Infinite script kill

Chapter 831 The low-key Mei Da

Chapter 831 The low-key Mei Da

The figure moved like a gust of wind, and rolling corpses gushed out from his body.

I saw the person's fingers pinching the formula, and the corpse on his body turned into a big black bell hanging above his head: "Boom!!"

The shape of this black clock is like a cauldron. There are three plum trees with thousands of plum blossoms. The huge character [凯] on the body of the clock casts an ominous omen on the big clock.

Immediately, a faint bell sounded, and Gao Zhuo intuitively felt a coolness in his forehead, and his whole body shivered, and all the discomforts in his body disappeared in an instant.


The sudden sound of the bell made the black and white demon on Mansai Musashigen's back scream in pain.

This rolling bell actually carries a magical power, not only can make people's consciousness clear, but also unconsciously recall the past life in the bell.

Wansai Musashigen noticed that someone was coming to disrupt the situation, and two pairs of red eyeballs quickly locked on the person who came.

"Damn you!!!"

Accompanied by the murderous intent in his eyes, the power of the entire cave seemed to be mobilized by him. Under the influence of his powerful thoughts, a dark air flow changed from time to time, condensed, and faintly appeared. All kinds of phantoms, including ferocious sky snakes, blood-red saber wheel Rakshasa, thousands of floating butcher bones, and countless desperate cries echoed in the phantoms.

"I am a god, the eternal god!!"

The shrine on Mansai Musashigen's back let out a shriek, and black liquid continuously flowed out of the shrine and poured into his body.

"not good!!"

Seeing Wansai Musashigen's aura increase sharply, Gao Zhuo hurriedly shouted: "Meida, run, you are not his opponent!!"

That's right, the rescuer was Mei Da who followed Xu Tong and the others into the cave last time.

Just when they entered, Xu Tong and Mei Da got separated, and after they came out, too many things happened immediately, Wansai Musashigen was seriously injured, Akakimaru attacked the Yixing Gang, Guo Xiang was taken away by Sanqi, and so on. The question made Xu Tong forget about him.

Except for protons, living people can't stay in the cave for too long, but Qia Meida is not a living person, he is a zombie, so he can stay in the cave world for a long time.

Facing Gao Zhuo's shout at this moment, instead of dodging, Mei Dafei, under Gao Zhuo's shocked gaze, tore off the clothes on his body, and saw seven paper figurines appearing behind Mei Da.

Seven paper figurines hold musical instruments such as suona, erhu, sheng, gong, cymbal, and cymbals. Accompanied by the sound of suona, the music of great grief and mourning comes. Accompanied by the sound of playing music, a piece of Kunqu opera is fascinating.

Gao Zhuo's spirit was also in a trance for a while, as if he saw a woman wearing a single dress with long sleeves, singing a sad, low, and melodious opera.

And he was lying in a coffin, and his father and wife were crying in front of the coffin.

I don't know what I want when I first listen to the song, but I'm already in the coffin when I hear it again.

And he could only watch helplessly, unable to do anything.

In a trance, Gao Zhuo's consciousness began to blur. He didn't want to die, he wanted to survive, but no matter how hard he tried, in the end his eyes could only be closed unwillingly by his father.

"I don't want to die, I haven't seen my child yet, I haven't done my filial piety to my father..."

Countless thoughts rose in his mind at once, and unwillingness and fear spread into his heart like a tide.

Until a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder in the darkness, and then pulled it down forcefully, accompanied by a strong sense of weightlessness.

Gao Zhuo suddenly opened his eyes, and instinctively opened his mouth to shout out, but his mouth was tightly covered by a hand.

Taking a closer look, a stern face appeared in front of him. It was Mei Da. Mei Da made a silent gesture, and then pointed behind him.

Gao Zhuo looked in the direction Mei Da pointed, and saw Wansai Musashigen standing on the ruins with a dazed expression, his huge body sitting cross-legged on the ground, and a silly smile appeared from the corner of his mouth from time to time.

This guy actually fell asleep? ?

If you listen carefully, you can even hear his slight snoring.

"I'll kill you while you're sick!"

When Gao Zhuo saw this, the first reaction in his mind was to kill this guy now.

But he only showed a little killing intent, and the body of Mansai Musashigen, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, began to shake slightly instinctively.

Seeing this, Mei Da hurriedly stopped him, shook her head towards him, and said not to mess around.

Then he picked up a piece of wood and wrote on the ground: "Mei's dream technique can only trap him, not kill him!"

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo cried out in his heart that it was a pity, but he knew that the gap between himself and the monster in front of him was too great. If he did something, the best result would be his own death and his injury.

However, Mei Da's strength really exceeded his expectations.

Mei Da is just a flying Yaksha, and his strength is only equivalent to entering the Dao realm. Unexpectedly, when he made a move, he actually trapped the monster who was comparable to a demigod in front of him.

But after thinking about it, Gao Zhuo felt that they had preconceived it. It was true that Mei Da was Flying Yasha, but he also had another identity, that is, the senior of the Mei family.

In the era of Emperor Jiahuang, the imperial power was in a highly unified era. Qin Tianjian was ordered to exterminate the King of Nine Evil Ghosts in the Yinyang Cave, and only the best of the best could participate.

Mei Da, whose real name is Mei Siyuan, as a representative of the Mei family, has to follow Qin Tianjian's call to participate. He himself is a generation of top Mei family masters, and he holds the three plum hairpins of the plum blossom Taoist.

It's just that a traitor appeared in the team, and he was caught off guard and was seriously injured and trapped to death in the Yin-Yang Cave.

But Xu Tong and his group only thought that Mei Da was a yaksha zombie, but they ignored this relationship.

Of course, it is also because Mei Da himself is too low-key, he does not dislike Feng Shui on weekdays, and does not take action easily. Today, in order to save Gao Zhuo, he used the secret technique that the Mei family has lost. Several times of Wanzhai Musashigen was trapped in a dream.

If Mei Da had someone in his hand at this moment, such as the three plum hairpins of Taoist Plum Blossom, it might not be able to make the monster Wansai Musashigen unable to eat and walk around.

Mei Da knows that although this dream technique is strong, it can only trap the opponent for a while. After all, this technique is not a real technique of trapping and killing, and there are still many shortcomings in its hasty use.

Immediately pulled Gao Zhuo, and the girl who was still asleep quickly walked away.

At the same time, Xu Tong on the other side was also full of surprise at this moment. After receiving Gu Xibai's reminder, Xu Tong also slapped his head belatedly, and immediately prepared to take a risk and go back to the cave.

In the end, the eldest princess calmly told him not to worry, and even said lightly: "Don't worry, his strength is not inferior to mine."

"You said, Mei Da is stronger than you??"

Xu Tong blinked and looked at the eldest princess, his face was full of confusion, Feitian Yasha himself had seen it before, he could only say that with the body of a zombie, he was better than a master who had entered the Dao realm, but if he met a god who had attained the Dao realm , there is almost no suspense.

The eldest princess drank a cup of tea, nodded her head and said: "You can't say that you are better than me, but you will definitely not be worse than me. I didn't say this, but your wife said it."

Then the eldest princess gave a simple explanation, and Xu Tong remembered that Mei Da's real identity was an ancestor of the Mei family, not a simple flying Yasha.

Besides, after Mei Xian came to her home, Mei Da often chatted with Mei Xian and got a lot of Mei Xian's pointers and opinions.

The strength has improved a lot.

This guy is too low-key, the only ones who know his true strength are Shi Ye, Mei Xian, and Shi Niang who entered later.

Even the old Daoist and the eldest princess looked away.

Hearing what the eldest princess said, Xu Tong immediately relaxed a lot.

"Senior Brother!!"

At this time, the goddess ran into the door, pushed the door open, and walked in, holding a delicate little pastry in her hand, her chubby face looked cute no matter how you looked at it.

"Where did you go!"

Seeing the goddess, Xu Tong's face darkened and became serious.

Although I don't worry about this girl's safety at all, Xu Tong feels that she seems to know everything about this girl from the time I met her to being called a fairy by the blind man. When it comes to strength, Xu Tong can't figure it out, but It's not certain who can hurt this girl.

But after Akakimaru attacked the Yixing gang, this girl disappeared, and it was a lie to say that she didn't worry about it at all.

The heavenly girl ran to Xu Tong's side with a smile on her face, sniffed Xu Tong's body with her nose, then turned her head and said to the eldest princess: "You are so lucky, you can do whatever you want, the dragon ball you want, isn't that right?" Is it coming!"

"Dragon Ball?"

The eldest princess was startled, and immediately looked at Xu Tong: "Did you get the Dragon Ball?"

Xu Tong was also a little surprised. He took out the dragon ball given to him by Sanqi from the item book, handed it to the eldest princess, and then looked at the goddess: "How do you know that I have dragon balls on me??"

The celestial girl proudly pointed to her nose: "Although you stink, the smell of Dragon Ball can't hide it. I used to eat this stuff like jelly beans every day, and I can smell it when I get close to you."

Xu Tong and the eldest princess were speechless for a while.

I really don't know what the origin of this girl is, is she really a fairy in the sky?Eating dragon balls like candy? ?

The eldest princess held the dragon ball in her hand and looked at it carefully: "It's a dragon ball, but one is not enough."

"There are nine more. According to the meaning of Sanqi, they seem to have dug this thing out of Jiulong Mountain." When Xu Tong said this, he hesitated: "They also mentioned a door, saying that it can lead to Older times."

The eldest princess's pupils tightened, and a wry smile appeared on her face after a while: "I thought I would have to wait for a while, but it turns out that everything seems to have been decided long ago."

Sure enough, what they were looking for was exactly what the princess was looking for.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Xu Tong and the eldest princess looked at each other, and their expressions were a little complicated.

However, at this moment, the celestial girl ate the pastry in one bite, hugged the tea on the table, took a sip of the booze, wiped her mouth with satisfaction and said:

"If they can't find it, even if they find it, it's a fake. Anyone who goes in will be torn to pieces by time."

(End of this chapter)

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