Infinite script kill

Chapter 911 Believers have no evil

Chapter 911 Believers have no evil

Xu Tong didn't feel surprised when he heard this.

Both are Earth Immortals, but this old monk's luck is far better than his own. Looking around, the luck is like the East China Sea, continuous and endless, and there is something in the waves that is suppressing this luck for a long time.

"Your Majesty was born with wisdom eyes, and cultivated into divine eyes. It really is my Buddhism's fortune."

Faced with Xu Tong's prying eyes, the old monk was not angry at all, but generously lifted his luck above his head, revealing the treasure hidden in his luck.

"It turned out to be a temple!!"

Now it was Xu Tong's turn to be surprised.

I saw that in the luck of the old monk, there was a golden temple suppressing above the waves of the East China Sea.

In the gentle tapping of the old monk, only the sound of chanting came with the accompaniment of the raging waves. The sound became louder and louder, as if it wanted to swallow Xu Tong's five senses for a while.

"Jiedi, Jiedi Maha, Maha Maha Jiedi, Parajiedi, Parasangha Jiedi..."

Xu Tong only felt his spirit flash, and the world in front of him was changing.

"Is this a Buddhist supernatural power! Or is it Sumeru Heaven and Earth? Could it be that this old monk wants to save me?"

Xu Tong's mind is clear, and there is a beautiful light in his heart. Although he is caught in the law, his self-consciousness is not disturbed at all. Not only is it not affected by the scriptures, but it is clearer than before.

I saw that the heaven, earth and the universe seemed to be condensed in front of him. At this moment, I was the Buddha, with supreme enlightenment, and the vast world was in sight. With one eye, the sun, moon, stars, vegetation, mountains, rocks, wild beasts, fields, seas and rivers were all visible. Objects, invisible objects, etc., all matter, and endless power, all appeared in front of him.

This powerful force enriches Xu Tong's body and mind, as if at this moment, he is the master of this world. He only needs one thought to destroy this world, regenerate it, and even transform it into a new one. The way you want.

But Xu Tong is no longer the old Amon, even the evil god's method of seizing the house can't shake his xinxing, not to mention that at this moment, his heart is like a glass emerald, and he is born with exquisite seven orifices. Saying it has no effect at all.

It's just that he knew that the old monk's actions were not malicious to harm him, so he didn't resist. Following the consciousness in front of him, he broke through the sea, and a golden bridge pierced through the depths of the East China Sea, welcoming Xu Tong into the great hall.


The bell rang, and the big Buddha looked at the world with compassionate eyes. In an instant, Xu Tong's consciousness merged with the big Buddha, and he looked at the outside world through the Buddha's eyes.

The waves of the East China Sea are rolling, but there are countless people, gods and ghosts struggling in the waves.

"The world is like a sea of ​​suffering, and the Dharma is like an ark, but where is the other shore?"

A voice of questioning entered Xu Tong's ears.

It was like a soul torture to him.

Regarding this answer, Xu Tong did not seem to be at all confused, but recalled what he had seen after becoming a player, and only said:

"When I was young, I was muddled and ignorant, a piece of candy was enough to satisfy me, and my behavior was innocent, but my human nature was not developed.

When he was young, he was lustful for wealth and power, loved and hated, and kept his "childlike innocence" in his heart, lest others would laugh at his childishness.

When you are old, the vicissitudes of the years, the gray hair looks back, and you are enlightened. Life is fleeting, and it is fleeting. Knowing that the time is not long, you simply tear off the mask. The old has nothing to do. Although I have regained my innocence, I have lost my virtue. big evil. "

After all, Xu Tong continued: "The world is like this, but it has not always been like this. The founder of the country will not change his mind even if he dies. also."

Xu Tong's voice was transmitted to the ground, and immediately overwhelmed the sound of chanting sutras. The voice was a hundred times, a thousand times, and ten thousand times louder, resounding through the entire Daxiong Palace.

But his heart was unprecedentedly peaceful, and the original incarnation of the Buddha was gradually separated from his body, and finally his consciousness returned to himself from the bursts of chanting.


The old monk put his palms together in front of him, and smiled towards Xu Tong: "Your Majesty's clear mind and self-awareness are enough to see the Tathagata. I admire you, I admire you!"

Buddhism is good at arguing, not to mention the dispute with Confucianism and Taoism, but within Buddhism there are also Mahayana and Hinayana theories.

But Xu Tong's words transcended sectarian disputes. Faith itself has no sects. Those who have faith have the other side in their hearts. For their own beliefs, there is no right or wrong in everything.

This not only explained the so-called other side, but also explained Xu Tong's actions. Rao Guzang, the divine monk, couldn't say that Xu Tong was wrong for a while, because if he opened his mouth to fight, there was no way to get around it. Xu Tong's theory, in the final analysis, is just you fighting for your beliefs, and I can also not argue with you for my beliefs, just turn around and leave.

So, if you are not afraid of hooligans fighting, you are afraid of hooligans who are educated. After all, master forces me to study every day, and it is not for nothing.

"Master, you are welcome. If there is nothing wrong, let's take our leave!"

Seeing that he had passed the level, Xu Tong didn't want to get too entangled with this monk. The other party had nothing to say, and he definitely didn't dare to expose his shortcomings. Otherwise, even if he failed in this script mission, he would still have to fight The old monk never dies.

"Amitabha, the venerable is doing as he pleases, and the little monk dare not stop him. If you have free time in the future, you can ask the venerable to go to Lingyun Temple and talk about Zen with the little monk."

Apparently, Gu Zang was still a little bit dissatisfied with Xu Tong's statement, and invited him to go to Lingyun Temple in the future, and find a chance to find a place again.

"Good to say! Farewell!"

Xu Tong waved his hand, turned around and left, thinking: "You two idiots are going to look for you again!"

After Xu Tong left, Gu Zang sat on the stone and pondered for a long time until it was getting late, but finally he didn't know how to explain this sentence, so he could only sigh: "Forget it, we can't let this matter go, let's let it go." I will go to Yunjing Mountain and invite my senior brother to come."

After finishing speaking, Gu Zang stood up and headed straight to Yunjing Mountain. Looking at this appearance, it seemed that he wanted to find a place with Xu Tong.

At this moment, the three of Xu Tong were already heading towards Langshan along the path.

On the way, Xu Tong didn't mention the argument between Cai and Gu Zang just now. In fact, his words were somewhat suspected of playing a rogue. After all, according to his explanation, members of cults or people with evil natures love to kill and set fires. Rape and robbery.

But I have to say that these people tend to let their minds understand.

The mind is clear and the mood is happy, eating, drinking and having fun, naturally the more alive the more nourishing.

On the other hand, those kind-hearted people, under their pure nature, obviously don’t have a good life, and they don’t want to see others suffer a little bit. In the end, they suffer themselves, and they become more and more tired.

Perhaps this is the so-called truth that good people don't live long, and evils stay for thousands of years.

Seeing a village in front of them, the three of Xu Tong slowed down their schedule: "Let's find a place first, let's take a rest, it's just right, I count the time, our wishing tree is almost there, I'll take some time to go back and have a look. "

When I met Guzang monk this time, I reminded Xu Tong about the wishing tree, so I planned to take advantage of this spare time to go back to the master for a stroll.

At the same time, in a mountain forest, I saw a huge chariot driving towards the south all the way, passing through mountains and rocks along the way, which shocked the birds and beasts in the mountain forest to flee in embarrassment.

Yeluqi threw the wine glass in his hand to the ground viciously: "If I don't take revenge, I swear I won't be a human being!"

During this trip, he originally wanted to take the opportunity to win over Longhushan and make friends with people from all walks of life, so as to increase his chances of winning in the future.

But I didn't want to, I was given a set by someone.

Not only did he fail to win the treasure, but he also got the big hat of the Humen massacre.

Yeluqi could even sense that his luck was somehow hit by this incident, and a lot of luck evaporated all of a sudden.

You must know that I am carrying half of the fortune of the country with me, and the luck that evaporates even involves the country. Even if it only evaporates a little bit, it is extremely bad news for the entire Beiman.

Back then, Xu Lai was defeated by Zhang Xian's three tricks, which caused Tiangan to miss the opportunity to annex Xuankun and unify the north and south.

I don't know if my loss of luck this time will have any impact on the northern barbarian conquest of Tiangan.

The more he thought about it, the more angry Yeluqi looked at Mediterranean Dichou: "What's the matter with that nephew of yours? Although this person is fake, the gourd in his hand can't be faked. I didn't let him go Did you go with Abaobao to besiege and kill the defeated soldiers of Tiangan, why did he appear here?"

Hai Di was also very ashamed when he heard the words. This matter is inextricably related to their Yuanqi Shenjiao, so Hai Di is also full of question marks in his heart.

Just when he didn't know how to explain to the fourth prince.

Yeluqi suddenly thought of something: "Find out to me where the defeated army of heaven is now, I want to encircle and suppress them myself!"

Hearing the news, the Mediterranean hurriedly invited people to come to the Kyushu Shenyan Tianji Pan.

This was originally the supreme treasure of the Beiman Dayan Divine Sect, but this sect was wiped out by their vitality god sect, so this treasure fell into their hands, and they could use it once every three hours.

This time, he was able to find Zhang Yishan who was hiding in Hutou Mountain so quickly because of the help of this treasure.

I saw that the Mediterranean injected a large amount of essence from the vitality chariot into the divine disk, and immediately moved the divine disk to make calculations.

After calculating for a while, Mediterranean stared and thought, "How could this be?"

"What, is there any accident??"

Yeluqi noticed the strange expression on the Mediterranean, and asked questions.

"His Royal Highness, the defeated army is divided into two, one has returned to the main force of Heavenly Stems, and the other... is not far from us."

Hearing Mediterranean Sea's answer, Yeluqi frowned slightly, and played with the wine glass on the table with his fingers, as if he had fallen into some kind of meditation.

"Humen massacre, framed, fake Han Feizi, A Baobao failed to encircle and suppress..."

After these questions were carefully connected together by Yeluqi, an answer came to Yeluqi's mind, and he said to himself with a smile on his face: "Okay, Xiao Wang's calculation is on the head!"

After finishing speaking, he stood up abruptly: "I'll see who it is who dares to break ground on Tai Sui's head, change the course, and give me full speed to catch up..."

(End of this chapter)

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