Infinite script kill

Chapter 907 Fighting with Immortals

Chapter 907 Fighting with Immortals
Seeing that someone had gone to report the news, what Xu Tong did was to rush ahead, and his figure rushed into the dense forest.

This dense forest seems to be as safe as the outside world, but it has been laid down by people.

Can only enter but not exit.

As soon as he stepped into the formation, he was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

Even though they had seen the siege from outside just now, it was only when they got closer that they realized that the fight was so fierce.

Three to five or six people holding swords and different spells are taking turns surrounding a white-clothed and long-bearded Taoist, and there are more than a dozen people standing in the distance around them, maintaining the formation to prevent the opponent from escaping, while watching the battle and holding the formation, any time. Get ready for a sneak attack.

After Xu Tong came in, he stood on the sidelines calmly and watched coldly, as if he was here to help, everyone didn't ask much when they saw this, after all, the fight ahead was extremely dangerous at this moment.

"Zhang Yishan, hand over your things, or you will be exhausted today!"

I saw the long sword in the man's hand trembling, and four sword qi were born, the sky sword, the earth sword, the wind sword, and the thunder sword were displayed in succession.

As expected of Huashan Sword Head, the four sword qis each have a kind of kendo will, such as the sky above the clouds, the earth thick and majestic, the smooth and unobstructed wind, and the thunderous thunder.

Heaven and humanity, perfectly integrated into the sword.

Facing this sword attack, he saw that the long-bearded Taoist showed sarcasm instead, and said with a sneer: "Feng Tianhua, your swordsmanship is far inferior to that of your master. I think the Huashan lineage is not as good as the previous generation. The poor Taoist asserts , if you don’t produce great virtues in three generations of Huashan, after three generations, there will be no place for you in Huashan.”

After the long-bearded Taoist said, his fisting intention sprouted, and he punched out, turning into a golden bridge and long rainbow, traversing the void, and his figure followed the golden light easily passing through the four swords.

"A sword of Hunyuan, good fortune!!"

It's just that long-bearded Taoist Zhang Yishan had just rushed out of the sword array, and an old man stabbed him head-on with his sword.

The person who made the move was none other than Zhang Yishan's senior brother, Dayue Daoist Zhao Yuanzhen, who was also the main force in chasing and killing Zhang Yishan this time.

This palm carries the power to reverse the universe.

Rao Zhang Yishan didn't dare to be careless, he felt a strong threat, his Taoist robe shook, and the innate gossip appeared around him and spun rapidly, and immediately split layer by layer, forming a reverse formation.

Bagua is divided into four images, four images are divided into two instruments, two instruments are transformed into Taiji, and Taiji is transformed into Wuji.

It didn't take any time for a wave of chaos to envelop Zhang Yishan's body.

As soon as this method came out, I don't know how many experts present changed their colors. No one in the world of Taoism can go around Longhu Mountain. This is really worthy of the name.

In such a short period of time, he was able to reversely dismantle the humble Eight Diagrams Formation, break the acquired nature and reverse the innate form, and reversely stimulate the Promise Formation. Leaving aside other things, this skill alone is enough to show Zhang Yishan's strength How strong.

"As expected of the person who gave the surname!"

However, at this moment, Da Yue Daoist's huge sword power was directly projected in along with the real shape of the dragon and tiger. Under this sword power, the chaotic energy that had not yet been condensed was immediately split and torn by the dragon and the tiger. open.

This is exactly the dragon-tiger sword fighting method of Longhu Mountain.

"What a powerful sword technique!" Looking at this sword, Xu Tong couldn't help being a little shocked in his heart. This sword has infinite changes, accompanied by dragons and tigers.

"But compared to Yan Xiaoqi's sword, it's still far behind. It's not pure enough. It's completely overwhelming."

Xu Tong compared secretly, and felt more and more in his heart that whether it was the real Taiyue or the Huashan sword head, although their sword intent was strong, they were far from reaching their peak.

But in the eyes of others, this is already the most amazing battle in this decade.

These two people are indeed the four great masters of Longhu Mountain. This is really a fight between gods.

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun.

Those present are all well-known people in the Jianghu, there are many top [-] first-class masters in the Jianghu, and there are no fewer than seven or eight who have become enlightened.

Zhao Yuanzhen's sword is like an antelope hanging horns, flying immortals from the sky, even more like a dragon and a tiger.

This swordsmanship is named after the Dragon and Tiger Order, and it is the top kendo of Dragon and Tiger Mountain. When the dragon and the tiger meet, they can blow the clouds and blow the fog, which can break the world's strange methods.

But Zhang Yishan's Infinite Chaos Formation is even more frightening. If it is half a beat slower and the energy of chaos is completely condensed, even if Zhao Yuanzhen is a real person in this world, he will probably die or be disabled.

The dragon and the tiger contended, and the sword walked across the strange peak, tearing apart the chaotic energy that had not been condensed into shape, and completely revealed Zhang Yishan's figure.

However, seeing that his Promise Formation was broken, Zhang Yishan's eyes and pupils did not show any expression of fear, but extremely calm.


A loud noise made the entire mountain tremble, and a purple thunderbolt descended from the sky above the sky, instantly, everyone's souls trembled.

"Zixiao Rune!"

Xu Tong's eyes widened. This scene was too familiar. He was in the script and was lucky enough to get a chance to experience it. It was this divine thunder that severely damaged the evil Buddha Mo Tuo Da summoned by Lu Zhi.

Seeing this method again now, it also confirmed that the old magic stick who drew the talisman on his hand was the Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain at that time.

"No, the power of this talisman is not as powerful as that drawn by the old celestial master, and it seems to be a little less tasteful."

Xu Tong is not what he used to be now. The second soul, the little fat man, specializes in Leifa, and has a deep research on Leifa. Don't look at it, but it is missing the charm of the three points, but the gap is widened in an instant.

It's like cooking. The same ingredients, in the hands of different chefs, taste very different. The reason may be the difference in the opponent's knife skills, fire skills, or even the so-called pot gas.

The point of the sword was on Zhang Yishan's finger, and when the huge force was about to crush Zhang Yishan's finger, the thunder light had already fallen, like a dragon scolded by the heavens, it slashed straight at Zhao Yuanzhen.

"Junior brother, I've been waiting for this sword from you for a long time!" Zhang Yishan's eyes were blazing, and this lightning that shook the sky was exactly what he planned to leave behind.

At the very moment, a huge palm tore through the void and grabbed onto the thunder.

"Vitality Mahamudra!"

Some people exclaimed that it was the unique technique of the vitality god religion, which can turn all things into vitality.

Xu Tong looked up suddenly, and saw a huge chariot falling from the clouds in the sky in the haze, and an old man with a Mediterranean hairstyle opened his palms, controlling the big hand that covered the sky to compete with the thunder.

"This is the Primordial Energy Sect!!"

There was shock in Xu Tong's eyes. If Zhang Yishan hadn't defected to Longhushan, perhaps it wasn't the gang of local chickens and dogs that surrounded and killed them that day, but this giant flying chariot.

Then he glanced at the Mediterranean on the chariot, who, like Zhang Yishan, Zhao Yuanzhen, and the Huashan sword head, was a Dao Slashing Realm, a land god.

"Hiss, good guy, I thought becoming a Taoist was nothing but cabbage, and cooperating with land gods has become so worthless."

Xu Tong secretly complained in his heart.

But these words are a bit extreme. The realm of land immortals is naturally one of the best, but this time Zhang Yishan's movement is too big. Longhushan has always been the pinnacle of Taoism in the world. He betrayed Longhushan with a treasure. All these top experts who are rare in the world have been attracted.

I saw the ferocious face of the Mediterranean Sea, although he is a land god, but the Zixiao Shenlei is just joking.

The thunder light hit the vitality big handprint, and it was about to pierce through it in an instant.

"Inject real energy into me!!"

Mediterranean let out a loud roar, and all the disciples behind them took action one after another, injecting their essence into Mediterranean's body. At the same time, the slaves on the chariot threw ore and gold into the brazier continuously. These rare treasures were thrown into the brazier. Behind the brazier, it turned into billowing essence and poured into the body of the Mediterranean Sea.

"This thing is actually similar to my Dari Ruyi Furnace!"

Xu Tong couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this, and began to wonder if he could take this chariot if he had the chance.

With the joining of Haidi, the leader of Yuanqi God Sect, Zhang Yishan's opportunity to fight back was interrupted immediately. His fingers were crushed by Zhao Yuanzhen's sword, and blood was scattered in the air. The talisman drew a peculiar talisman.




For a moment, the talisman light was powerful, covered with divine light, and the space was condensed inch by inch. It was extremely powerful. Even Zhao Yuanzhen, who is also one of the four great masters of Longhu Mountain, changed his face drastically. He had an extra dragon and tiger flag in his hand, protecting his whole body and retreating quickly.

I saw the light of the talisman aiming at the front.

Zhao Yuanzhen snorted, and his face turned pale instantly.

Xu Tong looked at it with his eyes, and when he found this photo, he almost broke Zhao Yuanzhen's luck.

"This talisman is actually a talisman that specifically targets luck attacks!"

For a moment, some thoughts inevitably came to his mind, including the cloud salamander he was talking about, which also jumped up from the fairy furnace, staring straight at the treasure talisman with two pairs of big eyes.

Holding the treasure talisman, Zhang Yishan aimed at the Mediterranean Sea on the vitality chariot, and now the Mediterranean Sea's face was not good-looking.

It is absolutely impossible for him to resist this talisman while resisting the divine thunder with his supernatural power.

At this moment, a sneer came from the vitality chariot.

"Zhang Yishan, you are so brave, you dare to steal the Seal of the Heavenly Master from Longhu Mountain!"

Accompanied by the voice, Xu Tong's eyes were suddenly covered by a brilliant golden light, and a wave of great luck covered the sky, just like a real dragon descending into the world.

I saw a young man wearing a golden crown, a scepter in his hand, and a white-gold robe, appearing on the battleship. Fu Guangguang was on this man, but he didn't move at all.

The giant dragon in luck above the young man's head was annoyed by the talisman, and roared out waves, trying to shatter the talisman in Zhang Yishan's hand.

This person is none other than Daman's future true son, Yeluqi, the fourth prince of Beiman.

Zhang Yishan's face suddenly turned pale, although this Celestial Master's seal can bring luck to people, but it is not good when facing the fourth Beiman prince, the luck of the other party is not personal luck, but the national destiny with most of the Beiman.

Even if one's mana is all-powerful, he will not be able to withstand the fate of the country.

(There is another update tonight)
(End of this chapter)

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