Chapter 913 Yinhu Down the Mountain (Two in One)

Yeluqi was just entering the Tao, not to mention entering the Tao, even an enlightened celestial being would never dare to be so presumptuous in the face of an earth immortal.

But Yeluqi has this capital.

As the default prince of the northern barbarians, the protagonist of this era.

With half of Beiman's national fortune and body, with Di Qiu as his bodyguard by his side, and the vitality chariot under his feet, even if the Tiangan Guozhu promised to come in person, he would not be able to touch him in the slightest.

It was just Yeluqi's provocation, Xu Tong didn't seem to hear it, but just looked at Haidi, the leader of the Vitality God Sect.

Cleared his throat, ready to mock and scold:

"Since your Excellency is the master of a sect, you have heard of the famous juniors of the Yuanqi Shen sect for a long time, and seeing him today is really extraordinary."

Xu Tong was polite first.

After all, he didn't reach out to hit the smiling face, even though Di Qiu hated him to the bone, his words gave him enough face, and his expression softened for a moment, just when he was about to speak up, who knew that Xu Tong followed closely As soon as the voice changed, he only said:

"It's just that your Excellency is one of the best in the world, but for your own self-interest, you are willing to submit to the hawks of the northern barbarians and help the tyrants. For the sake of a mere two or three taels of money, you just bow your knees, flatter and flatter a boy in his twenties. Bringing a group of disciples to act as dogs, horses, pigs and dogs, I dare to ask your Excellency who has practiced for many years, could it be that there is some eccentricity!"

Xu Tong's voice is very soft, every word is like reading a book, the words are mellow, rippling over the wilderness with a strong penetrating power.

Good guy, these words made people dumbfounded, Di Chou's expression froze for a second, and then his whole face contorted, when had he ever been so humiliated by his dignified leader.

However, Xu Tong's ridicule continued to fill up:

"I think you see that the Northern Man is powerful, and you want to take advantage of the Northern Man's power to increase the luck of your own sect, but you don't know that on the temple, the family is connected, and the inside and outside are vertical and horizontal. You have already blessed the Northern Man's national fortune and monopolized the national fortune. You alone The outsider smirked and leaned in, are you really stupid or do you want to find a chance to replace it?
If it’s the former, I didn’t say anything, if it’s the latter, it’s ridiculous that you’re being sentimental, it’s either stupid or bad, but it’s a pity that such a great religion, Yuanqi Shenjiao, fell into the hands of a rat like you, it really blinded the eyes of the generations. "

Xu Tong's words sounded like thunder, even if they were separated by dozens of miles, they could still hear them clearly.

Di Chou was furious when he heard the words, and Xu Tong's scolding made his head bloodshot: "You bastard, I belong to the Northern God sect, and I am under the emperor..."

"Go to your uncle!"

Xu Tong didn't wait for Di Chou to open his mouth to defend himself, and cursed at him, then turned around and ran away.

It doesn't matter if you lose in the game, but you can greet your pig teammates and the whole family directly a few seconds before the end of the game, the effect is the best.

Xu Tong knew the truth of it well, and when he yelled at him, he felt comfortable and thoughtful, so he didn't give Di Qiu a chance to retaliate, which simply pushed the effect of ridicule to the extreme.

Childish, how could the other party be fooled by such a trick? ?

This has nothing to do with being fooled.

After all, whoever has worked so hard to reach the top of the world doesn't use his face to be scolded. Those who have no strength will bear it. Why should those who have strength suffer this kind of grievance. If they are not people of the motherland, they are saints.

Di Qiu was obviously not a saint, and he was about to explode when he was greeted by pointing his nose.

Pointing at Xu Tong's back: "Follow me, fire! Blast him to death!"

Seeing that the head teacher was in a panic, the disciples of the Yuanqi God Sect quickly began to turn the gears on the chariot. A dozen strong men twisted the winch, and the chariot quickly turned around.


However, the vitality chariot trembled violently at this moment.

"what happened??"

Everyone looked down, only to see that the ground suddenly collapsed, revealing a huge pit, and a large number of corpses of northern barbarian soldiers crawled out of the soil, grasping at the bottom of the vitality chariot and swinging wildly.

"Walking corpse?"

Seeing this, Mediterranean immediately frowned, turned around and walked quickly to the rudder of the vitality chariot. While turning the rudder, it stimulated the vitality furnace of the vitality chariot!


The deck on the abdomen of the vitality chariot was opened, revealing the crimson stove, a storm of flames spewed out from the stove, engulfing the entire pit in an instant.

It's just that what Mediterranean Sea didn't expect was that at this moment, the vitality chariot suddenly sank, and the flames that spewed out dimmed instantly.

This change exceeded the expectations of the Mediterranean.

"Master, the furnace cover of the vitality furnace is cracked!"

An elder hurried forward and said.

Gu Zang's heavy blow before smashed the vitality chariot directly into the ground. Although it did not cause huge damage to the vitality chariot, many subtle places had already suffered hidden injuries.

Among them is the most important vitality furnace, which is like the engine of this chariot. Even a slight damage is enough to greatly reduce the power of the vitality chariot.


Hai Hai cursed in his heart that it was unlucky, and wanted to go back to the Beiman camp to repair it, but he didn't want it to crack at this time.

Looking at it again, Xu Tongren was almost gone, and his face turned cold immediately: "Leave this to you, I will go after him, I can't let this person go back to Langshan!"

Seeing this, Yeluqi wanted to stop him, but Hai Hai said first: "Your Highness, don't worry, although this man is a Dao Severing Earth Immortal, he is not lucky enough, I just need to entangle him, and you can come with me after you repair the chariot." meet."

Yeluqi frowned slightly when he heard the words, but he felt a little displeased. Although Di Chou's tone was still very respectful, his words were much tougher than before, obviously he was somewhat irritated.

After all, as the leader of a sect, even if he knew that the other party was intentionally provoking him, but if he said that he was only worried about the other party's tricks and hid here as a coward, then Di Qiu would really make the world laugh out loud.

Thinking of this, Yeluqi couldn't say anything more, nodded, turned around, took a handful of things wrapped in silk from the arms of the attendant behind him, and handed it to Di Qiu.

"This person is insidious and cunning. He trapped us with these walking corpses, and deliberately led the leader to go. He must have made perfect preparations. If this thing protects the leader, he will be able to kill him!"

Di Chou's heart was shocked when he saw this, and he took the things over carefully. After uncovering the silk on it, an antique big sword appeared in front of him. There are tens of millions of talismans imprinted on it.

"Montai Sword!"

Seeing this sword, Di Chou was shocked in his heart, this thing has been held in his arms by his attendants, he didn't know what it was, but he never expected it to be Xiao Leshan's sword.

It is rumored that it is a magical weapon left by the ancestors of the Xiao family. With this sword, it created a century of national fortune for the Northern Man.

This thing is the most precious treasure in the world, ranking higher than the sharp blade of the vitality chariot.

"Hey, it's true that a lifetime of hard work is not as good as reincarnation."

Rao Di Qiu couldn't help but sighed in his heart, and immediately stopped talking, and put the sword carefully in his arms: "Don't worry, Your Highness, with this magic weapon, I will definitely kill this thief!"

Having said that, Di Chou jumped out of the chariot and headed straight towards Xu Tong.

After Di Qiu left, the attendant who followed Yeluqi calmly said behind Yeluqi: "Di Qiu is narrow-minded, and he will not be able to take on great responsibilities in the future."

Yeluqi didn't say a word, and walked to the fire on the deck, staring at the fire in front of him.

In just a split second, there was indeed a bit of disrespect in Di Chou's eyes and words.

In other words, it was the other party's words that hit Di Chou's weakness.

Thinking of this, Yeluqi nodded, suddenly raised his hand to grab the collar of the attendant, and pushed it directly into the stove in front of him.


The high temperature in the furnace almost instantly turned him into a burning man, and the screams resounded from the furnace, but none of the people on the ship paid attention to it.

Seeing the figure gradually disappearing into the flames, Yeluqi sneered, "Is it narrow-minded? It's not up to you, a slave who chews behind your tongue, to judge, idiot!"

"The thief goes away!"

Hearing the roar behind him, Xu Tong also slowed down his pace in a timely manner.

But after a while, Di Qiuren had already caught up, and the old guy's eyes turned red when he saw Xu Tong.

The Humen massacre was pinned on the heads of the Yuanqi Sect. This incident must have dealt a severe blow to the Yuanqi Sect. If the thief was not killed, how could the grievances of the Yuanqi Sect be appeased.

Seeing the old thief chasing him, Xu Tong didn't fight, but spread his hands and struck forward with two sword lights, and quickly fled away.

"Why did this old guy's luck suddenly become stronger??"

Xu Tong frowned. Originally, Di Chou's luck was not weak, but he had the bonus brought by the vitality chariot, but now without the vitality chariot, this guy's luck went even further.

I saw the air luck rising above his head, changing into thousands of scenes, as if something was acting as a treasure in his luck.

Under such circumstances, Xu Tong was unwilling to fight the opponent rashly. After all, the opponent's luck was better than his own. If he did it at this time, he would be the one to suffer.

"Boy, didn't you scold me happily just now, why are you running away!!"

Di Qiu's eyes were red, and his figure moved left and right, avoiding Xu Tong's sword light, and slapped Xu Tong behind him.

"Vitality Mahamudra!!"

Everything in the surroundings shattered, and the billowing vitality gathered on Di Chou's palm. As Di Chou took a shot, the huge silver handprint tore through the void in an instant, and appeared behind Xu Tong.

Xu Tong pinched Sumeru with his fingertips with his left hand, and patted it away with one hand. The void in front of him was distorted. The big hand that originally covered the sky gradually shrank to less than an inch in front of Xu Tong in an instant. debris.

"Buddhist supernatural powers!!!"

Di Chou was taken aback when he saw this, and thought: "How can this kid still have supernatural powers in Buddhism? Could it be that he has something to do with Buddhism!"

This idea is not an unreasonable conjecture by Di Qiu.

There are not many supernatural powers in Buddhism, but they are infinitely profound, and you can learn them if you want to.

Since Gu Zang's state of mind collapsed and he fell from the fourth place in the world to the sixth place in the world, he hasn't left the East China Sea for a long time.

But this time, he unexpectedly appeared on Hutou Mountain, severely injuring his vitality chariot.

The two are linked together, and it is hard not to arouse speculation.

But when Di Qiu wondered whether Xu Tong was a member of the Buddhist sect, or a piece of chess that the Buddhist sect wanted to disturb the world, Xu Tong suddenly raised his hand and called out two divine talismans, which were the dragon beam talisman and the thunderstorm talisman.

The thunderstorm talisman came first, flashing a dazzling glare in front of him for a while.


Di Qiu's mind changed drastically. Last time he forcibly accepted Zhang Yishan's Zixiao Shenlei, although it seemed that nothing happened on the surface, but in fact he suffered a lot.

His vitality big handprint can't absorb the thunder light at all.

It was only by relying on the vitality chariot that Lei Fa's damage was barely enhanced.

Facing Lei Fa again now, Di Chou inevitably had some psychological shadows in his heart. He didn't dare to take it hard, so he could only dodge in a hurry. At this time, the Dragon Talisman also struck from the side.

The golden light is like a rainbow bridge, galloping through reality and reality.

"Storm of Vitality!!"

Seeing the sudden arrival of this thing, Di Qiu didn't dare to be careless. His body changed into countless elemental bodies, and then he spun rapidly, forming a huge gust of wind. Wherever the gust of wind passed, everything was assimilated and torn apart. Countless elements merged into Jian Di Chou's body.

"All things come from the same source, vitality is revived, gold and stone are bones, vegetation is tendons, the sun and moon are my eyes, rivers are my blood, gems are my bone marrow, and soil is my skin..."

Di Qiu's consciousness chanted the vitality nerve, turning everything into a part of himself.

For a while, the manic gale became bigger and bigger, even to the point of reaching the sky and the earth.


With Di Qiu's thought, in an instant, the surrounding world turned upside down, and the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth boiled, turning into the power of heaven and earth, and smashed towards Xu Tong in unison.

In an instant, the surrounding sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and the huge vitality storm turned everything in the surrounding mountains and forests into a piece of sand and gravel.

But Xu Tong was always more than able to advance and retreat in the storm.

I saw golden dragon scales growing on his body, Vajra supernatural powers emerged between his brows, and the Vajra Dharma figure holding a sword appeared behind him.

For a moment, the Buddha's light shines everywhere, and lotuses grow under his feet, and most of the elemental storm in front of him is suddenly defeated.

"It's also a Buddhist supernatural power, a thunder charm, a pure yang power, and dragon scales growing on its body. What kind of monster is this person?"

Di Chou became more and more surprised as he fought, neither of them used their full strength at the moment, and Xu Tong was just using false moves, constantly probing, but he had so many ways of attacking, that the more Di Chou fought, the more he couldn't figure out who Xu Tong was. What is the origin.

Xu Tong retreated while fighting, and Di Qiu chased and fought. The movement between the two was so loud that many people got the news.

Even in a city in the distance, the alarm bell has already sounded.

I saw eight or nine guards on the top of the wall struggling to climb up the city wall with a huge wooden barrel. This wooden barrel weighed at least a thousand catties. Hit the barrel.


The wooden barrel broke, and a large amount of blood spilled out. The blood poured into the specific brick gaps along the wall along the water tank on the city wall. After a while, twelve bright red blood symbols appeared on the city wall.

When the blood talisman was [-]%, the entire city was surrounded by boundless evil spirit, and a huge black dog lay over the city, giving people a feeling that strangers should not enter.

Here is the world-famous Swallowing Moon Tiangou Formation.

It is a formation specially used to prevent those masters of the rivers and lakes from violating the ban with martial arts and trying to storm the city.

Once approached, all the strange spells will be invalid, even if the earth is extremely immortal, it will be affected.

But all frontier fortresses will have this formation, but this formation is only the most basic. The truly powerful formations are in some state capitals. It is said that tiger bones were added to the city wall fortresses when they were built. Tiger bones are also needed to activate the formations. Blood will do.

As for the imperial city, it is even more serious. It is rumored that the forbidden area of ​​the imperial city was set up in a strange array by an expert, and the gods retreated, and the earth immortals entered it as mortals.

"Head, I can't hold on, I'll withdraw first!!"

At this moment, Gao Zhuo sent a message to the team and said.

He has been procrastinating for a long time, and the accumulated corpses are almost exhausted. He also tried to take advantage of the failure of the vitality chariot to overturn it.

But even if the vitality chariot broke down, it still has the ability to protect itself. A strange layer of vitality shield completely makes his army of walking corpses useless, so he can only drag the chariot continuously, and the chariot is not allowed to move at will. move.

As time passed, although the ugly time was not over yet, Gao Zhuo's luck gradually began to decline. The members of the Yuanqi God Sect had already repaired the outer cover of the Yuanqi God Furnace, and the furnace spewed out fiery fire again. The cannon fodder in Gao Zhuo's hands was instantly burned to ashes.

Fortunately, Gao Zhuo didn't feel sorry for the death of these cannon fodders. Seeing that the vitality chariot had regained its power, he could only follow Xu Tong's previous instructions and quickly withdraw from the battlefield.

"Boom rumble..."

Not long after, the vitality chariot crashed out of the huge pit.

But Yeluqi glanced suspiciously at the corpses that had been burnt to ashes in the pit, and his face turned cold: "Prepare the vitality cannon, I want no grass to grow within ten miles!"


In the absence of the leader, Yeluqi could give orders to Yuanqi Shenjiao at will, and no one dared to question why the fourth prince issued such strange orders.

Immediately, more than a dozen huge cannons poked their heads out from the vitality chariot, and with an order, the dazzling glare suddenly plunged the surrounding world into darkness.

In just an instant, the huge rumbling sound directly turned the forest into flat ground.

Seeing that the surroundings had turned into a sea of ​​sand, Yeluqi nodded with satisfaction: "Let's go, let's go!!"

The gears of the chariot rotated, and as a large amount of gold, silver and jewels were thrown into the vitality furnace, the huge mountainous chariot quickly chased towards Xu Tong's direction.

It was only after they had gone away that Gao Zhuo crawled out from the sand, his whole body seemed to be scalded, a large piece of flesh fell off when his fingers touched it, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

"Damn it, I almost turned into an oven pig!"

He hurriedly took out a +9 Reconstruction Pill and swallowed it, and then greeted Yeluqi's family cursingly.

Xu Tong had already received a message from Gao Zhuo, and knew that Yeluqi was already rushing towards them.

Glancing at the time, the ugly time has not yet passed, and his luck is not strong enough, so he will not be entangled with Di Qiu in front of him immediately, turn around and quickly flee to the south.

"Want to go, can you go!"

Di Qiu saw that Xu Tong was about to run, so how could he let him go so easily, only to see the figure draw back, and a dagger appeared in his hand.

As soon as the sword was released, Xu Tong immediately felt the piercing killing intent. Looking back, he found that Di Chou's luck was soaring wildly, and his luck was canceled like the sky.

For a while, he overwhelmed his luck.

"It's the sword in his hand!"

Xu Tong's heart sank, he didn't expect that the foundation of Yuanqi Shenjiao was so deep, the dagger in Di Qiu's hand hummed, and the oppression he felt was no less than the one brought by the two old Taoists of Chunyang Palace. God soldiers.

"There seems to be a divine sense hidden in this sword, and I'm afraid it's not the property of Di Chou!"

At this moment, I saw Di Chou holding the magic weapon in his hand, swiping his sword, and a beam of sword light exploded out, splitting the rocks around Xu Tong into a huge trench in an instant.

"Hahaha, aren't you scolding very much, I think you are just like that."

Seeing Xu Tong rushing left and right under the sword glow, Di Qiu couldn't help but let out a deafening laugh.

The two fled and chased, and everything they passed was shaken.

The huge movement caused many people to wait and see for a while. After all, the confrontation between the tops in the world is not something that can be easily encountered, and it is normal that they have not encountered it for more than ten years.

Just like Xu Lai from Tiangan and Xiao Leshan from Beiman, even if they were mortal enemies, the two hadn't seen each other for more than ten years.

Naturally, Di Qiu also noticed that there were people peeping at them.

But Di Qiu not only did not expel these spectators, but felt that this was an opportunity. As long as he could kill this person and draw out his soul, he would not be afraid that this kid would not tell the truth and wash away his grievances from the Yuanqi God Sect.

"Boom rumble..."

At this time, the ground shook for a while, Xu Tong took a look and found that the vitality chariot had also caught up.


The desolate sound of the police gong echoed in the border fortress, many beacon towers were lit, and billowing smoke rose.

As the city gate was approaching in the distance, Xu Tong frowned slightly, only to see that the dark clouds in the sky had dispersed, and a full moon had risen, and it was Yin time.

Seeing this, Xu Tong suddenly stopped.

As soon as he raised his hand, he saw the pure yang sword floating in his palm, and the long sword fell into his hand, a warm aura poured into Xu Tong's body along the hilt, causing the pure yang aura in his body to surge.

The image of Yan Xiaoqi drawing his sword flashed in his mind, waving his sword and slashing towards Di Qiu who was behind him.


The moment the sword edge was drawn, the blazing pure sun lit up the night like a great sun, and Di Chou's face suddenly changed.

It's just that the power of this sword far exceeded his expectations, even sharper than the swordsmanship of Feng Tianhua, the head of Huashan sword, and he was immediately blown away hundreds of feet away.


Di Chou let out a sound of surprise, looked at Xu Tong again, and saw a fierce tiger slowly appearing behind Xu Tong in a trance, he couldn't help being shocked: "Yinhu is going down the mountain!!"

(End of this chapter)

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