Infinite script kill

Chapter 779 The Touch of Time

Chapter 779 The Touch of Time

Xu Tong frowned, thinking of the white-haired ghost, his eyes showed a bit of coldness, and his voice became gloomy: "Isn't it 17 years in prison? He was released in such a short time?"

It's been less than a year, and Xu Tong feels more like a fight and detention, as short as more than ten days.

Amei is also very helpless about this: "Wu Jianghai, this place is special, the time flow rate is more than ten times faster than outside, but the inside is very tormented, every second is infinitely magnified, and a tortured life is worse than death."

The punishments in Taiwan are very harsh. Sentence to heaven, breaking three senses, and breaking one's heart are all capital punishments, and any one of them is unbearable.

The three punishments are imminent, and it is even more inhuman torture. Most people may not be able to bear it for a long time, and they will be out of their wits.

But Tai still persisted, which shows that this guy's behavior is definitely not good.

When he comes back this time, what happened last time will definitely not be let go, not to mention that Xu Tong also took away his most precious collection, the Dream Rubik's Cube.

"But you don't need to worry too much. With your current rank, he is not a big threat to you."

The treatment of certified players and non-certified players is almost too different to describe it as an exaggeration.

Taiwan can make arbitrary decisions about non-certified players, but even though they can apply for arbitration and have such great authority, Taiwan does not dare to blatantly disadvantage Xu Tong.

Annoyed Xu Tong, Xu Tong can completely break the connection with this script killing experience hall and change to another script killing experience hall.

You must know that there is not only one script killing experience hall, each of which has extremely high assessment standards for certified players.

Losing a certified player may not have much impact, but if this player is the leader of the team, once he transfers, he will take a large number of people away, and the impact will be great.

So Amei just reminded him, but she didn't worry him too much.

After listening to A-mei's explanation, Xu Tong immediately relaxed a lot, but this also means that it will not be so easy for A-mei to give him convenience in the future.

"Oh, by the way, my current rank is LV3 certified player, is there any privilege that I didn't know before?"

Xu Tong remembered the matter of his certification upgrade, so he asked a question by the way.

"Here is this manual for you, take a look at it yourself."

A-mei took out a small manual from under the bar and handed it to Xu Tong. Xu Tong opened it and saw that it contained the levels of certified players.

After a hasty glance, he suddenly frowned, ignored the cumbersome words above, and pointed to the top level: "What does the title player mean??"

"Literally, the six regiments, the two gods, the eight evils, the three independents, the five elders, and the four respects, you've heard of it."

Xu Tong nodded.

"When your rank reaches LV5 and you are recognized by one-tenth of the players, you can get a special achievement. This special achievement can be upgraded, but you need to be recognized by a large number of players. There is a chance to be promoted to the title player."

"So it's like this, okay, I know, old rules, a bottle of lucky potion."

Xu Tong nodded, then took out [-] script points to buy a bottle of lucky potion, said goodbye to Amei, turned and walked into the exhibition.

Entering the exhibition, Xu Tong did not directly enter the high-level exhibition area, but after strolling around the low-level exhibition area, he met Gu Xibai in the Haitao area.

Although he is wearing a camouflage, this guy's booth is very easy to recognize. The most conspicuous place is his booth, which is the largest, where all kinds of basic item cards are placed, and the stalls of other players around him can't compete with it. His ratio.

Especially when this guy came, the entire Haitao area was going to be fried, and a large number of basic item cards directly impacted the pricing power of the Haitao area.

Gu Xibai just wanted to sell as soon as possible, so they basically sold at a low price. Even so, he didn't have the slightest temper to run other stalls.

There is no way, the same is the basic item card, Gu Xibai's side is not only comprehensive, but most importantly, many item cards are rare boutiques.

For example, the Five Elements Eight Diagrams Stick, although it is a basic item card, also carries a passive skill and an active skill. Just because of this, the price would double in the past.

But now it is still sold at a cheap price, which naturally attracts a lot of looting.

Seeing how this guy's business is booming, Xu Tong shouted in the team channel: "How is it? The business looks good."

Hearing Xu Tong's voice, Gu Xibai was stunned for a moment, looked up and looked around, and said with a smile, "Is your head here to check?"

"Haha, I'm passing by to see you."

"Hey, business is not easy to do. We have too many item cards in our hands. If they are sold at a low price, I am about to cry. These are all good things."

Gu Xibai started to complain again.

After all, these basic item cards are very rare and high-quality goods, so it is a pity to sell them at such a cheap price.

"Shoot as soon as possible, we are short of money now."

It’s only when I’m in charge that I know that daily necessities are expensive, and the more I earn, the less I can spend on script points. Even though I still have [-] script points in my hand, this script point is not enough to enter the high-end exhibition area.

Not to mention, the item cards in my hand are all money-burning masters, and none of them are cheap.

In fact, there is no difference between players and people in real life. When you are poor, you think that [-] to [-] is money, but when you are rich, you think that [-] to [-] is nothing.

Moreover, time is precious, these item cards are only basic item cards after all, they are not of much help to them, and the real thing is to sell them as soon as possible to earn a sum of money.

As for the casino, Xu Tong actually didn't plan to go there again. Although the money comes in there quickly, you will lose if you gamble for a long time. Good luck does not mean everything goes well.

As for making money, I still need to find a long-term development path. After signaling Gu Xibai to speed up, Xu Tong got up and left, and came to the tavern where he often met Yang Zixuan in the past.

Still at the original position, Xu Tong ordered two glasses of beer as usual, and placed one on the seat in front of the table. He took out a cigar from the item book, lit the fire and took a puff. With the lingering smoke, he raised the beer in his hand , Clink the wine glass in front of you to show your respect.

Then I saw him calling out the item book, and took out another item book from the item book.

These item books are the item books of the players who were beheaded by him in the hospital.

For these people, Xu Tong did not have the slightest sympathy.

What are so many players doing in an ordinary madhouse? ?Stuffed up, planning to chat with madmen about worldview? ?

Come on, to put it bluntly, they still want to check their own information and find their own weaknesses, but they never imagined that they have entered a wolf's den, and they have fooled themselves.

Hmm...Of course, I didn't expect that my gentle hometown would be a ghostly place that cannibalize people without spitting out their bones.

I have to say that these killers are quite endowed with funds in their hands, ranging from [-] to [-]. Xu Tong is not too polite. After examining it and making sure that there are no item cards he needs, he directly draws them. The opponent's script points.


After looking through the three prop books, Xu Tong frowned slightly. The prop book in his hand actually had nearly [-] script points.

This was a windfall, but Xu Tong didn't immediately choose to draw script points, and carefully examined the item book.

This person should be a master who focuses on assassination, and almost all the item cards in the item book are related to assassination.

Once a shot is made, it will explode with powerful lethality, enough to leapfrog to kill.

Most importantly, Xu Tong saw a time-based item card.

Recalling the scene of being chased by these people in the hospital, there was indeed a moment when the time around him changed strangely, and it was almost frozen.

It's a pity that I have already cut my way, and I can clearly feel the changes in the time distortion around me, so I can easily break free.

If you don't cut the way, once the opponent uses this item card to freeze the time around you, what awaits you in the next second may be unbearable burst damage. Even if you can't kill yourself on the spot, it is enough to make yourself suffer a big blow deficit.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel lucky in his heart. Looking at the entry of this time-based item card, Xu Tong's eyelids gradually became a gap.

【Touch of Time】

A traveler who walks in time can only become a passer-by. Only by touching time is the beginning of becoming a strong man.

Passive Skill 1: Slow Travel

The effect triggered by time-based skills is doubled

Active Skill 1: Touch of Time

Consumes 800 script points, activates the touch of time after activation, and can temporarily control the flow of time around.

Duration: 30 seconds (1 minute after doubling)

Cooldown: 5 hours.

Seeing this prop card, Xu Tong couldn't help taking a deep breath, and chose this prop card without the slightest hesitation.

Although this item card is not a high-level item card, it can definitely be regarded as an extremely valuable item.

No wonder the other party dared to come to the hospital to find clues about him, and participated in the hunt to kill him. It turned out that he had full confidence.

With this item card, the effect of your own Traveler's Seal can be extended to 2 minutes.

What is the concept of 2 minutes? ?

In short, it's just one word, hang!

Xu Tong happily put this item card in his pocket, almost laughing to the back of his head.

After reading the rest of the item book in one go, Xu Tong has lost interest in other item cards, and has drawn all the script points in it.

No more, no less, adding up to about [-] script points.

Finally, I can make up for my lack of funds.

However, just as Xu Tong was about to get up and leave, he walked into the tavern alone, and after seeing Xu Tong on the seat, his body froze, and then he came over with big strides.

Under Xu Tong's surprised gaze, the visitor sat down on the opposite chair, then stared at the cigar in Xu Tong's hand and let out a hoarse laugh: "It's been so long, haven't you finished smoking this stock? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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