Chapter 905
More and more people are heading southwest.

On the way, I heard many people's discussions intermittently, and when Xu Tong and others arrived at Hutou Mountain, the crowd became even more lively.

This Hutou Mountain is originally an important traffic road, connecting the West Shu on the left and the East China Sea on the right, connecting the North Man at the top and Nangan at the bottom.

There is an inn at the crossroads, named Humen Inn, but since the inn was established, it has never been so lively in a single day.

Many people from the rivers and lakes chose to stay here to rest and recuperate. The three of Xu Tong hid their breath and mingled among the crowd.

It is roughly the same as the content in the script. It is nothing more than a traitor who escaped from Longhushan and holds the treasure of Longhushan.

"No mistake, Da Yue Daoist from Longhu Mountain chased him in person yesterday, and I heard that people from the Yuanqi Sect are also there."

"The Yuanqi God Sect is here? Isn't the Northern Man fighting? I heard that a decisive battle is about to happen."

"Hey, anyway, it won't be finished in a while, so take the time to come and grab a treasure before going back. Anyway, the vitality chariot of the vitality god sect can travel thousands of miles a day, so nothing will be delayed."

The excitement that everyone at the foot of the mountain was talking about made Xu Tong almost think that these people were here to talk about cross talk.

The teahouses and inns at the foot of Hutou Mountain were already full of people.

The three of Xu Tong managed to find a place in the tea shed to sit down and rest for a while. With a glance, they found the group of men and women from yesterday.

In fact, it is easy to identify. The black war horses they ride are not ordinary goods, and they can be recognized at a glance.

"It's rumored that it is the wind and fire of Longhu Mountain, one of the most precious treasures in the world."

"No, it seems to be the Dragon and Tiger Banner of Dragon and Tiger Mountain!"

"But how did I hear that it was Zhang Daoling's saber, Zhang Lingjian?"

Most of these people came to watch the excitement, and few people really dared to go inside Hutou Mountain.

If you ask Xu Tong, these people are too idle, purely similar to those Internet celebrities in reality, they will join in wherever there is excitement, and if they catch a wave of hot spots, they will hang on themselves.

Not long after, Xu Tong found the old Taoist priest, and found that the old Taoist priest's eyes were fixed all the time, and he seemed to recognize them as men and women in this line of business.

Seeing this, Xu Tong waited calmly, while drinking tea, he listened to the people around him bragging about the fight last night.

Whether it's true or not, I won't mention it for the time being, but it sounds very exciting anyway.

What Dayue Daoist raised his hand and summoned 68 divine thunder talismans.

The duo of piano and flute played music in the air, making the stars fall like light rain in the night sky.

The head of Huashan, with a sword coming from the east, is like a long rainbow piercing the moon.

The Yuanqi God Sect rode on the Yuanqi chariot and almost knocked down the mountain.

Good guy, it's really your side singing and our side coming on stage, Xu Tong was so happy to hear it, that he even wanted to throw a few gold bumps for them as rewards.

"Brother, the inn is already full, let's..."

The group of men and women here looked puzzled, and the senior brother at the head frowned when he saw this, and said, "Forget it, there are mixed fish and dragons here, and it's not a good place. Let's go to a remote place and so on."

These disciples, after all, came from famous families, they couldn't bear the dust of the world, seeing that there was not even a guest room here, so they just got on their horses and continued down the Hutou Mountain.

When the old Taoist saw this, his eyes showed joy. He was really worried that these brats would not leave here.

Immediately stood up and followed.

As everyone knows, just as the old man left, the three of Xu Tong have already followed behind him, and followed closely.

It was getting darker and darker, and this group of men and women found a ruined temple at the foot of Hutou Mountain. Seeing that it was a good place, they planned to stay temporarily and meet their master and wife after they went down the mountain.

"Hey, what a great place."

The old Taoist hid in the distance, looking at the ruined temple in front of him, his heart burst with joy.

His injuries were serious. Although he took away the blood essence of the two disciples at the critical moment, the power of the thunder, as if he had hit the nemesis, severely injured him and greatly damaged his strength.

At least 20 years of hard training have been wiped out.

Now, these boys and girls are full of vitality, judging by their attire, they look like disciples of Tianxing Pavilion, and they say they are master and wife... Well, hehe, they are the disciples of the two heroes of the piano and flute.

The disciples of Tianxing Pavilion practiced Zhongzheng Qi-nourishing exercises, which are many times stronger than those Jianghu street sneakers.

It was precisely because of this that the old Taoist stared at them.

The old Taoist emerged from the bushes, squinted his eyes and stared at Pomian, when he saw a female disciple come out of the door, looking around, as if about to release water.


Seeing this, the old Taoist was overjoyed, pinched his fingers, and pinched a talisman in his palm, thinking: "Then let's start with you!"

With a flick of his finger, the talisman in his palm flew up, emitting a dark red light.

"Hmph, little girl, don't blame the poor man for destroying flowers with his hands. The poor man is really old. Even if he wants to, he is powerless. It can only make you die...!"

Before the old Taoist could finish his words, suddenly a black figure jumped out from the bushes behind him. He didn't know what kind of animal it was. He opened his mouth and swallowed the talisman in the old Taoist's hand, and ate it.

"Huh?? What??"

Now the old Taoist was stunned, and when he took a closer look, he saw that the thing looked strange. It was very similar to a dragon in shape, but it had no dragon horns or scales. , six slender downy horns protruded from the chubby head, and a pair of transparent wings grew out from behind.

Rao is an experienced man, and he has never seen such a strange beast.

Just when the old man was in a daze, the strange beast blinked at him, turned around and got into the bushes.

"Don't go!"

The old man didn't know what that thing was, he just felt that it was extraordinary, he could even eat his own vitality talisman, maybe it wasn't necessarily a strange beast, and now he didn't care about the girl and turned around to catch up.

The strange beast flew slowly, and showed no fear of being followed by the old man. From time to time, it would stop on the treetops and stick out its tongue towards the old man.

"It really is a strange beast from heaven and earth, little thing, hurry up, come to Master Dao!"

Seeing the boy land on a tree branch, the old Taoist immediately took out the meatloaf from his pocket to lure the boy down.

It's a pity that the little guy was full of disdain when he saw this, and jumped to the side bushes.

"Where to run!"

There was a cold light in the old Taoist's eyes, and his figure suddenly accelerated towards the shadows.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, an evil light came out of his palm, just to grab this little guy in his hand, but unexpectedly, the moment his hand was stretched out, an evil wind suddenly appeared in the shadow.

Immediately after the old man's pupils tightened, he saw a giant tiger puffing out blue smoke appearing in the darkness, and raised its huge paw to take a picture of himself.


Before the old man came back to his senses, there was a buzzing sound in his head, as if someone had hit him with a sap from behind, he lost consciousness instantly, and fell to the ground with a plop.

"This is the end??"

Seeing the soil cracked, Gao Zhuo crawled out from the soil, and Chang Wuzhi's figure appeared on the tree trunk beside him, the two of them looked at the old Taoist who had passed out on the ground, and they couldn't help but look bored.

I thought how strong this veteran is, but I didn't want to get it done all at once.

"He was injured himself, and his luck, strength, and blood are not as good as mine. It's normal for him not to be able to stand my worship."

I saw Xu Tong coming out of the shadows, and Yunxun was lying on his shoulders, with big eyes as pure as jewels, staring curiously at the old man on the ground.

Xu Tong walked up to the old man, stretched out his hand to grope around him, and found a gourd, a scripture, and some talismans.

After picking up the scripture and flipping through it casually, he saw the so-called cultivation method of Yuanqi Shenjiao.

Although this vitality god sect looks like an orthodox Taoist priest, in fact the method it practices is evil and domineering, which is clearly a cult.

According to the notes in the book, all things are transformed by vitality and spirit. Although they have different shapes, they have the same origin.

The book also changed the story of Pangu's creation of the world into the god of vitality.

According to the cultivation method, the disciples of the Yuan Qi God Sect must accept the Yuan Qi Treasure Talisman planted on their bodies by the master, so that they can absorb the spirits of all things for their own use.

But after planting this vitality talisman, life and death are at the moment of the master's mind from now on. If the master is slightly unhappy, the talisman will be taken away in an instant, and those who are taken away together will have a whole body of asceticism. Come Jingyuan.

This is the real cause of death of the two Taoist boys.

After reading it, Xu Tong threw it into the item book.

At first glance, it is still a good item card, carrying two skills: [Vitality Rune] and [Secret Talisman].

"Head, this gourd is still a good thing, a high-level item card, this old boy is really rich!"

Gao Zhuo handed the gourd to Xu Tonglai.

【Vitality Treasure Gourd】

Active Skill 1: Vitality Divine Light Slash
Consume 300 script points to launch three divine lights to slay the target, and each divine light is accompanied by vitality damage of different attributes.

Cooldown: 20 seconds

Active Skill 2: Tianyuan Divine Gourd (600/3000)

Consumes 2000 script points, and after activation, it can devour all the vitality of the surrounding vegetation and livestock within 1000 meters.

The more vitality devoured, the stronger the power of Divine Light Slash.

The upper limit shall not exceed [-].

Cooldown: 30 hours

Active Skill 3: Shenyuan Gourd Cannon
Consume 1000 script points to expel all the vitality in the gourd at once to form a vitality bomb and bombard the target. The more vitality there is, the stronger the vitality bomb will be.

Cooling time: [-] days
Three active skills, and the power is not bad, it can barely be regarded as a high-level item card.

Xu Tong threw the gourd into the item book, and then put away all the unactivated talismans, signaling Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi to do it.

He stretched out his palm and patted the newt's head, and saw that the little guy opened his mouth and spit out a stream of red mist, and a talisman appeared in the red mist amidst the rising mist.

Seeing this, Xu Tong stretched out his hand and grabbed the talisman, and his mind moved: "everything in the morning and evening"

Dots of red light fell on Xu Tong's body. The masculine and pure yang energy that was originally on his body, under Xu Tong's thought, transformed into a tyrant. Both Gao Zhuo and Gao Zhuo felt great pressure.


Gao Zhuo casually tore off the old man's clothes, took out the Jack mask and put it on his face, changing his appearance into that of the old man.

Pointing to the old Taoist priest who had been stripped naked: "Just destroy him, it's not time to kill him yet, and then wait for me here!"

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he turned around and jumped up, but instead of heading towards Hutou Mountain, he headed straight towards the Humen Inn.

 Khan, it’s too late for the third watch tonight. I’m going to code Chapter 3 now. If I can finish writing in the early morning, I will post it. If I can’t finish it, I will post it tomorrow night.

(End of this chapter)

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