cauldron, Xu Tong couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect to get it back. After all, the ghost emperor directly took it away, leaving no room for himself.

Unexpectedly, the master actually helped me to ask for it back.

As a result, Xu Tong was about to say something in the Nine Immortal Cauldron, but saw the master waved his hand: "This is not a place to talk, get in the car quickly, and send the maid to leave, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Everyone felt that the master was right when they heard it, and they sent Lilith to the carriage, and they set off quickly.

On the way, Xu Tong wanted to find an opportunity to ask the master what happened, but the master Song Lao waved at him and pointed to the top of his head.

Seeing this, Xu Tong knew that it was inappropriate to ask at this time.

The convoy walked along a small road to the foot of Taozhi Mountain.

Looking around, I saw a huge city gate standing in front of me.

"Hey, this place looks so creepy!"

Gao Zhuo looked at the city gate in front of him, it looked like a zombie, and his scalp was numb.

It turned out that this city gate was actually made of countless skeletons, and what was even more disgusting was that these skeletons were still alive, densely piled together, making weird noises from time to time.

If you listen carefully, you can even hear the rattling sound of bones rubbing against each other.

Under the city gate, a giant in battle armor sat on a small hill, surrounded by countless groups of guards in heavy armor.

Before getting close, you can feel the chilling aura.

This is not comparable to those partial generals and cavalry, anyone can feel the murderous intent of these ghost generals and ghost soldiers.

Especially that giant-like ghost general. When Xu Tong looked at Xu Tong with twinkling pupils, Xu Tong couldn't help feeling a bit cold, but soon this strange feeling was overwhelmed by the fiery blood on his body. to block.

"The Yin Cao Division, receive the emissary, and have been ordered to send the female envoy out of the customs, and ask this general to open the door!" Xu Tong straightened his clothes, stepped forward and shouted.

The voice was not loud, but the words were crisp and clear, echoing above the city gate, causing many ghost soldiers to look sideways at Xu Tong.

"It's finally here!"

The giant stood up slowly, its huge body made people feel an unprecedented sense of oppression.

Then the ghost general lowered his huge head and let out a hoarse laugh: "Boy, this trip has offended everyone in the Underworld."

"Everyone is following orders!"

Facing the ghost general's ridicule, Xu Tong's face was neither happy nor angry, and his attitude of being neither humble nor overbearing made the ghost general burst into laughter immediately.

"Hahahahaha, what a follower of orders!"

The laughter shook the sky, causing the Chengguan behind him to let out a mournful howl.

"Who am I, who can turn the Underworld upside down like this? I didn't expect to be a small receptionist."

The ghost general stood up and looked down at Xu Tong and his party from a high position: "I like it, I'm happy, boy, remember my name, it's the Taozhi Mountain Tongsheng Huayou King, maybe we will have a chance to compete in the future!"

Although King Tongsheng Huayou's words were a little provocative, there was no malice. On the contrary, there was appreciation for Xu Tong in his words.

Warriors worship the strong.

Ever since Xu Tong rushed out from Youshan, the news had spread all over Netherland, and this news surprised many people.

A little guy who had entered the Dao realm single-handedly killed a group of generals who had attained the Dao realm, which aroused the interest of many people.

Even if these partial generals are led by a bunch of miscellaneous soldiers, in the eyes of King Tongsheng Huayou, they are not even garbage.

So ever since Xu Tong and others walked into the range of Taozhi Mountain, King Tongsheng Huayou has been silently paying attention to the situation here.

For Xu Tong's daring to confront the Beiyin demon iron cavalry head-on, and against the old hag, Meng Po, I couldn't help feeling a little bit of admiration in my heart.

After all, he waved his hand: "Open the door!"

"Open the door!"

The gate of hell was closed, and tens of thousands of Yin soldiers shouted in unison, as if they wanted to shatter this piece of Netherland.


The gate of the ghost gate in front of him slowly opened a gap.

Through the gap, one can vaguely see a road leading to the world.

Xu Tong bowed his hands to the king and expressed his thanks.

Walking to Lilith's carriage, opened the curtain, and looked inside, seeing Lilith lying inside, frowning from time to time, so she stretched out her palm and patted her little hand: "I'll see you off." Here we are, next time we have a chance, we will eat your delicious food again."

Although Lilith was in a coma, she seemed to be able to hear what Xu Tong said, and seemed to instinctively want to grab Xu Tong's hand, but Xu Tong avoided it.

"Let's get on the road, go back as soon as possible, don't stay in my Huaxia land, if you go out of the gate of hell, I won't protect you again!"

After hearing the words, a group of demon warriors looked at each other, then nodded to Xu Tong, and then pulled the carriage and quickly drove out of the ghost gate.

"Ding! Main mission 3 completed!"

The reminder sounded from the item book, Xu Tong took a deep breath, and watched Lilith's team disappear before the gate of hell.

"Ding! This special scenario world mission has been completed, you can choose to stay here for ten days, or you can choose to return to reality directly."

The beeping continues.

Xu Tong thought for a while, then turned to look at the master.

"Go back as soon as possible, it is not appropriate for you to stay in Netherland now."

Master Xue Gui saw what Xu Tong meant and said.

This time, Xu Tong was able to offend those who could be provoked and those who could not be provoked in the underworld.

Although there are a few ghost emperors' calculations here, they are pretending, but now that Lilith has come back to life, I don't care what the attitudes of these big guys are for the time being, but if Xu Tong still walks swaggeringly on the underworld, It's about to break the face of these big guys.

Xu Tong also understood this, and wanted to say goodbye to the fool in his heart, but after thinking about it for a while, he finally chose to leave.

I made too much noise this time. Before the fool was with him, it could still be said to be on official business. Now I go to see the fool, but it will bring trouble to the fool.

It could be seen that Xu Tong still had ties in his heart, so Master Xue Gui spoke to comfort him:

"Don't worry, your master and I still need to stay here for a few days. If we meet a fool, we will say goodbye on your behalf."

Seeing what master and master said, Xu Tong felt relieved.

With a wave of his hand, he used the Mountain Blessing button to gather all the Yin soldiers, including the class leopard horse that Chang Wusuo had captured.

"Come back!"

After looking at each other with Gao Zhuo and the others, after making sure that everyone had no unresolved problems, Xu Tong said silently, "Return!"

(End of this chapter)

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