Infinite script kill

Chapter 803 For the overall situation

Chapter 803 For the overall situation
"Master, master, I'm back!!"

Xu Tong pushed the door open and walked in, as if he was coming home, he yelled before entering the door.

It feels like the person calling is not master or master, but more like mom and dad.

Before entering the gate, I saw the old man sitting on the steps and didn't know what he was doing. Xu Tong walked over and said, "What are you doing squatting here?"

"Watch the door, what else can you do, haven't you left yet? If you stay here for a day, you still have to do work."

The old man rolled his eyes, pointed at the door, and complained sourly: "Before this time, we were still able to take shifts, but now that you have turned her, it has become my errand. "


Xu Tong was startled, and immediately understood who the old Taoist was talking about, and said in embarrassment, "I was just joking, do you take it seriously?"

The situation at that time was really just a joke, Xu Tong really didn't think about it seriously.

It's not that the eldest princess is bad, it's just that when I'm with this girl, I always feel that she will open her mouth to bite me at any time.

"Go, go, sooner or later, you're still ashamed." The old man curled his lips, pulled Xu Tong's arm and said in a low voice, "You boy, don't think that she is still enlightened now, if it wasn't for your master to hold her tight." Man, she has already cut the Dao by now, maybe her cultivation level is higher than yours!"

Xu Tong did not deny this.

The eldest princess reversed life and death, and jumped out of the five elements long ago. She is neither human nor ghost, nor god nor immortal. With her own accumulation, once the master lets go of the rope that restrains her, this girl's strength will definitely advance faster than sitting. The plane is faster.

"So I advise you, do things early, strike while the iron is hot, don't wait until everyone has left before you start thinking, the day lily is cold."

The old man said in a low voice.

Xu Tong rolled his eyes and complained, "It's a great loss for the matchmaker world if you don't grow old in the same month."

Seeing that the old Taoist was going to continue, Xu Tong hurriedly interrupted and asked, "Oh, is my teacher's wife, is my teacher okay?"

Mentioning this matter, the old man grinned and showed his big yellow teeth: "Hey, I see that your master is enjoying the time, maybe I have to thank you!"

Seeing the smirk on the old man's face, Xu Tong couldn't believe it.

He raised his head and looked in the door, and after confirming that the inside was peaceful, he stood up, cleared his throat, and walked in with the suitcase in his arms.

"Master, master, I'm back."

As soon as Xu Tong walked in, he saw his master sitting there holding a book in the gazebo.

Hearing Xu Tong's shout, his face darkened, he threw the book on the table, and said angrily: "Come back when you come back, what are you calling, I still have to pick you up for the teacher."

When Xu Tong heard the master's tone, his heart skipped a beat, but he approached with a playful smile on his face: "Don't dare, dare not, my disciple shouted twice, because I'm afraid that Master will miss you."

Hearing this, Elder Song laughed angrily, and brought the teacup: "Afraid I miss you? I really dare not miss you, you little bastard, push your master into the fire pit without saying a word??, you The master asked me to copy it three hundred times, and you still have the nerve to say that I miss you..."

Thinking of this incident, Lao Song shivered.

The most irritating thing is that this kid got into trouble and patted his ass and walked away faster than anyone else. When he wanted to turn around and call Xu Tong to settle the score, this kid was gone.

With such a filial apprentice, the angry old man Song couldn't rest well for a few days.

"What's the matter, what do you mean... you're blaming me!"

Xu Tong didn't say this, I saw the master standing at the door at some point, looking over with squinted eyes.

Seeing the master, Elder Song was immediately frightened.

Xu Tong immediately leaned over to the master's side and supported the master's hand: "Old man, you are my savior. If you don't come again, my master may punish me again."

Xue Gui slapped Xu Tong angrily: "Punish you! It's not easy to beat you."

Although he was reprimanding, there was unavoidable love in his eyes. After all, although he was Song Lao's apprentice in name, this ability was passed down to him.

"Yes, yes, master should punish me and beat me, but it can't be all my fault."

The master snorted coldly, nodded, raised his hand and poked Elder Song's head: "It's not your fault!"

Faced with Xue Gui's reprimand, Elder Song could only pout and hold his chin helplessly.

"Hey, it's really time for you to come back, I just cooked the dumplings, hurry up and try them."

As soon as the master sat down, he saw his wife poking her head out from behind the moon gate, smiling at Xu Tong, and then came out with a large plate of dumplings.

"That... Mistress, you are too polite."

Xu Tong looked at the steaming dumplings, and hurriedly stood up to pick them up, but the teacher immediately avoided them: "Oh, don't touch them, the man just sits on the table and waits to eat. Don't touch the work of this woman." hand."

The lady-in-law brought the dumplings to the table with a smile on her face.

When Xu Tong heard it, he was talking nonsense, thinking: "Then when I was at Master's house, I didn't see you make dumplings for me?"

It seems that when I was with Mr. Song, I cooked by myself every day. This old lady is too good at pretending.

"Old man, I know you like spicy food, so I specially made this dipping sauce for you."

In addition to the dumplings, the wife also thoughtfully prepared the dipping sauce for the master, and the vinegar dishes for Xu Tong and Song Lao were also prepared by the teacher.

"Where's... the eldest princess and the heavenly girl?"

Xu Tong looked left and right, but he didn't see the eldest princess and the goddess, so he asked casually.

"Oh, they are still making dumplings, you eat first, don't wait, there is still a pot of dumplings, don't hurry up and eat."

Well, it's no wonder the old man is so unhappy, co-authoring his position as the chef was taken by his mistress.

But I have to say that the taste of the dumplings is quite delicious, Xu Tong is not polite, seeing the master and the master moving the chopsticks, he also took a couple of bites.

"Master, this..."

Xu Tong ate two mouthfuls, observed his words and expressions, and looked at the master and master's expressions. He was basically sure that this master's wife might stay here for a long time.

In fact, I can't say good or bad about this mistress, but after thinking about it, it happens that the eldest princess and the old Taoist are leaving, and there are only three old men in this yard, looking lifeless.

There is such a cheap teacher to take care of her. She cooks during the day and warms the bed for the master and the elderly at night. This is not more cost-effective than hiring a nanny.

The only worry is that the master can't make it through.

"Hmph, let's live together, don't worry about it." The master grinned, but he was quite open to it.

Before the dumplings here were finished, the teacher's wife had already brought another plate of dumplings, so Xu Tong could only let go of his stomach and stuff them into his mouth.

While eating dumplings, he talked about the situation in the script world this time.

Then he opened the box and put the dragon head on the table
"New Territories, Dragon Head!"

The master looked at the dragon head on the table, and frowned for a while, Xu Tong saw that the master's expression was not right, so he hurriedly put down his chopsticks.

"Be careful, if you meet a guy named Wansai Musashigen, you have to be careful!"

"Huh? Why, it's the Dharma-ending era, so can you still be better than me?"

Xu Tong was a little surprised. Since the master can name the name, it means that the other party is definitely not a player. However, it is the age of the end of the law. Xu Tong does not believe that in this era where great masters are rare, there can be people who are stronger than their own land gods.

"Who told you that he is a person from the Dharma-ending era? This guy is an old monster who has lived for at least 200 years!"


Xu Tong was taken aback. He really didn't expect such a character to exist.

When the master said this, there was a bit of anger in his eyes.

"Musashigen Wansai, an old monster, was still alive when I died. This person is proficient in the art of health preservation, is good at the method of arrogant warfare, and uses the method of collecting yin and replenishing yang by using a girl as a furnace.

I had heard of this person before, but I may have never met him. If it is as you said, then this person has no possibility of dealing with you. "

After hearing the master's analysis, Xu Tong felt that what the master said was reasonable. They have a great advantage now, but the principle of fairness in the script will definitely compensate the other party.

Maybe I will let myself meet this Wansai Musashigen.

"Although you are a master of Dao Slashing, you may not be able to take advantage of this old monster. Your foundation is too weak."

The master opened his mouth and pointed out Xu Tong's vital point.

Although he slashed the road to the gods of the land, he walked the path of others perhaps several lifetimes in a very short time.

Therefore, the foundation is not solid, lack of actual combat experience, and if you encounter someone who is better than yourself, it is a one-sided attack.

But if you meet someone who is stronger than you, or even with your own strength, you will inevitably suffer a big loss.

Xu Tong fell silent immediately after hearing this.

After a while, he asked, "Master, is there anything else we can do?"

"Hmph, shortcuts are not so easy to take, but I don't recommend that you spend time to stabilize the foundation. Instead of wasting this energy, it's better to go all the way forward and reopen the world."

Master's courage and courage are always beyond ordinary people.Xu Tong was also greatly shocked by Zheng Diyousheng's words.

It is absolutely difficult for people who are not truly courageous to have such insights.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong suddenly had a moment of enlightenment
Speaking of this, Xue Gui suddenly frowned slightly: "Although I don't think you can beat Wansai Musashigen, but then again, if you find a chance, killing this old guy may not be difficult."

Xue Gui looked sideways at the direction of the kitchen while talking, and Xu Tong immediately understood what the master meant when he saw this.

It's just that Xu Tong was a little embarrassed: "But is this convenient?"

After all, this cheap wife is not the eldest princess and the old Taoist. She was detained by the master and had to obey orders.

If she doesn't want to make a move, the master can't force her to work.

"Isn't it convenient for's not easy!"

The smile on Master's face was getting stronger, he stretched out his hand to pat Elder Song who didn't understand what it meant, picked up an orange from the table and handed it to Elder Song, and said earnestly: "Teacher, sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice for the sake of the overall situation." of."

Song Lao: Σ(゜ロ゜;)
(End of this chapter)

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