Chapter 802

Hearing Xu Tong's name, Pharmacist's muscles stiffened immediately, and his palms began to sweat.

This is very strange to him, but also very familiar.

It was a pseudonym he used to have, and when someone mentioned it at the moment, the memory of this name suddenly appeared in his mind.

Then think of the name of the team.

Qimen, Paper Maker, Mang Shan, Xue Gui...

The pharmacist remembered that long-ago script world, and couldn't help feeling panicked in his heart. He raised his head and forced a smile that was uglier than crying: "Zhao Kuangsheng!"

"Hey, it's rare for an old friend to remember me."

Xu Tong patted him on the shoulder, the smile on his face was still there, but the heavy weight of his palm was like patting on the pharmacist's heart, making the pharmacist's heart tremble and fall to the bottom of the valley.


"Well, let's talk about things slowly."

Before the pharmacist could explain, Xu Tong had already interrupted him, signaling Abin to take Guo Xiang and the others to the cashier to withdraw money.

"Then let's go first. If you have anything to do, you can contact me directly."

Guo Xiang and the others obviously sensed that the atmosphere was not quite right. Although they admired the auxiliary talent of Pharmacist, it would not be worthwhile to offend Xu Tong because of this person.

Especially in this key script world of alliance battles, a powerful ally with a huge resource advantage is much more important than a support.

After the three of them left and Xu Tong waved away the others, only Xu Tong, Pharmacist, and Gu Xibai were left in the hall.

Xu Tong was not in a hurry to settle accounts with the pharmacist, but sat on the sofa, took out the tobacco rod, squeezed a pinch of shredded tobacco, and placed it in the tobacco pot bit by bit, moving slowly, making the sound in the room terribly quiet .

But it was this quietness that made the pharmacist feel a lot of pressure, and every breath seemed to be taking a huge risk.

However, Xu Tong didn't even look at him. This kind of silent trial caused the pharmacist's heart to collapse, and after a while, beads of sweat began to roll down his forehead.


Until the sound of the sliding matches sounded, the pharmacist finally couldn't bear the torment, and took the initiative to say, "It was the master who poisoned me, not because I wanted to harm the master. If I didn't poison, Qianshou wouldn't have come out at that time. This matter is the master." His old man knows it."

Hearing these words, Xu Tong squinted at the pharmacist, and just a glint of eyes glanced over, making the pharmacist feel the heavy pressure on his shoulders.

"If you don't poison, how can the master know about your relationship with Qianshou? Why do you want to say that this is what you confessed on your own initiative?"


The pharmacist really wanted to say that in his heart.

But he didn't dare to say that now, the pharmacist was very clear about who this guy was in front of him, and it was not a wise choice for him to lie in front of him.

Seeing the pharmacist stammering and unable to speak, Xu Tong continued: "Eating my food, you can get both benefits. How can such a good thing come from in the world?"


The pharmacist wanted to say that he could make up for it, but after thinking about it, he thought of the number in Xu Tong's warehouse that he didn't even dare to think about, and suddenly realized that he couldn't get enough to make up for Xu Tong.

Just when the pharmacist was feeling restless, Xu Tong suddenly changed his voice:
"Okay, you don't have to be so nervous. Since you can join the team, it means I don't want to kill you. Besides, this time is an alliance confrontation, and we are teammates. Killing you won't do me any good."

Hearing Xu Tong's words, the pharmacist immediately relaxed a lot, but he still didn't dare to be careless.

"Of course, I'll pull you in. You'd better put away all your little thoughts. If you can show your role this time, the score between us will be settled."

"Brother Zhao, don't worry, I will do my best this time, and I will never lose the chain again!"

The pharmacist didn't know whether Xu Tong's words were true or not, but he still had to promise with confidence.

Seeing this, Xu Tong nodded, stepped forward and clapped his hands on the pharmacist's arm: "Relax, I don't blame you for the master's matter, even if you didn't poison the master, the master will find other ways to lure Qian Hands out, it will be more troublesome then!"

Seeing Xu Tong's sincerity, the pharmacist felt a lot better.

"Let's go and do the identity task first. After the identity task is completed, it will be convenient for us to get in touch!"

As he spoke, he called out to A Bin, pointed to the pharmacist, "This is my cousin, you can help me arrange a job for him!"

A Bin glanced at the pharmacist in surprise, nodded, and led the pharmacist out. ,

"Head, do you really trust him??"

Gu Xibai didn't know what was going on, but when he stood aside and listened to the two talking, he could probably guess in his heart that it was almost inseparable. He turned his head and looked at Xu Tong: "Why do I think this kid is unreliable."

"It's okay to be unreliable. If you are still an individual visitor at this stage, either you have the ability to reach the sky, or you have the ability to make both ends meet. No matter which one, this guy is not a good person."

Xu Tong held the cigarette pot and took two slow puffs.

"Then you still... oh, that's fine, under your nose, don't be afraid that this guy will make some waves."

Gu Xibai guessed part of Xu Tong's meaning.

If you pull someone into the team, you won't be afraid that this guy will slip away.

Want to quit the team?Hmph, Xu Tong opened up so many permissions for him, and even pulled him into the core members, and wanted to quit the team. The application fee alone was enough to make this guy drink a pot.

Holding him in the palm of your hand, are you afraid that you won't have a chance to deal with him?
"Protect him well, this guy, but our trump card, it might be of great use at critical times."

Xu Tong raised his head and sat on the sofa, thinking about how to maximize the benefits of the pharmacist...

The pharmacist who had just walked out the door suddenly shuddered for no reason, looked back and thought to himself, "Unlucky, why did it fall into his hands again."

But after thinking about it, this time it is an alliance battle and the same team, even if the opponent wants to attack him, it is not so easy.

Thinking of this, the pharmacist couldn't help but feel more at ease, and sneered in his heart: "I just want to use this method to trap me, hmph, you have a good plan, and I also have a bridge ladder, let's wait and see!"

The pharmacist, who made up his mind, followed A Bin steadily and wobbled forward, as if the whole person had relaxed all of a sudden.

Early the next morning, Cai Fu, the treasurer of Zhixingtang, came.

Xu Tong handed the dragon head to shopkeeper Cai for a look, and shopkeeper Cai immediately relaxed, thanked him repeatedly, and talked about the origin of the dragon head.

It turned out that the dragon head was Dong Qiumin, the owner of Zhixingtang, who learned that when a group of foreigners were going to transport a batch of goods abroad, someone inadvertently found what seemed to be an antique vase in the cargo box.

Knowing that these foreigners like to snatch Chinese treasures back home, Dong Qiumin quietly asked someone to open the box, but when he opened the box, he discovered that the dragon head was here.

Dong Qiumin also has capable people around him, who can see the preciousness of this thing, so Dong Qiumin also took a big risk and took it back abruptly.

It's just that this thing is no longer safe in Shanghai, so it was sent to the New Territories. It is planned to return this thing to the country when the country is peaceful in the future.

"Boss Dong deeply understands righteousness, for the country and the people, he is also a hero in the world!"

Xu Tong boasted carelessly, which made Cai Fu's face stained with a lot of brilliance.

At this time, Xu Tong also received a reminder from the item book, which was a reminder about the completion of the alliance mission.

"Alliance mission 1: Escort the national treasure, completed, all members get 400 points."

400 points is not a small amount, and it is a point for all members, which means that even those who have not completed the certification task can get this point.

Including the 300 points he gained from killing Sakata, he is now firmly ranked first in the standings.

Xu Tong glanced at the standings and found that there were already several titles on the standings.

For example, Gu Xibai gave himself the title of a warrior.

This title is not him, who else can it be.

And the pharmacist, more bluntly, put up the two titles of pharmacist, for fear that others would not know who he is.

There is no news about Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi, but Xu Tong is not in a hurry. After all, the strength of the two is there. It is estimated that the status task is relatively cumbersome. understand.

Here Cai Fu also got up to leave, but instead of taking the treasures away, he entrusted the treasures to Xu Tong to take care of them.

According to Cai Fu, since Xu Tong can give him the things intact, it shows that Xu Tong is an open-minded gentleman, and it is safer to keep these things with him than in Zhixingtang.

For this small request, Xu Tong also accepted it without hesitation. After all, this thing is unusual, and he planned to show it to the master and the others.

Not long after seeing off Cai Fu, Ah Bin also rushed back, leaned in front of Xu Tong and said, "Grandpa, what you told me has been done."

Xu Tong raised his brows slightly. He didn't expect that Ah Bin's efficiency was quite high, so he couldn't help but admire this fat man with big ears.

"Give the brothers a sum of money and let them have a good rest. In the future, you can handle the matters of the Yixing Gang by yourself."

Xu Tong knew that the business of the Yixing Gang was nothing more than cigarette stalls, big stalls, selling fish eggs, rent collection, and so on.

But he's not interested in interfering with these things, let Ah Bin manage it himself, as long as it's not too much, just turn a blind eye and close one eye, there's no need to drag himself into this stinky ditch to stir up trouble.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will do well."

Hearing this, Ah Bin was already very happy in his heart. This is the meaning of completely delegating power to himself. From now on, he will be the emperor of the land in the New Territories.

After instructing Ah Bin, Xu Tong went back to the room, released Fa Cai and Ji Xiang to keep the two guarding the door, and then hugged the box containing the national treasure and escaped between reality and reality.

"I don't know how master and wife are doing these days, can master pass this test?"

Looking at the door slowly opened, Xu Tong couldn't help muttering in his heart, but soon, Xu Tong realized that he was thinking too much, and it turned out that his master's methods were more powerful than he thought!

(End of this chapter)

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