Chapter 799
Li Bo was startled, and then his eyes lit up: "Head! It's you!"

Li Bo was both surprised and delighted to meet Xu Tong here, and hurriedly pulled Xu Tong aside: "Head, you can help me, I have been here for many days, and the task of this identity has not been completed. "

"How many days?"

When Xu Tong heard this sentence, he immediately noticed that something was wrong.

After asking, I found out that Li Bo has been here for a week, and his identity task is to be promoted to patrol chief.

Li Bo is also an old fritter, how could he not understand what it takes to get promoted in this environment.

He eagerly sent money up, but he didn't see any news.

After asking, I found out that there were only three sheriffs in the Patrol Station, and no one was willing to give him the position.

And the particularity of the Patrol Station, as the auxiliary police force of the foreigners, almost all acted according to the faces of the foreigners, and the money sent by themselves was transferred to those foreigners by the immediate superiors.

Since sending money is not enough, we can only show our ability. As a result, Li Bo soon found out that this way is not feasible.

In the New Territories, the upper and lower circle cultures are more complicated than those in the mainland.

Those local fishermen form a prefix themselves, and the stick on the pier is another prefix.

There are one set of rules for entering the house and one set of rules for leaving the house. The top and bottom are tightly managed, and it’s okay to bully the common people a little.

To put it bluntly, they are just a group of decorations. They will call you sir if they give you face.

Seeing Li Bo's embarrassed expression, Xu Tong couldn't help worrying about his IQ.

Although to him, a single sentence could make Li Bo get promoted and make a fortune, or even overfulfill the task, but he did not intend to intervene in this matter.

After all, even if you are a mascot, you can't be such a foolish display.

Giving a man a fish is worse than giving a man a fish.

Xu Tong patted his shoulder and said:
"When I was young, the teacher in our class only brought three apples to class every time, and rewarded the three students with the best grades. I was No.4 every time, so I could only watch the three students eat the apples.

Later, I was greedy, I couldn’t help it, so study hard, guess what. "

"Then you also won the top three and got an apple?"

Li Bo blinked and said.


Xu Tong curled his lips: "I quietly gave No.3 a brick on the way to school!"

The corner of Li Bo's mouth twitched, and then he remembered that this guy was a lunatic who escaped from the mental hospital.

"The meaning of acting is definitely not to let you change your skin, try to inject soul into this character, and you will find that it is a kind of fun."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he ignored whether Li Bo understood, and walked away while eating the bowl of wonton noodles in his hand.

Before leaving, he still did not forget to shout to Li Bo: "You can give me the face money."

It's all about this point, if Li Bo still doesn't get the hang of it, Xu Tong plans to let this simpleton stay in the position of a peripheral member of the team and be a mascot for the rest of his life.

Sure enough, Li Bo stayed where he was for a long time before he seemed to finally understand what was going on, raised his eyebrows slightly, turned around and paid some money, then got up and left in advance, evading his family affairs.

As for whether to go home, no one knows.

On the other side, after Xu Tong finished eating the wanton noodles, he randomly found a cleaner place to sit down, took out the cigarette pipe, squeezed a pinch of shredded tobacco, and placed it in the cigarette pot.

Not to mention, the shredded tobacco tasted by this old man is really good. It has a very mellow fragrance in the mouth, but it is a little stronger.

The sun was setting and the pier was busy, but Xu Tong felt relaxed and relaxed. The sun shone on his cheeks, and his mentality relaxed.

A passing painter saw Xu Tong sitting on a rock from a distance, and was immediately attracted by Xu Tong's smoking gesture.

Even though Xu Tong looked fierce at the moment, under the sunlight, the figure and the chimney in his hand blended with the surrounding docks, and that feeling naturally gave people an unprecedented sense of tranquility.

It seems to be in the hustle and bustle of the pier, but it has a kind of indifference that is beyond the world.

The artist moved his brush and ink unconsciously, and drew Xu Tong's figure.

"You guys all take one bite, right?"

At this time, an old man walked up to Xu Tong, stared helplessly at the cigarette in Xu Tong's hand, and smiled flatteringly at Xu Tong.

Xu Tong took a look, the old man looked to be in his early [-]s, shirtless, with a gray belt around his waist, holding a tobacco stick carved out of bamboo in his hand, he looked like an old smoker .

Seeing this, Xu Tong grinned, took out the shredded tobacco, squeezed a pinch and handed it to him.

"Good good!"

The old man took the shredded tobacco and stuffed it carefully into the smoke pot. After pressing the porcelain solid with his fingers, he lit the shredded tobacco with a match, and took two puffs happily, and he became more energetic.

"Old man, Brother Pao helped?"

Xu Tong looked at the belt on the old man's waist that was about to turn black, and asked the old man casually.

"Hey, brother Pao, I am from Shandong, fleeing from disaster, and ran to this ghost place in a daze."

The old man talked about his own background is also very miserable, his hometown was in turmoil, he wanted to run to the south of the Yangtze River, but he fell asleep while sitting on the train, and he arrived at Shanghai Beach as soon as he opened his eyes. After eating, I wiped the floor of the boat, but when the boat sailed, I was taken to this place.

I got off the boat and saw that the place was not bad. Relying on my ability to punting and fishing, I simply lived at the pier, moved goods when I was busy, and fished and sold money when I was free.

In the place of the dock, if you want to survive, you must enter the prefix, even in name, and you can always survive by paying a rent every month.

"The two children fled together, but they lost me halfway because they were afraid that I would be a burden. I don't know if the two children are still alive."

The old man said it pitifully, but he didn't blame his two sons at all for what he did, and he even missed them in his heart.

All I can say is, pity the parents of the world.

"Uncle Zhang!"

At this time, a young man ran over panting: "Uncle Zhang, there are people who want to charter a boat over there!"

The old man looked in the direction pointed by the young man, and saw two men standing by the pier watching something.

Xu Tong took a look, just took a look, and immediately realized that there was something wrong with the two of them.

After activating the Eye of Fate and looking at it again, it turns out that the luck and aura of these two people are not ordinary people at all. Judging from the blood aura on their bodies, they are at least the strength of entering the Dao realm, and they are obviously two players.

Hearing that the two wanted to charter a boat, the old man hesitated: "But it's getting dark, so late..."

"Uncle Zhang, they are very generous. I saw the business card of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce on their wallets. It should be no problem for businessmen."

Hearing the young man's words, the old man couldn't help but feel a little troubled.

It's not that he doesn't want to make money, those Japanese people have always been generous in doing business, and this trip can be worth half a month's fishing money at least.

But he fled to this place, and he had a deep understanding of the four words of sinister human heart along the way.

Taking advantage of going to sea in the middle of the night, either rape or robbery, such a generous move, I'm afraid it's not money for his life.

"I'll go with you, and I'll share half of the money I make!"

At this time, Xu Tong, who was sitting next to the old man, suddenly spoke.

Hearing the words, the old man turned his head to look at Xu Tong's face, and felt at ease in an instant: "Can you swim?"

"My dog ​​can't swim with me."

Hearing this, the old man took Xu Tong to the pier as soon as he slapped his thigh.

The two Japanese businessmen seemed to be a little impatient for waiting. Seeing the old man and Xu Tong approaching, they first sized up Xu Tong.

Xu Tong suddenly grinned shyly at the two of them, that shy look, like Ruhua showing a shy smile to her face, made one's scalp tingle.

A dim light appeared in the pupils of the man on the left, and after scanning Xu Tong around, he nodded to his companion to make sure there was no problem.

What's the problem? A guy who has entered the Taoist realm, going to see the land gods, can see a little way, that's a problem.

I saw the man on the right handing a thick stack of silver dollars to the old man: "We need to pick up a batch of goods, you drop, take us outside to pick them up, and the benefits will be indispensable to you!"

A thick stack of silver dollars is worth two years of fishing. Although such a large sum of money fell into his hands, the old man was vigilant, but he was moved after all.

After receiving the money, he took them to the side boat, the old man stood at the bow, and Xu Tong stood at the stern.

After untying the rope, the two pushed the bamboo poles, and the boat went along the sea.


When the fishing boat left the harbour, the sea breeze immediately began to blow. When the day cooled down, the sea breeze also blew like a sharp knife.

Putting on, the two looked as usual, Jiangcun Sakata looked at Xu Tong from time to time, and Inoue Murasai smiled calmly and said: "Jiang Jun, don't be so nervous, my pupil technique has never made a mistake, don't worry !"

Jiang Cun Sakata nodded when he heard the words: "Be careful, there is no big mistake."

Seeing how serious he was, Inoue Murasai couldn't help stretching himself, lying on the chair in the cabin with his legs raised, looking like he was doing nothing.

Sakata didn't want to see him, so he just closed his eyes and got up.

"Boatman, right here!"

Seeing that the port could no longer be seen, Emura Sakata suddenly opened his mouth to signal the boatman to stop.

"Stop here?"

The old man looked left and right, but he didn't see the cargo ship, so he asked, "How long will we have to wait?"

"You are in a hurry!"

Inoue Murasai opened his eyelids and glanced at the old man.

Immediately, the old man's mind became tense, and he quickly explained with a smile: "Don't worry, don't worry, it's just that the wind and waves are strong here, and I'm afraid you two will catch cold."

"Hmph, just wait here honestly, and your benefits are indispensable." Inoue Murasai snorted coldly, making the old man afraid to speak immediately.

Time passed by, and after about half an hour, a light suddenly lit up on the distant sea.


Inoue Murasai's pupils were slightly tight, and there were strange textures in the depths of the pupils.

Xu Tong sat at the stern of the boat, raised his head and took a look, and saw a cargo ship slowly approaching on the sea, a few black shadows flickered on the cargo ship, looking with his eyes, he could see the aura of many people Around this freighter.


It seems that there are also players guarding this freighter, and they should belong to the same alliance as myself. It just so happens that I can take this opportunity to observe and see how strong these players are.

Thinking that Xu Tong has already made up his mind, he will wait and see for the time being.

Seeing that the freighter was getting closer, the sound of a flute was suddenly heard on the sea. After hearing the sound of the flute, the two of Inoue Murasai looked at each other and said, "Do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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