Infinite script kill

Chapter 830 Gao Zhuo's Decision

Chapter 830 Gao Zhuo's Decision

within the cave.

Gao Zhuo was lying on the ground. As a zombie, he was still a zombie with no bones. He never imagined that one day he would be so miserable.

But looking out the window, Gao Zhuo didn't have enough confidence to go out for a moment.

Since Xu Tong left, the situation outside has become more and more strange.

He has a feeling that the house here seems to be alive, no, more precisely, it is an indescribable "alive"

It seems that there is a pair of eyes in every corner watching the surroundings all the time. Even every time I go to the window to look outside, there will be a feeling that others are peeping at me.

But these are not the weirdest things. The weirdest thing is that he found that the shadow of people began to appear in the empty room outside.

And there are not a few of them, and I can't tell whether these figures are people or ghosts with my own eyesight.

The only good news is that Xu Tong left him many props before he left.

Looking at these props, Gao Zhuo's inner anxiety calmed down a lot.

[Soul Bell] [Stand-In Doll] [Uncontrollable Teleportation Scroll] [Invisibility Cloak], etc. These props are not lethal, but they have many strange abilities.

Just as Gao Zhuo was carefully inspecting the abilities of these props, there was a burst of crying outside the door.

Gao Zhuo was stunned for a moment, but then he ignored it, no matter what was outside, he would not try to trick himself into going out.

But the crying became louder and louder, and there was a girl's voice in the voice, which only disturbed Gao Zhuo Wudian. When he walked to the window, he turned his head and saw a big girl outside the corner of the corridor. The boy was standing there with a blank face.

"Damn, where did the child come from??"

Seeing the big boy, the low-ranking man was dazzled by his own vision: "That's right, is it a trap?"

Dio Zhuo shook his head, and continued to sit on the ground looking at the props one by one, but the crying inside became smaller and smaller, which made Dio Zhuo more upset.

Gao Zhuo has done less murder and arson, and I would definitely frown even when he wiped out the other party's entire family.

But listening to the crying inside, while being upset, it is inevitable to think of his wife's bulging belly day by day, and it feels like the outsider has nothing in his body.

"That's right, it's the world of the script, it's the real world, that boy is just a character in the script, life and death have nothing to do with you."

Di Zhuo muttered secretly.

But at that moment, my ears moved suddenly, and I squinted at the walls around Qiqi, only to see white mildew stains growing on the walls. An auspicious feeling came over me, which made Dizhuo's heart tighten: "Your body, the child's crying made me cry." This thing is attracted!"

Thinking of that, Gao Zhuo's first reaction was to call out a bone spur and aim it at the boy's position in the window, but the bone spur was held in his hand for a moment, but it was still fired, but the crying in the corridor became smaller and smaller.

"Damn it! Stop crying!"

I went to the window and glared at the boy fiercely, trying to scare me away, but the boy didn't see me at all.


A sound of light footsteps came from outside the corridor, and the boy seemed to be startled by the loud noise, staring at the dark corridor behind him with small eyes, his face full of fear.


The sound of footsteps was approaching there, and a huge silhouette in the darkness gradually became turbid.

Gao Zhuo's pupils tightened, and he quickly squatted up to dare to look again.

"Damn, how did that thing get so small??"

Di Zhuo cursed outside his heart, his heartbeat accelerated, and an inexplicable sense of panic swept his whole body.

Every time the monster gets closer, the sense of despair around becomes weaker, and the mold under the wall becomes less and less, which makes me dare to approach the wall easily.

"Maybe I should leave after eating this big boy..."

Gao Zhuo secretly thought of it, but when that thought surfaced in his heart, he felt a weak sense of guilt.


When the boy saw the human-shaped monster in the darkness, his body trembled uncontrollably.

But your desperate scream, in the eyes of the monster, is more like a delicious delicacy.


A mouthful of white cold air spewed out from the nostrils, Gaozhuo Musashigen's face was completely recognizable at this moment.

This huge face is full of evil spells, a pale body like a giant frog, with a narrow mouth and clawed hands, greedy eyes, looking under the boy, and hurriedly opened his hands, Revealing a morbid desire, wanting to hold that big boy in his arms heavily, and then twist it into a ball of rotten flesh little by little.

That desire became weaker and weaker, and even Gao Zhuo, who was not separated by a single wall, could vaguely feel the desire emanating from the monster.

And the fear in this big boy's heart has already made you suffocate slowly, his trembling body seemed to exhaust all his strength and screamed: "Mom!!"


Hearing the scream, Di Zhuo finally endured it, and grabbed the [Invisibility Cloak] beside him.

[Invisibility Cloak] (one-time props, there is a way to bring out the world of this script)

Active Skill 1: Hide and seek
Consuming 300 script points, the objects covered by the cloak before activation will retreat into a completely hidden state, and there is no way to be caught by the breath, and there is no way to be discovered by the naked eye.

Once the invisible person or object moves during the period, the invisibility effect will be temporarily lifted, and the object will not retreat into the hidden state again until the object keeps moving for ten seconds.

Duration: 48 hours.

"Brother, if you come back, he must hold on!"

As Gao Zhuo said, he directly put the cloak under Chang Youju's body, then looked into the window and took a deep breath: "There is a way, if you become a father, it depends on that kind of thing!"

After finishing speaking, he flew forward and rushed forward.


Accompanied by the cracking sound of the window, Gao Zhuo's figure rushed out from the room, hugging the boy in his arms.

At the same time, Gaozhuo's eyes finally blurred to see the figure of the monster behind his eyes. Even though I had lost the determination to die, when I looked at Gaozhuo Musashigen's appearance at this moment, I couldn't help but gasp heat.

Like Roshan's particularly small body, the eight figures seemed to be standing under its shoulders. This twisted and destroyed oppressive feeling made my heart speed up violently.

With such a weak sense of oppression, Gao Zhuo instinctively wanted to take out [it is a controllable teleportation scroll]

[It is a controllable teleportation scroll] (1/1)

Consumes 300 script points and will be randomly teleported to any place within 1000 meters before activation.

(Note: This thing is risk-free, because it was embedded in a concrete wall before no one used it, and it still comes out today.”

At the moment when Gao Zhuo wanted to activate the scroll, a thought stopped the action: "If you escape, you will definitely make that monster become angry. If that guy smashes it randomly, you will be caught."

In a short moment, before Di Zhuo thought of many thoughts, he turned around and hugged the boy and ran towards the other end of the corridor. While running, he turned his head and raised his middle finger at Gao Zhuo Musashigen: "Pervert, big boys are all Let it go, go die!!"

Gao Zhuo Musashiyuan's face froze for a moment, probably because he never expected that a Cheng Yaojin would be killed halfway, watching the food he was about to enjoy slip away like that, the angry and manic mood suddenly rushed back to Gao Zhuo Musashi source of mind.


Accompanied by a frenzied roar, that guy's body rushed towards Low Zhuo like a cannonball flying out.

Sensing the rotten stench in front of him, Di Zhuo looked back, and when he saw the picture of the distorted face attacking rapidly, his scalp went numb, and he almost threw the boy in his pocket as a hidden weapon .

Fortunately, Low Zhuo's battle-tested experience allowed me to make the right choice in the first place.

With a wave of his hand, Gao Zhuo summoned eight bronze armored corpses, forming a human wall behind Gao Zhuo's face.

Lu Zhen was stunned for a moment when he saw this, maybe thinking that seven for eight seems to be a wrong deal, but when I approached, Di Zhuo pinched his fingers: "Explosive!"


The eight bronze-armored zombies exploded at the same time, and the huge shock wave tore two bloody wounds under Gao Zhuo's body.

"If you want to eat, eat shit!"

Rao had become a dog in his heart, but he was still shouting and cursing.

The damage is small, but the body is extremely weak.

Gao Zhuo's body trembled slightly, as if the blood from all over his body was rushing to his head, this manic and uncontrollable mood completely swallowed up my rationality in an instant!I screamed wildly, and grabbed the man's body on my back with my backhand. It was a small piece of flesh and blood brought out by the man's body, and then I threw it towards Gao Zhuo like a spear.

As soon as the man's body left Lu Zhen's body, it rotted rapidly. In a blink of an eye, his body turned into a white bone skeleton. The body flew in mid-air and appeared in front of Low Zhuo's body. Zhuo took a breath.

Gao Zhuo only felt his body sink suddenly, but he was not affected in any way, but the big boy outside my arms suddenly became brighter.


Seeing that scene, Gao Zhuo immediately understood that the boy he rescued might already be alive, but that meant that he was going to give up on you.

Seeing that the boy's soul was about to be sucked away, Gao Zhuo's eyes showed a fierce gleam, he picked up Chi You's blood blade, and hit the skeleton in front of him with a backhand: "You go to my son, I am a zombie, do you have a soul for him?" Suck!!"

Chi You's blood blade, burning with blood, slashed under the man's skull, splitting his head in half instantly.

Losing the influence of the suction force, the boy's soul immediately returned to normal. However, Gaozhuo still felt depressed. A terrible sense of oppression made the hairs all over my body stand on end. It turned out that Lu Zhen already knew when to appear by his side.

There was a cruel smile under this weird face, the huge arm ignited the white flame, and punched Low Zhuo's head with a fist.


For a moment the whole building was trembling, and countless bricks and stones splashed towards Qizhou, and the section from the seventh floor to the first floor was smashed to the ground.

But Gao Zhuo didn't see Di Zhuo's body, and when he glanced away, he saw a figure in the dust waving its huge fleshy wings and slowly rushing down to the sky.


Gao Zhuo's chest rose and fell violently, he was like a zombie, and the punch just now made me feel like walking back from the gate of hell.

He glanced at his chest again.

I saw a white doll on the back of the chest has been torn apart, and when the cool wind blows, it will turn into ashes and disappear.

【Stand-In Doll】

When receiving a fatal blow, all damage can be transferred to the doll's body.

Before the doll shatters, you will be cursed randomly by the doll.

"It's a pity that the old man exchanged the props, but the old man is going to be planted there today!"

Gao Zhuo secretly called out his luck.

"Dingling! Boom!!"

But when Di Zhuo took out [a controllable teleportation scroll], there was a sound of leather drums and bells in front of him, and there were two figures, one white and one white, waving their hands under Gao Zhuo Musashigen's body. The bells and leather drums were lowered, and for a moment, Gao Zhuo's mind felt like being stabbed by a needle, and he was greeted with a burst of pain.

Then the body sank, and the muscles of the whole body became stiff. At that time, Gao Zhuo Lu Zhenqiang lifted up this huge foot and stomped heavily on the ground.


A tangible force hit Gaozhuo's back directly.


Huge force pierced through my lungs, causing me to vomit blood in mid-air. If it was the bones behind my chest that emitted a bloody light at a critical moment to absorb all that force, I am afraid that just that blow would be enough to tear me apart .

It was Guo Rao, Gao Zhuo's consciousness was no longer blurred, and his body fell from mid-air in a controlled manner.

"It's over!!"

Looking at Gaozhuo Musashigen who was already running towards him under the ground, Gaozhuo's heart was cold, and he had already prepared the worst plan outside his heart.

At the moment when all my thoughts were lost, an unexpected figure suddenly came slowly from the other side of the corridor, looking at this strange figure, Di Zhuo's pupils twitched, and he said in surprise: "Why am I outside? "

(End of this chapter)

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