Infinite script kill

Chapter 900 Glory under the horse's hoof

Chapter 900 Glory under the horse's hoof
For a moment, the battle formation consisted of only a dozen or so people, and rushed up against the barbarian army in front of them.

Just like an inconspicuous reef, to face the stormy waves in front of you.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Even Hu Gulie frowned.

Seeing this scene, the stragglers who had already lost their fighting spirit were shocked, and their broken fighting spirit was ignited again.

Only one person in the crowd shouted: "Ambition to fall into battle!!"

"Death but not life!"

More people responded this time, and the disintegrated Han army began to regroup to form a square formation one after another, and began to counterattack forward.

Hu Gulie's face changed slightly when he saw this. Killing prisoners is simple, but the most frightening thing is the fight between trapped beasts, which really aroused the bloodiness of these Han sheep. Although they are still not a threat, it is inevitable that he will suffer heavy casualties.

Immediately gave the order to let the assembled cavalry begin to charge, intending to completely kill these Han sheep in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the guards around him suddenly widened their eyes, stared at the north and screamed: "General, look over there!!"

Hu Gulie squinted at the moment when he heard the words, his obese body was suddenly struck by lightning, and he saw a strange cavalry soldier quietly appearing in his sight in the forest to the north.

Under the darkness of night, the black armor covered everything from the face to the horses. The black figures gathered neatly in a row, and the cold spears exuded a piercing murderous aura.

"Heavy cavalry?? Impossible."

Seeing the appearance of this cavalry, Hu Gulie almost stared out his eyes.

As far as he knew, the main force of the heavenly stems had already begun to gather, and it was impossible to separate the cavalry to appear here, let alone the heavy cavalry who were not good at running, let alone appear in this place.

As for whether this cavalry is from the northern barbarians, it is even more impossible.

The northern barbarians lack iron, and even the consumable arrows are made of bones. The armor on this kind of heavy cavalry is more than enough to fight six broadswords.

What's more, the craftsmen of the northern barbarians are not good at making battle armor, and their northern barbarian cavalry is famous all over the world, so how could they wear such things.

Just when Hu Gulie was shocked, he saw a large flag embroidered with flying dragons flying high among the cavalry, followed by the cavalry and began to charge.

In just a moment, Hu Gulie's three views were refreshed again.

I saw this cavalry charge forward, setting off a stormy wave in the distance, the terrifying evil spirits were entangled with each other like iron chains connecting their auras closely to the sky, and the sky was covered by a dark cloud.

What's more frightening is that it's too fast! !

The charging speed of this cavalry is not like a heavy cavalry at all, even faster than their wild cavalry.

"Quick! Beat the drum to send a message, retreat quickly!!"

Seeing this, Hu Gulie was heartbroken and quickly ordered the entire army to retreat.

"General, there are not many people on the other side!"

A personal guard was still not convinced when he saw this. After all, the opponent seemed to have only two hundred people, but they had three thousand cavalry.

"Go to hell!"

Hu Gulie didn't bother to explain, and kicked the bodyguard away.

It should be heavy cavalry that night, with heavy armor all over, even the horses are wearing iron armor, and the sword is hard to hurt. They, the light cavalry in leather armor, hit it like an egg hitting a stone.

In the past, Hu Gulie would not be so panic-stricken. Although heavy cavalry is strong, it is not invincible. War horses can't run fast at all. They just need to keep their distance, and dragging them can drag them to death.

But what was frightening was that this heavy cavalry, despite their heavy armor, turned out to be so terrifyingly fast. If they didn't run away, Chunchun would be looking for death.

Thinking that Hu Gulie turned around and jumped off the watchtower. When he was about to escape, he suddenly found that the horse he was sitting on didn't move at all. He let him frantically whip his whip, and the horse didn't move at all.

Hu Gulie was so angry that he was about to go crazy, so he jumped off the horse to have a look, only to find that his beloved horse was already dead.

"how so??"

Seeing that his war horse was dead, Hu Gulie felt a strong anxiety in his heart, and then saw that the guards around him had also been killed silently, Hu Gulie felt a chill in his heart: "Who is it! Come out! !"

"General, how can you run if you haven't fought yet?"

A sigh came from the shadows, and Hu Gulie's face changed drastically. Seeing the Han army clothes on the opponent, he immediately pulled out the treasured sword at his waist.

"court death!!"

Hu Gulie snarled, and swung the wolf-headed treasured knife in his hand. The fierce light of the knife burst out, like a python, the huge blade cut in all directions, the ground was broken piece by piece, and dust and smoke flew in the air.

Hu Gulie was able to be a general of a party, commanding 5000 troops, so he was naturally strong. The wolf-headed sword in his hand roared, and the light of the wolf's sword turned into a wolf's shadow.

Chang Wuzhi's pupils closed slightly, and instead of retreating, he advanced instead. The figure faced the wolf shadow saber aura in front of him and moved backwards. Rao, the power of these saber auras is no less than that of an aspirant's full blow, but Chang Wuzhi's figure is in shape. Like a ghost, the sword in front of him was like a forest, but it didn't hurt him at all.

If you look carefully, you will find that with every step Chang Wuzhi falls, the surrounding space appears to be slightly shifted. It is this slight shift that provides him with a gap of three feet, allowing him to step on the ground. The steel wire generally avoids the blade light in front of it.

This is exactly the unique skill that Chang Wuzhi obtained after [Space Phase] +6, space slight movement.

Consumes 500 script points, after activation, it can control its own tiny spatial changes.

Duration: 30 seconds

Cooldown time: 1 minutes
At a distance of more than ten meters, in an instant, people had already arrived in front of Hu Gulie, holding black water dragon teeth on both sides.

The moment the two pitch-black daggers swung at the same time, the attached special skill [Double Arc Scene] was also activated, and the figure was divided into three, stabbing at Hu Gulie from three different directions.

【Double Arc Scene】

After activating the special passive, two mirror images can emerge, and each mirror image has 45% of its own lethality.

Seeing the three figures approaching, Hu Gulie squinted his eyelids, and shook the wolf-headed sword in his hand, only to see a stream of light covering the blade: "I really want to die."

After all, it is to inspire myself to become famous and learn "Qing Lang Yin."

But the moment he swung the saber, a strong sense of strangeness quickly flooded his whole body, and the saber energy injected into the precious saber instantly became frozen and sluggish, and even his movements of swiping the saber became heavy.

"how so!!"

Hu Gulie's expression changed drastically, but he didn't know that this was the active skill [Silencer] that came with Blackwater Dragon's Tooth strengthened to +9

Consumes 1000 script points. After activation, the target will fall into a silent state, and the release speed of all skills will be delayed by 10 times. The release state of the skills will be interrupted, and the releaser will suffer dizzy damage.

At the moment when the skills were slow, the six daggers were interlaced in front of them.


After the cold light was drawn together to form the symbol of the hexagram, the three figures quickly gathered together, Chang Wuju put away the dagger, and the figures disappeared into the shadows again.

For a moment, a gust of cool wind blew, and the next second, Hu Gulie's body fell to the ground in pieces.

"Dong dong dong..."

The sound of retreating drums reverberated on the battlefield, causing many barbarian warriors who did not understand what happened to be startled, not knowing what happened, and the formation was in chaos for a while.

Ge Zhuo and the others were also puzzled for a while.

"Why did they run away suddenly??"

A soldier leader could understand the drum orders of these barbarians, and couldn't help asking Ge Zhuo with wide eyes.

Ge Zhuo rolled his eyes and thought, "How would I know?"

But after thinking about it, he immediately laughed, waved the big knife in his hand, and shouted loudly: "It must be the general who came to help, brothers, the general is here, we won, kill me!!"

"To the point of being trapped, there is death but no life!!"

The hoarse voice actually overwhelmed the sound of the war drums for a while, shocking everyone. They didn't know if there were reinforcements, but these barbarians were really in a mess.

Hope is imminent, and the flames in the hearts of these defeated soldiers rushed to the top of their heads again, one by one, like chicken blood, frantically slaughtered those barbarians.

As the saying goes, when the army is defeated like a mountain, the morale of the barbarian soldiers immediately dissipates with the sound of the retreating drum. In addition, the cavalry has not come to support for a long time.

Just as they were cursing why the cavalry didn't come to support, suddenly there was a sound of cutting and killing in the distance, which attracted everyone's attention.

Many people even widened their eyes in disbelief, until decades later, when the veterans who survived this battle talked about this moment, their eyes shone brightly.

Under the night light, like a sharp arrow shot out, a black cavalry crossed into the cavalry of the Northern Man in an instant.

At this moment, the screams of war horses and the screams of barbarians echoed in the mountains.

The Northern barbarian cavalry who was once feared by the whole world is now no better than paper under the trample of black iron hooves.

This cavalry didn't even draw out their long swords, they just simply reloaded, and they passed through the army of wild cavalry directly, smashing them into a pulp.

What was crushed by the horseshoes was not only the fighting spirit of the wild riders, but also the glory they were proud of.

The flying dragon flag flying high in the wind seemed to be more alive. After a wave of charging, it quickly rushed out for hundreds of meters, and then turned around under the horrified eyes of everyone, and charged again.

At this moment, the scattered barbarians didn't even have time to turn around, and could only watch helplessly as the opponent rushed over.

This speed has completely crushed all the pride of Manqi.


This time, the black cavalry drew out the long knife on the horseback. The bright silver blade was completely different from the ordinary broadsword. It was seven feet long, the blade was three feet long, and the handle was four feet long. The ratio of the handle to the blade was strange. It can be held by both hands, and the power of slashing can be exerted to the extreme. This is the sharp weapon of the cavalry, the sword that cuts horses.

When Ge Zhuo and the others saw this scene, their hearts were even more shocked. Everyone's eyes were blazing, not only yearning for this iron cavalry, but they really saw the hope of victory.

"Boom rumble..."

As the swords shook hands, the murderous aura on the cavalry became several times more serious. Wherever they passed, the moon in the sky was also covered by dark clouds.

But this time the charge completely evaporated the violent aesthetics of killing to an extreme.

"Puff puff……"

People and horses are like one, the blade swung across, and the barbarians in front of them were cut in two with a knife...

 Eleventh, I wish you all a happy National Day.

(End of this chapter)

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