Infinite script kill

Chapter 914 City Gate 1 Battle

Chapter 914

Di Qiu is not good at easy learning, but he is also a body of an earth immortal. Even if he can see the shadow of the vicious tiger descending the mountain behind Xu Tong, even if it is only for a short moment, he is enough to recognize it. The phase of going down the mountain.

A person's luck is not fixed all the time.

For example, the Sanyang Kaitai experienced by Xu Tong is basically the pinnacle of human luck.

The kind that can pick up money by bending over.

But it can only last for a short period of time.

Aside from some special fate and weather, most of the luck is nothing more than the blessing of power and strength.

Just like Xu Lai and Xiao Leshan, they used the power of the country to forcibly bless themselves with the fortune of the country to create an invincible position.

There is also Marshal Guo, the former guardian of Xuankun, who guarded Xiangmen and prevented Beiman from going south for more than ten years.

It's a pity that although this Marshal Guo is a god general protecting the country, his strength is not weak Xu Lai, Xiao Leshan, but he is too upright, and he refuses to control the court, so behind him Xuankun country is corrupt, the emperor is fatuous, and the fate of the country After a big loss, Xiangyang will be defeated in the end, and he will die in a fierce battle.

Apart from these people, there is also a unique fate like Xu Tong. Usually, luck is not very strong, but within a certain period of time, luck will reach its peak.

But compared to the luck behind Xu Tong, what really made Di Qiu's heart beat faster was the sword in Xu Tong's hand.

The long sword is like jade, moistening and illuminating people, with a vast and pure yang aura that is very beautiful.

As soon as Xu Tong summoned the sword, the aura on his body underwent an astonishing change.

"There is such a magical soldier in the world, why has no one known about it?? And what kind of sect is this person?? I haven't even heard of it before."

Di Qiu stared at Xu Tong, his heart was also very shocked.

"This pure yang energy is incompatible with my vitality god religion, and with the help of this sword, even if I have the magic weapon Mengtai sword to help me, I'm afraid I may not be its opponent!"

Fortunately, at this moment, there was a wave of shaking behind him, and I saw that the fourth prince Yeluqi was already running in a chariot. With the blessing of the chariot of vitality, Di Qiu felt confident.

At this time, Xu Tong said: "Yuanqi Shenjiao, you Humen Mountain kill innocent people indiscriminately, the country hates the family, and I, Yang Hong, will not share the hatred with you!"

His voice was like thunder, and all the onlookers hiding in the distance could hear him clearly.

"Nonsense, the people in the Humen Inn were clearly killed by you!!"

Di Qiu immediately pointed at Xu Tong angrily.

It's a pity that Xu Tong's acting skills are too strong, and he laughed back angrily when he heard the words, with ferocity and anger in his eyes, he said with a bit of disdainful sarcasm: "Hehe, I thought you were some kind of heroes, but you dare not do it. Dare to be a despicable villain, look at the sword!"

After all, without giving Di Chou a chance to speak, he struck the sword full of grief and indignation, and his thoughts resonated with the long sword. Suddenly, the sword glowed like a moon shining in the sky, and in an instant, it cut apart the virtual and the real, and appeared in front of Di Chou.

"not good!!"

Di Chou's pupils tightened. Facing the sharp and yang sword light, he didn't dare to be careless. At that moment, hundreds of streams of light appeared in his figure. In a single thought, the sky was filled with Di Chou's figure. They were not A false afterimage, but Di Qiu's vitality avatar.

I saw that these figures were big or small, the big ones were like giants, and the small ones were no more than a pocket like a palm.

"It is the unique skill of the Yuanqi God Sect. The Yuanqi God Sect uses the heaven and earth as the vitality, absorbs the essence of all things, and can also differentiate itself into different element clones, each of which has great power!"

There are many knowledgeable people among the spectators, and they couldn't help widening their eyes, trying to find Di Chou's real body, but they couldn't find it for a while because they were dazzled, as if every vitality avatar was Di Chou himself.

It's just that he underestimated the power of Xu Tong's sword, and the extreme yang fire attached to the Chunyang sword, how can it be a joke.

"Bang bang bang..."

I saw the sword energy suddenly spread out, emitting a scorching hot light, and the clones flying around in the void seemed to stop for a moment, being captured by the sword energy.

Those avatars burst into pieces under the wave-like sword light.

For a moment, the avatar in the air was like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. In the blink of an eyelid, it was broken into crystal particles of vitality.


This scene opened everyone's eyes.

"What is the origin of this person, the swordsmanship is so overbearing!! Could it be the master of the Five Sacred Sword League?"

This move of Di Chou has been tried and tested repeatedly, but today it was broken by someone with a single sword, which is really unheard of, causing everyone to be suspicious.

"What is the Five Sacred Sword League? Feng Tianhua, the head of Huashan swordsman, was killed in Hutou Mountain, and his grandson was killed in the end, and he escaped with injuries. I think this person's sword spirit has surpassed Feng Tianhua. Besides, when has the Five Sacred Sword League ever been so powerful? Zhiyang's pure Yang swordsmanship??"

Although the murder at Hutou Mountain has not spread all over the world so quickly, it has already spread at least in the southwestern border.

The things about Yang Hong were naturally spread by people.

But there was a lot of debate about what sect Yang Hong was, but no one could make it clear.

Seeing that the avatar was crushed instantly, Di Qiu's real body emerged, and quickly gathered the avatars around him back into his body.

However, what Di Qiu never expected was that Xu Tong's figure jumped into the sky, and a huge sacred furnace appeared behind him. He held a sword in one hand, and made a tactic with the other. Make a big net, quickly wrap these shattered vitality avatars and throw them directly into the sacred furnace behind them.

"Hahaha, I took it all out, how can I take it back, why not give it all to me!"

This time, Di Chou's face turned green. He never expected that this Yang Hong would have such a weird method. He recovered his vitality and only recovered three-quarters of it. This at least damaged his ten years of penance. the results.

"I fought with you!!"

Seeing Xu Tong's complacent expression, Di Qiu was so angry that his teeth were itchy, he swung the divine sword in his hand with all his strength, and swooped towards Xu Tong like a shooting star.

I saw Mengtai's sword body clanking, which was completely opposite to that of the Chunyang sword in Xu Tong's hand.

Since ancient times, there is no first in martial arts, and there is no second in literature. This is the case with everything, especially the magic weapon. As the magic weapon that laid the foundation for the luck of the northern barbarians for a hundred years, Xiao Leshan's sword, the third in the world, can tolerate other swords covering up his own strength. edge.

Wisps of cyan sword energy surged from the blade, as if a green dragon was born, rising against the sky.

"Five Elements Pendant!"

Di Chou's body stopped in mid-air, with the blade held high in his hand, and a large amount of vitality poured into the blade. The moment the sword was swung, the starlight flickered, and suddenly it shook and expanded. The strands of starlight actually formed gold, wood, The five elements of water, fire, and earth kill the array.

This is another unique skill of his, collecting the vitality of the extraterrestrial starlight and condensing the killing energy of the five-star light curse.

Xu Tong also felt the fighting spirit from the Chunyang Sword, the sword edge was raised, and the blazing Chunyang fire suddenly brightened the night.

"Fire addiction!"

The fire swordsmanship has already been practiced by Xu Tong to the full level of LV5.

Although there is no bonus of magic power, the bonus of Chunyang Sword is even more terrifying and pure.

Passive skill 2: The way of the sword is like the sun, all blade skills are upgraded by 3 levels.

The exclusive title of [Great Wild Burning] makes your fire skills +2

Suddenly the sky turned into daylight, Xu Tong's sword light seemed to merge with his own luck, and the huge white-haired giant tiger slashed down with the sword edge, making a roar that shook the sky.

Two by two collided, and the fluctuations resumed.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the Five Elements Sword Qi was instantly shattered by the fire tiger's blow.

Huge flames poured down the sky, and the tiger roared in the sea of ​​flames, opening his mouth to bite the luck on top of Di Qiu's head, causing Di Qiu's luck to decline rapidly in an instant.

"Di Chou has lost!!" Everyone exclaimed.

At this moment, even the defenders at the city gate behind Xu Tong shouted "Great victory!!"

The generals defending the city even waved drumsticks and stood on the city wall to cheer for Xu Tong.


There were bursts of mourning from the sword edge in the sea of ​​flames, it was the sound of Meng Taijian, the magic soldier of the world obviously could not accept the reason of such a defeat.

For a moment, he wanted to get rid of Di Qiu's control and go forward to fight Chunyangjian again.

This time Di Chou's face changed drastically, knowing the importance of this sword, he never dared to let it go, he could only fully cooperate with this sword and let it go.

But without the magical weapon controlled by the master, even if he is born with a smart show, he will not be able to exert his full power after all.


When the two magic weapons collided, Xu Tong just used Taiji swordsmanship in an understatement. With one pull and one pressure, the divine power on the Mengtai sword was dissipated. Kick down the air.

"Hey, it's not that Meng Taijian was defeated, it's only because Di Qiufei is a good man, if Xiao Leshan came in person, maybe there is still suspense in this battle!"

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help feeling injustice for Meng Taijian. There are only three regrets in the world. They can't be filial in front of the bed, famous officials don't meet Mingjun, and magic soldiers fall into the common world.

Although Di Qiu is a top master in the world, he is not a strong swordsman, and he cannot display the power of the divine sword at all. One can imagine how angry and aggrieved this divine sword is clanking at this moment.

Fortunately, at this moment, the vitality chariot behind him quickly approached, and without giving Xu Tong a chance to make up his sword, he pulled Di Qiu back into the chariot.


Before Di Chou could stand still, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and hastily injected a large amount of vitality into Mengtaijian to calm Mengtaijian's anger. Otherwise, the sword might rush out in the next moment. , to fight to the death with the Chunyang sword in Xu Tong's hand.

Even if it is lost and destroyed, Mengtai Sword will definitely not retreat. This is the arrogance of the divine soldier and the spirit of this sword.

Fortunately, at this time, Yeluqi snatched the sword from the side.

Yeluqi stroked the blade lightly with his finger, and sprinkled blood on the blade with a swipe of his finger, and the divine soldier who was extremely restless for a moment was able to soothe him.

"Don't worry, I will write down today's revenge, and I will definitely get it back for you!"

After absorbing Yeluqi's blood, Meng Taijian's anger finally calmed down.

"Yang Hong, you have won today, but it won't be long before I can catch up with you. By then, let's make a good calculation of today's account!"

Yeluqi's eyes were clear and his voice was quiet, but no one would doubt his determination.

After all, he is Yeluqi, the pre-appointed heir of the Northern Man, with the support of the Yuanqi God Sect and the support of the Xiao family behind him, sooner or later he will be among the top masters.

Facing Yeluqi's challenge, Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, but stared at Yeluqi's face calmly and asked, "The left cheek or the right cheek!!"

(End of this chapter)

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