Infinite script kill

Chapter 917 I have a showdown

Chapter 917 I have a showdown
The person who came was none other than Zhang Yishan, who was facing the siege of the heroes at Hutou Mountain. If Xu Tong hadn't intervened and turned the situation upside down, causing Feng Tianhua to turn against Di Qiu on the spot, I am afraid that this person would be buried in the Tiger head mountain.

Although people all over the world are criticizing the Yuanqi God Sect and covering up the news that Zhang Yishan is pregnant with a treasure, but this matter cannot be covered up for too long.

As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

Even if the Vitality Spirit Sect broke face with other sects all over the world, so what, they relied on the Northern Man, with the help of the Northern Man's strength to strengthen their own religious fortune, and with masters like Di Qiu in charge, it would not be so easy to take revenge.

In contrast, Chongbao was just around the corner. Once the treasure in Zhang Yishan's hands was captured, revenge would be just around the corner.

So it was unexpected for Xu Tong that this guy came to him.

However, Xu Tong was actually very annoyed by the search for this sweet pastry.

On the one hand, it was because this guy was a hot potato, and on the other hand, Xu Tong always smelled a very bad smell when the other party came to him.

This feeling made Xu Tong very unhappy.

He took great pains to cause the Humen massacre, killing blood in the Humen inn to put a hat on the Yuanqi Shenjiao, and create a positive image of himself as a chivalrous man, in order to avoid the last round of the team being beaten by the masters of the rivers and lakes. The result of the siege.

After all, even a good tiger can't hold back a pack of wolves.

If I interview this person now, my efforts will be greatly reduced.

Xu Tong frowned for a while, looking at the sizzling mutton skewers in his hand, lost in thought.

"The Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain... Brother Yang doesn't want to see him, so let's go back to him."

Luo Jiming stood up and was about to help Xu Tong send the Taoist away, but Xu Tong called him back: "Forget it, it's okay to meet him, please come in."

Xu Tong was also quite helpless, but not seeing him was not an option. He refused this time. Next time, under the influence of the script world, this old Taoist priest will continue to appear in a place where he was caught off guard. more passive.

After all, I still don't have the ability to really jump out of the chessboard.

Not long after, Zhang Yishan walked into the compound led by the gate envoy, seeing Xu Tong who was sitting in front of the charcoal grilling meat, Zhang Yishan raised his brows slightly, cupped his hands towards Xu Tong and said: "Infinite Heaven, Longhushan Zhang Yishan pays homage to Lord Hou. "

The fact that Xu Tong was conferred the title of Marquis of Shenwu has now spread all over the world, because Shenwu Pass became famous in the first battle, so the place of Shenwu Pass was used to seal Xu Tong.

"The Taoist priest is very polite, someone will give you a seat."

Yang Hong came from a humble background, but Xu Tong was an official, and even held a high position, and shaking off his official prestige is just a matter of pinching.

He only waited for Zhang Yishan to sit down before he heard Xu Tong say, "Master Dao came here at an inappropriate time. I am leaving for the front line of Wolf Mountain tonight. If Daoist wants to ask me to escort you to Lin'an Mansion, I'm afraid I can't do it." It’s gone.” (Hurry up and get out, I don’t have time to pester you!)

Xu Tong opened his mouth first, trying to shut Zhang Yishan's mouth, but Zhang Yishan seemed to be fully prepared, and immediately said: "Your Majesty is for the country and the people, and the poor are naturally able to appreciate the power of the Marquis." Please don’t worry, Lord Hou. Pindao came here today just to thank you. Thank you Lord Hou for giving me a helping hand in Hutou Mountain." , let’s die!)
Xu Tong frowned, glared at Zhang Yishan, and his face suddenly turned cold: "Don't worry about the easy things, Daoist, I just wanted revenge, but it's a pity that I couldn't kill Yeluqi outside the Shenwu Pass this time." For a pity."

(The matter of Humen Mountain is so rotten to my stomach, otherwise I will hold a grudge very much. If you dare to say it, don’t blame me for attacking you!)
"Wuliang Tianzun, Lord Hou is already a world-class hero at this age. Di Qiu and Yeluqi will definitely not be the opponents of Lord Hou, but Lord Hou still has to be careful. As the saying goes, it is hard to guard against a backstab. It's a fluke, next time you won't be so lucky!"

(Continuing to explore...)
The two wrangled for a long time, and finally had nothing to say, Xu Tong could only look at Luo Jiming who was aside.

"Uh, I just remembered, I have to inspect the city defense today, so I won't accompany Lord Hou."

Luo Jiming observed the words and expressions, got up and left immediately when he saw this, and shouted back the left and right attendants.

After everyone left, Xu Tong simply opened the skylight and said, "Just tell me, what do you want!"

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, Pindao has only one unfeeling request, Lord Hou, please hand over this thing to the present Holy Majesty."

As Zhang Yishan said, he took out a box and put it on the table.

Xu Tong glanced at the box, is this so-called innate treasure?

Thinking of this, Xu Tong directly tried to open the box. He had 【Killing the Gods】 to crack the mechanism of the world, but he actually put his hand on the box and found that the box was not locked, so he could open it directly.

When I opened the box, I saw that there was only a piece of precious jade inside.

"That's the thing??"

Although the script in my hand said that this thing is an innate thing, it didn't make it clear what it was

Xu Tong reached out to pick it up and tried to throw it into the item book, but the item book rejected him on the grounds that special task items could not be included in the item book.

In this way, I can't use the item book to judge the origin of this thing.

But after holding it in his hand for a long time, Xu Tong can be sure that this thing is an ordinary jade, not even Hetian jade.

"Co-author, you defected from Longhu Mountain just to hand over this thing to the heavenly emperor???"

Xu Tong looked back at Zhang Yishan.

"Of course, this thing has a lot to do with it, please..."

"Crack!" Xu Tong closed the box and threw it towards Zhang Yishan casually: "Come on, see off!"

Good guy, you are playing yourself like a monkey. If it is such a worthless thing, the world's masters will come to surround and kill him, it is simply ridiculous.

Zhang Yishan was stunned. Seeing that Xu Tong was serious, he immediately stood up and explained: "Master Hou, this matter is related to the world. I am begging you because I have no other way out. As long as you are willing to help, I promise that this matter will never happen." I will implicate the Marquis!"

This time Xu Tong stepped forward and took the box from Zhang Yishan's arms.

But this time without waiting for Zhang Yishan to speak, Xu Tong turned around and threw the box on the ground: "Come on, throw the contents of this box into the latrine for me!!"

Now Zhang Yishan was in a hurry, he quickly picked up the box and hugged it in his arms, and after drinking away the two soldiers, he hurried to Xu Tong's side: "Master Hou, this thing is really an innate treasure, it's just returning to the basics..."

Seeing this, Xu Tong stopped talking nonsense, and stretched out his hand: "Good!"


Zhang Yishan was stunned.

"Let's stop talking nonsense. If you declare your family name and come in through the gate, if I kill you today, everyone in the world will think that the treasure is in my hands. We know what is in this box. If you want I'll take the blame, it's not too much for me to ask you for some benefits."

Zhang Yishan is now the number one bastard in the world, how could he not even know this bit of self-knowledge, and purposely announced his own name, isn't it just to make the world's eyes focus on him?

So today Zhang Yishan came here with the determination to die, and if he risked his life, he would put the blame on his forehead.

Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, why pretend to be garlic.

If Xu Tong really doesn't want to take the blame, it's not impossible.

It's just that it's not a last resort, Xu Tong doesn't want to push the matter to the extreme, so that he will be very passive.

Seeing that Xu Tong had reached this point, Zhang Yishan's expression finally became serious and straightened: "Okay, Lord Hou really has sharp eyes, and Di Qiu's defeat is not wronged at all."

After saying that, Zhang Yishan sat on the chair, threw the box aside, picked up the roast mutton and took a bite: "Tell me, what benefits do you want?"

"I don't want much, just one thing, Zixiao Shenlei."

Hearing this, Zhang Yishan almost jumped up from his chair: "You'd better kill me, use your life as a poor Taoist to get a better reputation, and Zixiao God Lei is not my disciple with the surname Zhang of Longhushan. "

The inheritance system of Longhushan has clear rules, and many things can only be mastered by disciples surnamed Zhang.

This Zhang surname represents orthodoxy, inheritance, and strength.

Longhushan does not taboo dual cultivation, but not every generation must be passed on to his sons, only disciples who have been recognized for their strength, character, and recognition can inherit it, so there is a saying of bestowing surnames.

Although Zhang Yishan is recognized as betraying Longhushan, he thinks that he is not a betrayal, but a redemption, and he still calls himself a disciple of Longhushan when he goes out.

Asking him to break this rule is worse than killing him.

But Xu Tong is not helpless, he calmly took out something to Zhang Yishan.

A very old parchment.

"At this point, I have a showdown, and the master will understand by looking at this thing!"

Zhang Yishan glanced suspiciously at the sheepskin scroll in Xu Tong's hand, and felt that it looked familiar. When he took a closer look at it, Zhang Yishan's face changed drastically, and he looked up at Xu Tong in surprise: "You... "

Xu Tong nodded, and said helplessly, "After a thousand years of catastrophe, we really don't have many things left in Longhu Mountain. The Zixiao Divine Thunder has been lost for too many years."

Zhang Yishan's pupils trembled when he heard the words, he opened his eyelids, and silently recited the secret mantra, suddenly he saw the dots on the bronze script, which actually showed the names of the past celestial masters of Longhushan.

This object is exactly the celestial map given to him by Taoist Lingxu when he broke through the Heavenly Gate in Qingcheng Mountain. The imprint of the mountain cannot be faked. (From Volume No.11, Chapter 18)

The only thing that can be faked is Xu Tong's identity, but with this thing as a token, Xu Tong is not afraid that Zhang Yishan will have any doubts about him. Whether he succeeds or not depends on whether Zhang Yishan is willing to take this risk.

(End of this chapter)

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