Infinite script kill

Chapter 874 Flesh Shop

Chapter 874 Flesh Shop
Following Xu Tong's voice of confirmation, the key in his hand flickered suddenly, and a rotating treasure chest appeared in front of Xu Tong.


After turning the box a few times, Xu Tong suddenly felt that his luck had changed. The white mouse in his luck jumped out and got into the box.

After a while, the box stopped, and the white mouse came out again. After throwing something to Xu Tong with its pink paws, it got back into its own luck.

"Ding! Congratulations on winning the first prize!! Get a unique and exclusive land."

Xu Tong was also stunned when a reminder sounded in his ear. He didn't expect that the blessing of the zodiac could be used like this? ? ?
"This is really a good thing. I will ask Mr. Tai for more next time no matter what."

Xu Tong secretly decided that the next time he saw Mr. Tai, he must ask for a few more bottles of Rainbow Lucky Potion, otherwise he would be sorry for his status as a shareholder.

Take another look at the map in your hand.

【Advanced exhibition area division engineering drawing】

Xu Tong unfolded the drawing, and saw that the drawing suddenly turned into dots of fluorescence and scattered, and a set of three-dimensional models was constructed in front of Xu Tong.

Most of the areas are marked as red areas, which means they have been selected.

The blue area represents options, but not much room.

The yellow area is the most, and the environment of each area is very large, but the place is slightly remote.

For example, Longxu Cave obviously belongs to the yellow area.


Now Xu Tong is in a bit of trouble. Naturally, the bigger the property, the better, but if it is separated from the prosperous area, the competitiveness will be very poor, especially in the early stage. The place.

But now it seems that the real core circle area has basically been occupied.

The place that made him jealous the most was Mochizuki Epiphyllum of the Spear God Group, good guy, I didn't see it before, but now I took a look at the blueprint, Mochizuki Epiphyllum occupies a huge area, and it is still standing in the very center.

Followed by the casino, Dao Tea House, Bugui Tangquan and other shops, there is almost no place left for him in the central area.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Tong had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, choose the next blue location, pick and choose, and finally chose a piece of land in a slightly off-center place.

The place is not too big, but it is facing the street, because it is at the opposite corner of the crossroads, forming a triangle, opening the door for business, talking about the golden corner and silver edge. In places like Cross Street, the street facing the corner at the opposite corner is all gold. road section.

Ordinarily this is a good place, but it is so vacant that no one cares about it. It is not unreasonable, because although it is on the opposite corner, it is a narrow door.

Hang a signboard, the kind where the plaque can be half a meter across.

As the saying goes, do not open shops with narrow doors, and do not open stores with secret doors.

It is for this reason that the position has remained vacant.

Xu Tong didn't care about the width of the door, as he had only one piece of his own business, and this store was enough.

So I chose this place decisively.

"Ding! You have obtained the ownership of the land, and you can buy the property you need here."

"Ding! This location is an unpopular location, and the exhibition is willing to give you a grand opening gift package as compensation, please check it yourself!"

"There is also a big gift bag!!"

Xu Tong scratched his head, this was an unexpected surprise, and then the map in front of him gradually gathered, and finally condensed into a bronze key, which was the proof of the industry.

"Ding, this property is a private property. If you don't designate an heir, once you die, the property will be inherited by team members!"

Xu Tong nodded when he heard the prompt, then put away the keys, and checked the so-called grand opening gift package from the item book.

【Opening spree】

Privilege 1: Reception of Elf Ads

When you open your business, you can use this privilege, and the fairies will do a promotion for your products.

Privilege 2: Large screen advertising
When you open your business, you can use this privilege to frequently display your product information in the trading area above the high-level exhibition area.

(Note: You can only choose one of the above two privileges)

"Oh, so this is the grand opening gift package."

Xu Tong nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly realized something in his heart. He raised his head and looked at the reception elf beside him: "Before you told me that Yan Xiaoqi's public duel with the gun god was an advertisement?"

The reception elf nodded frankly: "Yes, master."

"So, how much does an advertisement cost?" Xu Tong continued to ask.

"There are different standards. For the same sentence, depending on the amount you pay, the way we tell the master is different."

Xu Tong immediately became interested when he heard it: "For example?"

"For example, if you advertise a product to me, in the case of the minimum standard, we will only tell you as news when you are free, the master. If it is a medium standard, we will report to you with a slightly surprised expression, high Standard, we will unify the speaking skills to ensure that you are interested in the owner at the first time, and a promotional photo will be attached."

"Heh, it's quite humane."

Xu Tong asked the prices of the three standards with a smile, only to find out that the cost was ridiculously high.

Low standards require [-] script points to start.

The medium standard requires [-] screenplay points.

Higher standards require [-] script points.

Hearing this number, Xu Tong suddenly wanted to take back the words just now, one hundred thousand script points, is it humane? ?If you don't do a striptease, I feel sorry for the price.

Talking to the guide elf, while walking, he arrived in front of the land he bought after a while, took out the key and opened the door.

A reminder sound came from the item book.

"You already have your own industry in the exhibition area, and every time you enter the advanced exhibition area, you can go directly back to your own industry room, and you only need to set up your master bedroom here.

You can choose to leave eight buddies and one partner in the industry. The buddies can be selected from your own team and sub-team, or you can recruit yourself, even pets.

As your unique property, you can embed property props into the property, or take it away at any time. As props embedded in the property, no one else can use it without your authorization. "

Following the sound of the reminder, the door opened, Xu Tong walked in and took a look, the space inside was indeed not small.

And there are more than one floor, the upper three, the lower two.

With this area, if it weren't for the narrow facade, it would be easy to build a restaurant.

"Big Ya!!"

Xu Tong called softly, motioned Da Ya and the others to come out, and asked them to be responsible for cleaning the inside.

He called out the item book by himself, took out the small book from before, and drew an X on the line that said the key to unlock the dream.

It's a pity that something happened to the casino and it is now banned. Otherwise, with my current luck, it would be a pity not to go to the casino to gamble.

Then he called to fetch the elf: "I want to buy a flesh and blood body, is there any place to sell it?"

Xu Tong remembered that there seemed to be a killing shop in the low-level exhibition area, which was dedicated to killing people for fun. From this point of view, there should be similar places in the high-level exhibition area, and maybe there are flesh bodies that can be sold.

"Yes, there is a shop called Blood and Flesh Hall in the northwest corner, which specializes in selling this." The guiding elf said.

Hearing that it was indeed for sale, Xu Tong asked Da Ya and the others to clean the store first, and then sent the location of the property to Gao Zhuo and others before heading to the Flesh Hall.

The reason why he is so eager is that he has already figured out his future path to advancement.

Before that, the matter of Amota must be resolved as soon as possible.

When he came to the entrance of the hall of flesh and blood, Xu Tong smelled a strong smell of blood. When he walked in, he saw the familiar style of painting.

I saw a mouthful of coffins neatly placed in the shop.

In each coffin, there is probably one person lying quietly in it.

No matter how you look at this scene, it is so similar to the soul coffin shop in the ghost city.

"Hello, guest officer, what do you need, guest officer?"

Seeing a customer coming to the door, the shopkeeper immediately went forward, looked at Xu Tong's body with his eyes glistening, and couldn't help but praised: "It's a pure yang disaster fighting body. If the guest officer wants to sell this Flesh, I am willing to give you a satisfactory price!"

Xu Tong was startled, he didn't expect that the shopkeeper could ignore his disguise and directly see through his physical condition.

Surprised, but also inevitably bored.

Seeing that Xu Tong was silent, the shopkeeper immediately realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly made amends: "Hehe, the guest officer doesn't know something. I have committed an occupational disease. Don't be as knowledgeable as me. Please come in, please come in."

As he spoke, he yelled to the guy behind the hall: "Serve tea!!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong stepped into the shop, and just sat down, the waiter brought tea.

"Guest officer, our store is an old store, so some rules of the exhibition are useless to us, so we can see your true face at a glance. Please forgive me if I offend you."

The shopkeeper picked up the teacup, took a sip, and explained to Xu Tong.

The so-called original store refers to the store that existed when the exhibition just started.

Strictly speaking, they are the merchants in the exhibition. As for the businesses opened by players, although there are a lot of them, if they are really weird, they are far from being comparable to these original shops.

Xu Tong nodded, expressing his understanding.

At this time, the shopkeeper continued: "Since the guest officer is not here to sell the flesh body, he is buying the flesh body. We have flesh bodies of various strange bloodlines in our store, as well as top-notch immortal bodies. As long as the price is right, you will be satisfied."

Although he was introduced by the Yinling Spirit on the way here, after hearing what the shopkeeper said, Xu Tong was still very surprised: "Do you have any kind of body?"

"Of course!"

The shopkeeper took out a booklet and handed it to Xu Tong.

Xu Tong opened it, and his eyelids twitched slightly.

The booklet is a list of more than ten kinds of physical bodies, and records the characteristics of each physical body in detail, such as height, bloodline, whether there are hidden diseases, and so on.

The level of detail, I am afraid that those organ traffickers will be ashamed when they see it.

After flipping through a few pages, there are indeed some flesh bodies with unique physiques for sale here.

For example, a little girl with an exquisite body and a natural Dao charm can cultivate dozens of times faster than ordinary people.

There is also a young man who has the blood of a bull demon. When he is angry, he can transform into a bull demon and has the power of nine bulls to open mountains.

These are also appetizers.

Xu Tong turned back and found a person with double pupils.

Born with double pupils, she has mysterious and unpredictable powers.

"Do you even have double pupils??"

Now he was really shocked. He had experienced how terrifying double pupils are.

I met once in the script world, the other party was just a little boy, if he hadn't pointed me out, I might have chosen the wrong pottery vat sooner, and ended up in a disastrous end.

Not to mention that little boy, it was Blind Kang, the Chief Dianjin, who also had double pupils, but unfortunately his eyes were already blind, and the double pupils were incomplete.

It can be seen how strong a person with double pupils is.

"Yes, but these are not real double pupils, but false double pupils. You can read clearly on the back."

The boss smiled and pointed to the sentence written on the back of the booklet.

Hearing this, Xu Tong hurriedly looked back.

Sure enough, there is a paragraph clearly written below: "Although there are double pupils, they are not real double pupils. You can only use double pupils twelve times in a lifetime. Every time you use them, you will be punished by God. After twelve times, your life span It has been shortened to one month, and it has been used three times so far!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't help feeling a little sorry.

Taking a look at the price, this body is not cheap, it needs 30 script points and eight gold badges before it is willing to sell.

After all, the ability of double pupils is too heaven-defying.

Even though there are only nine opportunities to use this physical body, it is still extremely precious.

Xu Tong continued to turn back, and after turning two pages, a flesh body appeared in front of him.

"This is it!"

Amota's voice came to Xu Tong's mind, apparently he had been paying attention to this matter silently, and when he saw the flesh body in front of him, his voice suddenly became excited.

(End of this chapter)

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