Chapter 889
"Boss, why aren't you here yet? It's already noon, why don't we go and remind you!"

"Yeah, this guy is in the script hall, and it only takes a minute to come to the exhibition!!"

Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai stood guard in front of the door, looking out with their necks raised.

The two look forward to the stars and the moon, who do they look forward to?Of course it is the shareholder of Laojunfang, Mr. Tai.

It was not without reason that the two were so anxious, because today was a big day, and the trial camp for a quarter had finally come to an end. According to the agreement, it was time to start dividing the money.

"What's the hurry, what should come will always come, and it's not too late."

Xu Tong was sitting on a chair with a big cigarette stick in one hand, smoking one puff after another, only to see that there were already four or five soot on the ground.

In fact, he was also worried.

Because I have no money, after strengthening the Chunyang Sword, I only have 12 script points left in my hand.

12 script points, sounds like a lot.

Even before there is no industry, this money is considered rich.

But now, Xu Tong can't see this money, it's not enough to strengthen it.

He lent the money to Chang Wuzhi and the other three, and now he really didn't have any money in his pocket.

As for the money for selling [Nine Oxen Rhinoceros Pill], let alone mention it.

This kind of elixir is not cheap to sell at the cost price, and the price of more than 1 pills is thrown out, and there are very few people who buy it now.

Many people immediately cut off the idea when they saw the price.

This also led to more and more [Nine Oxen Rhinoceros Pills] flowing out of the market, and fewer and fewer people bought it.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand.

Just like domestic mobile phones in reality, a group of customers are attracted by the lowest price at the beginning, and gradually the product starts to upgrade, the price rises, and the number of people who buy it gradually decreases.

But it doesn't mean that this thing can't be sold. After all, the medicinal effect of [Nine Oxen Rhinoceros Pill] is still extremely amazing. At critical moments, it can explode with extraordinary combat power, enough to turn the tables against the wind.

Therefore, there are not a few people who buy it, but they just want to make a quick profit in a very short period of time like [Rezao Pill], so they can only digest it slowly with time.

Although the money collected is not small.

Even taking it outside can be regarded as a windfall.

But the money was in the hands of the three of Gao Zhuo, and they didn't even keep it for 10 minutes. In addition to the more than [-] script points borrowed from Xu Tong, they all threw it into the Dream Rubik's Cube in one go.

These three guys are like gamblers, and their eyes have long been red.

Thanks to the fact that they now have a family background, and the industry behind them is Laojunfang, otherwise the team would have turned into a bunch of poor ghosts long ago.

But if their team is like this, let alone other teams.

Even if you join the Sixth Regiment and become a team affiliated with the Sixth Regiment, to be honest, it is already the limit for each member to be able to strengthen one item to +6.

As for +9, unless they are the first-line core members of the six regiments, there are really few people with such a large financial resources.

What?Too expensive?You think it's expensive, but I don't think it's too expensive. Without adding a fraction to your enhancement fee, it's already worthy of their title of conscientious merchant.


At this time, Gao Zhuo suddenly regained his energy, and saw Mr. Tai walking in the crowd, and immediately went up to him, with an enthusiastic demeanor, just like the 50-year-old mother Sang on the street, which made Mr. Tai feel uncomfortable .

After entering the door, Mr. Tai sat down and said to Xu Tong: "Sorry for being late, I..."

"Don't, let's stop talking about being polite, just be polite for a while, these three can pounce on you!"

Xu Tong pointed to the three Chang Wuju who were standing beside Mr. Tai, and waved to A-Mei: "Elder Sister, check the account."

The corner of Mr. Tai's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.

A-mei took out the closed ledger and began to calculate all the income for this quarter.

"In the first quarter of the trial operation, due to the exemption from paying taxes and fees, after paying the fixed wages of each of me, Amota, Facai, and Jixiang, the total profit reached 160 million."

Hearing this number, even Xu Tong couldn't help shaking his fingers, knowing that it was making money, but he didn't expect it to be so profitable.

As for Gao Zhuo and the others, after being dazed for a few seconds, they were so excited that they were about to jump up.

One by one, they danced and danced like they won the lottery.

Twenty-three million, even Mochizuki Epiphyllum, the most profitable of the Gun God Group, is far less than half of this number in one quarter.

Of course, the reason why Laojunfang made so much money this quarter is because of the impact of [Zaizao Pill] on the market, causing most players to follow suit and buy.

It is equivalent to squeezing the profits of other pharmacies. To put it bluntly, Laojunfang has sucked in these pharmacies.

Another part of the reason is purely an accident. For example, there is a large amount of income here, which comes from Zhang Lao's luxurious orders.

Without this luxurious order, the bill this time might not be so exciting.

"Not bad, better than I thought."

Mr. Tai is also very satisfied with the income of Laojunfang. He invested 20.00% of the shares, which means [-]% of the five profit dividends, which is also a blood-earned income.

"160 million will remain in the account as a reserve fund. The remaining 2000 million will be shared by Mr. Tai with 500 million script points, and the other 500 million will go to the boss. If you have no objections, please sign."

Amei sent the ledger to the two of them, and after they signed and confirmed, the money on the ledger was distributed to them immediately.

500 million script points, this amount of money is indeed a sky-high price.

But when he thought of the three wolf cubs waiting to be fed, squatting aside and staring at him with green eyes, Xu Tong couldn't express his joy at all, so he threw 900 million scripts into the team warehouse.

"Save it, you can't become a fat man with one mouthful, three hundred per person, save some flowers, don't forget that the next script is about to start, keep some in your hand, and after you spend it, I won't lend you any more."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, the three wolf cubs groaned, turned around and rushed into the basement to continue burning money for strengthening.

"Hehehe, this thing is a money-burning hole, let alone you, when I played it before, I almost bankrupted myself."

Mr. Tai understood the mood of Gao Zhuo and the others very well.

Just like when I got the dream Rubik's Cube.

It wasn't until he realized that the extent to which this thing burned money was a terrifying bottomless pit that he sealed it up.

"Yeah, during that time, you were so poor that even our wages were deducted."

A-mei brought a cup of tea and put it on the table, and she began to mock again.

"Hey, didn't you make it up later?"

Mr. Tai likes the tea made by Amei very much. He hasn't had it in a while, and he misses it very much.

"Hmph, the interest hasn't been calculated yet." A-mei snorted coldly: "I'm curious, how did you keep strengthening the thing you strengthened at that time, isn't there a probability of failure?"

Mr. Tai raised his brows slightly when he heard this, and looked at Xu Tong who was sitting beside him smoking a cigarette.

The white eyelashes blinked a few times and said with a sneer: "It's really a girl who doesn't want to stay. She started to work hard for the new boss so soon."

"Then let's settle the interest in arrears. Do you want us to settle the score?"

A-mei picked up the abacus on the table, and Mr. Tai quickly waved his hand when he saw this: "No, I will pay you back for this calculation. Actually, the method is not difficult..."

Speaking of this, Mr. Tai looked at Xu Tong with a bit of expectation in his eyes.

"Using blessing oil can offset and reduce the probability of failure, but it can only be reduced to less than 90.00% at most. If the level of enhancement exceeds thirteen, the effect of blessing oil will be greatly reduced. At this time, you need to make a cushion. The maximum If you can reach level [-], you will have a failure rate of [-]% if you go higher, there is almost no way to get it down, and it all depends on luck at this time."

Xu Tong sat aside, and he couldn't help being surprised when he heard the news.

Surprisingly, Mr. Tai strengthened an item to level [-].

If this thing is strengthened to level [-], it will be a real artifact, but how much will it cost?

Taking Chunyang Sword as an example, Xu Tong roughly calculated that it would cost about 6000 million yuan.

6000 million. With the current earning power of Laojunfang, even if there is a profit of 2000 million every quarter, it will take at least [-] quarters to earn this money.

Almost a year.

It took him a little over a year to become a player.

Although the player's strength is very strong, in fact, the real life span is very short. After all, no one can guarantee that he can come back alive in the next script world.

Therefore, the average lifespan of a player is probably less than three years.

And this is just the cost of strengthening. What is the blessing oil in Mr. Tai's mouth and the so-called cushion? Mr. Tai explained these things in detail, but thinking with his toes, this thing will not be cheap.

So the real price is probably far more than [-] million.

Sure enough, no amount of money is enough.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong felt a little shaken in his heart, thinking whether to agree to Zhang Lao's conditions.

Of course, this is just thinking about it. After all, Laojunfang is still in the trial camp stage. After slowly opening up the enhanced ability, the money will only increase. It's really not worthwhile to be bound to the gun gods.

After receiving the dividend, Mr. Tai seemed to be in a good mood. After chatting with Xu Tong for a while, he mentioned that there would be a big auction tomorrow: "Now that you have money in your hands, you might as well go and try it out. Among the items in these auctions, Mostly high-end goods."

"Don't go!"

Xu Tong rolled his eyes, and now he wished he could split the script into two halves for use, and he had no interest in the auction that Mr. Tai was talking about.

"Ha, it's up to you whether you go or not, I'm leaving, and I'll bring you some good things when the next quarter's settlement is made!"

Mr. Tai is very clear about Xu Tong's mood now. After all, he and his attitude were exactly the same at the beginning, and he wanted to spend all his money on the blade.

After seeing off Mr. Tai, Xu Tong heard Gao Zhuo's screams coming from the basement, and couldn't help sighing, suddenly feeling guilty for opening Pandora's box.

"Fortunately, even if the Pandora's Box is really opened, all the players will roll with me!"

Thinking of this, Xu Tong suddenly felt that his conscience was much more comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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