Chapter 910

The world was spinning in front of his eyes, and in a trance, the old man saw a vicious tiger swallowing a snow rabbit with its mouth open, blood splashed out along the tiger's mouth, and his consciousness gradually dissipated.

Before the head fell to the ground, Xu Tong lifted the head full of evil with one hand.Looking up at his luck, it actually increased a bit.

Dumb then hid in the white mist, as if he was still waiting for his next prey.

At this time, the other surviving members of the sect had rushed over.

When they saw the bloody corpse in Xu Tong's hands, they couldn't help cursing: "Bah, it's really cheap for him."


Although the old Taoist priest was dead, everyone felt resentment in their hearts. When someone saw the gourd on the old Taoist's waist, they wanted to reach out and pick it off.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he saw Xu Tong descending from the sky, a wave of pure yang righteousness swayed from his body like a mighty positive yang, and the opponent was blown away.


Everyone was shocked, this time someone realized that the young man in white in front of him turned out to be a master of Dao Slashing.

"Who is this person, why has he never heard of it??"

"Yeah, this body of pure yang qi is amazing. I have seen the real Jiuyang many years ago, and I have never had such pure pure yang qi."

"It's no wonder that this person can easily kill this thief. This pure yang energy is the nemesis of evil in the world!"

Everyone was discussing, but Xu Tong dropped the old Taoist's head on the ground expressionlessly, picked up the [Vitality Treasure Gourd] on the corpse's waist, and his eyes gradually became moist.

Touching the gourd with his palm, the corners of his lips trembled slightly as he put the gourd on his heart.

"Little sister! Senior brother avenged you. It's all my fault that senior brother let you be killed by this traitor. From then on, senior brother will never leave you again."

Hearing his murmurs, everyone immediately looked at each other, touching the scene and empathizing with each other.

Thinking that they took their disciples out for a trip this time, they wanted to come here to see the world, but they didn't dare to let them participate in the siege of Zhang Yishan rashly, so they could only wait at the Humen Inn temporarily.

But I didn't think that this farewell was actually a farewell between heaven and man. Xu Tong's deep affection inevitably made many people feel sad secretly.

Knowing that this is another sad story that makes people sigh, I just can't bear to ask so many details.

Anyway, I figured it out pretty much.

After all, storytellers and book writers like this kind of story the most. If people listen to it a lot, they can come up with more than a dozen versions in their minds.

For a while, everyone could only watch Xu Tong carefully put the gourd into his pocket, and no one would have any objection to this.

Who makes people's fists big? In the Land of Gods and Wonderland, those who take this step are the top ten masters in the world.

Just like Feng Tianhua, the head of swordsman Huashan, only ranked eighth, the master of vitality, Mediterranean, ranked fifth, and the monk of the East China Sea just now ranked sixth, but after today's incident, I am afraid that this monk's ranking will be raised again up.

"Everyone, the collusion between the vitality cult and the northern barbarian royal family is bound to bring disaster to the world. We will kill these evil thieves. If we don't avenge this revenge, we will swear not to be human. I will trouble you to report this matter to the world today. The vitality cult and the northern barbarian royal family must pay the price!"

Gao Zhuo and Chang Wushou hid aside and began to pick up the rhythm.

These words have reached the hearts of everyone.

In the Humen massacre, many of the elite seeds of some sects were killed, which was a fatal blow to any sect.

To know a qualified disciple, it takes ten or even twenty years of training.

All of this was ruined by the vitality god's teaching, so it's no wonder if you didn't work hard.

At this moment, Xu Tong suddenly pushed down the Jinshan Jade Pillar, and bowed heavily towards the crowd:
"Seniors, junior Yang Hong, originally from Xuankun, the northern barbarians destroyed our country and killed my people, thanks to my master who took me away and passed on my skills. This time I went down the mountain with my junior sister and planned to join the army In order to avenge the country, but I don’t want to cause my junior sister to die tragically. Yang Hong will avenge the country’s hatred and family hatred in this life. Please be a witness, no matter who can kill the leader of the Yuanqi God Sect, I, Yang Hong, make an oath here, It must be smashed to pieces to repay the kindness!"

What can unite people quickly is never love, but hatred.

Blood hatred and national hatred are the best glue in this world.

Just as in reality, you and Bangziguo don't like each other, but if someone suggests that we should scold Little Life, then you will find that you and Bangzi are surprisingly consistent in certain points of view.

So under Xu Tong's guidance, everyone's hatred for Yuanqi Shenjiao and Beiman reached an unprecedented level.

So much so that the original trending search suddenly changed from Zhang Yishan's betrayal of Longhushan to the current crusade against the northern barbarian cult.

It can only be said that Zhang Yishan's luck is really good, and now everyone may not be in the mood to hunt him down anymore.

Originally in the script, even if Zhang Yishan escaped to death today, he would still be dying. According to the route of the script, he would complete the process of increasing the treasures of the white ape like fate, and hand over the treasures in his hands to Xu Tong and others.

Now the plot is disturbed by Xu Tong, just like a storm rolled up by the wings of a butterfly, it begins to slowly move towards an unforeseen path.

This is probably something that the script world never expected.

"Brother Yang, you are planning to join the army. Could it be that you are going to do a lot of work?"

An old man with a short sword stepped forward and asked Xu Tong.

"Exactly! Now that Beiman and Tiangan are at war, I will definitely devote myself to revenge for the country and the family!"

Xu Tong said it with confidence and confidence. If it was normal, everyone would use the experience of their predecessors to advise Xu Tong. After all, few people in the Jianghu would like to join the imperial court.

On the one hand, they are unwilling to be subject to this control. After all, with their status in the world, even if they do not have official positions, local officials dare not neglect them, but if they enter the officialdom, their luck will be bound by the officialdom.

On the other hand, the courts are more dangerous than the rivers and lakes. What's more, whether it is Tiangan or Beiman, there is already an earth immortal sitting in the two courts.

They are all extremely human ministers with great national fortunes. It is not a wise choice to join the imperial court under such circumstances.

But today is different. Knowing that Xu Tong is going to join Tiangan, someone immediately took out a jade pendant and handed it to Xu Tong: "Our Taiqing Jianmen has a certain friendship with the Xu family, and it can be regarded as a close relationship, little brother." Although your strength is extraordinary, if you want to be free from officialdom, you must have a backer, this thing is given to you, you can take it out when necessary, it may save you a lot of trouble!"

With the old man taking the lead, other people also expressed their support, saying that they would return to the sect immediately and send a letter to Tiangan in the name of the sect to support him.

This harvest really surprised Xu Tong, but it was also a good thing.

"With the support of these people from all over the world, I don't have to worry about being restrained after I return to the main force of heaven."

Thinking of this, Xu Tong took a deep breath, his expression moved, resisting the urge to send them to see his master, and bowed to everyone.

Then he took Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi to bid farewell to everyone, then turned and left.

After Xu Tong and the others left, everyone rushed back to their sect to report the news without stopping.

"Boss, we made bloody money this trip. It's a pity that we failed to kill the fourth prince. If you had brought me and Lao Chang with you, you might have a chance to kill them."

The three of them rode on a war horse and drove back slowly.

At this moment, Li Bo and the others have sent news in the team channel, saying that they have rushed back to the main force of Tiangan.

Just wait for the main commander to receive him, and then he can complete the main task.

It is precisely because of this that the three of them are not in a hurry.

I plan to wait for Li Bo to complete the main task, and then take a stroll outside depending on the situation.

Hearing Gao Zhuo's words, Xu Tong just frowned and said in the team channel; "It's not that I don't want to, but I can't. The opponent's vitality chariot seems to have the power to break through the formation barrier, and the fourth prince's carrying With half the luck of the country, it may be very difficult to kill him!"

Luck is really hard to say clearly.

But the higher the strength, the more important it is.

Otherwise, everyone is an immortal, so why should we be able to distinguish between high and low.

When the three were talking on the team channel, Xu Tong suddenly pulled the reins and squinted at the pine forest beside him.

That strange feeling hit my heart again.

"This feeling... Could it be..."

Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, he had a guess in his heart, jumped off the horse immediately, and said to Gao Zhuo and the others: "Wait here for me!"

Then he walked into the pine forest, and when he pushed aside a piece of grass, he saw an old monk sitting cross-legged on a stone platform, holding a string of rosary beads in his hands, and meditating with his eyes closed.

The old monk recited scriptures silently, and his whole body was integrated with the surrounding world and trees, as if he was in the mortal world, and seemed to be able to jump out at any time. This is the unique aura of Zhan Dao Dixian.

Seeing Xu Tong approaching, the old monk opened his eyes with peaceful eyes, clasped his hands together, and bowed to Xu Tong: "Amitabha, Poor Monk Guzang, pay homage to the Venerable!"

Xu Tong used most of his title cards as the Wishing Tree before, but he did not lose the title of Venerable. After all, this is an exclusive series of titles. Although he has pure yang skills, he also has Buddhist magical powers. There is no harm to oneself.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the old man to call Xu Tong a venerable.

"Amitabha, master, you are being polite. Just now master used the method of subjugating demons. The majesty of the vajra's angry eyes really admired the younger generation."

Xu Tong didn't know why the other party was waiting for him here, but he had the title of venerable, and he wasn't afraid that the old monk would attack him, not to mention that he was now a pure yang body, but he had nothing to do with the vitality god sect.

Therefore, his words were extra polite. After all, the old monk smashed the Yuanqi Shenjiao and fled in a car with one blow, and his strength was also extraordinary.

However, what the old monk said next made Xu Tong's heart sink. Hearing this, the old monk shook his head again and again: "The poor monk is just relying on the power of the Buddha, and he is absolutely inferior to the venerable one. He used some tricks to bring down the Humen murder case." The hat of Yuanqi Shenjiao was put on the head of Yuanqi Shenjiao..."

(End of this chapter)

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