Chapter 904
A white light splits the chaos and cuts straight ahead.


The black-faced demon opened its eyes angrily, and grabbed the sword light with its other huge hand. As a result, there was a sharp pain in the palm, and a hole was pierced through the palm of the hand by the sword light. The figure disappeared immediately.


Halfway up the mountain, the old man fell to the ground, the palm of his left hand had been cut in half, and the pain made him break out in cold sweat.

Before the two Taoist boys beside him ran up to help him, he bit the tip of his tongue, spewed out a mouthful of blood, drew a symbol with his finger, and volleyed a little: "Heaven and earth vitality, listen to my orders, the emptiness of yang will not grow, and the solitary yin will not stand. Run away, let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, the blood talisman in front of him suddenly glowed black, turning into a cloud of black mist, enveloping the three of them and trying to escape quickly.

"I want to go, it's too late!"

In the sky, there was a muffled thunderclap, followed by a thunderbolt from the blue sky, the thunder light was as thick as a bucket, splitting the woods halfway up the mountain into a sea of ​​flames on the spot.

A moment later, when Xu Tong rushed over with Chang Wuju and Gao Zhuo, he saw two scorched boys lying on the ground.

Xu Tong took Xiaopang back, stepped forward to take a look, carefully inspected the corpses on the ground, and found that although the bodies of the two boys were charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

But it wasn't because of Xiaopang's Lei Fa. The moment the lightning strike fell, the blood energy from the two Taoist boys was directly emptied.

"This guy must be injured, I'm afraid he won't be able to run too far, I'll go after him!"

Chang Wuju picked up his nose and smelled the smell of blood in the air, and concluded that the other party had been seriously injured, so he planned to chase and kill him.

"Don't worry, let him run for a while!"

Xu Tong stopped Chang Wuzhi, and at this moment, five little furry guys came out of the woods.

These five little guys lined up, carrying the broken arrow that Xu Tong shot just now, came to Xu Tong's side and began to claim credit.

Xu Tong put away the Pojun Arrow, took out a few sugar pills and distributed them to these little guys.


However, what Xu Tong didn't expect was that after the five little guys got the sugar pills, they returned to the entrance of the hall in a hurry, and sent the sugar pills in front of the big girl like offering treasures, jumping and jumping. It is to bring out the true qualities of dog licking to the fullest.

Xu Tong was interested in this, so he left Jixiang and Facai to help Laojuntang, but Da Ya must take it with him, otherwise how could he let these five licking dogs work obediently for him.

"Old Bai, Li Bo, you clear up the battlefield quickly, then go to the east. After rushing out of the range of the barbarian army, make a detour to join the main force and complete the main task."

Xu Tong spoke to Gu Xibai and Li Bo in the distance through the team channel.

"Head, what about you?" Gu Xibai asked.

"I have other plans. Aren't they going to encircle and suppress me? Then I'll go fist bump with them first."

Xu Tong's style has always been to take the initiative to attack, passively being beaten is not his style.

After instructing Gu Xibai and Li Bo to keep in touch with him at any time, they put away the Yingbaoqi who was approaching behind them, and the three of them followed the old way to escape.

Just as Chang Wuzhi said, the old Taoist was injured, and it was not light. After he could not escape thousands of meters with the secret method, he could only run while healing his injuries.

Although it was dressed as a Taoist priest, the technique he used was extremely weird and sinister. The old Taoist priest caught a goat, opened his mouth and bit the goat's neck, but the goat was already withered in a moment.

Then the old Taoist drew a few more talismans, with a touch of his fingertips, the talismans flew into the square forest, and strands of life essence flew away from the forest like spirit snakes, and the old Taoist sucked them in, swallowing them In the entrance, in an instant, the surrounding vegetation has become withered forests and leaves.

"It's really bad luck!"

Only after the injury stabilized did the old Taoist stand up, cursing in his heart.

"The opponent's strength is unfathomable, and he is definitely not an idle person, but who is this person? He has such a pure and pure Yang Qi, is it the Jiuyang Zhenjun of the desert? No, Jiuyang Zhenjun is not good at swordsmanship. Even less good at thunder, could it be a senior from Gezao Sect?"

The old Taoist thought about it carefully and felt that it was possible.

The treasure of Gezao Sect [Falling God Bell] is known as the Pure Yang Spirit Treasure. Apart from the Shenxiao Sect, their family's Leifa is also one of the best.

The most important thing is that this person holds a magic arrow in his hand. This old Taoist priest has seen it in ancient books a few years ago. 160 years ago, when the two sects fought, the Gezao Sect and the Lingyin Sect agreed to produce three people each. The battle will determine the outcome.

As a result, the bald donkeys of the Lingyin Sect did not keep their promises, and secretly formed an formation of [-] monks to besiege the Gezao Sect.

Zhou Xin, the patriarch of Gezao Sect, ordered the ghosts and gods to open the way. According to the book, the ghosts and gods stood on the top of the mountain, and an arrow called out the golden rain.

This matter was originally a rumor in the world, and the records in the book cannot be true, but the Lingyin Sect did not recover from the fall, and now it is rumored that there are only bricks and tiles left in the temple, not even a single monk.

So far, Ge Zaozong has achieved one of the three talisman sects in this battle, but his vitality has been seriously injured. The mountain has been closed for 100 years, and he has never set foot in the rivers and lakes easily.

"If this person is really from Ge Zao Sect, things will be tricky!"

But the old Taoist didn't have time to think about it carefully, for fear that the other party would come after him: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, it's better to meet up with the fourth prince and uncle as soon as possible."

Thinking of the old Taoist stomping his feet and calling out a white dove, the dove flapped its wings a few times and then flew towards the southwest, the old Taoist didn't dare to hesitate to follow the dove in its direction.

As soon as the old Taoist priest left, the three of Xu Tong followed.

In all fairness, this old Taoist priest's strength is not bad, but Xu Tong is a land god, so he can't sense it.

Chang Wushou hides his breath tightly, this is the basic operation of an assassin.

As for Gao Zhuo, this guy is not a living person himself, he has no popularity at all, but he is not a dead person, and he doesn't have the smell of zombies on his body, and he will not be noticed by the old Taoist priest.

"It's so weird and evil. I'm afraid the surrounding forests won't grow even a single blade of grass in less than ten years."

Gao Zhuo stretched out his hand and pinched a handful of soil, and with a pinch of his fingers, the soil turned into gravel. As a zombie, Gao Zhuo knew the changes in the soil best.

Reminiscent of the cause of death of the two boys, it can be seen that the kung fu practiced by this old Taoist priest is a sorcery that steals human essence.

"Head, why did this guy walk all the way to the southwest, farther and farther away, didn't he agree to come and kill us?"

Gao Zhuo looked at the direction. Strictly speaking, they had come out of the encirclement of the northern barbarians, but this direction was getting more and more deviated, and the distance from Langshan Mountain was getting farther and farther, which made people feel that this direction seemed wrong.

Xu Tong was also a little uncertain.

He originally thought that since he came to besiege and kill them, the real master must be not far behind. Who would have thought that it would take so long to walk away.

Unable to think of the reason, Xu Tong could only let out a long sigh, and uttered that famous saying.

"It's all coming."

Fortunately, the three of them traveled lightly, so there was no delay. When the old Taoist priest reached a roadside tea shop, Xu Tong and the three simply went in together.

The three of them had already changed out of their blood-stained military uniforms, and put on a set of ancient costumes that were closer to the local customs and customs. This clothes were rented by Gao Zhuo from an ancient clothing store when he purchased them.

After changing his clothes and combing his hair, he transformed himself into the style of the three sons, and the old Taoist couldn't recognize him.

After all, Xu Tong wearing a helmet and disheveled hair on the battlefield is completely different from his current appearance.

Even Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi, two old Taoist priests, had never seen each other before.

The three of them sat at the table and asked the waiter for a pot of tea.

At this time, after the old Taoist glanced at Xu Tong and the three of them, he suddenly became alert. It wasn't that he recognized Xu Tong, but that he felt very uneasy when facing the three of them.

The so-called enlightenment is heaven and man, and at this stage of cultivation, there is naturally a sense of heaven and man in his heart that he can seek good luck and avoid evil.

Immediately, the old Taoist wanted to leave, but just stood up, the sound of horseshoes outside made the old Taoist startled, and sat down on the raised buttocks.

I saw a row of black war horses parked in front of the teahouse.

A group of men and women stepped into the teahouse: "Xiao Er!"

I saw a young man in the middle casually throwing a piece of broken silver to the waiter: "Is there any good tea for us to make, don't use high broken pieces to fool us!"

The silver is not big, but the buddy is so happy that he nods again and again.

After the group of men and women sat down, someone complained impatiently: "Master and wife are walking too fast, we can't catch up even if we hurry."

"Junior Sister!"

As soon as the woman finished complaining, she was scolded by the man at the side. She glanced at the teahouse, and when she saw Lao Dao and Xu Tong, she dipped her fingers in the water stains on the table and casually put them on the table. wrote the word "quiet"
Seeing the senior brother speak, all the juniors and sisters dared not say another word.

Xu Tong took a look at this group of people with the help of his eye of fate, and found that the strength of this group is also uneven, and the senior brother with the highest cultivation level is only in the middle stage of Taoism, and he has given birth to two Dao fruits.

And the strength is almost only the Grand Master.

"They are also heading southwest. Could it be that something happened in the southwest direction??"

Xu Tong thought for a while, and then he understood immediately: "Could it be..."

In the original script, after the last round of players broke out, they met a group of people who seemed to have defected from Longhu Mountain. After they rescued each other, they got a treasure. All the factions in the world chased and killed them, making them extremely embarrassed along the way.

If we had followed the original plot line of the previous round, our group would have encountered traitors like Longhushan long ago.

Xu Tong thought that he had changed the direction of the plot, but he didn't expect to meet him in the end.

This inevitably gave Xu Tong a feeling of being arranged.

It seems that there is a force in the dark pushing him to the route of the last round of players.

"Are you still playing chess with me?"

There was a cold look in Xu Tong's eyes, he knew that the so-called treasure was just an introduction, and in the end this thing killed many people.

Just as Xu Tong was thinking about whether he should go to this muddy water next time, the group of people at the next table had already set off on their way again.

As soon as they left, the old Taoist got up and followed.

Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi looked at Xu Tong and said in the team channel: "Boss, that old bastard is chasing after him, so he wants to attack these people!"

Hearing Gao Zhuo's words, Xu Tong suddenly felt inspired, and slapped the table: "Let's go!"


Seeing that Xu Tong was suddenly in a good mood, the two looked at him with question marks on their faces: "Where are you going?"

Xu Tong stretched out the fan in his hand, and said without turning his head, "Then there is no need to ask, of course it is... chivalry!"

(End of this chapter)

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