Chapter 778
After staring at each other for a while, Xu Tong turned back to Old A's room. The room was full of scars, like walking into a garbage dump.

Xu Tong looked at the seat where old A usually sat upright, and couldn't help complaining: "Old man, if you don't want to tell me, just tell me, what are you doing with this whole thing?? You don't pretend? You Is it a god?? You are amazing."

After complaining, Xu Tong began to patiently search for the so-called gift.

Chang Wuzhi still hasn't regained his composure, and keeps asking Xu Tong what happened.

Xu Tong answered Chang Wuzhi with very simple words: "I don't know!"

It's not that he doesn't want to explain, but that this question cannot be explained clearly in a few sentences.

Well, in fact, my cultural level is too poor, I can understand it, but I can't express it clearly.

While searching, Xu Tong suddenly remembered the previous book, scanned left and right, found it under the bed, picked it up and opened it.

Only then did I realize that the middle of the book had been hollowed out, and there was actually a pipe inside.

To be precise, it is the tobacco pot and the cigarette holder, there is no middle tobacco rod, of course, the tobacco rod may not be able to hold it.

"Is this a gift??"

Xu Tong took the pipe in his hand and looked it over carefully, only to see that the pipe was carved out of ivory, but Xu Tong was a little surprised by the picture carved on it.

Each coffin floated on the water. The styles of the coffins were different, but the details of each coffin were carved very clearly. Xu Tong counted seven coffins in total.

Looking at these coffins, Xu Tong couldn't help but think of the coffins of the dead gods he saw in Taocheng.

The style of these coffins is really too similar to the god of death.

"Go, don't they have something to do with the God of Death??"

This idea appeared in his mind, and Xu Tong began to tremble in his heart. The trip to Netherland not only improved his strength, but also opened his horizons to a certain extent.

The god of death is forbidden by heaven and earth, taboo of the underworld.

According to Meng Po and Linghuo Dawang at that time, the gods of death are the most primitive gods.

To sleep forever by means of death, once revived, it will cause a catastrophe, which is not tolerated by the gods.

Do you want to get involved with Death God? ?
But after he thought about it, it wouldn't be a big deal even if it got involved.

There are tens of thousands of ghosts and gods in the underworld, and I alone provoke half of them.

During this trip to Netherland, I basically offended all those who could and could not be offended.

Xu Tong didn't even dare to think about it now, if he died accidentally in the future, when his soul returned to the underworld, he didn't know how many enemies he would have.

I'm afraid I can't pass the level of Meng Po Tang alone.

Thinking of the sinister smile on Po Meng's old face, she brought up a bowl of green and bubbling Po Po Meng's soup: "Da Lang, it's time to drink the soup!"


As the picture came to mind, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling, it was really scary.

So when he thought of his relationship with the god of death, not only was he not afraid, but he also thought it was a good way out.

What if my wife is really the god of death?Then, isn't he a god of death, who can give him a good time when he dies? ?

But thinking about it, Xu Tong still feels that the best result for him is to escape to the west, whether it is going to the western bliss, or the western hell, even if he is a birdman in the western paradise, he can always get along well. not bad.

Seeing that his thinking became more and more crooked, Xu Tong quickly stopped his wild thinking, turned the pipe upside down, and saw that the back of the pipe was also exquisitely carved with ivory.

But the carved content looks very abstract, like a huge palace, but as long as the angle is changed, the palace will become a furnace, with countless corpses floating in it, like an altar.

This Xu Tong couldn't understand it anymore. Looking at the cigarette holder, the cigarette holder is made of a kind of high-quality Hetian jade, and it has specially made hollow patterns. The complicated texture makes people unable to see anything for a while.

However, since there are so many messages left on the pipe, it is impossible for the pipe to be so sloppy.

Xu Tong thought about these messy patterns for a moment, then took out cinnabar ink from the tool book, lightly traced a layer of bright red ink on it, then took out a piece of yellow paper, and lightly painted it on it. Get lost, a line of weird talismans appeared on the yellow paper.

"It's Yanshu!"

Looking at the weird talisman on it, Xu Tong immediately recognized it in his heart. This talisman was completely different from the Taoist talisman that was activated in the name of the Sanqing and the gods.

Talismans and talismans are completely natural, and each stroke seems to be chaotic, but it also has the mystery of heaven and earth, which is the unique feature of Yanshu.

Xu Tong threw the pipe and the talisman into the item book.

As a result, there was no other information about the pipe except for the words ivory pipe, as if it was just an ordinary pipe.

On the contrary, the talisman actually gave out an item card.

【Chaos Seven Star Curse】

Consume 200 script points and activate it to make a chaotic seven-star shield appear around itself.

Chaos Seven Star Shield: Immune to Chaos damage and the influence of Chaos Force Field.

Duration: 30 minutes
Looking at the information given in the item book, Xu Tong can be sure in his heart that this is indeed what old A called a gift.

It's just that no matter how you look at this spell, you don't think it's very useful? ?
Chaos system damage, this thing has not been encountered in 800 years, but since it is left on the pipe, Xu Tong reckons it should have a special effect.

The two searched around again, but found nothing, so they simply left the hospital.

After walking out of the hospital gate, Chang Wuzhi glared at Xu Tong resentfully, and looked at the time on his watch.

"It was a matter of a few days, but you finished it for me in less than four hours after you came back?"

Xu Tong was also full of helplessness, who would have thought that it would look like this.

In fact, he had already vaguely guessed in his heart that the reason why the old man asked them to go back the day after tomorrow was that the old man was going to give them a big scare.

Who would have thought that Xu Tong would run over ahead of time.

But even if it is the day after tomorrow, the result should be similar.

Since Old A and the others chose to hide in the mental hospital, they obviously didn't plan to go out in a short time.

This time, because of his arrest warrant, a group of flies came out. It is estimated that Old A and the others were also annoyed, so they came here.

Those players who are controlled are the evidence of their own ideas.

"What about us now? Let me tell you first, I don't plan to meet Gao Zhuo and the others so early, I haven't had enough soup in Luodu yet."

When Chang Wuzhi talked about soup, the glutton in his stomach rose again.

Xu Tong said calmly that he can stay here until the next script world begins.

This period of time is just a good time to digest his strength, so he plans to spend all of this time on the training ground until he completely digests his strength.

After the two made up their minds, they took a car to Chang Wuzhi's residence. Huayang Century is considered a relatively top residential area in Luodu.

Chang Wuzhi is not short of money, so he bought a 300-square-meter large flat at a high price. The interior was already decorated when he bought it, so he just needs to move in with his bags.

There are many rooms, and Xu Tong didn't choose one, because he didn't plan to live here, and directly used his privileges to enter the script killing experience hall.


Accompanied by the sound of the bell when the door opened, Xu Tong looked at the newly decorated front hall, and couldn't help but shine: "The decoration is good, much better than the previous coffee shop."

A-mei poked her head out from under the front desk, and she was stunned for a moment when she saw Xu Tong. After looking at Xu Tong, she was a little surprised and said: "Zhan Dao!"

Then he joked to Xu Tong with a smile on his face and said, "Congratulations, congratulations, the gods from the land are here, and they are really flourishing!"

If it was a day ago, Xu Tong could still be complacent in the face of his sister's congratulations. It can be seen that after seeing the strength of the old magic stick, Xu Tong is extremely disgusted with the words "Land Immortal".

Unconsciously, he glanced at the scar on the back of his hand, only to feel that the wound became more and more glaring, as uncomfortable as a fishbone stuck in his throat.

In his opinion, the move of the magic stick is tantamount to a threat. No matter how strong he is or how far he has gone, if this guy wants to kill him, he can easily kill him at any time when he walks out of the hospital. Own.

A-mei saw that his expression was a bit reluctant, and the corners of her slender eyebrows slightly raised: "Why, what my sister said today, did you flatter me?"

Xu Tong shook his head hurriedly, sat down to think for a while, and then asked: "If two very powerful gods fight, and one of them can't beat him, can they travel through time and space, go to another timeline, and take advantage of the weak opponent's strength?" Time to kill each other?"

Hearing this, Amei couldn't help being a little surprised, and looked at Xu Tong with deep eyes: "Gods can distort time, but the price they have to pay must not be underestimated. The greater the impact, the greater the cost, so there is such a saying, The past cannot be changed, and the future cannot be trusted.”

What happened in the past is an ironclad fact, and not everyone can change it. Like Xu Tong, there were gods who wanted to do this, but the result can be imagined. Not only did they not kill the enemy , and almost let himself encounter the backlash of time and die suddenly on the spot.

A-mei pinched her fingers and tapped Xu Tong's forehead: "You, just put your mind at ease, the past, present, and future can only be grasped at the moment!"

Hearing this, Xu Tong took advantage of the situation and grabbed Amei's little hand, with a playful smile on his face: "Understood, grabbing sister's hand is to capture this summer!"

A-mei rolled her eyes: "Come on, my sister doesn't care about your tricks, hurry up and go, I have something to remind you!"

Xu Tong touched Amei's little hand, took out a bottle of skin cream from nowhere, and carefully applied it on her little hand. Hearing Amei's words, he raised his head and looked at her.

Seeing that Amei's expression was slightly heavy, she took a deep breath and said, "Taiwan's sentence is about to expire!"

(End of this chapter)

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