Infinite script kill

Chapter 899 Ambition

Chapter 899 Ambition
Ge Zhuo was betting, betting on his own life.

Although General Yang had told him that he would attack the camp with a cavalry tonight.

But where did the cavalry come from? ?
Did it fall from the sky?
Ge Zhuo himself had question marks in his mind, but he still chose to trust Yang Hong because he had no choice.

I am not a smart person, but I am by no means a fool. The four people around Xu Tong possess unique skills, and they must be first-class masters in the world.

Just like that dog thief surnamed Lu, he was so successful that he rushed forward alone, causing [-] of their brothers to be made dumplings by the Beiman. Walk away among the barbarians.

According to him, the strength of the four people around General Yang was not inferior to that mysterious master. In other words, if they wanted to break through, they would have been able to leave in style, so why bother them.

Obviously General Yang was helping them and was willing to give them a way out.

If they don't desperately grab this life-saving straw, are they supposed to break through the siege by themselves?
It was precisely because Ge Zhuo saw clearly the pros and cons early on that he was willing to put his life on it.

Otherwise, how could an old fritter like him who had been in the army be willing to put his head on others.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the sky began to gradually darken.

Hu Gulie's troops had already pulled out their camp tents, packed their bags, and prepared to set off as soon as possible when the night was dark and the air was cool.

At this time, some barbarians started shouting at Ge Zhuo and the others, signaling Ge Zhuo and the others to move faster, and those who were willing to surrender had to step out of the wooden fence and put on ropes to prepare to go.

Apparently Hu Gulie was not a fool, he was always on guard against these Han sheep captives, and specially asked people to prepare nooses.

"It can't be put on! This rope is put on, and we can't help it if we want to kill or cut!"

Several soldiers looked at Ge Zhuo.

Ge Zhuo didn't know in his heart that if the noose was buckled in his hands, it was like sending their heads to the knife.

But right now it is still too early for the agreed time, if this is not set, the swordsmen who are shining brightly around are not vegetarians.

Just when Ge Zhuo was fluctuating in his heart, he subconsciously looked at Gao Zhuo beside him. Seeing him staring at him, Ge Zhuo's heart tightened, as if he realized something, he immediately calmed down, and immediately walked out of the fence under the eyes of everyone. , striding to the front of the leader of the barbarian army, with a confused look on his face: "My lord, it's not an agreement, we just surrender, why do we have to put on the rope buckle?"

"Nonsense, if you don't put on the rope buckle, what will you do if you escape halfway." The leading barbarian urged cursingly: "I advise you to hurry up, if the general changes his mind, it will be too late for you to regret it."

As he said that, the surrounding barbarians had already raised their swords.

Seeing that it didn't make sense anymore, Ge Zhuo could only sigh, bowed his head and cupped his hands: "So please sir..."

In the middle of speaking, Ge Zhuo suddenly raised his head, pulled out a dagger from his sleeve, and stabbed at the leader of the barbarian army in front of him, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Even those Han soldiers were taken aback, no one thought that Ge Zhuo would dare to assassinate alone: ​​"This guy is really desperate!!"

The leader of the barbarian army was also caught off guard. He never expected that this guy who was clearly here to persuade him to surrender would risk his life to assassinate him. Unsuspectingly, Ge Zhuo stepped forward and the dagger directly plunged into his chest. throat.


Ge Zhuo's face was stretched with blue veins, and at this point, if he didn't fight, he would die. After rushing forward for more than ten meters with his opponent's body in his arms, he fell heavily on the ground. Cursing in his mouth, he raised the big knife in his hand and slashed at Ge Zhuo.

Seeing this situation, Ge Zhuo could only draw out the big knife from the waist of the leader of the barbarian army, and slashed behind him. Just when the swords were about to strike, a black shadow rushed up first, and the black dagger quickly slashed across the throats of these barbarians like a ghost in the dark night.


The moment the blood sprayed out along the veins, a figure appeared beside Ge Zhuo, grabbed Ge Zhuo with one hand, and threw it towards the front, Ge Zhuo suddenly felt a gust of wind howling in front of him, and he was caught by several of his own family members. The brothers caught it firmly.

Looking up again, I saw that Chang Wuzhi and Gao Zhuo had already started to attack. The two of them were on the left and the right. Bing's chest slid past, and bright red blood flowers began to bloom with his steps.

In contrast, Gao Zhuo was much rougher, turned into a Yaksha, revealed a corpse and smashed it among these barbarians, pointed his finger, followed by a "Boom!"


The red cloud of smoke sounded with the sound of the explosion, and the barbarians who were contaminated with this poisonous mist immediately screamed again and again.

But the two of them obviously didn't use their full strength, instead they retreated quickly after a successful blow.

This is Xu Tong's meaning. They are not allowed to attack with all their strength. Instead, the battlefield is handed over to Ge Zhuo, the brave of the defeated army. Such a good opportunity has been created for them. Are these people really worthy of their own rescue? Look at their performance.

And Ge Zhuo really lived up to everyone's expectations and saw the hope, raised his sword and said, "Brothers, it's a battle of life or death, let's kill it!!"

As they said that, more than twenty people jumped and kicked down the fence first, forming an army formation to kill those barbarians.

Seeing that Gao Zhuo and the others had charged forward, those soldiers didn't dare to hesitate any longer, regardless of whether the rescue that Ge Zhuo said before was true or false, if they didn't fight at this time, they would all die.

Immediately, he waved the long knife in his hand and led the people forward.

As soon as these soldiers moved their heads, the others also raised their swords.

The riot of more than a thousand people immediately caused chaos in the camp.

"Head, it's already started, why don't we make a move now??"

In the woods in the distance, the three of Xu Tong were looking at the chaos in the camp, Gu Xibai turned his head sideways and asked Xu Tong.

"No hurry! It's not time yet."

Xu Tong waved his hand, and found that the atmosphere in the camp was chaotic, but Beiman's side was still very stable, compared to Ge Zhuo and others' side, where the atmosphere was very chaotic.

It can be inferred from this that these defeated captives at this moment have not really been inspired to fight.

At this time, they can only make them feel lucky if they act by themselves, and they even feel that the victory is too easy, and the final result is still a loose and invisible mob.

Although it is inhumane to do so, the more you give, the more you will cherish it.

The people who can save them have always been themselves.

Seeing that Xu Tong didn't move, although Gu Xibai looked anxious, she still held her breath and waited patiently.

Sure enough, just as Xu Tong thought, after these prisoners rushed out of the fence, they played in a disorderly manner, relying on the advantages created by Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi, but soon this advantage followed Hu Gulie and others. With the appearance of people, it began to reverse rapidly.

Hu Gulie, as a general under the fourth prince, is not just eating dry food. If he can't even suppress these remnants and defeated generals, then find a tree with a crooked neck and hang him to death. Only three hammers and drums sounded. The soldiers quickly began to form a formation, retreated quickly, and led the Han army back to the battlefield step by step, while the cavalry also began to cut in quickly.

Almost instantly, Ge Zhuo found that the people around them were being cut apart by the cavalry.

The morale of these defeated troops was originally low, but Ge Zhuoqiang drove the ducks to the shelves, taking advantage of the advantages created by Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi, they swarmed up and beat the barbarians by surprise.

Now, when the barbarians had stabilized their positions, and the cavalry pierced left and right to disperse the people, their morale collapsed to the extreme for a while.

Now Ge Zhuo became anxious, pulled a soldier over and shouted: "Don't let your people disperse, let them gather quickly!!"

The soldier pushed Ge Zhuo away and scolded: "You think I can't hold back at all, the cavalry on the opposite side rushes over, who can stop it, didn't you say that there will be support, people!!"

"I said, come at three o'clock, keep going."

While the two were talking, the drums of the barbarians began to change their rhythm. The barbarians who were retreating quickly moved forward, but many of them had no time to retreat, and were chopped down on the ground by random knives.

"Hahahaha, just these people, you still want to fight?? You just laughed your ass off. If you kill them this time, the fourth prince won't blame me!"

Standing on the watchtower, Hu Gulie looked at the line of resisting Han sheep below, and a burst of laughter burst out on his simple and honest face.

In fact, he didn't want to take this group of prisoners with him. Eating, drinking, and distracting would be troublesome, but it was difficult to kill them because of the order of the fourth prince.

But now it's much easier now.

Thinking of this, Hu Gulie's eyes gradually became ferocious and bloodthirsty. He was already impatient with guarding these smelly and stupid Han sheep during this period of time. At this moment, he just wanted to drive them all to death.

Immediately issued an order to the communications officer beside him: "Order the left and right cavalry to converge on the west side, charge in from the east side, and kill them for me!!"

"Dong dong dong dong..."

The drumbeat became faster and faster, and the cavalry who had been crossing left and right began to gather.

"not good!!"

Seeing this, Ge Zhuo and the others also changed their faces greatly, knowing that once the cavalry began to concentrate their charge, the next moment would be a devastating blow.

"Ge Zhuo, the master draftsman, reinforcements, the reinforcements that were promised!"

Several soldiers were still yelling and cursing, but Ge Zhuo's face turned cold, and he wiped away the blood on his cheeks. No joy or anger could be seen on his pale face, but his eyes calmed down in the face of everyone's cursing:

"Why, don't you plan to live without reinforcements? I've killed enough in this life, so it's not enough to stay and be buried with you?"

After finishing speaking, Ge Zhuo immediately raised his saber and said, "Brothers, the ambition to fall into battle!"

A hoarse roar echoed around, and the brothers who followed Ge Zhuo heard the words, and they responded one after another: "There is death, but there is no life! Kill!!"

(End of this chapter)

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