Infinite script kill

Chapter 902 Zodiac Fate

Chapter 902 Zodiac Fate
"Da da da……"

The galloping horses raised a large cloud of dust.

"Head, there is Fairy Mountain in front of you."

Li Bo held the map and looked all the way into the distance, pointed to the east direction and said.

Hearing this, Xu Tong signaled everyone to stop: "Get off your horse and rest!"

After the sound fell, the cavalry jumped off their horses in unison, and then guarded and stood guard. They rested. The actions of this group of people seemed to have been tempered. Talk nonsense.

It's hard to imagine that ten days ago, this army was being kept in a sheepfold by the barbarians like pigs and dogs.

Among them, the changes of Ge Zhuo and others are particularly obvious. From the initial soldier who only thought about surviving, to this moment, the whole person has completed a qualitative transformation.

His eyes no longer flicker left and right, his eyes are firm and spirited, and he is a true master of all battles.

And all of this is precisely the result of Xu Tong's hard work and hard work along the way.

The original 800 people have now been reduced to less than [-].

During the period, unless the difference in numbers was too large, Xu Tong would not easily call out the cavalry in his hands, and he would not even allow Gao Zhuo and others to easily take action.

In Xu Tong's words, what he wants is fame and bargaining chips, while Ge Zhuo and others want their lives, and their lives can only be in their own hands. It is nonsense to count on themselves as a god.

But just fighting is not enough. After resting, Gao Zhuo summoned two zombies, quickly dug a kang and set up a stove, fetched water to cook rice, and chopped dragon rice the size of a millstone and threw it into two large iron pots to start. Cook up.

They have compressed biscuits, but that stuff really doesn't taste like much.

Although Ge Zhuo and the others ate it with great relish, they thought it was a rare delicacy in the world.

But Xu Tong and the others couldn't bear it after eating for a long time.

The taste is almost the same, the key is that Ge Zhuo and others will be full after eating one or two yuan, but Xu Tong and the others have to eat two big bags to barely hold on.

The effect of compressed biscuits is to quickly fill the stomach and replenish energy, but they are not worth the candle if they eat this way.

Xu Tong simply changed his strategy. Every time he raided for a day, he would stop and rest for a while, and cook long rice for everyone.

The amount of two large pots is not much, but this dragon rice is more hungry than compressed biscuits. Eating it in one bowl can not only relieve fatigue, but also strengthen the body and bones, and nourish the body.

Ge Zhuo and his group of 500 people could barely eat the pot, and they couldn't eat it after taking two bites in a hurry with a big spoon.

Some people were greedy and took an extra bite, and they were almost stuffed to death.

The effect of such a good thing as long rice is immediate.

Ge Zhuo and the others suddenly realized that during this period of time, their bodies had undergone more and more changes, their muscles bulged, and their blood became more vigorous.

There is a method of teaching martial arts in the army, which is called Wuhu Gong.

After training, you can have the power of five tigers.

Ge Zhuo and others know this kind of exercise, but at most, they have only reached the first level, and no one will continue to practice it.

It's not a matter of the exercises, but that practicing exercises is extremely expensive. Some malnourished soldiers practiced the exercises, but they failed to practice the exercises, and instead practiced themselves.

But since eating this dragon rice, some people can't stand it and don't rely on this set of exercises to burn off the heat brought by the dragon rice. In just a few days of effort, they broke through the second floor, and some even broke through the third floor. The strength has been greatly enhanced.

With this strength, it is no problem to return to the army to serve as a coach.

Gao Zhuo was cooking, and Li Bo called the surrounding birds to watch out for them.

Gu Xibai taught Ge Zhuo and the others how to kill with a knife.

Only Xu Tong and Chang Wuzhi had nothing to do, sitting aside and chatting.

It was also the first time for Xu Tong to experience this feeling of leading soldiers in battle. He wondered if he should follow Huo Qubing's lead and raid all the way into Beiman's hometown.

This idea is not delusional, Ge Zhuo and the others alone can't do it, but he still has a Black Buddha in his hand.

This Black Buddha is the ghost cavalry that he promoted with the [Hussar Order], Xu Tong plans to use the Hussar Order to promote them again tonight, and raise the strength of this cavalry to another level.

At that time, if it is really difficult to get into the lair behind Beiman, it may not be difficult.

Just as he was thinking, Xu Tong and the others received a notification from the item book.

"Ding! Your actions have greatly interfered with the script, and the identity mission has been delayed and changed. Please return to the main force before the battle of Langshan is over."

"Ding! Your actions have greatly interfered with the script. Xiao Chi, the commander of the Northern Barbarians, has dispatched elite experts to attack you!"

"Ding! Your actions have greatly interfered with the script. The Fourth Prince of Beiman will personally act as the commander of the encirclement and suppression campaign against you. Every three hours, your location will be captured by the True Essence Sect!"

"Ding! Because of the major changes in the identity mission, your information has already received the attention of Marshal Wu Jie, and the default is to complete the identity mission."

Main Mission 1: Battle Royale!

Mission description: Your actions aroused the wrath of Xiao Chi, the commander of the northern barbarians. He not only sent [-] cavalry to encircle and suppress you, but also dispatched the masters of the True Essence Sect to encircle and kill you. Please break out immediately and join the main forces.

Mission reward: unknown

Mission failed: Death!
A series of warnings from the good guy, coupled with the main task, forced Xu Tong to give up his original idea.

"It seems that those wounded soldiers have already joined the main force."

Xu Tong carefully examined the reminder.

In fact, this is one of his own plans. There are not many soldiers, especially for a raid force like them. Too many people may not be a good thing, so he sent half of the wounded to the forest and asked them to join the main force .

As for himself, he raided the Beiman's grain road, attracting many chasing soldiers, increasing the probability of a breakthrough for them.

As long as these wounded soldiers bring back their news and attract enough attention, even if the mission fails, there will still be another way out for him. At least the status of deserter should be exempt.

Now it seems that the effect is still good.

At least he hadn't thought about the fact that they had completed the identity task ahead of time. Thinking of this, Xu Tong raised his head and looked up, and his eyes suddenly sparkled.

The completion of the identity task has changed their own luck.

I saw the luck rising above my head, the red sun was just rising, and a giant armored tiger stepped out of the clouds, breathing out blue smoke, splitting mountains and cracking seas.

"Yinhu comes out of the mountain!"

Xu Tong looked at the changes in his luck above his head, and his eyes showed secret joy. It really was good luck. It seems that Mr. Tai, the shareholder, is worth it.

As the so-called Yinhu comes out of the mountain to drive away all evil, this fate and his own pure yang power can be said to complement each other.

Immediately looking over the heads of Gao Zhuo and the others, it turned out that everyone's fate was related to the portal they chose when they entered the script.

In Gao Zhuo's luck, a waning moon hangs in the sky, which is the time of ugly.

Under the moonlight, a yellow ox with huge horns smashed through the mountains and rivers.

"Earth is opened from the ugly, and the majesty is opened."

Looking at Gu Xibai again, the sun is shining, Yin and Yang are clearly distinguished, and a black horse with a red mane tramples on the Qi of Yin and Yang.

"The horse travels in the sky at noon, and divides yin and yang."

"Yes, yes, Ugly Cow and Wuma, these two fates are very suitable for them!"

After all, what Gao Zhuo cultivated was a side door. The rat opened the sky to become yang, and the ugly cow opened the earth to become yin, which coincided with the characteristics of zombies.

At noon, the yang energy is at its peak. The morning mist and accumulated water are also evaporated at this moment. It is the time when yin and yang are separated. For a warrior like Gu Xibai, it is the best.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong couldn't wait to look at Chang Wuzhi beside him.

This guy chose a rooster. At this moment, in luck, the red sun sets on the mountain, Yin and Yang are not distinguished, and the rooster stands alone on the top of the mountain.

"When the unitary rooster crows, everything is auspicious."

"This is also good, the sun sets, Yin and Yang are not distinguished, and everything is dim, which coincides with Chang Wuzhi's role as an assassin."

Xu Tong pondered secretly, and felt that the fates chosen by everyone this time were all very good.

So his mind moved, and he thought of Li Bo, the mascot of their team. This guy seems to have chosen... a snake.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong immediately ran in front of Li Bo, looked at him, even if he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and cursed secretly: "Shit luck!"


Li Bo raised his head inexplicably, not knowing what he did wrong, why his boss looked at him like this.

As everyone knows, Xu Tong stared at this guy's luck at the moment, and sighed in his heart: "Sure enough, the mascot is the mascot!"

At noon, yin and yang are separated, so Sishi is the time when the sun is shining and yin and yang are not yet fully opened.

I saw a big blue snake coiled on the mountain above Li Bo's head, swallowing mountains and rivers to frighten ghosts and gods.

"The god snake came to the world, and it was a good omen."

The fate of the twelve zodiac signs may not be as effective as Sanyang Kaitai, but it is almost the same.

Combining with the gas phase of each of them will exert the strongest effect at a special time.

Xu Tong told them the fate characteristics of each of them, and asked them to pay more attention to the time, which is the time when their luck is at its peak.

Just as he was talking, in the distant mountains and forests, he saw densely packed sparrows suddenly flying from the forest.

Seeing this, Li Bo hurriedly said to Xu Tong: "Head, someone is chasing you."

"So fast?? It shouldn't be the main force of the encirclement and suppression, but since the elites are chasing us this time, it shouldn't be a soft persimmon."

As he said that, Xu Tong jumped onto the horse sideways and waved his hand: "Get on the horse!"

After the words were finished, Ge Zhuo and the others jumped onto the horses in unison. Xu Tong pointed to the woods in front of him, and said to Gu Xibai and Li Bo: "Take them to ambush in the woods, let me try it out. What a difference."


Gu Xibai nodded, pointed ahead, and immediately led the troops towards the woods, while Li Bo followed behind, patches of green grass rose up wherever they passed, covering up the traces of their horseshoes.

Xu Tong, Chang Wuzhu, and Gao Zhuo turned around and climbed up the hillside. They saw Xu Tong swinging his long sleeves, the reality behind him changed, and black horses came out behind him.

Everyone was wearing dark black battle armor, and that astonishing evil spirit caused the sky above their heads to darken even more.

"Exactly, it's time for you to upgrade!"

Looking at the line of pagoda cavalry behind him, the corners of Xu Tong's mouth rose, and he took out the [Hussar Order] that had been cooled down and aimed at the cavalry behind him: "Upgrade!"

(End of this chapter)

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