Infinite script kill

Chapter 813 Dream Walk

Chapter 813 Dream Walk
Even if Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi's strength is not top-notch among certified players, they are definitely considered the best of the best.

Especially after the two got huge script points, their strength improved so quickly.

In terms of the strength of the two of them, they should have completed the most basic identity tasks long ago, and then joined them.

But here lies the problem. There has been no news from the two of them for a long time. Xu Tong once wondered whether the two of them have not really entered the script world.

It wasn't until this moment that Xu Tong realized that they had already entered the script world, but the script world they entered and the script world he entered were completely two worlds.


Xu Tong tentatively called out on the team channel.

After a while, I heard Gao Zhuo's scream from the team channel: "Damn, am I hallucinating?? I heard the boss yelling at me just now??"

Soon Chang Wuzhi said, "I heard that too."

Hearing the voices of the two, Xu Tong was overjoyed, and hurriedly shouted: "You two idiots, why are you here?"

This time, both of them listened for real.

Soon Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi shouted excitedly: "Boss, it's really you, damn it, you've come."

"What's the matter with you guys, why did you just complete the certification task now, where are Gu Xibai and that fat man?"

As soon as Chang Wuzhi opened his mouth, he asked what Xu Tong wanted to ask, which made Xu Tong at a loss for words, not knowing how to explain.

He could only appease the two of them, and then told them the truth about his situation.

When the two heard this, they were immediately dumbfounded.

In a scenario world, there are actually two different maps. What kind of scenario is this?That's weird, I've never heard of this before.

Chang Wuzhi suddenly seemed to understand something, and hurriedly asked: "So, you have already started the alliance mission in the script world outside, right? How many points do we have now?"

"I have more points, and now I am ranked first, with 1400 points, and there are a few people below, with a total score of 8400 points."

Hearing this news, the team channel fell silent, and Chang Wuju said after a while: "Damn it, this shit script is so fucking deceitful."

Gao Zhuo was also cursing, the two of them seemed to have been stimulated by something, after cursing for a while, they heard Chang Wuzhi say to Xu Tong.

"We consume a number here every day, throwing away the total amount we have consumed and the remainder we have now, the total adds up to exactly 8400."


When Xu Tong heard this, he immediately understood: "You mean, the number of points we earn determines how many days you live here?"

"It probably means this. In addition to the fixed consumption, there is a strange store here. There are many props that are very convenient to survive here. You also need to use this number to exchange."

When Chang Wuzhi's IQ is not online, everything he does is helpless, but once this guy's IQ is online, he can instantly become a Sherlock Holmes.

Before, they didn't understand the meaning of this number, and they didn't know how to increase the number, so they were afraid to exchange the spells and props in the shop.

It wasn't until now that they realized that the number that determined their lives was the alliance points.

Listening to Chang Wuzhi's analysis, Xu Tong probably understood in his heart that these two unlucky co-authors are just two protons.

"By the way, did you guys keep the word Ma Hongwen?? What happened to the revived Mao Xuefeng?"

Xu Tong asked about the cloth strip.

Gao Zhuo knew about this, and his eyes lit up when he heard Xu Tong's question: "Boss, have you met Xiao Shan?"

It turned out that there were originally four of them, and besides Gao Zhuo, two other players entered the world like them.

They found that every time there was a strange item in the store, it was called Huanyang Talisman.

The entry introduction of this prop is that it can make them leave this place.

So with the mentality of giving it a try, they scraped together a sum of money and exchanged it for this item.

The reason for choosing Xiaoshan is because Xiaoshan is a scattered player, and it is fairest to let him go out.

The name of Ma Hongwen was told by Gao Zhuo to Xiaoshan, because none of them knew what the so-called departure was.

In case Xiaoshan met Xu Tong outside, he shouted that Ma Hongwen might be able to get help.

As for Mao Xuefeng, he didn't recognize him.

"Head, Xiao Shan is a nice kid. Have you met him already? Try it out. If it suits you, you can pull him into our team."

Gao Zhuo pleaded for Xiao Shan in the team channel, but Xu Tong just sighed and said helplessly: "He may be dead already!"

The two corpses in the morgue were resurrected one after the other. Something might have happened to the corpse in front, and it was brutally dismembered by the resurrected guy behind.

Only now did Xu Tong understand why the revived Mao Xuefeng wanted to tear the corpse into pieces, because they were originally resurrecting the corpse, so they were worried that the killing would not be complete, so they simply tore the corpse up.

It's just that before Xiao Shan died, he wrote down a piece of cloth, leaving the words Ma Hongwen as a clue for himself.

Hearing this news, Gao Zhuo was also stunned for a long time, and it took a while to scold the street:
"It must have been done by those devils. Damn, last time we finished exchanging things and just left, we saw them sneaking out. The revived Mao Xuefeng must belong to devils."

Just as Xu Tong was about to say something, a strange feeling came over him suddenly, and the surrounding space gradually became blurred.

"You have to go, the living cannot spend the night here!"

Mao Xuefeng looked at him, "Remember to tell my mother that the money is very important to her..."

Under Mao Xuefeng's gaze, Xu Tong's eyes flickered, and then he spun, his body seemed to be drained of strength, and he sat down on the ground.

"Master Du!"

Before he could see clearly, he heard a burst of shouting in a hurry.

I don't know how long it took, Xu Tong only felt a cold all over, and then he woke up faintly.

Opening his eyes, he saw Gu Xibai standing beside Xu Tong, holding a Wu hook in his hand, with a dark face, standing beside him like a Dharma protector.

Seeing Xu Tong coming, Gu Xibai was even more concerned immediately: "What's going on, why did you faint all of a sudden?"

"fainted out??"

Xu Tong shook his head, looked left and right, and saw that Li Bo had led the people to clear the surrounding area, and he was lying on the cold floor like this.

The two found that Xu Tong had passed out, and their hearts were raised in their throats. Xu Tong immediately pressed the words, everyone was convinced, and there would inevitably be resentment in their hearts. They were afraid that if someone fired a black gun at this time, Xu Tong would not be defensive. situation, it is difficult to guarantee safety.

So the moment Xu Tong was found unconscious, Gu Xibai had already started to beat everyone who tried to get close to Xu Tong to half-death regardless of 21 or [-].

Li Bo even drew his gun and began to confront Da Fei's people. Regardless of whether he really cared or fake cared at this time, no one dared to take this risk, in case there were devil players who sneaked in.

"How long have I been in a coma??"

Xu Tong rubbed his forehead and asked.

"In 2 minutes, when you chased to the stairs, you suddenly froze in place. I rushed over and found that you were unconscious."

"No! I entered the cave for a very long time, definitely more than 2 minutes. It seems that after entering the cave, time and space will appear in a certain degree of confusion in reality."

He shook his head and stood up, pushed away A Bin in front of him, and walked in front of Da Fei.

He walked up to Da Fei and cupped his hands: "I'm sorry brother Da Fei, I was out of luck just now, my brother hurt your people, the medical expenses and compensation, the Yixing Gang will definitely not be less."

Da Fei's face was not very good-looking, but seeing that Xu Tong had returned to normal, he could only raise his arms with a dark face for a while: "What's wrong with Master Du, it's because my brothers don't have eyes."

Xu Tong could hear the strong smell of gunpowder in Da Fei's words. After all, this is Hong Shenghe's territory. The people on Xu Tong's side injured more than ten people as soon as they made a move, which is really too domineering.

"Hahaha, Brother Da Fei is indeed a big man, so I, Du, owe you this favor."

Xu Tong stopped Da Fei's shoulder carelessly and said.

Hearing this, Da Fei's face became much better.

Xu Tong turned around and walked to Mao Xuefeng's house, came to Mao Xuefeng's bookshelf, took out the second book from the left, took it out, opened the book, and found that there were indeed seven oceans hidden in it.

"Sister, Xuefeng is a good kid, this is his filial piety to you, take care of it!"

Mao Xuefeng's mother took the book, and after seeing the seven oceans in it, she couldn't hold back her emotions at once. The heart-piercing crying made everyone feel sour.

Xu Tong comforted him, he didn't like to see such a scene, and after signaling that Mao Xuefeng's mother could come to him for help in case of difficulties, he prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, Mao Xuefeng's mother suddenly remembered something, stood up and began to rummage in the box behind her for a while, and then found a small box from under Mao Xuefeng's bed.

"Xue Feng is dead Qu, you must avenge him. This kid was very obedient before, and this is what hurt him."

Xu Tong took the box, but he frowned after opening it, a strong sense of oppression made him very uncomfortable.

He put the box away calmly, and put it in the item book.

【The unspeakable dream hair villain】

It is rumored that this is a pass to enter another world, but there is also a legend that this is an invitation to hell, be careful, it is not a world of living people.

Special Ability 1: Dream Walk

Consume 1000 script points, after activation, a door will open in a specific area, allowing you to enter a special space.
Duration: 30 minutes
"Ding! You are the first to obtain the key props, please check the alliance's main mission series..."

(End of this chapter)

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