Infinite script kill

Chapter 873 8 villains

Chapter 873 Eight Evil Men (Two Chapters In One)

Compared with Gu Xibai, Gao Zhuo's methods are actually very complicated.

Summoning zombies, corpse explosions, spells, and impressive zombie bodies, the complex operations give people a feeling of being overwhelmed.

It made everyone in the audience calm down a lot of grievances, at least everyone could see that Gao Zhuo was really moving.

And Yan Xiaoqi didn't kill Gao Zhuo directly by relying on his absolute strength. Instead, after fighting with Gao Zhuo for a period of time, he took advantage of Gao Zhuo's weakness and killed Gao Zhuo with a single blow.

Afterwards, he still wrote a note, pointing out Gao Zhuo's weakness and pointing out the direction of advancement.

Xu Tong directly took the note, opened it and read it carefully, and couldn't help feeling a little moved.

The note made it very clear that Gao Zhuo's strength was not bad, but it was miscellaneous but not perfect. He was fine when he met people who were not as strong, but he was basically cannon fodder when he met those who were really good at fighting.

As for the advanced directions given by Yan Xiaoqi, there are two.

One is to focus on the research of poisonous corpses and Gu insects, and develop the summoning zombie flow to the extreme. Simply put, it is undead tactics.

One person is worth a thousand troops. Although the strength of a single body is not strong enough, it can be combined with poisons, Gu insects, and even some spells, etc., and it is still possible to fight against top experts. At least there is no problem in escaping.

The other is to give up those miscellaneous routes and simply follow the zombie route. After doing simple things to the extreme, there will naturally be a qualitative transformation.

These two routes, the former is to increase the width, and the latter is to increase the height.

How to choose is entirely up to Gao Zhuo himself, and Xu Tong will not interfere.

What he was interested in was Yan Xiaoqi, who didn't look like a gladiator at all, but more like a combat teacher, offering his advice to every challenger.

And these suggestions are definitely not on paper, but Yan Xiaoqi's accumulated combat experience after going through many life and death tests.

Now even Xu Tong felt itchy.

"Wuzhi, what about you!"

Xu Tong signaled Chang Wuju to go up and challenge, Chang Wuju thought for a while, then shook his head: "No!"

He knows his own situation. As a player who purely uses item card abilities, Chang Wuzhi knows very well that he can only spend money if he wants to become stronger, and tries his best to collect enough space-type item cards.

So there was almost no point in running up by myself other than being beaten.

And he has already thought about his next advancement route in his heart, so he doesn't intend to listen to other people's suggestions, no matter how nice the other party's words are.

Xu Tong nodded, since Chang Wuju had already made up his mind, and he didn't force him, so he simply stood up and went off to challenge himself.

But before he stood up from the chair, he suddenly felt a very strong breath appearing in the crowd.

Not only him, many people were shocked by this sudden breath.

"Yan Xiaoqi, you really are a bitch!"

With a long howl, a figure stood up slowly, unraveling his disguise in public, revealing his true face.

It was a young man with black hair and thick eyebrows, and a tall and straight figure. Once the disguise was removed, the strong aura on his body began to spread uncontrollably.

For a while, several people who were closer to the young man let out a muffled sound, and suddenly collapsed to the ground.

This is not the young man's active attack, but the terrifying coercion formed by the huge aura on his body, like a surging tide, sweeping the sky and the earth, making everyone's heart beat faster, and it is very tormenting.

"It's the vice-captain of the Gunners, Judge Meng!"

Many people recognized the identity of the visitor at a glance, and their heartbeats suddenly accelerated.

Some people even couldn't suppress the fear in their hearts, and they got up and ran, with a panicked expression, even through the disguise, they could see their fear of Meng Changsheng.

Because he is not only the deputy head of the gun god group, but also one of the eight evils.

The so-called six groups, two gods, and eight evils.

The first two are not enough to make people fear, but the Eight Great Evils are the recognized demons among the players.

The eight villains are Meng Changsheng, Ke Dazui, Xie Jianfeng, Li Shumei, Meng Daoxuan, Yekuhua, Zhang Tyrant, and Du Wenbai.

Whoever meets these eight people is unlucky.

It can be said that it is better to meet the two gods than to meet the wicked.

Because they are not normal people at all, all of them are psychopaths.

Take Meng Changsheng in front of him as an example. The person who falls into his hands is simply worse than death. It is said that this guy's favorite thing is to combine people and plants to grow all kinds of weird plants.

The most famous one is the maiden fruit he made. The fruit tree is made of the girl's body. Every seven days, the fruit tree will bear fruit, each bright red and clear, and the taste is the body fragrance of the girl.

For this reason, he even cultivated thousands of young girls into his manor, calling it Wanfang Garden.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of his various crimes. It is conceivable how twisted this guy's psychology is.

Such a monster appeared beside him, even in the high-level exhibition area, which made people feel terrified.

I saw Meng Changsheng striding onto the ring: "The leader gave you the token in the hope that you would take the initiative to join the Gunslinger Squad. I didn't expect you to toast and not eat fine wine, so it's okay to save the leader a lot of thought. Hmm... By the way, I plan to cultivate a Wanbao tree recently, but I haven't been able to find a suitable seed, and I think you are pretty good."

Faced with Meng Changsheng's provocation, Yan Xiaoqi remained calm. Ever since he made such a decision, he had already prepared for the worst. not give a damn about.

I saw Yan Xiaoqi smiling and said: "Last time I met a tyrant, he asked me to tell you that in a short while, he is going to tear down your Wanfang Garden and turn your head off to use as a chamber pot."

Hearing the word tyrant, Meng Changsheng's pupils twitched slightly, the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously a few times, his expression sank, and he said, "Do you shave yourself off yourself, or wait for me to do it?"

Yan Xiaoqi sneered, without saying anything, he walked lightly, slid out like an exiled fairy, and went straight to Meng Changsheng in front of him.

Seeing this, instead of taking the initiative to fight, Meng Changsheng backed away slowly, like a cat playing with a mouse, unhurriedly throwing two seeds at his feet.

In an instant, the entire ground trembled violently, and with a bang, countless huge rhizomes rose from the ground, and baby faces slowly accumulated on the smooth rhizomes, with piercing cries from their mouths.

The cries formed a strange sound wave, attacking all around indiscriminately.

Ripples like rain curtains rippled on the barrier protection of the arena.

It's just that although the barrier can filter out the lethality contained in the crying, the ear-piercing sound is still confusing, and it can make people feel dizzy.

"Let's go, I can't take it!!"

Some people couldn't bear the ear-piercing crying and got up to leave quickly.

But the vast majority of people endured the irritable crying and watched intently.

Meng Changsheng's battle against Yan Xiaoqi, although not as good as the Spearman, was still worth the price.

I saw Yan Xiaoqi with his hands behind his back, he didn't care about these cries, and walked up and down, completely unaffected by them.


The huge rhizome drilled out of the ground like a giant python, and the rhizome jumped up, gradually growing pink leaves in midair, followed by huge fruits.

"Hey, Yan Xiaoqi, try this!"

Meng Changsheng stood on a vine, patted the strange tree beside him, and saw that the fruit on it was getting bigger and bigger, and then the fruit cracked open, and three pink and tender humanoid creatures writhed in the fruit, gradually On the ground, to everyone's surprise, the figure in the fruit gradually changed into the appearance of Meng Changsheng.

Not to mention that they are exactly the same, they are like twin brothers.

"Three Meng Changsheng??"

This time everyone was also taken aback.

"Head, are these three illusions??"

Gao Zhuo asked Xu Tong in a low voice.

Xu Tong shook his head, and saw that he opened his eyes and looked at Meng Changsheng, who had been transformed from the three fruits. He found that there was no human vitality in the three fruits, but they had the same aura as Meng Changsheng. an aura.

"Hehe, it really has that kind of meaning!"

Yan Xiaoqi looked at these counterfeit goods, and couldn't help but nodded: "No wonder you can be the deputy head of the gun god group, there should be more than three fruits!"

"If the environment is bigger, you can have as many as you want! But for you, three are enough!!"

Meng Changsheng is obviously a master of the Summoning Flow, so with a wave of his hand, three Meng Changshengs rushed towards Yan Xiaoqi.

Three figures, the same face, but the means are completely different.

I saw Meng Changsheng on the left stepped forward with one step, and with a wave of his hand, he mobilized the huge vines around him to twist together, turning into a big hand covering the sky and pushing all the way horizontally.

Seeing this, Yan Xiaoqi flicked the scabbard in his hand, and a light sword energy suddenly split the big hand in front of him.

But at the moment of splitting, another Meng Changsheng had already killed him from the side.

This Meng Changsheng was obviously good at melee combat, and when he struck out, it was the Buddhist's Demon Suppressing Handprint. It was extremely violent and fierce, like a golden mountain pressing down across the sky. It was so powerful that it made everyone feel ashamed.

Yan Xiaoqi could only dodge sideways, his figure lightly dodged the palm, at the same time he raised the scabbard lightly in his hand, and hit the opponent's head with a blow, the scabbard fell like the earth soaring into the air, thick and majestic, covering everything.

Everyone felt the seemingly beating power, and for a moment, it seemed as if a force had strangled their throats, making everyone watching the battle feel like they were about to suffocate.


With a bang, Meng Changsheng under the scabbard was suddenly crushed to powder by this terrifying force.

Everyone was shocked!
Is this the strength of top players? ?

Xu Tong was shocked in his heart, Yan Xiaoqi hadn't drawn out his sword until now, he just hit with the scabbard as a stick.

In a trance, Xu Tong saw on Yan Xiaoqi the illusion that Master Song was holding a small stick and staring at him reading.

"This guy is teaching Meng Changsheng an education class!!"

What a heart, Xu Tong couldn't help admiring Yan Xiaoqi, he looked at Yan Xiaoqi with his eyes, but he couldn't see through Yan Xiaoqi's strength.

But he noticed that Yan Xiaoqi's luck behind him was in full swing, and his aura penetrated Changhong.

Vaguely, it seems that a unique aura is rapidly taking shape.

"Wait!! This guy probably wants to..."

At this time, Xu Tong's heart suddenly tightened. He quickly took out the certified player's handbook that his sister had given him before, and quickly flipped to the page about the titled player.

When he carefully examined the criteria for obtaining the title player, he was immediately taken aback.

He knew what Yan Xiaoqi was going to do.

"So this is ah."

Xu Tong had a look of sudden realization on his face, and when he looked at Yan Xiaoqi again, his eyes were a little complicated.

"Head, what's the matter with you?" Gu Xi looked around, and after noticing the change in Xu Tong's breathing, he quietly asked Xu Tong.

Xu Tong didn't explain, instead he sneered and said, "Hey, just watch, I'm afraid Yan Xiaoqisandu's title will be changed in a short time, I'm afraid Gunslinger won't come in person today, and I'm afraid it will be too late to regret later .”

While talking, I saw Yan Xiaoqi leisurely walking on the trees and vines, facing the pincer attack of the other two Meng Changsheng, I saw that the scabbard in his hand seemed fast and slow, light and heavy.

When it's fast, it's like lightning, when it's slow, it's about to rot, it's light like a rabbit, and it's heavy like Mount Tai.

No matter how sharp and varied the attacks of the two Meng Changsheng were, in front of Yan Xiaoqi, it was an understatement and vulnerable.

At this moment, Meng Changsheng also began to feel a little terrified. He didn't expect Yan Xiaoqi's strength to improve to such a level, and his expression became serious for a while: "I didn't expect you to really break through to this level!"

"I have already told your head that this day will come."

After Yan Xiaoqi finished speaking, he took a look at Meng Changsheng: "I told you too, your course has gone astray!"

"Go to your uncle, I don't have your turn to teach!"

Hearing this, Meng Changsheng became annoyed immediately. He stomped his feet, and tender tree buds sprouted from his feet, and then pierced into his body.

Immediately, a large area of ​​trees and vines withered, and power poured into Meng Changsheng's body like a vast ocean, intertwining a brilliant and dazzling glare on his body. At this moment, Meng Changsheng seemed to be transformed into a god, and every move would affect the changes in the surrounding space.


However, Yan Xiaoqi was even faster, and his figure appeared in front of Meng Changsheng in a flash, and the scabbard waved against the bright light in front of him, causing Meng Changsheng's body to tremble and almost fell to the ground.

When Meng Changsheng gained a firm foothold, he realized that Yan Xiaoqi hadn't killed him at all, otherwise he would have been injured or killed just now.

Looking up again, Meng Changsheng was really annoyed when Yan Xiaoqi looked at him shaking his head silently. Like a wild dragon in human form, he raised his hands and feet, collapsing the void, and clapped his hands like pulling a mountain and splitting a mountain. , unstoppable.


The arena immediately exploded under Meng Changsheng's fist, and thousands of feet of earth and sand rolled up in the arena. The huge explosion sound could be felt in most of the exhibition area.

For a moment, everyone was shocked by this terrifying power. If Meng Changsheng's power had not been confined to the arena due to the protection of the rules of the exhibition, the arena would have been razed to the ground long ago.

"This power is terrifying! If this is our scripted world this time, even Wansai Musashigen might not be able to withstand Meng Changsheng's fist!"

Facing the absolute disparity in strength, even Gao Zhuo, who had always been stubborn, had no choice but to give in.


At this moment, a crisp buzzing sound suddenly sounded in the arena. Hearing the buzzing sound of drawing the sword, Xu Tong instantly got goosebumps, and suddenly thought of a person in his mind.

"Slaying the dragon with one sword, the wine sword fairy Qingge!"

The moment this thought came into being, the sand and gravel in mid-air suddenly split into two, and the whole world suddenly fell silent.

Half a second later, the gravel fell, and the arena roared like a pot of stew.

After everyone came back to their senses, they realized that the arena had turned into a mess of ruins. Only Yan Xiaoqi was standing on the ruins, but Meng Changsheng could not be seen.


Putting the long sword back into the scabbard, Yan Xiaoqi took out the notebook as usual, quickly wrote a few lines on it, then tossed it with his backhand, and saw the piece of paper flying out of the arena like a bow and arrow, firmly inserted into the entrance and exit. on the post.

Only then did everyone see Meng Changsheng who had already walked in front of the gate.

"It's still the advice I gave you before. Although you don't want to listen to it, I still wrote it out. If you don't want to accept it, just keep it!"

Faced with Yan Xiaoqi's words, Meng Changsheng's expression flickered for a moment, and after gnashing his teeth and glaring at Yan Xiaoqi, he still reached out and pulled out the paper and stuffed it into his pocket.

Then he strode away without looking back.

Now everyone in the auditorium is boiling.

Meng Changsheng lost. This result surprised everyone. What made them even more incredible was that Yan Xiaoqi seemed to have broken through the previous bottleneck, and his strength had risen to a higher level. Killing Meng Changsheng was only a sword.

"It's too scary. Yan Xiaoqi's strength is at least equal to that of Er Shen. No wonder he dares to use the face of the Spear Gods to promote his arena!!"

Some people are belatedly aware.

Yan Xiaoqi's actions today can be regarded as completely offending the Spear Gods.

But the fact that he instantly killed Meng Changsheng with a single sword is enough to prove that he has the capital to compete with the two gods.

"I don't think it may be..."

Some people are more sensible.

The arena's space is too small, which is actually very unpleasant to Meng Changsheng. If the space can be made larger, and Meng Changsheng is given enough space to change the surrounding environment, even if he can't beat Yan Xiaoqi, it won't be so difficult. failed miserably.

This statement attracted some people's approval, but there were also some people who opposed it. Yan Xiaoqi never really made a killing move from the beginning to the end, and he was always teaching Meng Changsheng an educational class. It has far surpassed Meng Changsheng too much.

While everyone was talking about it.

Xu Tong had already stood up and led Gao Zhuo and the others out.

"Head, why don't you try it?"

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo hurriedly asked.

Xu Tong shook his head: "There's no need to try, I think, I almost know how I should break through next."

After watching this battle, Xu Tong has already made an assessment of his strength in his heart, and he is very clear about his shortcomings, so it is a bit of a waste of time to go up and fight now, it is better to wait until he really breaks through. It would be better to come to Yan Xiaoqi to prove his idea.

After everyone walked out of the arena.

Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai went to retreat. Under Yan Xiaoqi's guidance, they already understood the direction of their advancement, and the next step is to follow this direction.

As for Chang Wuzhi, after Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai left, he walked up to Xu Tong with a smile and said, "Lend me something."


"Black Water Dragon Fang!"

Chang Wuzhi is very aware of his situation. Although there are many prop cards in his hand, most of them are unsystematic, so he plans to change his state this time. For him, the dagger set of Heishui Longya has been of great help.

That's why I came to Xu Tong with a straight face.

"Here you are, but not in vain. [-] script points will be sent to the team warehouse."

Xu Tong didn't give it in vain, but the price of [-] scripts can only be said to be symbolic to make Chang Wuzhi feel better.

After getting the black water dragon tooth, Chang Wuzhi ran away in a panic.

For a while, Xu Tong was left alone on the street.

Xu Tong stood on the street, after thinking for a while, he asked the guiding spirit to find a relatively quiet place.

As he walked, he thought in his heart.

"Yan Xiaoqi created this arena, on the one hand, to make himself famous, and on the other hand, to use his own advantages to quickly build up the industry. It can be seen that the higher the level, the more terrifying the consumption of script points. It needs to be planned early, and it happens that Yan Xiaoqi is in front of me, if I build up the property early, the gun gods may not be able to take care of me for a while."

Thinking of this, Xu Tong gradually stopped and looked around. After realizing that there were not many people in this area, Xu Tong took a deep breath and first took out the rainbow lucky potion prepared by Mr. Tai.

This bottle of lucky potion is slightly different from the lucky potion I usually buy from my sister.

After drinking it, you will get a random zodiac blessing.

After taking the potion and taking a sip under the bridge of his nose, Xu Tong felt that the smell was not bad. Just when he was about to take a deep breath, he suddenly remembered something.

Immediately stepped on the foot, and saw the imprint of time appearing on the sole of the foot.

This is just in case, if the draw is not good, I can do it all over again.

Then he raised the bottle in his hand, and after drinking the rainbow lucky potion, he immediately felt that his luck was improving rapidly.

At this time, he heard a creaking sound in his ears, looked up with his eyes, and saw a small hole in his luck.

Then he saw a white mouse covered with gold, silver and precious jade jumping into his luck along with a colorful auspicious cloud.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's heart twitched, and he said in a heartfelt way: "The sky is open to the child, breaking the chaos."

Zishi refers to 23:1 to [-]:[-], it is not only the end of a day, but also the beginning of a new day.

It is a good sign for a new beginning.

With such a strange luck, Xu Tong was not polite, and quickly took out the dream key.

"Ding, are you sure to activate the fantasy key and start a lucky draw!!"

Hearing the prompt, Xu Tong's eyes gradually heated up, took a deep breath and nodded heavily: "Confirm!"

 Because there are a lot of fighting scenes in this episode, I just finished writing it in one go before posting it, it’s a bit late.

(End of this chapter)

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