Infinite script kill

Chapter 906 The Elephant of the White Ape

Chapter 906 The Elephant of the White Ape
It was getting late, but the Humen Inn was very lively.

Strange things happen every year in the martial arts world, but this year is especially big. The appearance of traitors in Longhu Mountain is really an anecdote in the world.

This melon is even more popular than Longhushan Tianshi Feisheng.

The so-called happiness is based on the pain of others. If the other party is a high-ranking gangster like Longhushan, it will be double or even triple the happiness.

It's as if the public is happy to see the news that a certain traffic niche's personality collapses, and a certain boss is arrested for ransacking his home.

At this moment in the inn, someone has already started to arrange the whole story about the Longhushan rebellion.

"Do you know who the person who betrayed Longhushan this time is? Zhang Yishan, the real person of Changkong, one of the four realmen of Longhushan. The headmaster of Longhushan will call him uncle when he sees him."

The middle-aged man with two beards put a piece of mutton in his mouth and took another sip of hot wine. Under the urging of everyone, he continued to speak with the strength of the wine.

"This Zhang Yishan is not simple, his Zhang is given the surname Zhang!"

"Give the surname? So what??" Everyone waited for a long time, and they were immediately dissatisfied when they heard him say such a sentence.

Unexpectedly, Bazihu ​​curled his lips and sneered: "What do you know? Giving the surname Zhang is the privilege of a celestial master, which means that these people are qualified to inherit the celestial master. Otherwise, you think that the celestial master's family has the surname Zhang for generations. There are only one, two or three people who gave the surname, and they must have excellent aptitude and understanding, otherwise they will definitely not have this honor."

Immediately stood on the stool with the enthusiasm of the nonsense, "Zhang Yishan was a brother in the previous generation of celestial masters. This time the celestial master should be inherited by him, but he didn't want to be born 16 years ago when the world's number one evildoer was born. Only 23 years old, sweeping the world's masters, Xiao Leshan from the northern barbarian Xiao family who vomited blood with three strokes, punched the monk of the East China Sea, and the Tiangan Guozhu Xu ran away with only fifteen strokes."

The No. [-] in the world mentioned in the horoscope is none other than Zhang Xian, the head teacher of Longhu Mountain.

This story has been rotten for a long time, but no matter who it is, it will never get tired of hearing it.

It wasn't because of what Zhang Xian did later. In fact, after this celestial master swept the world, he returned to Longhu Mountain and never came out again. It seemed that this turmoil was just a trial for him to walk in the world.

To this day, even the disciples of Longhu Mountain have not seen him. Some people say that he has ascended, and some say that he is still in retreat.

But his name has become a nightmare in the hearts of people all over the world.

For example, the god monks of the Eastern Han Dynasty were famous for their good temper, ranking seventh in the world, and they were notoriously good tempered, and they never fought back even when they were beaten or scolded.

But if you tell him, you were beaten by Zhang Xian.

Hehe, then this holy monk can let you see what is the wrath of the Buddha Vajra.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this knot that the realm of the holy monk who was once the fourth in the world suffered a great loss and fell to the seventh in the world.

As for Xu Lai who is number two in the world, Xiao Leshan who is number three, and Zhang Xian are taboo words in front of them.

When the mustache was talking happily, he suddenly heard a commotion outside, and immediately became annoyed, walked to the window, opened the window and was about to curse: "Hey, I said, do you want someone to rest in the middle of the night... ..."

As a result, as soon as his head was exposed, a crimson blood talisman flew towards his scalp, and saw the blood talisman hit a middle-aged man. The man didn't even have time to scream, and was killed on the spot.

The mustache was stunned, and when he looked up again, he saw an old Taoist on the road looking at him with red eyes. The old Taoist's white hair was messy, and twelve talismans flashed behind him, and he saw a large piece of blood surrounding him. .

Seeing this, the mustache froze for a few seconds, and the flesh on his face twitched: "That... you continue!"

After closing the window, he turned and ran.


As soon as the character mustache left, a blood talisman on the back smashed the wall of the inn.

Immediately afterwards, the old Taoist priest walked in. Facing the surprised eyes of the crowd, he raised his hand with a sword light burning with red fire, and sent the few people in front of him flying away.

"Brother!!" Seeing his brother being killed, a bald man charged up with a sword in his hand. This man is known as the Eight Diagrams Longyou Dao. He is a well-known master in the Jianghu. But it is as nimble as a dragon in the hand.

As a result, Xu Tong raised his hand and slapped him to the ground, spitting out his bloody teeth. A strange evil light flickered, and the blood energy from the bald man's whole body was drawn out, and then it turned into a blood pill and returned to Xu Tong's hand.

If the old Taoist priests were here, they would definitely recognize this talisman as the essence and blood talisman swallowed by the newt.

Everything was going too fast, everyone was dumbfounded, and finally someone yelled: "The Primordial Qi Sect, this person is a member of the Primordial Qi Divine Sect!!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was even more surprised.

Although the Vitality Sect is ruthless, it can be regarded as a famous sect in the world. It can't be said to be a decent sect, but it has never killed innocent people like this.

Just when he was terrified, he saw the old Taoist jump up, took out a gourd and held it in his palm, and glanced at the crowd with a blank expression: "Everyone, everything is vitality. I am lucky today. The poor Taoist will have a good relationship with you. May you Be integrated with the vitality god as soon as possible!"

As he said that, he threw up the gourd in his hand, only to see the gourd hanging upside down in the air, and a strange talisman glowed from the mouth of the gourd.

"No, run away!!"

Those who knew the goods recognized the origin of the thing, let out a loud roar, and rushed out of the inn desperately.

"Tian Yuan Divine Gourd!"

At this moment, the gourd suddenly gushed out a huge suction force, and everyone immediately noticed that the blood in their bodies began to flow backwards, as if they were about to be pulled out of their bodies by this suction force, and immediately used their skills to protect their bodies.

"Stop, we are Huashan disciples, you..."

Someone saw that he was invincible and hurriedly reported his name, but the old Taoist in front of him only sneered when he heard the words, then raised his hand, and a sword light of vitality came out from his fingertips, directly knocking the person to the ground, grabbing the gourd with one hand Flying and jumping down, blood spattered seven feet wherever he passed.

Only after waiting for less than a stick of incense, the old Taoist walked out of the inn, jumped forward, and headed straight to Hutou Mountain behind.

After the old Taoist priest left, the foot of Humen Mountain was already in a mess.

Some survivors sneaked up and looked at the broken door of the inn, and their faces turned pale with fright.

The inn is already like a slaughterhouse for Shura, no matter men or women, the corpses are like mummified corpses, the cracked palms scratched the ground with zigzagging scratches, one can imagine the pain suffered when one's essence was taken away.


Suddenly there was a soft sound, which made everyone tremble in fright. When they looked closely, they saw that there was still a living creature under the corner.

"It's from the Jingyi Gang!"

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly pulled him out, and suddenly a stench came over him. They saw that this man was exactly the mustache that he had just told everyone about. Go up a basin of cold water.


A pot of cold water was poured, and the mustache was shaking all over. The man suddenly regained his senses and screamed: "The Yuanqi God Sect, the Yuanqi God Sect is crazy, they are crazy, run, run, they are crazy, crazy! !!"

Seeing this, everyone looked at each other, only to see the mustache running out stumblingly. Obviously, this guy was so stimulated that he lost his mind and became crazy.

"Hurry up, send a letter to Shimen, if you don't avenge this revenge, we swear not to be human!"

Although most of the people who come here are to join in the fun, there are many of them, like the Huashan School, who bring some young disciples from their sect to gain experience. Unexpectedly, those who have just entered the rivers and lakes and the Yuanqi God Sect dare to take advantage of their elders To enter the mountain is to send masters to slaughter their disciples, this matter cannot be let go no matter what.

Soon those survivors took out communication tools and used thaumaturgy to communicate with their teachers, and some even rushed to Hutou Mountain directly, intending to inform the elders of the major sects.

And the instigator of all this has also escaped into Hutou Mountain to hide his breath at this moment, and hibernated himself.

The range of Hutou Mountain is not large, and the landform is more like Guilin standing on the ground. There are three auxiliary peaks forming the lower jaw. The main peak is not high but tall and majestic. The four peaks stand opposite each other, looking like a huge The tiger's head protrudes from the ground and roars to the sky, so it is called Hutou Mountain.

There is a huge depression in the middle of the mountain, with lush forests, big trees and deep forests, and the ancient trees in the sky cannot be hugged without ten adults.

Xu Tong hid on the side of a side peak, scanning the deep forest in front of him with his eyes.

Although I can't see the specifics, the chaotic movement in front of me makes people feel a tearing feeling of spatial dislocation from time to time, and I'm afraid that the masters in that line are fighting hard.

When he took a look at the door with his eyes of fate, he frowned deeply.

I saw the luck in the sky take shape, and the luck of more than a dozen people formed a knife, surrounding a white ape and attacking fiercely.

With their level of strength, in addition to means and treasures, they are also fighting for luck.

There are countless qi, and there is no dead end for people.

This white ape has always been a good omen since ancient times. It has the ability to turn danger into disaster, but it also has the meaning of bestowing gifts at the end of life. It is often the luck of those who are rich in treasures and have extraordinary strength.

There are poems in ancient times, the white ape hides treasures, and there are strange scriptures in its belly.Granting amulets to Huang Shi Lao, learning swordsman Bai Yuan, and so on.

The most typical case is the case of Zhang Wuji falling off a cliff and digging out the Nine Suns from the stomach of the white ape in the novel.

But this white ape's luck, it is not an easy thing to kill.

Those who are pregnant with this luck, the more injured they are, the stronger the luck of the white ape. It is precisely in this way that they can fight against many masters in the world without defeat.

It's just that although the white ape's luck is strong, but the more than ten people in front of him besieged, their luck is not as strong as that of the white ape, but they formed a huge gate knife, and if the white ape is slightly unwell If you are careful, your luck will be cut in half out of thin air.

It can be seen from this that the person under siege is probably at the end of his battle.

At this time, Xu Tong noticed that a group of people were rushing in the hinterland of Hutou Mountain, and after a closer look, they were the survivors who he deliberately let go at the Humen intersection.

Seeing this, Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, as I thought, this white ape spirit is far from reaching a dead end. Hehe, there will be a good show next."

 There are two more tonight, so I went to eat first.

(End of this chapter)

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