
At night, the city gate was quietly pushed open by soldiers, and a group of people walked out of the city gate in the dark.

"Brother Yang, let's leave now!"

Luo Jiming bowed his hands to Xu Tong to say goodbye. Both of them were from the army, not so hypocritical. Xu Tong nodded: "Just leave it!"

After finishing speaking, he kicked the stirrup, and the horse galloped quickly, heading straight along the trail behind.

Xu Tong was alone on this trip, but Zhang Yishan had disappeared, but Xu Tong knew that this old guy was not far away and followed him without haste.

Taking a look at the box on the horse's leg, Xu Tong felt that the deal was a good one.

Although Zhang Yishan didn't quite believe his words, he obviously knew his identity as a player.

After another round of arguing between the two, Zhang Yishan finally taught Xu Tong the first half of the Zixiao Divine Thunder Talisman.

Why only the first half? ?
Zhang Yishan's explanation is that only the celestial masters of the past will know the second half.

Although Xu Tong didn't quite believe the old Taoist's words, but Zhang Yishan only gave him the first half of the bite, Xu Tong had no choice.

Fortunately, even if only the upper half of the Zixiao Shenlei spell is of great significance to me.

The incantation is not difficult, I know the thunder talisman myself, and the second soul, Xiaopang Zai, understands the thunder method, so it is handy to practice.

Xu Tong closed his eyes and visualized, in the sea of ​​consciousness, Xiaopang Shui had already hugged his hands round, with a serious expression on his baby-fat face, and a ray of purple light entwined around his fingertips. This is Lei Miao of the Zixiao talisman. After being cultivated, it will be able to integrate with the second soul, making Xiaopang Zao's strength even further.

Xu Tong rode on and did not stop to rest until dawn the next day.

"Head, how long will it take you to arrive!

Gao Zhuo's inquiry came from the team channel, Gao Zhuo had joined Li Bo, Lao Bai and the others.

This guy didn't take a detour, and he didn't stop during the period. Naturally, he arrived a few days earlier than Xu Tong.

As for myself, I need to make a big bend to get to Wolf Mountain.

"I guess it will take two or three days."

Xu Tong took out the map, checked the direction, and said to Gao Zhuo and the others.

"Wuzhi, how about you?"

After a while, I heard Chang Wuzhi say in the team channel; "I won't return for the time being, I found a good job here at Beiman, and leave me a few slots in the warehouse. The last few prop cards are transferred there first."

It turned out that when Gao Zhuo was pulling the vitality chariot, Chang Wuzhi had already quietly climbed onto the vitality chariot taking advantage of the confusion.

The black water dragon tooth in his hand has the effect of breaking spells and can easily cut through the shield of the vitality chariot. Originally, he wanted to cooperate with Xu Tong's wave, but seeing that Xu Tong was able to retreat with one blow, he decided to use it. Hidden on the vitality chariot.

In this way, Chang Wuzhi can act as an eyeliner here. If there is any information, he can notify Xu Tong and others as soon as possible, and even destroy the vitality chariot when necessary.

"Be careful, don't attack Yeluqi if you're not sure, Xiao Leshan's will is hidden in this guy, if there is any danger, he will be awakened immediately!"

Xu Tong understood Chang Wuzhi's plan, but reminded him to be careful again.

At that time on the vitality chariot, Xiao Leshan regained his consciousness, not only broke his ultimate move with a single sword, but also had the energy to attack himself first.

It can be seen that this person's kendo attainments are higher than his own, and it is indeed worthy of the name to say that he is the third in the world.

Originally, this guy just wanted to force himself back and save the face of his nephew Yeluqi, but who knew that Xu Tong would give him a slap in the face even if he was injured.

Although it didn't cause any substantial harm, it was enough to make the No. [-] Under Heaven suffer for a while.

"Okay, don't worry."

Chang Wuzhi said that he has no big problem here, he is different from Gao Zhuo, Gu Xibai and even Xu Tong, he does not have any self-cultivation ability and simply takes the route of prop strengthening.

Pretending to be an ordinary person is not easy to be seen through.

Xu Tong took a short rest and prepared to continue on his way.

But when he just got on the horse, he suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced sideways at the forest beside him.

"Sure enough, it's still here!"

Not many people came, but there were still more than ten people.

These people just followed Xu Tong not far behind, and had no intention of attacking Xu Tong. They were more like a group of annoying little tails, following him closely, sending information to the people behind them, and reporting themselves s position.

These people are all good masters, and some of them even have entered the realm of Dao, but if Xu Tong is willing, he can kill them in an instant.

However, Xu Tong just patted the box on the horse and continued walking slowly.

After passing through the mountains and forests and arriving at a small town, Xu Tong walked into a restaurant with a package on his back, and threw a golden bean to the waiter: "Today I will make a reservation for twelve tables of wine and food. Serve me as soon as possible." Done."

The clerk was startled when he heard the words, and wanted to ask a few more questions, but when he saw Xu Tong staring at him, he didn't dare to ask any more, and hurriedly lowered his head and ran into the back kitchen.

Xu Tong turned around and looked around: "I've followed all the way, let's come down and have dinner together."

After speaking, I found a place to sit down.

A group of people who followed Xu Tong saw Xu Tong eating and drinking, and looked at each other for a while.

After a while, someone finally couldn't help but walked into the restaurant, bowed his hands to Xu Tong, and sat on a chair in the corner.

Some people take the lead, how can others stand stupidly.

Soon the lobby of the hotel was full of people.

Xu Tong was full, and just put down the bowl, when other people saw this, regardless of the unfinished food in their mouths, stood up one after another, looking at Xu Tong warily.

Unexpectedly, Xu Tong just yelled at the waiter: "One more table of the meal just now."

After speaking, he looked at everyone, shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, I can eat another table."

Hearing this, everyone looked weird for a while, seeing that Xu Tong had no intention of leaving, they finally sat down one after another.

It wasn't until everyone had finished eating that Xu Tong got up on his horse and continued on his way.

After walking like this for two days, Xu Tong stopped, they stopped, Xu Tong rested, and everyone followed suit. Even the money for meals and lodging in the inn was generously paid by Xu Tong.

It was as if they were a tourist group, just like traveling behind the tour guide Xu Tong.

Gradually, some people began to feel a little embarrassed.

"Yang Daxia, chivalrous and courageous, magnanimous, I admire you, don't dare to disturb me anymore, so I will leave!"

A follower, while Xu Tong was lying in the shade of a tree for an afternoon rest, walked up to Xu Tong's side, bid farewell with his hands, sighed, turned and left.

There were five or six other people who left together.

Now that Yang Hong found them, he didn't kill them. He was kind enough.

Even though these people from the rivers and lakes are not very powerful and come from grasshoppers, they also know what shame is. Many of them immediately wavered and refused to follow, even if they would be punished by their masters after returning, they still accepted it.

The rest of the people who didn't leave looked at it, and they couldn't help feeling unhappy, thinking to themselves: "Damn, it's agreed that everyone will follow together, you are moral, you go first, and we are all despicable villains together .”

After thinking about it, he slapped his thigh: "Yes, I am also a hero, so I won't do such a shameful thing."

Someone stood up immediately.

"Brothers, after crossing that mountain is Langshan. It's the so-called rivers and lakes. The rivers and lakes are over. Since Yang Daxia wants to join the army and serve the country, we are definitely not traitors who betray the country and seek glory. Yang Daxia, we will not change the rivers and lakes. There will be a period later, the brothers will withdraw!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd dispersed and left on their own.

Xu Tong got up from the ground and took a look, he couldn't help scratching his head, he didn't have so many good intentions, he wanted to drag these people over to serve as an army, but he didn't think they could think about it, he said with a dumb smile: "Justice is more than slaughter." You dog, the ancients never deceived me."

Looking at the sky, he called Gao Zhuo in the team channel, telling him not to bring people to catch the strong man, and then got on his horse and was ready to go straight to the Wolf Mountain Camp.

Only after Xu Tong left, several figures in night clothes appeared quietly.

Several people glanced at each other, and one of them took off his mask: "Hmph, a bunch of wine bags and rice bags, I just said that I hope these rivers and lakes will not be a problem."

The other person took off his mask, turned out to be a one-eyed dragon, waved his hand and said: "This person is really unusual, but he is not as happy as him for a few days. It's easy to get rid of him."

This is the reason why people in the rivers and lakes are unwilling to join the imperial court.

No matter how powerful you are, once you enter the imperial court and become an official, you must act in accordance with the court's laws and regulations.

The rules and regulations are like a curse on the head. Even if you are the Monkey King, you must be a Bi Mawen obediently.

It's just that a few people don't know that the uncle Guo they are talking about at this moment will soon usher in the darkest moment in life. Can't help crying...

Under the Wolf Mountain camp.

Early on, Wu Jie and the others had put on their neat battle armor and were waiting outside the gate.

As the commander in chief who resisted the northern barbarians this time, Wu Jie actually waited outside the camp in person today, one can imagine how important the visitor is.

Not only Wu Jie was looking forward to it, but the generals were also looking up.

It is a great honor for the emperor to proclaim Shenwuhou, and he has not appeared again for decades.

What's more, Yang Hong's amazing record is there.

When Wu Jie got the news that Xu Tong kicked Di Chou and punched the crown prince outside Shenwu Pass, even he couldn't help laughing up to the sky, never felt so comfortable for a moment.

Even that day, Wu Jie personally wrote a handwritten letter and recited it in public, which was full of ridicule and sarcasm. After the recitation, he sent the letter to the Beiman Camp for Xiao Chi to read.

When Wu Jie thought of Xiao Chi's distressed face, he felt very comfortable.

On the same day, Xiao Chi ordered the entire army to retreat [-] li.

This is undoubtedly a powerful booster for the Tiangan army, and the morale of the entire army is unprecedentedly high.

Now that the booster has finally come to the main force, Wu Jie and the others are not excited.

With the joining of the Marquis of Martial Arts, this time Wu Jie has made up his mind to give up his original plan to stick to it, and is ready to fight the Beiman to the death!

Anxiously waiting.

Suddenly, a team in front of them walked slowly.

Everyone cheered up first: "Here we come!
But after seeing clearly the big banner that this team was holding high, his face suddenly collapsed.

I saw a big word Xu written on the big flag.

The big flag is embroidered with gold and has a lion on it. This is the unique big flag of the family of Guozhu Master Xu Lai. Xu can come to sit in the temple.

So the person who came must not be Xu Lai.

And the person who held this banner last time was none other than the donkey-headed general who was crazily complained about by everyone, Lu Yanfang.

This name is now cursed by everyone in the army.

If he hadn't been greedy for meritorious deeds and caused the [-] former troops to be strangled and defeated by the barbarians, how could they be so passive? What's even more annoying is that after Lu Yanfang was rescued by the experts around her, she didn't receive any punishment when she returned to Lin'an.

This incident also became Wu Jie's biggest shame since he led the army.

So at this moment, when everyone saw this familiar banner again, they all felt a little bit in their hearts, as if a pig teammate came to the door.

"Master Guozhu is too much!"

A young general cursed in anger.

"Shut up!"

Wu Jie's complexion changed, he immediately scolded everyone, and said in a low voice, "Don't speak nonsense!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward quickly to meet the convoy.

After Wu Jie and others approached, the convoy stopped immediately, and the curtain of the carriage was pulled open, and a young man in his 20s came out of the carriage.

When Wu Jie saw it, his heart skipped a beat, and he thought, "It's broken!"

He recognizes the young man in front of him, no, it should be said that there are not many in the whole world who don't recognize him, even if he has never seen him, he has heard of this guy's name.

The second ancestor, Xu Fan.

Xu Lai's own son, today's Uncle Guo.

Although the background is scary, this guy is a complete idiot, if it is an idiot, it's fine, but he is still a dandy who does all kinds of evil.

Compared with Yeluqi, this guy is not even qualified to carry shoes for Yeluqi.

"Why is this guy here??"

Wu Jie groaned secretly in his heart, sent away a big head of Lu, and now another dude from the Xu family came.

This person is even more troublesome than the one surnamed Lu, he can still give orders to Lu Yanfang with a dark face, even if the other party won't listen to him, at least he can face it.

But facing his own teacher's own son, this playful young man, Wu Jie was also at a loss for a while.

When the guards who followed Xu Fan saw Wu Jie's expression on the verge of crying, they knew what the old guy was thinking, and immediately stepped forward and said, "General Wu, you don't need to see outsiders, we are ordered to reward the three armies. Never participate in military and political affairs!"

Hearing what the guard said, Wu Jie heaved a sigh of relief. Although the other party is still here to make military achievements, at least he doesn't have to worry about the other party arguing to lead the army to fight this time. Without this constraint, Wu Jie doesn't mind either. A share of the military merits was placed on the head of this dandy country uncle.

"General Wu has worked hard, and it is very polite to put on such a big battle to welcome me."

Standing on the shaft of the chariot, Xu Fan saw the soldiers lined up neatly all around, his face blushing brightly: "Quickly, quickly take out the reward silver at the back and share it among the soldiers."

Xu Fan immediately ordered to remove the silver from the several carriages behind him and send it to the gate of the army account. The box was opened, and there was a neat amount of silver inside.

However, what Xu Fan didn't expect was that no one of the soldiers would take a second look at these silver taels.

There was even a bit of anger in some people's eyes.

They are fighting in the front, and these people come to pick up the ready-made ones. What's the use of giving them these two points of silver, can they exchange their lives?
Seemingly sensing that the atmosphere was getting colder and colder, Xu Fan's complexion gradually became less attractive.

"Wait, look over there!
At this time, someone in the army pointed to the mound on the other side, and shouted ecstatically, "The general is back!

Everyone followed the shout and saw a white horse slowly appearing on the mound in the distance. Xu Tong, who had already changed into a military uniform, was galloping towards this side on a horse...

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