Infinite script kill

Chapter 832 Good Luck

Chapter 832 Good Luck


Even the eldest princess couldn't sit still.

"Yes, fake!"

The goddess nodded with certainty, and said to the eldest princess: "That door is a trap, anyone who enters will be finished. The real door is not in the world, but in the heart."

Xu Tong frowned, wanting to give this girl a hard time, and said angrily, "Speak clearly, what do you mean by being in your heart?"

The heavenly girl scratched her head, a troubled expression appeared on her delicate little face, she thought for a long time before she said, "I can't say, if something is broken, you can never find it again."

This is like an aloe painting, with forked reeds rippling in the evening sky. In the eyes of some LSBs, it is an indescribable beauty, but if it is broken, it will never go back.

The eldest princess knew that Tiannu was kindly reminding her. After all, if this door is really so easy to find, how could those evil gods stay here for so long.

What's more, she was not ready yet, so she talked about the dragon ball, there was only one, which was still too little for her.

"This thing is easy to collect in this era. If you really find the door, it will be very difficult to find these things after you go in."

The goddess picked up the dragon ball on the table, swallowed and spit: "Unfortunately, it's still the dragon ball of the earth dragon, and the taste is a little bit worse."

Xu Tongsheng was afraid that the girl couldn't help eating this thing in one gulp, so he quickly snatched it away, took out a bag of potato chips and handed it to her.

But what she said made sense.

It seems that I have to find a way to get these dragon balls in my hands. As for San Qi saying that they only have six?Xu Tongcai didn't believe his nonsense.

After the dragon balls were temporarily put away by Xu Tong, Xu Tong summoned the Dari Ruyi Furnace, and the massive amount of thunder fluid in it was used as fuel, turning into pure life essence and pouring down to heal the two of them.

Until the next morning, when the two walked out of the room, their injuries had almost recovered.

The kitchen has already prepared dragon rice porridge, served with a pile of pickles and a few deep-fried dough sticks. It is simple but comfortable to eat.

It was also the first time for Yaoshi and Li Bo to taste long rice. They wanted to eat more, but they couldn't bear it after one bowl.

The pharmacist looked at the dragon rice porridge in the bowl, and couldn't help being shocked. As a pharmacist, he knew the importance of this kind of thing too well, and his eyes became complicated for a while.


A Bin came in from the door with a newspaper in his arms, and when he saw Xu Tong, he hurriedly handed over the newspaper; "Something happened in the Kowloon Walled City."

Xu Tong took a look at the newspaper, and immediately frowned.

[Poisoning case in Kowloon City, 160 people died overnight]

His eyes quickly scanned the newspaper, looking at the photos in the newspaper, even Xu Tong was shocked.

"Have you found the murderer?"

"No, but I heard the inside information. The poisoning of the deceased was very strange this time. No toxin was found in the autopsy report. Everyone died in their sleep without any expression of pain."

Hearing what A Bin said, Xu Tong looked at the pharmacist: "What do you think!"

In terms of combat effectiveness, Pharmacist's combat effectiveness is definitely the bottom one, but in terms of playing tricks, this guy's poison is a great weapon, which is one of the reasons why Xu Tong pulled him into the team.

Facing Xu Tong's inquiry, the pharmacist picked up the newspaper and lowered his head so that the expression on his face could not be seen clearly.

It wasn't until a while before he said: "It should be LV2 level poison. I didn't see the corpses, but the corpses in the photos look weird. When they died, their expressions were very peaceful, and the corners of their mouths were slightly curved. According to my It is known that LV2 has a wide range of poisons, and the poison that does not make people feel painful, and has such obvious characteristics, it should be Bliss Sand."

As he spoke, the pharmacist searched through his item book, and found a pink bottle.

"It should be this kind of poison. This medicine is very cheap in the exhibition, because it is only effective for ordinary people. As long as people with a slightly stronger physique will not be affected, even..."

Having said that, the pharmacist coughed lightly, and said in a low voice, "This thing is an aphrodisiac for many players, so it is very popular."

For people with a strong physique, ordinary stimulants are difficult to be effective, but this poison can greatly stimulate their nerves and make people's blood flow high.

"You mean, this thing was done by the player??"

Xu Tong kept his gaze fixed on the expression on the pharmacist's face, and asked, "But why do players kill these ordinary people?"

The pharmacist was startled when he heard the words, and immediately raised his head to look at Xu Tong, with a bit of anger in his eyes. He knew that Xu Tong was doubting himself, after all, he had a previous record of poisoning.

"I don't know, but I think you can try to investigate this matter with the devil team. As a qualified pharmacist, if the murderer is me, I can easily turn the Kowloon Walled City into a dead city!"

Seeing the anger in the pharmacist's eyes, Xu Tong nodded immediately: "In this case, I will leave this matter to you. Focus on investigating our side, including the Ling team."

After speaking, he looked at Li Bo: "You and the pharmacist will act together."

"Me, yes, yes!"

Li Bo nodded. The decision was very easy. After all, the pharmacist can become a certified player, and his strength is much stronger than him. Besides, the pharmacist seems to be a nanny. He has a nanny by his side.

Although the pharmacist could feel that Xu Tong's intention was to let this guy spy on him, but he knew that Li Bo was just an ordinary player who hadn't even passed the certification and wasn't even a core member of the team, so naturally he wouldn't take him seriously.

So he nodded readily and agreed, and specially gave Li Bo a few bottles of antidote to prevent accidents.

After everyone had dinner, Xu Tong and his party drove to Xinguang University to participate in the antique exchange meeting of Xinguang University.

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of this antique exchange meeting to meet Wansai Musashigen.

It turned out that I had already seen it in advance. The reason why I still came to participate was to investigate the cause of Mao Xuefeng's death. According to Li Bo, he was already investigating, but he searched around the school, but he couldn't find Mao Xuefeng's death. the real reason.

The club where Mao Xuefeng belonged was found, but everyone in the club said that they were not familiar with Mao Xuefeng, and there were very few clues they could provide.

So I came here today to help Li Bo complete this task, but this is only a matter of publicity.

According to the information provided by Akakimaru, among the tasks of the Japanese society, there is the task of buying antiques. I believe that a few devil players should also appear, and they can just take the opportunity to kill a few.

Because of the large number of people, everyone took two cars. Xu Tong, the eldest princess, Tiannv and Li Bo rode in one car, and the rest rode in the other car.

The goddess on the road looked Xu Tong up and down: "You will have better luck recently, maybe you will pick up a treasure today."

Xu Tong took out the mirror and looked, and sure enough, the luck above his head appeared in the shape of a golden doll, which is a typical sign of a wealthy boy coming to the door.

But before Xu Tong was happy, Tiannv followed closely with a word, which almost made Xu Tong bite his tongue.

"This shows that you are not far from the time of death."

I just heard the celestial girl say: "People have a flashback, and luck is the same. You temporarily suppress the five declines of heaven and man by relying on the merits of incense and fire, but after all, you can't change the fact that your life is dying. It's like a firewood, which can be burned halfway. After hours, someone was blowing air under the stove, and when the fire was turned on, the firewood could only burn for ten minutes."

"So, my luck will become more and more prosperous??"

"Yes, when you reach the extreme, luck will burn out."

After hearing Tiannv's words, instead of feeling scared, Xu Tong was a little excited. The stronger his luck, the stronger his own luck. Maybe he can take advantage of this opportunity to refine a batch of top-notch pills.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong glanced at Li Bo who was sitting in front of the car, his heart moved, and he said to Li Bo, "Give me two bottles of antidote."

Li Bo didn't know what Xu Tong was going to do, so he handed him two bottles of antidote, and Xu Tong smiled and said, "Let me borrow it from you, don't tell others."

"Oh! Okay." Li Bo didn't know what this guy was going to do, but we didn't know either, and we didn't dare to ask, anyway, whatever the boss said.

Not long after, the car drove outside the gate of Xinguang University.

When Xu Tong and others walked into the school, the school security saw that it was a member of the Yixing Gang, and stood aside obediently without daring to fart.

Fortunately, after the school principal heard the news, he immediately rushed over with the school teachers to welcome Xu Tong.

Facing the elderly principal, Xu Tong grinned and smoked a cigarette, looking like a villain in a movie, and walked into the campus surrounded by the principal.

Of course, the price of pretending to be 13 is that Xu Tong donated a teaching building to the school in his own name.

Fortunately, this account must be hung on the head of the Yixing Gang.

Xu Tong held the eldest princess lightly with one hand, and the heavenly girl with the other. Outsiders looked like a family of three. As for Gu Xibai and others, they were scattered throughout the campus after entering the campus. Start looking for clues.

Surrounded by the principal, Xu Tong came to the school's auditorium. Many students were startled, and the work in hand suddenly slowed down. Xu Tong glanced at the antiques placed on the table , looking at the principal aside: "Just these bottles and cans, are they antiques?"

"Yes, yes, this is a six-color enamel jar from the Qianhuang period, and this is a Jun porcelain brush washer from the Jiahuang period. Take a look at this. This is the five-color butterfly bottle from Kanghuang's official kiln..."

The principal enthusiastically introduced the antiques on the table and patiently explained their historical significance.

Xu Tong's face was indifferent, not a symbolic nod, but a look of lack of interest, this is not pretending, but a real lack of interest in these bottles and cans.

Seeing this, the headmaster not only didn't think there was anything wrong, but he was greatly relieved. What he was most afraid of was that Xu Tong had taken a fancy to some treasure and immediately took it back.

He has heard of the reputation of this Master Du, even if foreigners want to bow to him, if he really wants to take things away, there is nothing he can do.


At this moment, Xu Tong suddenly stopped, squinted at the corner, and saw a metal box in the corner beside him. The moment Xu Tong saw this box, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat: "It's really hard to find a place for you to walk through the iron shoes." , It doesn’t take much effort to get it, this thing is actually here.”

If I'm not mistaken, this box is the last item in the three-piece set of Qianjishen, Qianji Yu!
(End of this chapter)

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