Infinite script kill

Chapter 888 Being Targeted

Chapter 888 Being Targeted
What is the way to increase the probability of success of strengthening, A-mei didn't say anything, but just asked Xu Tong to wait.

Fortunately, Xu Tong himself is not in a hurry. The overall blessing of Chunyang Sword +9 to him is already at its peak.

Going up, unless you break through the fairyland, you really can't control it.

It's not easy to break through the Earth Immortal.

Entrance to the Tao is true, becoming a heavenly man, cutting the Tao to the earthly immortal, and joining the Tao to ascend.

Of these four thresholds, one is higher than the other.

The hurdle of self-cutting Dao is to rely on swallowing pills and forcibly improving. As for joining Dao, there is a long way to go, and it is definitely not something that can be achieved overnight.

Just thinking about it, there is a long way to go.

Soon, Gao Zhuo and the others also rushed back, and started to study and tinker around the Dream Rubik's Cube one by one.

Before Xu Tong never said that this thing can strengthen items, they thought it could only strengthen medicine pills. Now seeing Xu Tong's Chunyang Sword strengthened to +9, the eyeballs are red.

Xu Tong didn't care about them, but just told them that if they really wanted to strengthen it and they didn't have enough scripts, they might as well sell some of those [Nine Oxen Rhinoceros Pills].

[Nine Oxen Rhinoceros Elephant Pill] is the product of Zhang Lao, who is full of moon and epiphyllum, and spent 800 million script points to create a product.

If you really follow the process of the contract, let alone the cost, you may not be able to earn even a fraction of it.

So Xu Tong's approach is to queue up every day to limit sales, but the people waiting in line, except for a very few lucky ones, can't buy pills at all. Most of the pills are directly purchased by him at the contract price. .

Then they changed hands and increased the price to tens of thousands of scripts and sold them out.

After all, under these conditions, not being a scalper is a real blood loss.

So calculated, at least three-quarters of the 800 million business is Xu Tong's profit.

With Xu Tong's instruction, more and more [Nine Oxen Rhinoceros Pills] were sold at a higher price in the next few days.

As a result, everyone scolded Dimen, one of the six regiments, and his scalper regiment as devastated, eating so ugly, and even the pharmacy business of Dimen's subordinates plummeted.

This incident really made the scalpers stomp their feet in anger, and it was really lying on their backs.

But there is no way, who made their scalper group's reputation so bad, it's hard for them not to blame them even if they want to.

The business of Laojunfang is also getting better and better. At least a large number of [Zaozao Pills] are purchased every day, which can be exchanged for a large amount of script points.

Xu Tong and the others took advantage of this gap to concentrate on strengthening and improve their strength as quickly as possible.

Of course, what's more, a group of people gather together to study the content of the next script world.

According to the master, they will re-enter the script world, but the content of this experience will deviate from the script to a certain extent. The most important thing is that the script they have is actually incomplete. The route of the players in the previous round gave them a script analysis.

Five low-level officers and soldiers hold heavy treasures, and they have to face the pursuit of various forces along the way, and they also have to face the black hands in the court.

The last team that participated in this script chose to disguise themselves as ordinary people all the way, and avoided several larger battlefields, but was still chased and killed by the Jianghu sect and jumped up and down.

In the end, he escaped back to the city with great difficulty. With the credit of beheading the enemy general, he managed to gain a firm foothold. Then he was suppressed by the black hands in the court, and after being forced to participate in several battles, he suffered extremely heavy losses.

Everyone sat at the table and frowned as they looked at the script in front of them.

"The starting point is too low!" Chang Wuzhi spoke first.

"That's not enough, the starting point of our last script was not high." Gu Xibai seemed a little indifferent to this.

In the end, Chang Wuzhi gave him a straight look: "The difficulty of the last script world was not high, and because of the times at that time, we did not have hierarchical enemies. This time the script world is ancient, and it looks like it should be turbulent In the era of continuous wars, serious class solidification, and a low starting point, it means that we have to run around for our lives, and the difficulty is not ordinary."

"Forget, before you joined the team, you were still a black boxer!"

Gao Zhuo snickered beside him, making Gu Xibai's face turn red and white.

When everyone was discussing, A-Mei pushed open the door, signaled Xu Tong to come out, and then said in a low voice, "The people from the Spear God Squad are here."

"Old man Zhang?"

"Well, it seems to have brought some other people."

Hearing what Amei said, Xu Tong probably guessed the purpose of Old Zhang's visit, so he nodded and followed Amei downstairs.

"Mr. Zhang! You are here. Why, do you want to pay for the pill?"

Once downstairs, Xu Tong changed his face and greeted him enthusiastically.

After all, this is the big customer of their Laojunfang. Xu Tong still has a good impression of Zhang Lao. After all, whether it is the Enlightenment Pill or the Nine Oxen Rhinoceros Pill, Zhang Lao, an angel investor, has invested a lot of money in himself. up.

In fact, although Mr. Zhang couldn't see Xu Tong's real face, just hearing his voice made him feel tired.

The Enlightenment Pill is 400 million, plus the following 800 million.

Tens of millions of points for the script were almost sent to this kid for nothing. If Zhang Lao didn't hate him in his heart, he would be called hell.

But hate turns to hate, but it doesn't affect Zhang Lao's importance to Lao Junfang.

The successful establishment of the pharmaceutical guild this time is thanks to Xu Tong's Laojunfang.

Otherwise, even if I raised 800 million yuan, I wouldn't be able to achieve my goal at all. In comparison, the [-] million script points that fell on Lao Junfang were nothing.

It can only be said that in the face of interests, no one is an eternal enemy, and no one is an eternal friend.

Therefore, in the face of Xu Tong's warm greeting, Mr. Zhang could only respond with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry about the elixir, just three things today."

Zhang Lao sat down with a smile on his face, took a sip of the tea brought to the table by his sister, and frowned slightly, obviously not used to the taste of tea.

"Oh, those three things?"

Xu Tong didn't go around in circles, and asked after sitting down.

"Haha, it's a good thing that benefits both sides. I've seen the [Reconstruction Pill] sample you submitted. The cost of strengthening this thing is not high."

The old man Zhang didn't elaborate on what it was, but changed the subject and talked about Rezao Pill.

"It's really not high. The cost plus the elixir is a total of a hundred script points."

Xu Tong was very frank with Mr. Zhang, and directly disclosed the cost of the reconstituted pill without hiding it.

Hearing this number, several people behind Mr. Zhang were surprised.

Xu Tong picked up the teacup and glanced at the two people behind Old Zhang. These two were obviously players of the Gunslinger, otherwise they would not be hidden by the black mist camouflage.

Although the old man Zhang admired Xu Tong's frankness, when he heard such a low cost price, he still couldn't help cursing inwardly: "Businessman!"

However, besides cursing, it was inevitable that he would cast admiring glances at the boss of Laojunfang in front of him.

From Enlightenment Pill to Re-Creation Pill, it is not an exaggeration to describe every item of this kid as profiteering. I am afraid that it is because of the matter of Enlightenment Pill last time that this kid accumulated capital so quickly to open Laojunfang here.

Zhang Lao’s conjecture can’t be wrong, but if there is no dream key, Zhang Lao man is almost right, at least Xu Tong had this idea before getting the dream key, otherwise he would not deposit the money into the team storehouse.

"Sure enough, it is similar to what I thought. It is no wonder that those people's application for arbitration against Laojunfang has no effect."

After Zhang Lao finished speaking, he continued; "Your old Junfang will not rely on pills to make money in the future, right?"

Sensing that Mr. Zhang was testing him, Xu Tong immediately became vigilant and pretended to be confused: "Mr. Mr. Zhang, why would you say that, I don't rely on this for food, what do I eat, my small business can only rely on Strengthen some junk medicine to make a living."

Until now, Xu Tong didn't want to expose the information that Dream Rubik's Cube can strengthen other items, at least not yet, and he would consider further opening up the service of strengthening items when the overall strength of their team reached the ability to protect themselves.

"I'm afraid it's not just that." Zhang Lao squinted at Xu Tong, and said meaningfully: "The name Laojunfang is good, Laojun Bagua Furnace, alchemy can also be used to make treasures, and the master of everything is worthy of this name."

Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat,

Sure enough, the Gunners can become bigger and stronger, and their subordinates are definitely not mediocre. They can see the characteristics of the Magic Cube so quickly, which is the last thing Xu Tong wants to see.

At this time, Mr. Zhang suddenly changed his voice, and instead of continuing to entangle with this matter, he took out a purchase contract: "The first thing I came here was to purchase all the [Reconstructed Pills] from Laojunfang."

When he said this, Mr. Zhang paused on purpose, and added: "This time, they are all strengthened. I want as many as I have."

Now Xu Tong was a little confused.

I don't know if my Rezao Pill has hit Zhang Lao's sore spot again, making him frantically purchase it like this.

"Hey, I know what you're thinking. The pharmaceutical trade union has been established. The turmoil during the exhibition period needs to be subsided. [Zao Zao Dan] we purchase at the original price and sell it at a price that exceeds the original price by 60.00%. After the sale, we will give you 30.00% The profit, so the price will be much higher than if you sell it alone."

It has to be said that this is indeed a win-win cooperation.

The trade union has verified the authority, the price war of major pharmacies will end, and the turmoil of Zaozaodan will subside, but Xu Tong can still make a lot of money.

But Xu Tong didn't nod his head in agreement, but instead asked, "What about the second thing?"

"Our team leader is willing to pay you [-] million yuan to obtain the exclusive enhancement rights of the Gun God Group. You can still earn the enhancement money. It only takes four quarters for the exclusive enhancement rights to end, and whoever can strengthen them will do."

Mr. Zhang took out the second contract and put it on the table. On this contract, there were [-] million script bonus tickets shining brightly.

He always throws money at others, but today Xu Tong is throwing money at others.

With a script score of [-] million yuan, even knowing that the future of Laojunfang is boundless, Xu Tong was a little dazzled for a while.

Besides, this money is not included in the strengthening fee, and the Gun God Group will inevitably be strengthened on a large scale in the future, and the amount of money he will earn will be even more.


In an instant, Xu Tong began to think that in the future, he would wear a +9 suit all over his body, and his underpants would all be shiny gold.

Just a moment later, Xu Tong still maintained his rationality, and immediately continued to pretend to be stupid: "The Gunners want to strengthen the potion, and our Laojunfang naturally welcomes it. After all, this is our Laojunfang's strength."

Seeing that Xu Tong was still dead and stubborn at this time, Mr. Zhang couldn't help but secretly admired that the two hundred million scripts were sent to him for nothing. It's really hard to find people who haven't lost their minds yet.

So he took out the third contract and put it on the table.

"In the core area, there is a large open space, which is the place of our Gunslinger Group, and the [-]% stake in the refinery, plus the [-]% stake in Mochizuki Epiphyllum, and the [-]% stake in Sanxian Pharmaceutical. Shares, exchange for [-]% of your shares in Laojunfang, thirty for ten, little brother, these are enough to show the sincerity of our Gunslinger Squad."

It's earned, it's a blood earning.

Taking this contract outside is enough to make other teams who are also in the Sixth Regiment envious.

The gun god group occupies too many resources. Although the six groups are neck and neck in name, the real gap is extremely huge. These three industries bring huge profits every quarter.

Especially after the establishment of the pharmaceutical trade union, the pricing power is held by Zhang Lao. As far as the industry of Sanxian Pharmacy is concerned, the income may not be less than that of Laojunfang.

However, when Xu Tong looked at the third contract, his mood suddenly became bad.

By doing this, the Gunslinger Group obviously wanted to step in.

This behavior is disgusting.

It's like a game company that has just developed a 3A masterpiece, and immediately relied on its own traffic and capital to poach the wall like crazy. Seeing that the effect is not good, it simply started buying your shares abruptly.

Ten percent of the shares is not much, and it will not even affect the operation of Laojunfang. After all, I hold the majority of the shares in my hands, and the other party has no ability to restrain all my actions.

But when this foot came in, Laojunfang was like stripping off his underpants for others to see clearly.

At that time, all the things in Laojunfang will be shining brightly under their noses.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong's expression gradually turned pale.

He closed his eyes, the seven orifices of his heart were beating, and his thoughts gradually began to clear up.

Buying the elixir seems to be a blood profit, but it is actually a blood loss. If the elixir is sold to them, and they sell it at a high price, the reputation of Laojunfang will drop instantly.

The so-called monopoly is actually a pretense to test yourself, and the [-] million script points are the fist that hits you in the face, paving the way for the third thing. After all, the money has been thrown in the face, and many people will subconsciously relax their vigilance .

It's really a bold wrist, and most people really can't stand it.

After all, no matter how you look at it, this is giving you money.

But once you agree, you will be tied to the other party's wheel, and if you want to get off, the price you pay may be too high.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong took a deep breath, suppressed the evil fire in his heart, and said to Zhang Lao with a smile: "Zhang Lao, the sincerity of the sharp gun map is full, I know it, but Lao Junfang still has a major shareholder, These three things, I need to report to the major shareholders before I can give an explanation.”

Xu Tong's refusal and refusal made Zhang Lao feel a little troublesome: "[-] million in cash is thrown in front of him, is this kid really not tempted at all?"

"Of course, I also know that Mr. Zhang is difficult to do, so let's do it. [Reconstruction Pills] will be sold in limited quantities today, but I am willing to give you a [-]% discount for the [Reconstruction Pills] purchased by your group."

Speaking of which, Xu Tong glanced at Amei, who immediately took out the ledger knowingly: "I still have [-] [Zaozao Pills] in the warehouse. If you want all of them, I will pack them for you right away."

Seeing that Xu Tong and A-Mei started to make peace with each other, Old Zhang knew that today's trip was going to be an empty trip.

But he is not an ordinary person, seeing that things can't be done, he simply pushes the boat along and accepts 4000 reconstituted pills.

After calculating the payment, Amei put together the sales price of [Jiu Niu Rhinoceros Pill], and flipped the abacus a few times at random: "Sir, I don't need any fraction, let's get a 260% discount on the wholesale price, [-] million Screenplay points are enough."

Well, I came here and punched an empty fist, but instead posted 265 million script points, the old man Zhang also had to sigh in his heart, the price of this sugar-coated shell is a bit too expensive.

After paying the money and taking the elixir, the old man Zhang urged Xu Tong to ask the opinions of the major shareholders as soon as possible, and then he left Laojunfang with his people.

Only after the old man Zhang left, Amei smiled and praised Xu Tong: "I thought you would be blindsided by the old fox's money, but you, the boss, are really smart. I'm afraid." You agreed in a daze."

"Hmph, that old thing is just bullying me and I haven't seen big money now."

Xu Tong curled his lips: "When I slowly open up the service market for power-up items, two hundred million? One billion I don't care!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Tong rolled his eyes, glared at Amei and said, "Okay, you can see that this old guy is setting a trap for me, and you don't remind me, be careful, I will punish you to be a doorman! "

"Where is this? There will be more sugar-coated shells in the future. There will always be a time when I am not around. Today is a little memory for you, otherwise I am really afraid that your tail will go to the sky."

A-mei also responded politely.

The two complained to each other for a while, and Xu Tong's face gradually became serious: "The Gunners have already started eyeing me, and the other teams will sooner or later. It seems that our progress will speed up."

After saying that, Xu Tong went back to the room and continued to study the strategy of the script with Gao Zhuo and others.

On the other side, the three of Zhang Laotou were walking on the street.

"I'm old, I'm old, and the methods in my hands are almost out of date. No wonder people don't agree. In the end, we are still stingy."

Zhang Lao seemed to be talking to himself.

The two people around him let out a burst of hearty laughter: "Hahaha, let me just say, if you drop [-] million, I'm afraid you won't be able to open the door of others, and you are afraid of scaring the snake. If it were me, I would just drop [-] billion!" , Guaranteed to fool him."

"One billion, my little genius, are you going to let the entire gun god group eat dirt in the next few seasons?"

The man on the other side whispered.

The guy who was jokingly called a genius by men stuck out his tongue when he heard the words: "Oh, I forgot, our group's current reserve fund is not enough for one billion."

At this time Zhang Lao stopped suddenly, looked back at Laojunfang, and lowered his voice:
"This kid is too shrewd. He just ate the sugar-coated cannonball and kicked the cannonball back. We bought his elixir, but this kid still refuses to stop selling it, only willing to limit it. If the elixir in our hands If you sell it at a high price, you will be scolded like a pig and a dog like Dimen."

As he said that, Mr. Zhang could only look at the man beside him; "What do you mean, Deputy Chief?"

The man who was honored by Mr. Zhang as the chief deputy just smiled and said, "No rush, just wait for the leader to come back and let him touch this soft nail..."

 Tomorrow, I will take a day off, look at the dynasty and background selected in the new dungeon, and sort out the plot outline.

(End of this chapter)

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