Infinite script kill

Chapter 903 The Power of the Firefly Leopard

Chapter 903 The Power of the Firefly Leopard
【Hussar order】+9
Consuming 800 script points, an army (up to 500 in number) can be forcibly upgraded by three levels, with the upper limit of tiger cavalry.

The Black Buddha, which had already been upgraded, was once again blessed by the order of hussars.

There were dots of blue fireflies on the pitch-black battle armor. The fire ignited from the horseshoes, and instantly turned into flames to engulf the horses and cavalry.

"Ding! You have used the Hussar Order +9, and your troops have been promoted, Firefly Leopard Rider!"

At the end of the prompt, the flames behind him gradually receded, and the horseshoes stepped on the soil under their feet, splashing the starting point to ignite the fire. The blue armor seemed to be embedded in the muscles of these horses, and the horses breathed out blue light. The flames on his body also seemed to have revived, exuding a strange color.

And the warriors on the horses were wrapped in fireflies, holding spears in their hands and hanging two flaming scimitars at their waists. Facing the sun, the cloud patterns on the ladder above were layer by layer.

There were only two hundred people, but the fireflies on their bodies lit up the sky above their heads.

"very good!"

Xu Tong looked at this team.

The flame in my heart could hardly be suppressed.

At this moment, the strength of this cavalry is probably not weaker than those ghost cavalry encountered in Netherland, or even stronger.

Even if you are fighting alone, and you are not a master at the peak of Taoism, it is not so easy to defeat such a cavalry unless you have a magic weapon in your hand.

He could even feel that his horse started to shiver when he sat down. If it wasn't for the pure yang energy on his body that made the horse feel a strong backing, he might have knelt on the ground and couldn't get up by now.

Xu Tong looked at the forest in the distance, raised his brows slightly, and called out the [Flying Dragon Banner] to hold in his hand.

Bright dragon flags fluttered, and a layer of dim yellow halo appeared at Xu Tong's feet.

Passive Skill 1: Mountain
All summoned creatures of the owner will receive 25% damage reduction.

"You guys are waiting for me here!"

After chatting with Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi, Xu Tongle immediately stepped forward and walked to the mound, staring at the jungle in the distance, as if waiting for something...


At this moment in the mountain forest, an old man riding a war horse suddenly raised his head and looked ahead suspiciously.

"Master, what's wrong with you??"

Daotong next to the old Taoist noticed that his master's expression was different, so he couldn't help asking.

The old Taoist ignored his disciple's question, just pinched his fingers, and after silently reciting a few incantations, his expression changed slightly: "Your energy is surging, disaster is imminent, no good, general, stop quickly!"

The old Taoist hurriedly waved his hand and shouted to Abaobao, the general of the northern barbarians.

"General, the evil spirit is soaring in the sky ahead, and the vitality is surging, which is an ominous sign. General, please order to gather the whole army. After the fourth prince and my uncle and others arrive, we can move forward!"

Abaobao was startled when he heard the words, and immediately said coldly: "Presumptuous, what an ominous sign, be careful if you talk nonsense, our military law is ruthless!"

Abaobao is a well-known general in the northern barbarians, ranked among the top 20 famous generals in the world, made great achievements in defeating Xuan Kun, and was promoted to No. [-] five famous generals in the world. The fighters under his command are even more powerful The title of brave is not a name for nothing.

"General, the prince once said that after the general leaves, he should take more suggestions from my Yuanqi Sect, general..."

Before the old man finished speaking, Abaobao had already galloped forward.

He could only hear him cursing as he walked: "What vitality god religion, I, Beiman, will rule the world immediately, but the fourth prince likes to associate with you sour scholars and poor Taoists. It's really unfortunate for me."

"Master, let me teach him a lesson!"

The two Taoist boys were furious when they heard the words, they raised their fingers, and the swords on their backs hung above their heads.


Unexpectedly, the old Daoist's stare made the two Daoist boys turn pale, and hurriedly put away the swords.

"Hmph, this person is self-willed and self-defeating. We have tried to dissuade him time and time again. If he doesn't listen, let's go!"

As the old Taoist said, he turned around and walked to the other side with the two Taoist boys.

"Master, Master Uncle..."

Seeing that the master was about to leave, a Taoist boy suddenly became worried.

Compared to the moody master, their master uncle is even more terrifying when he gets angry. A few days ago, a master uncle made a elixir.

"It doesn't matter, I have my own measure. When this person is defeated, we will save his life. The responsibility will not be ours at that time. As long as I don't lose face of my vitality, your uncle will definitely not blame him I wait!"

The old Taoist spoke with confidence, as if he had everything in his hands early on.

The three masters and apprentices left the team, Abaobao naturally saw it in his eyes and snorted coldly: "A man walks in the world, how can he blindly seek good fortune and avoid evil."

After all, he gave an order: "The front army forms an formation, and the left and right central troops advance simultaneously. I want to see what kind of superpower the other party is!"

With the order issued, the originally scattered cavalry quickly began to form formation.

As soon as these soldiers formed the formation, the aura on their bodies immediately changed astonishingly, their aura shot straight into the sky, and the sound of roaring tigers and leopards could be heard faintly in the white clouds.

Just waiting for the team to go out of the woods, Abaobao saw Xu Tong standing on the mound in the distance.

The flying dragon flag in his hand is really eye-catching.

"Yo, this is a bit interesting today, the old Taoist is still bragging about bad omens, hmph, I think it's nothing more than that."

"General, beware of fraud, in my opinion, it is better to shoot him directly!"

A lieutenant general spoke up and suggested.

Abaobao also thought this idea was good, and when he was about to give an order, he saw Xu Tong plant the dragon flag in his hand on the ground, and at the same time took out a big bow and held it in his hand.

Seeing this, Abaobao immediately became happy: "This is an arrow fight, okay, let me see how many arrows he can shoot alone, the archer is ready!!"

After Abaobao's words fell, the cavalry in front raised their longbows in unison.

Every soldier in the northern barbarians is a sharpshooter.

The movements of bending the bow and setting the arrow are shockingly regular, which shows that the name of this tiger and leopard is by no means in vain.

It's a pity that Abaobao met the wrong person today.

I saw Xu Tong take out the [Broken Army] arrow from the item book without haste.

A ray of red light flashed on the arrow, and when the bow was bent and the arrow was drawn, there were bursts of humming sounds like thunder from the big rhinoceros bow.

"My dear, why is this thing in his hands?"

On the mountainside in the distance, the old Taoist squinted his eyes and looked at Xu Tong. When he saw the arrow in Xu Tong's hand, his eyes widened and he screamed, ignoring the two boys beside him, he turned over and jumped off his horse. After throwing himself at a big tree, he shouted: "Hide!!"


The two boys saw their master hiding in the bushes in such a state of embarrassment, and they also had question marks on their faces. There was only one person on the other side, why did they hide.

At the same time, Abaobao waved his palm vigorously; "Shoot the arrow!!"


Thousands of archers let go of their bowstrings at the same time, and the sound of arrows piercing the wind created a wave of air in the air. The bows and arrows like locusts almost covered the sky in front of them.

With such a heroic scene, the two Taoist boys couldn't understand why their master had to hide.

But the next moment, with Xu Tong's fingers slightly opened, there was a thunderous sound on the bowstring of the big rhinoceros bow in his hand, and a black and red arrow pierced through the air.

One arrow against a thousand arrows.

The huge contrast was reversed instantly when the Pojun arrow flew towards the barbarian army.

The arrows left behind in mid-air and suddenly released a golden light, which turned into countless arrow shadows in an instant, dyeing the entire sky with a brilliant golden glow.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

In an instant, countless arrows turned into golden rain and fell.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded. Before the rain of arrows fell, the aura of tigers and wolves above the barbarian army was directly pierced and scattered. Immediately afterwards, countless dense rain of arrows poured down.

A Baobao might never have imagined such a scene in his dreams. In an instant, he was caught in the rain of arrows.

"Puff puff……"

The soldiers in front of them fell to the ground like cutting wheat, even the surrounding woods were not spared. The two Taoist boys standing halfway up the mountain were even more embarrassed to dodge, and wanted to call out flying swords to resist.

As a result, the flying sword had just taken off when it was smashed to pieces by the rain of arrows falling head-on.

Fortunately, at this time, the old Taoist priest hiding behind the big tree made a timely move, exhaled a puff of green smoke, rolled the two of them together, and dragged them into the deep pit beside them, which prevented the two of them from being shot into a hornet's nest on the spot.

When a wave of arrows rained down, Abaobao crawled out from the pile of corpses, and looked at the blood-flowing rivers of soldiers in front of him, his eyes were bloodshot for a moment.

Before he was ready to regroup the remnant army, the sound of galloping in the distance was already close at hand.

"Master, what is that??"

On the mountainside, the three masters and apprentices stared wide-eyed, watching the fireflies gushing out from behind the mound, and felt cold from head to toe for a moment.

"Come on again, Master Yuanqi, who is this expert from? Didn't we agree that in this great battle, only our Yuanqi Sect and Shenyin Sect will be the only ones?" the shock.

"These are not humans at all, they are Dao soldiers. How can mortal flesh and blood be opponents, they are simply vulnerable."

The so-called Dao soldiers are the magical soldiers trained by various sects and sects to imprison the spirits and ghosts of the world. They also have such Dao soldiers in the Yuanqi Sect. When combined with the Taoist formation, they often have the power to change the world and change the world.

When the old Taoist said these words, his heart immediately felt relieved. No wonder, during this period of time, a mere group of soldiers cut off the food road behind the northern barbarians, burned their rations three times, and killed so many people.

"It's just that this Taoist soldier is so strange, it has never been heard of in Jianghu. Could it be a Taoist soldier secretly trained by Xu Lai?"

Just when the old man became suspicious.

The northern barbarian soldiers who had been killed by a wave of arrows and gave up their helmets and armor had begun to regroup, but the scorching fireflies had already rushed in front of them.

Beiman's war horses and leather armor, no matter in terms of strength, size, momentum, and impact, are simply not at the same level in front of the Yingying Leopard Cavalry, just like the difference between an ordinary horse and a big dog.

I saw the scimitar burning with fireflies, and the cloud pattern was as clear as blue waves. After swiping the knife to kill, there was almost no enemy. Because of this, the firefly leopard cavalry with only 200 people formed one piece, like a spark that started a prairie fire. when.

Human heads rolled around on the ground, trampled by horseshoes, crushing the heads again, red, white and blurred, covering the grass, stained with a layer of sauce.

"Master, this is terrible, how can we beat it??"

The two Taoist boys turned pale with fright at the bloody scene, and they secretly rejoiced that they were not among the northern barbarian army below, otherwise they would have been doomed to die at this time.

The old Taoist squeezed his beard when he heard the words: "Don't be afraid, although this human Dao soldier is strong, our Yuan Qi Sect also has three thousand Dao soldiers, and even the most precious Yuan Qi chariot. If Qian Guozhu promises to come in person, our patriarch will also be able to protect us and escape."

"When will Master Uncle come??"


The old Taoist was a little embarrassed when he heard the words. The original plan was to encircle and suppress the whole army, but the fourth prince and his uncle seemed to have received some news, so they took a vitality chariot and left quickly with a large number of main forces.

That's why A Baobao led some people to come first, and they were also dispatched to assist A Baobao, but this idiot was too muddy to support the wall, his head was so hard, and he said that the front was unknown, this guy insisted on rushing in to die .

As for when the fourth prince and his uncle will come over, he has no idea about it.

While the three of them were talking, they saw that the northern barbarian army below had been slaughtered to pieces.

Just a wave of charging crushed Abaobao's self-esteem, and the tiger and wolf teacher he was proud of was gone at this moment.

"Hate!" A Baobao pushed away the guards beside him, lifted a huge axe, and charged towards the Yingying Leopard in front of him.

It was so outrageously wrong that even if he returned alive, he would have no face to face the fourth prince.

Thinking of this, Abaobao was already determined, jumped up suddenly, and ran like a leopard. In an instant, he passed a distance of fifty steps, and the big ax in his hand met the heavily loaded Yingying Leopard.

A battle ax weighing hundreds of catties slammed violently, and a firefly leopard rider was knocked back several meters abruptly by the axe. The fireflies splashed in all directions, and the war horse neighed for a while, and almost sat on the ground.

After all, he is a famous general in the world, and Abaobao's strength is naturally extraordinary.

But he has already been defeated after all, and Abaobao is extremely regretful in his heart. He thought it was just an ordinary ranger, but he didn't think that his kick was really kicked on a red-hot iron plate. Now he just wants to Died in battle, with the full name section.

"It's interesting, let me do it."

In the distance, Chang Wuzhi and Gao Zhuo stood beside Xu Tong, seeing A Baobao, the mad bull, Chang Wuzhi couldn't bear the killing intent in his heart, licked the corner of his lips with his scarlet tongue, and planned to personally Get started and give this mad cow a ride.

"Don't worry!!"

Xu Tong waved his hand, indicating that Chang Wuzhi doesn't need to move his hands, and his eyes glanced at A Baobao: "This person is exhausted, there is no need to work hard for him, let's recharge your energy, this is where it will go."

Since Space has repeatedly warned himself, it means that the intensity of his encirclement and suppression this time will definitely not be low.

After all, my actions have already affected the development of the plot, even if it is to force myself to correct the plot, it will definitely not be such a small fight.

And this time I did it myself with great fanfare, just to take off this pressure, let Li Bo and the others split up with me, and successfully complete the main task.

The greatest value of the team, isn't that what it is.

"Da da da da..."

In the distant mountains and forests, a group of firefly and leopard riders gathered quickly. The blue flames on their bodies danced, but they did not bring any warmth to the surroundings. Instead, they covered the surrounding forest leaves with a thin layer of frost.

"Come on, you guys who are neither human nor ghost, come on!!"

Abaobao held the battle ax tightly, staring at the figure in front of him, the blood stained the battle ax red along the tiger's mouth, like a trapped animal roaring angrily.

Seeing this, the Firefly Cavalry slowly pulled the reins, and the next moment, more than a hundred cavalry rushed forward at the same time, and the dark blue fireflies surged, swooping down like a tsunami rolled up on the sea.

A huge sense of oppression struck, like a mountain, hitting Abaobao's body, and his body couldn't stand it immediately, and his legs fell to his knees in the bloody mud.

"No, this guy can't die!"

Seeing that Abaobao was bound to die, the old Taoist who was hiding on the mountainside finally made a move. His figure disappeared without a trace, and in his place was a black-faced demon descending on the battlefield out of thin air. Rolling, the whole world was instantly engulfed in darkness, and a palm silently grabbed Abaobao.

Faced with the sudden change, Xu Tong's brows sank, his eyes opened, two golden lights pierced through the black clouds in his pupils, and he sneered: "What kind of demons and evil ways, break it for me!"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Tong raised the Chunyang sword, raised his hand to face the darkness, and cut down with the sword, only to see the sword edge waving, and the fate and luck behind Xu Tong seemed to be stimulated, and there was a breakthrough The roar of the tiger in the sky...

(Note: I'm sorry, it's a bit late today, and one update is missing. It's the [-]th National Day. My friend got married and went to help. I'm exhausted when I get home. I owe one update. I'll make it up tomorrow!)

(End of this chapter)

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