Chapter 814
When the reminder sounded continuously in the item book, Xu Tong quickly called out the item book and glanced at it, only to see that four tasks were updated all at once.

He patiently swept his eyes one by one.

Main task 1: The clue that does not exist has been completed, and all team members get 300 alliance points.

The non-existent clues should refer to the piece of cloth. I have already learned about the problem of the cave, and I have obtained the key item [Unspeakable Dream Hair Villain]. This task is naturally completed.

All members get 300 points, which will bring their alliance total points to [-] points in an instant.

I believe that these points can make Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi, two unlucky people, live more comfortably in the cave world.

The hints in the item book are not over yet, and new tasks are constantly being refreshed.

Alliance Mission 2: Shin Kong University

Task requirements: Enter Shin Kong University and investigate the truth about the suicide students.

Task reward: get 300 alliance points.

Mission failure: 30% personal points will be deducted.

(Privilege Coordination: Perhaps it is a better choice to start with the Student Union.)
Xinguang University... Xu Tong remembered that Mao Xuefeng seemed to be a student of this school, and it seemed that the problem was in this university.

Not long ago, Guo Xiang and the others also said that the Devils were going to hold an antique exchange meeting at the university, so I could take the opportunity to go and see it.

If given the chance, he might be able to hunt and kill the enemy players.

Alliance Mission 3: Shrine

Task requirements: Find seven special shrines and destroy them.

Task reward: 2000 alliance points, gain the privilege of increasing the alliance.

Mission failure: 70% alliance points will be deducted.

(Privilege Coordinator: In the New Territories where fish and dragons are mixed, there will always be some shady things. Maybe those witches who believe in ghosts and gods may give you some clues.)
After seeing this task, Xu Tong suddenly looked at the shrine on Mao Xuefeng's wall, but strangely, the statue originally enshrined in the shrine had disappeared.

This is not surprising, thinking that Mao Xuefeng's corpse appeared just now, maybe it was the old mother of Yinshan, who sensed the danger and intentionally moved the tiger to move the mountain, and now the statue in the shrine has long since disappeared.

As for how it disappeared, it's hard to say, maybe it's some kind of mysterious power, or maybe there are still believers of Yinshan Old Mother in Kowloon City.

In short, the problems in this Kowloon City where fish and dragons are mixed are very big.

This inevitably made Xu Tong regret that it was too early to kill the old fairy Wusheng. The secret that this guy said before is probably what he is eager to know at this moment.

However, under the circumstances at that time, Xiaopang urgently needed a large amount of life essence to replenish, and he couldn't care less about that much. Even if he chose again, he would sacrifice Wusheng Old Immortal on the spot.

Side Quest 2: The Truth of the Cave

Task requirements: Use the prop [Unspeakable Mengfa villain] three times to enter the cave.

Mission time limit: 12 days.

Mission reward: alliance points increase by 30%.

(Privilege Coordinator: Be careful! Not every person who opens the door for you wants to help you.)
Alliance Mission 3: Hunt!

Task requirements: Kill the enemy and allied players in the cave as much as possible within the time of Dream Walk.

Task Reward: Killing the enemy alliance players in the cave will get double the alliance points. If all the opponents are killed, the enemy alliance players will get a random penalty.

(Privilege Coordination: There is a special store in the cave, you may be able to get a good harvest in it)
These two missions are a branch and an alliance, but they can only be completed after entering the cave, and they belong to the same map.

After thinking about it in his mind, Xu Tong decided to wait two days to gather with Guo Xiang and his team, and everyone will enter the cave together. There are many people and strength. If they can kill all the devil players in the cave, I believe that the so-called random punishment will definitely make them feel better. It's been a long time.

In addition, Xu Tong has another worry, that is the resurrected Mao Xuefeng. This person is probably a devil player. He was resurrected through special props and killed Xiaoshan. Already know.

After appeasing Mao Xuefeng's mother, Xu Tong left Kowloon City with his people.

On the way, Xu Tong briefly introduced what he had learned to Gu Xibai, Li Bo, and the pharmacist who was working in the pharmacy through the team channel.

"One script, two different worlds? Isn't this too weird??"

Gu Xibai was very surprised when he heard about this strange pattern for the first time.

"The weirdest thing is not this, but those things in the cave!"

When Xu Tong mentioned that he met the black and white weirdo and the old man in the corridor, he couldn't help but feel very strange.

It seems that it is difficult to use my own means inside. The opponent is not afraid of pure yang energy, which is somewhat beyond my expectations.

Especially the mold...

Thinking of this, Xu Tong opened his clothes. Although the mold had disappeared, he always felt that there was something dirty on his body.

I need to ask my master about this matter. I believe that even if the master is not clear, my wife and Mei Xian will always know some clues.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong's heart suddenly relaxed a lot. No wonder people say that an old man is like a treasure, which is obviously not unreasonable.

"Drip drip..."

At this time, Xu Tong's pager rang, and it was a message from Guo Xiang and the others, indicating that they would meet and chat at Futai Tea House.

Alliance missions can be seen as long as they belong to the same alliance. Guo Xiang and the others should have seen the alliance mission information this time.

So Li Bo went back to the police station for the time being. This guy is not strong enough. Whether he encounters devil players or those so-called gods, it will be more or less ominous.

But eating rice is definitely not enough, and Xu Tong does not intend to let him idle, let him continue to investigate Mao Xuefeng's mission.

Originally, Li Bo's original task of investigating the corpse change was not over.

Now Alliance Mission 2 is also at Guanghua University. The two missions can be combined together. It is best to investigate Li Bo's identity.

Xu Tong specifically asked Li Bo not to reveal the identity of the player, and not to reveal his ability unless he was in trouble.

Li Bo didn't have any pressure on this matter. After assuring Xu Tong with a pat on his chest, he hurried straight to Guanghua University with his people.

Then A Bin drove Xu Tong and Gu Xibai to Futai Teahouse to meet Guo Xiang and the others.

As soon as they went upstairs, Guo Xiang and Tie Shou were already sitting in the box waiting for them.

After seeing Xu Tong, the two of them obviously had a lot of problems.

Xu Tong asked Gu Xibai to guard the door to prevent the partition wall from getting behind his ears, and briefly explained the situation.

Guo Xiang and Tie Shou were very calm about the Dongtian matter.

"It turns out that's the case. Let me just say that the world background of this script is too plain. It turns out that this script has another layer."

Guo Xiang showed a relieved expression.

Seeing this, Xu Tong took a sip of tea, continued to look at Guo Xiang, and only heard Guo Xiang say: "This kind of situation seems to have happened to people in the main group, but compared with the people in the main group, it should not be difficult."

The main regiment that Guo Xiang talked about was their backer, Momen, one of the six regiments.

At this time, the advantage of having a big tree behind is reflected. Momen has three sub-groups and one main group, and they share information with each other, so that in similar situations, Guo Xiang can quickly find the corresponding information.

"That cave should have been created by some eliminated gods. As long as you find the shrines of these gods, you can kill them. But if the cave is their territory, we must follow their rules, otherwise we will die." Very passive."

Guo Xiang analyzed the experience shared by the main team.

The so-called eliminated gods are actually some gods who originally had believers in the long river of history, but it may be because of the change of dynasties, or the enthronement of the new emperor, etc., that were finally forgotten by people.

They are not strong in themselves, but sometimes they are very difficult to encounter.

Of course, it is undeniable that some very powerful ancient gods occasionally appear in it. Once such gods are encountered, they are close to death.

After learning that Xu Tong held a key item [The Unspeakable Mengfa Villain] and could take the initiative to enter the cave, Guo Xiang couldn't help being very surprised. He didn't expect such a key item to be taken by Xu Tong so quickly.

The Qimen team has never been heard of before, but whether it is Xu Tong or Gu Xibai beside him, they are extremely strong. If the Momen does not recruit such a team, I am afraid that it will be recruited by other teams in the future.

Thinking of this, Guo Xiang expressed his willingness to enter the cave with Xu Tong, and first find a way to kill the devil players in the cave.

This idea coincides with Xu Tong's. The two parties agreed that it is best to act quickly, so they agreed to act together tomorrow night.

"By the way, is Xiao Shan one of your people?"

Xu Tong thought of another matter at this time and asked casually.

Guo Xiang and Tie Shou were startled when they heard the name, and nodded immediately.

Xu Tong briefly talked about the morgue, but the strange thing is that the two did not receive Xiao Shan's death notice.

This situation shows that Xiaoshan may not have died himself, but the body of the resurrected corpse has been destroyed. Maybe he is still in the cave, which is good news.

After the two parties agreed on a time, Xu Tong and Guo Xiang separated.

When I got home, it was already seven o'clock in the night. After Xu Tong had a full meal, he received a message from Guo Xiang.

It was Xu Tong who asked them to investigate the matter of Mao Xuefeng before. The news was very short, and it was mentioned that Mao Xuefeng was a child who loved learning. However, according to his classmates, he seems to have joined a group called Oneiroi recently. interest groups.

They asked Di Bo and the others to continue to investigate this matter. After Xu Tong sent the content to Li Bo, he entered the room and used the mountain button to escape into the void.

Guo Xiang and the others shared a lot of information, but Xu Tong always felt that what Guo Xiang said was too light, and it was not at all the same as his feeling in the cave.

So regarding their information, Xu Tong stayed on the sidelines.

Tomorrow night I will enter the cave again, time is running out, I must be prepared, at least see if Master and the others can do anything.

 Some people feel that the progress of the plot is too slow during this period. Well, there is a reason for this, because I have re-edited a lot of plots. If I follow the original design, the conflicts in the plot have already begun to reach the point of conflict, but recently I am too sensitive to write like that. , I changed the plot so that the progress is a little slow, sorry, but the script itself is not too big, and it will end in about eighty chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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