Infinite script kill

Chapter 800 Monster, eat my sword!

Chapter 800 Monster, eat my sword!
The moment the two spoke, Inoue Murasai stepped on the water and headed straight for the cargo ship.

"Ah!! You monster!!"

Hearing the screams behind him, Jiangmura Sakata looked back, and saw that the man on the stern was pale and limp on the deck, his legs trembling and kicking back, but he seemed unable to exert any strength.

Seeing this, Jiangcun Sakata showed a smile on his face: "He is not a monster, look, I am!"

I saw Jiangcun Sakata jumping up, and the surrounding sea water flowed up against the current, wrapping Jiangmura Sakata's body.


With an angry roar, the water curtain exploded, and a centipede covered in gray armor poked its head out of the water curtain.

Seeing this scene, the old man standing on the deck turned around and plunged into the water, trying to escape by water.

Under the water, a bright red tail came up.


The old man was rolled up from the water, screamed in mid-air, and was swallowed by the centipede.


After a while of chewing and swallowing, the old man's voice stopped abruptly.

Tasting the taste of blood, Jiangmura Sakata squinted and lowered his head to look at the man on the deck, only to see that the man was so frightened that he lost his voice.

"Ah... ah... ah!!"

On that face full of flesh, all the facial features were twisted together, as if someone had strangled his throat, he opened his mouth wide, but it was difficult to make a sound, and finally his eyes turned over and he fell unconscious on the deck past.

Seeing the painful and terrified expression on this mortal's face, Emura Sakata was extremely excited at this moment.

If time permits, he really wants to have a good time, but at this time the siren of the freighter in the distance has already sounded. Seeing this, Jiangmura Sakata twisted the tentacles on the top of his head: "Let's continue playing when I come back."

Speaking of the huge body, even though it dived into the sea, a huge wave of water was rolled up, and it rushed towards the freighter.

The harsh sound of sirens echoed over the freighter.

"call out!"

Accompanied by a rapid piercing sound, a flaming arrow suddenly illuminated the entire sky.

On the deck, a long-haired woman stood holding a long bow. The moment the woman let go of the bowstring, the flaming arrow turned into a phoenix, flapping its wings and rushing towards the water in front of it.


Looking at the incoming arrows, Inoue Murasai stood with both feet on the surface of the waves, and fell on his back to the sky, with one hand on his waist, a short knife flew buzzing, and slashed across the arrow.


The fire that erupted from the arrow was cut off in an instant.

At this time, more than a dozen soldiers wearing future equipment walked out on the deck, holding all heavy firearms in both hands, aiming at Inoue Murasai on the water and pulling the trigger.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Seeing this, Inoue Murasai had changed into a long and thin tachi in his hand.

Holding a knife in both hands, he slashed around the whole body. Suddenly, countless knives appeared, surrounding the whole body, forming an inseparable wall of knives.

The densely packed bullets immediately exploded into dazzling flames around Inoue Murasai, but these bullets did not hurt a single hair of Inoue Murasai.


At this time, a huge black shadow emerged from the water surface and exploded a huge wave. A huge centipede twisted its body, and under the cover of the water wave, opened its mouth to spit out countless black poisonous stingers.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The screams of distress resounded throughout the freighter, and the sharp poisonous thorns could easily penetrate the deck, so that those who were hiding in the cabin of the freighter were not spared, and there were heavy casualties in an instant.

And those soldiers with top-notch equipment in reality didn't even have a chance to groan, and the muffled murmurs of puff puff puffed together, and they fell into a pool of blood all over the ground like bags of blood.

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

A nimble figure flashed quickly, and every step of the woman on the deck accurately dodged the poisonous stinger that was shooting at her.

At the same time, he bent his bow and set his arrows, and the three arrows formed a zigzag shape to shoot and kill the centipede monster transformed into Jiangcun Sakata.

"Your opponent is me!"

There was a stern shout, and I saw that Inoue Murasai had already jumped onto the deck, holding the dagger in his belly, and amidst the stern shout, the figure had already killed the woman.

"Slaying Knife Dragon Strike!"

Inoue Murasai's pupils were flickering with fluorescent light, and as the underbelly sword was swung from bottom to top, the whole body shone with golden light, and a half-moon-shaped sword light seemed to cut the surrounding time in half.

There was a moment of surprise on the woman's face, she quickly activated the item card, tapped her foot, and the figure quickly moved more than ten meters away in an instant.

However, the moment the woman's toes landed on the ground, the sword glow that had been avoided just now struck down her head.


In an instant, the light of the knife shattered the bow and cut into the flesh, and the bright red blood bloomed brilliant flowers in the darkness, as if the world had become quiet at this moment.


Ten meters away, Inoue Murasai put the knife back into its sheath, and the blade made a "ding!", and the woman's body fell to the ground with a bang.

"Roar! Boom!!"

On the sea surface, Jiangmura Sakata's body hit the cargo ship heavily, and countless sharp tentacles pierced into the deck, easily tearing a hole in the deck.


The crew hiding on the deck looked at the terrible scene in front of them and let out sharp screams.

"It's noisy!"

Jiangmura Sakata looked at the fearful expressions on these people's faces, but he didn't feel any joy in his heart. Instead, he felt that the panic on these people's faces was like dealing with himself. Instead of making him happy, it was very annoying. He opened his mouth and spit out a thick poisonous mist into the torn gap.

For a moment, the entire cabin was instantly enveloped in black mist, and the screams that bored him stopped abruptly.

Then Emura Sakata spit out his slender mouthparts and probed into the cabin, sucked suddenly, a sticky pink liquid was sucked into the mouthparts along with the poisonous mist.

This made Jiangmura Sakata laugh contentedly, and then his huge body suddenly jumped, quickly regaining its human form in mid-air, and landed firmly on the deck.

"How's the harvest!"

Emura Sakata licked the blood remaining on the corner of his lips, and asked Inoue Murasai.

Inoue Murasai stepped forward, and there was already an extra item book in his hand. After flipping through a few pages, he took out two item cards from it: "Very average, this woman has too few points, she should It is the minimum standard to complete the identity task."

As they said that, the two walked into the cabin, and saw that there was still a sour smell in the cabin at the moment, but the strange thing was that the inside was very clean, and the imaginary scenes of blood splatter and pieces of meat flying everywhere did not appear .

There were only neat clothes on the ground, not even a corpse.

The two walked to the cargo box, opened the cargo box casually, and saw an enamel swivel bottle inside.


Looking at this exquisite porcelain bottle, the two of them smiled knowingly. Just as Inoue Murasai reached out to take out the bottle, his ears suddenly moved, and he heard a crisp "click" sound from the bottom of the bottle, and his expression changed immediately: " run!"


In an instant, a bright light flashed away from the cargo ship, followed by the rapid vaporization of the entire sea surface under the strong light, and a huge shock wave hit, making the sea rough and the waves rolling.

On the small boat in the distance, a pair of cold eyes penetrated the strong light in front of him, and at a glance, he saw two other figures galloping towards the direction where the cargo ship exploded.

Do not!There is one more person!

On the small boat, those eyes watching the fire from the other side quickly found their target, and then heard a plop, and there was only one unmanned fishing boat floating on the rough sea.

When the flames dissipated, countless fragments of the cargo ship floated on the sea surface, several bubbles of "Gululu..." emerged from the water, and as the water splashed in all directions, a burnt insect corpse floated on the surface of the water. Lying down on the insect corpse with a face full of embarrassment, he realized that he had underestimated the enemy this time.

As soon as he looked up, he saw two black shadows killing towards him, one left and one right.

Seeing this, Inoue Murasai resolutely chose the figure on the left to meet him head-on, and the sword in his hand suddenly emitted a dazzling blood.

Living Sword·Dragon Strike!
It is the same general move as before, but the sword technique it inspires is completely different. I saw that as the blade swung down, Inoue Murasai's body was covered with bright red blood, forming a set of hideous warrior armor. The moment he swung it, an overwhelming aura engulfed Inoue Murasai and charged forward.


The figure in the darkness uttered a sound of surprise, but faced with Inoue Murasai's terrifying offensive, instead of panicking, his eyes showed secret joy, his arms shook, and a silver gleaming Wu hook appeared in his hand.

The Wu hook swung like a hook, and a terrifying will of martial arts erupted from this person, his figure was like a big dragon colliding with Inoue Murasai.


A deafening hum exploded between the two for a moment, and Inoue Murasai was a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that the other party could easily block his knife.

"let me help you!"

At this time, another person attacked from behind Inoue Cunzai. This person held a hammer as big as a lion's head in both hands, and when he swung it with the sound of wind and thunder, he aimed at the back of Inoue Cunzai and smashed it down .


Inoue Murasai was startled when he saw this, and suddenly looked at the dead insects under the water, and couldn't help cursing in his heart: "Sakata! You coward!"

Look carefully, this dead insect is just a shell, the real Jiangcun Sakata has already shed its shell, turned into a black python, quickly dived into the water and escaped.

Inoue Murasai's original intention was to attract firepower by himself so as to create a sneak attack opportunity for Emura Sakata, but he didn't expect this coward to sell himself, and he was watching the enemy from his back.

A cherry blossom quietly appeared behind Inoue Murasai, and when the sledgehammer fell, it suddenly shone brightly, and countless cherry blossoms burst out to support the sledgehammer.


Seeing the figure among the cherry blossoms behind him, Inoue Murasai's heart was lifted.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, kill it, go!"

The man who was called Sakuragi-kun by Inoue Murasai said in a low voice, and there was a paper fan in his hand, and when he waved it, cherry blossoms fell all over the sky, and countless cherry blossoms formed a wall to block in front of the two of them. The figure of Inoue Murasai has disappeared.

But at this moment in the sea water, a big black python quietly poked out half of its head, and couldn't help cursing when it saw it: "Bah, I knew you were following!"

After cursing, Jiangcun Sakata wanted to dive into the sea again, waiting for the opportunity to leave.

However, at this moment, Jiangmura Sakata suddenly felt his back sinking, as if something had caught his tail, and he turned around suspiciously, and a face full of flesh appeared out of those erect pupils. "Hey, monster, eat my sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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