Infinite script kill

Chapter 916: Marquis Shenwu

Chapter 916: Marquis Shenwu

Di Qiu was about to explode.

Xu Tong's slap was too ruthless. In front of so many people, it was not enough to defeat him in front of the Heavenly Stewardship Pass. He even fought hard to get seriously injured and slapped the four princes three big mouths.

Even Ji Meng Yuandan was taken away.

His own face, Beiman's face, and the fourth prince's face were all rubbed against the ground by him.

It won't be long before today's battle will become the laughing stock of the world.

Under Di Qiu's roar, the muzzle of the vitality chariot aimed at Xu Tong, but the vitality cannon on the muzzle had not yet been charged, and white smoke rose from the Xiongguan not far away.

Gulu, Gulu, a huge steel cannon that was as tall as three or four people was pushed out, there were dozens of them!

Then sparks flashed, bang bang bang...!There was a huge rumbling sound, and a big iron ball as thick as the waist was bombarded from the barrel.

"It's God Fire Egg, run!!"

Some old Jianghu's scalp tingled just when they heard the sound, and they turned around and ran away.

The God Fire Egg, also known as the Red Flame God Thunder, is filled with special gunpowder carefully prepared by Heavenly Stems. A piece of fire is as powerful as a sky thunder, and the red flames triggered by the explosion can burn the surrounding [-] meters into ashes in an instant. .

In an instant, more than ten divine fire bombs fell around the vitality chariot, and the huge explosion made the vitality chariot vibrate continuously, making everyone on the chariot unable to stand still, let alone fire.

"Open the door!!"

The guard at the city gate held up the command flag and opened a gap in the city gate to welcome Xu Tong in.

Seeing that Xu Tong's figure was about to disappear from his sight.

Di Chou was so angry that he wanted to drive his vitality chariot to hit him.

"Master, it's not my time, let's retreat first, it doesn't matter whether we live or die, but Your Highness can't make any mistakes!"

An elder hurriedly grabbed Di Chou who had become angry from embarrassment, fearing that Di Chou would lose his head, he hurriedly persuaded him.

In front of him is Shenwu Pass, which is the world-famous grand pass.

The northern barbarian army avoided this side and chose to attack Langshan from the south, because there were too many important passes here and it was too difficult to attack the city.

What's more, at this moment, the grand array of Xiongguan has been activated, Gun Gun Heisha turned into a tengu and entrenched on Xiongguan, and they have enough cannons. The vitality chariot will also be seriously damaged.

Although Di Qiu was resentful, he didn't dare to make fun of the fourth prince again. He looked at the direction where Xu Tong disappeared with resentment on his face, and after roaring unwillingly, he swept his long sleeves: "Back!!!"

Di Chou was miserable in his heart, and knew in his heart that if he retreated, the face of the entire Vitality God Sect would be reversed for 30 years. Unless one day he could kill Yang Hong with his own hands, otherwise...

The more Di Qiu thought about it, the more angry he could only pick up the fourth prince and rush into the chariot room to heal his injuries.


The gate of Shenwu Pass was closed heavily, and the forest outside the pass was already smashed into scorched earth by Vulcan bullets, but all the soldiers above the city pass cheered happily.

Before Xu Tong could take a breath, he was surrounded by a group of soldiers, holding them high above his head, shouting victory.

Xu Tong's battle was really exciting, even more exciting than Zhang Xian's downhill 16 years ago.

Especially the last three slaps, the loud slaps are even more pleasant than the sound of firecrackers during the New Year.

The northern barbarians have repeatedly invaded these years, and they can't hold on to the sky. They are often yelled at by these northern barbarians. When they come to them, everyone can only shrink their heads in humiliation. He was greeted by the soldiers of the northern barbarians by pointing their noses at their ancestors.

This kind of humiliation, until today, has the feeling of revenge.

"Quickly put it down, stop messing around!!"

The generals guarding the city also rushed over and sternly reprimanded the soldiers: "Mr. is seriously injured, how can I let you rough people treat him like this, send him into the mansion quickly, and ask the doctors in the city to heal him!!"

As the guard said, he went forward and clasped his fists to Xu Tong: "This is Luo Jiming, the general guarding Shenwu Pass. I admire your majesty. Please enter the city quickly, sir. I have sent someone to ask the doctor to heal your wounds!"

Faced with such a warm invitation, Xu Tong couldn't bear to refuse. In fact, although his injury was serious, it was not fatal.

Using the touch of time, I cleverly avoided the vital point.

Coupled with his own physique, if it wasn't for the opponent's magic weapon in his hand, it would be difficult to injure himself.

When entering the customs, eating another +9 Reconstruction Pill was no serious problem, but facing the fiery eyes of everyone in front of him, Xu Tong simply agreed, after all, they had already started to kill pigs and sheep. I always feel a little sorry for not eating a meal.

News of the battle at Shenwuguan spread quickly.

When the results of the battle were announced, everyone felt like a dream.

Yang Hong's name quickly spread in the Jianghu, and Xu Tong made the foreshadowing in Hutou Mountain before, this time, he managed a nearly perfect character design for him.

The country was subjugated as a young man, apprenticed to a teacher to learn art, lost his junior sister, fought a bloody battle with Di Chou at Shenwuguan, and won the pill and went away to slap Yeluqi three big mouths.

After this operation, it really makes people feel happy and enmity, young hero.

Various versions were circulated for a while.

Do you still remember the mustache at the Humen Inn? As a person who personally experienced the Humen massacre, he was so frightened that he almost lost his mind.

As the elder of the beggar gang, this person is not very strong, so he may be able to speak well.

Seeing that Xu Tong let out a bad breath for him, he began to take Yang Hong as the protagonist, and arranged a novel, divided into three paragraphs, [Humen Murder] [Excalibur Boy] [Famous Shenwu]

This story is true or false, but in order to attract people, many elements of artistic processing are unavoidable.

Yang Hong, a rough soldier, is described abruptly as a young man in white, with a jade face and eagle brows, and a gentle demeanor. The sword in his hand is even described as being forged by heaven and earth, and has the essence of the sun and the moon.

In the battle before Shenwuguan, Di Chou was beaten so hard that he ran away with his head in his arms, Yeluqi, the prince of the northern barbarians, shouted, and three slaps made him cry and beg for mercy.

Although it is exaggerated, it is very enjoyable to listen to. It was distributed to the disciples of the beggar gang by the mustache, and it was spread everywhere all day long.

At one time, people from eighty-year-olds to eight-year-old children listened with gusto.

Even many famous girls are about to be fascinated.

Of course, some people questioned this matter. After all, Yeluqi is not an ordinary person. How can he make people slap three times in the face, thinking that this is nonsense.

But soon these people shut up.

Tiangan Chaotang has received a report from Shenwu Pass, confirming the news.

Not only Shenwuguan, but also Wu Jie, the commander of the frontline operations, also sent a message, confirming that Yang Hong's background was indeed a survivor of Xuanguo.

What is even more surprising is that he has already joined the army of heavenly stems. This time the vanguard was defeated, he gathered the defeated army, formed cavalry, cut off the northern barbarian food road for dozens of days, killed thousands of enemies, and killed Hu Gulie, Abao Wait for the northern barbarian general.

As soon as the news came out, the entire court was shaken.

What kind of thing is Hu Gulie? At best, he just makes up the numbers.

But Abaobao was one of the most famous generals in the world, and the gate of Xuanguo was defeated under Abaobao's forceful attack.

It was actually killed by troops led by Yang Hong.

Wu Jie even sent Abaobao's head over, further confirming that what he said was true.

It is said that after Emperor Gaozong got the news, he immediately sent people to Wu Jie to check again and again. Wu Jie even prepared a list of military exploits. The dazzling military exploits, the heads and the ears of the northern barbarians cannot be faked. .

After Emperor Gaozong was confirmed, he was so happy that he couldn't sleep at night, and immediately issued an order to confer Yang Hong the rank of General Pingbei, plus the title of Marquis of Shenwu, and other rewards.

When the news got out, the entire Heavenly Stems and the common people were spreading the praises.

All the generals stationed there were red-eyed.

It is very difficult to promote generals, there are [-] levels in total, if you don't have enough military merits, you just have to get through the qualifications, that is, you will be promoted to two levels in three years.

As for General Pingbei, he was not a miscellaneous general, let alone a so-called side general, but a general, a second-rank official.

Is a member of General Siping.

If ordinary military generals want to get to this point, if they don't rely on their outstanding military exploits, it will take at least 40 years to reach this point from a fifth-rank general.

But envy is useless.

Who let other people's military exploits be there?

Some people are also surprised, it is said that with Wu Jie as a person, he should at least give you half of this earth-shattering contribution, if not all, but this time he reported it truthfully.

But thinking about it again, Yang Hong even dared to slap Yeluqi, the prince of the northern barbarians, in the face, so what is your mere coach?

In short, as soon as the news came out, the beggar gang's mustache immediately published a new book called "Shenwu Breaks the Northern Man", which set off another big wave.

Good news came one after another, and at this moment Xu Tong was eating the leg of lamb in his arms.

Luo Jiming, the guard of Shenwu Gate, brought over the grilled mutton skewers, and sat on a chair with Xu Tong to eat meat and drink.

Luo Jiming looked at Marquis Shenwu who was younger than him in front of him. There was no jealousy in his eyes, only admiration. After all, he saw with his own eyes that Xu Tong would slap Yeluqi despite being seriously injured. With this arrogance, Luo Jiming had to admire .

In contrast, Xu Tong is much calmer. After all, from the beginning to the present, he has accumulated such a long time of military exploits, and he has achieved a huge change in identity, which is just as it should be.

"Brother Yang, let me tell you that you can recuperate here. With your combat achievements, it doesn't matter if you don't return to the front line."

Luo Jiming said to Xu Tong while eating mutton skewers.

"Hey, the battle on the front line is unknown, how can I be lazy here."

Xu Tong waved his hands with an expression of concern for the country and the people. He has played Li Zheng before, and that kind of righteous and awe-inspiring expression is almost natural.

Luo Jiming just sighed: "Forget it, Brother Yang, remember to leave a piece of meat for the other brothers."

Hearing this, Xu Tong realized that Luo Jiming's words had other meanings, and when he was about to inquire, he heard a report from outside the door: "Report! General, there is a Taoist outside asking to see him, and he wants to see Lord Marquis."

Taoist? ?
Xu Tong was startled and asked, "Do you know the origin?"

"The other party claims to be Master Zhang of Longhu Mountain."

Hearing what the door envoy said, Xu Tong couldn't help being taken aback, thinking: "Why did this old guy come to the door again?"

(End of this chapter)

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