Chapter 909
Seeing Xu Tong disguised as an old Taoist priest rushing towards him, Yeluqi's face changed drastically, and he pointed at Xu Tong: "Fire! Kill him!"

Yeluqi has met Han Feizi many times, and he knows the virtues of that old ghost best. This person is definitely not Han Feizi, someone must have framed him.

Besides, even if he was really Han Feizi, this guy ruined his own affairs, so he couldn't let him go today.

Yeluqi thought decisively, and even acted like the wind. With an order, the chariot turned on the spot, and the muzzles protruded from the side, aiming at Xu Tong.


The boilers on Yuan Qi's chariot turned, and a large amount of Yuan Qi was injected into these cannons. Following Yeluqi's order, a strong light suddenly flashed from the muzzle, darkening the surrounding world, followed by an extremely bright, A bright light comparable to the sun and the moon gathered violently at the muzzle.

Xu Tong's pupils tightened, and when he sensed the crisis, his decisive figure quickly retreated to the side.

"Boom boom boom..."

At the same time, a beam of light as thick as an arm fired at Xu Tong with a rumbling sound.

As soon as this ray of light appeared, it suddenly took away the colors between the sky and the earth, leaving only black and white.

This is a light born entirely for destruction.

Especially the rumbling cannons, as if countless things were exploding in the beam of light.

Hearing the sound of the cannon, it gave people a feeling that the sky was collapsing, as if all the spells were being annihilated in it, and it couldn't be viewed with common sense, its power was enough to penetrate everything.

"As expected of the treasure of the Primordial Spirit Sect, the real weapon of the gods, if Zhang Yishan hadn't betrayed Longhushan and held the treasure in his hand, attracting the fourth prince and the others, I'm afraid we would have been passive."

Facing the vitality cannon that pierced through everything, Xu Tong didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. He stopped hiding his strength, shrank his feet, and quickly dodged around the teachers and masters around him.

This time, many masters were caught off guard, and were immediately hit hard by the vitality cannon on the spot, and were even directly smashed into pieces.

In this way, the fourth prince's wolfish ambition was further confirmed.

I saw Xu Tong dodging, while cooperating with the bombardment of the vitality cannon, he turned around and ejected two vitality sword lights to kill the two men.

So much so that in the eyes of outsiders, it seems more like the vitality god religion is killing the Quartet.

"Senior Brother!!"

Seeing the tragic death of their senior brother, someone glared fiercely at the fourth prince: "The Spiritual Sect of Vitality!! You are so insane, I will wait for this matter with you Beiman forever!!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and fled out quickly with a few surviving disciples.


Seeing this, Yeluqi's face changed greatly. This time it was yellow mud falling off his crotch, and he couldn't explain why. Once this matter got out, whether it was the Yuanqi God Sect or the entire Northern Man, they would become a thorn in the eyes of the Jianghu people. thorn in the eye.

You know, the sects of these people are still there, and there must be backgrounds in the sects of the masters. If they really accept this bloody account, once these Jianghu sects stand on the side of heaven in the future, they will be ashamed of the northern barbarians. passive.

Thinking of this, the anger on Yeluqi's face gradually dissipated, and his eyes became calm, knowing that he had fallen into someone else's trap, but it was irreparable, so he couldn't let these people leave alive.

"Kill them all!"

The four words spit out from Yeluqi's mouth, as cold as frost.

The abdominal plate armor of the vitality chariot was pulled away, exposing the core furnace, which actually sucked the rocks under the chariot into it and turned them into vitality, which shattered the rocks around the vitality chariot in a short while.

For a moment, the entire Hutou Mountain trembled violently, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

I saw strands of scorching divine light rippling on the chariot, and the terrifying aura seemed to destroy the world at any moment, even Xu Tong felt a great sense of crisis in his heart.

"I won't play with you!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong knew that his goal this time had been achieved, so he stopped staying and quickly turned around and fled outside.

In fact, he also thought about taking advantage of this opportunity to use the Jiuxian Cauldron to kill these people directly.

What kind of martial arts people, what kind of northern barbarian prince, Xu Tong has read the script, and knows that according to the original script, none of these people is a good thing.

But at this moment, seeing the scorching radiance of the vitality chariot, Xu Tong knew that this matter must not be done. This vitality chariot is no small matter. Expose this hole card.

In addition to this vitality chariot, Xu Tong also had a feeling, which was very vague and hard to describe. He felt that there was a power that hadn't appeared yet, and was just quietly observing here.

This kind of fuzzy feeling is extremely vague, and there is no trace when I feel it carefully, but it is always entangled in my heart.

The more this was the case, the more fearful Xu Tong was, he didn't dare to stay any longer, and rushed out of Hutou Mountain quickly.


As soon as Xu Tong rushed out of Hutou Mountain, the whole Hutou Mountain began to collapse.

"Head, what happened!!"

Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi hid outside Hutou Mountain, watching the scene of landslides and ground cracks in front of them from afar, their hearts were extremely shocked for a moment.

"Quick, take that old guy and run back!"

When Xu Tongzhi came and said the last sentence, the sky turned upside down behind him. Looking back, he saw the vitality chariot slowly rising from the collapsed rocks, and the chariot emitted a scorching hot light.

A strong light gushed out from the belly of the vitality chariot, and immediately pierced directly into the ground, and all the essence of the earth was sucked into the vitality chariot.

"This guy really isn't a good person!" Xu Tong secretly thought that something was wrong, he didn't expect the other party to be so cruel.


At this time, a middle-aged man chased up to Xu Tong with a sword. The long sword in his hand drew a crescent-like sword light, and directly took Xu Tong's head.

Xu Tong saw that the opponent was only a Daoist, but he didn't pay attention to him, he jumped sideways and lightly dodged the sword, turned around and said with a sneer: "If you don't run for your life earlier, you are not afraid of death!"

"You killed my grandson, today I am..."


Before the other party finished speaking, a huge crack suddenly tore open from the ground, and the man fell into the abyss unexpectedly and disappeared without a trace.

Xu Tong shook his head and cupped his hands towards the abyss: "Brother, I told you to leave early. I didn't expect you to be so early. Admire, admire."

Then he raised his head and saw that the cracks on the ground were getting bigger and bigger, and began to spread towards the surroundings like a spider web. If it continued like this, I'm afraid that this area of ​​hundreds of miles would be sunk.

This fourth prince is indeed a ruthless character, so ruthless, in order to kill people and silence them, he simply wants to bury the entire area within a hundred miles into the earth.

Seeing the landslide and the ground crack, the earth dragon turned over.

The strange strange feeling in Xu Tong's heart became more and more intense.


Finally, accompanied by a loud Buddha sound, Xu Tong felt relieved, and the strong strange feeling seemed to have found an outlet for catharsis, and he couldn't help letting out a long breath.

"Sure enough, there are experts spying in the dark. It's a good thing I didn't act rashly, otherwise I will suffer a big loss now!" Xu Tong exclaimed in his heart that he was lucky.

Looking up, I saw that the dark clouds in the sky were pushed aside, and the brilliant Buddha light penetrated through the clouds.

A big hand of Buddha's light descended from the sky and hit the vitality chariot directly.

"Amitabha, the fourth prince is acting perversely and killing all living beings in all directions. I'm afraid it's against the harmony of nature. The poor monk Gu Zang asks the fourth prince to take away his supernatural powers and put an end to the conflict!"

The sound of the great scriptures rippling above the sky accompanied by a person whispering.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the sound, and they shouted excitedly: "It's the monk of the East China Sea!!"

At this time, Haidi Dichou, the leader of the Yuanqi God Sect, also returned to the Yuanqi battleship, facing the big hand covering the sky above his head, he snorted coldly: "Bald donkey, what are you doing if you are not staying in your East China Sea!"

Said the sea, stretched his palms, absorbed a large amount of essence from the vitality chariot into his body, and immediately used the vitality big handprint again, and slapped the big hand in the sky.


For a while, the two palms faced each other, and a layer of dazzling golden waves exploded in the sky.

"Amitabha, good, good!"

The clouds and mists in the sky dispersed, and the Buddha's radiant hand vaguely turned into a nine-foot Buddha in the air. The Buddha used the sun, moon and stars as cassocks, with a golden circle of light on his head, and sitting on a vajra lotus platform.

As soon as the Buddha's dharma form appeared, he sat down fiercely towards the vitality chariot, and directly smashed the vitality chariot into the depths of the earth, and he would never stand up again.


After the vitality chariot was suppressed by the Buddha, it exploded suddenly!

An earth-shattering bang!It was so shocking that everyone's ears seemed to be pricked by needles, and a hole seemed to be smashed out of the ground. The vitality chariot broke out of the ground, rushed to the clouds, and then quickly fled here.

"Hey, it really is the treasure of the town education!"

Looking at the vitality chariot fleeing away, Xu Tong felt envious in his heart.

"This thing is very powerful. A random blow, even with a hit of [God Killer] activated with [-] script points, my Nine Immortal Cauldron may not be able to kill it, unless I can destroy the hole in the Nine Immortal Cauldron. To make up for it, if it can strengthen a wave, then killing these people is even easier!"

Of course, Xu Tong just thought about this idea, let alone the big hole in the Nine Immortal Cauldron.

Seeing that the situation had started to calm down, Xu Tong didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurried to join Gao Zhuo and the others.

"Quick, change clothes!!"

When Xu Tong came back, Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuju brought the unconscious old Taoist to meet him. He quickly took off his clothes and Jack's mask, revealing his true face.

At the same time, he put the Taoist robe on the old Taoist body again, and even stuffed the treasure gourd of vitality into the guy's arms.

Xu Tong took the initiative to disperse Wanxiang, and the original fierce aura on his body began to quickly return to its original appearance.

At this time, Gao Zhuo took out a silver needle and stabbed it into the old man's thigh. The sharp pain caused the old man to wake up suddenly.

He opened his eyes, and after looking at Xu Tong and the three of them, the old man's pupils tightened, and immediately he rolled on the ground with a lazy donkey, stood up, and threw a vitality talisman at the three of them with his backhand.


The two talismans exploded in front of the three of them, and the old Taoist bit off his finger, spewing out a black mist, enveloping the body, turning around and rushing into the sky.

That is, the moment he rushed into the air.

There was a loud roar behind him: "The vitality cult is here, everyone hurry up and kill it!!"

The sound spread all over the field, the old Taoist was startled when he heard the words, and saw people running towards him, his brain was buzzing, and he didn't understand what happened, but suddenly felt a murderous murderous aura behind him.

Immediately, he hurriedly turned his head to look, and a long sword like white jade was already reflected in his pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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