Infinite script kill

Chapter 919 Dilemma

Many soldiers didn't recognize Xu Tong, but Ge Zhuo and the others did. Seeing Xu Tong's return, they all became excited and raised their spears high: "The general has won a big victory!

A cry immediately infected the three armies.

"Big win, big win, big win!"

Amid the shouts of slogans, the three armies behind the battalion roared together, with such an earth-shattering momentum that even the Beiman camp, thirty miles away, could hear it clearly.

Xiao Chi, the head coach of the Northern Barbarians, walked out of the tent wearing a piece of animal skin, looking at the murderous look in front of him, he couldn't help showing an old face.

"Marshal, could it be that Yang Hong is back??"

A Northern Man general said with a solemn expression.

Yang Hong's name is now like a shining star piercing the night sky. If the Beiman still don't know who cut off their food road and killed Abaobao by this time, then their information must have been overdone. Failed.

Yang Hong was named Marquis in the first battle of Shenwuguan, and now he is ranked No. 20 in the world. Although the ranking is not high, this ranking has already made many veterans jealous.

"Hey~" Xiao Chi tightened the animal skins on his body, and led a group of soldiers to walk in front of the camp: "Although the Xuan Kingdom is destroyed, the fate of the country will naturally turn into thousands of tributaries, and the world will be transformed into waves, as the saying goes, heroes are created by the times , not surprisingly."

"However, it is a fool's dream to rely on this person to control the battlefield. Now that the food roads have been opened, even though I ordered the three armies to retreat for thirty miles, there is a barrier.

January at the soonest, or two months at the latest, when the sky will fall heavily, the sky will be dry and food will be lacking, and the army will be in a state of confusion. Just wait for our army to attack in an all-round way and force them to retreat to Shaoxing to make peace with us. also. "

Speaking of this time, Xiao Chi's cloudy eyes were already glowing. He is 68 years old. If there is no accident, this battle will be the last battle of this life. Whether it is a brilliant curtain call or a death on the battlefield, Xiao Chi Chi was looking forward to her ending being bright enough.

At the same time, on the other side, Xu Fan and the others watched coldly this unknown Marquis of Martial Arts, who was already well-known in the imperial court.

Xu Tong also noticed Xu Fan and the others. After all, the banner embroidered with golden lions was so conspicuous that it was hard not to notice it.

Walking to the front of the gate, after glancing at Xu Fan and the others, his heart suddenly became alert.

After reading the script, Xu Tong knows very well that the Xu family is the big boss of this world, and Xu Lai is a container of a god. The last round of players almost wiped out the group because of the Xu family.

But I'm not the soft bun from the last round, or what I'm dealing with is the Xu family.

At this time, Xu Tong turned his gaze, and after seeing Wu Jie and the others, under the reminder of Gao Zhuo and the others, he quickly jumped off the horse and bowed forward with both hands: "The sinner, Yang Hong, sees Marshal Wu!"

Wu Jie was startled when he heard the words, and hurried forward to support Xu Tong with both hands, and asked with a puzzled expression: "Marquis Shenwu has made great contributions to our army this time, what is his fault?"

"The front line is defeated. In order to stabilize the morale of the army, it is a serious crime to pretend to be the captain of the former battalion Zhaowu. Marshal Wu please punish him!"

Wu Jie and his party couldn't help looking at each other when they heard the words. In fact, everyone knew about it, but they didn't mean to point it out. After all, Yang Hong is now the Marquis of Shenwu and one of the generals of Siping. Who would care about such trivial matters? .

But I didn't expect that the first thing Xu Tong did when he returned to the camp was to expose it in public.

However, Wu Jie was able to serve as the commander-in-chief of one party, with such a delicate mind, he immediately understood Xu Tong's intentions after a short period of stupefaction, and thought for a few seconds while pinching his beard: "This matter should be beheaded according to the law, but you have repeatedly made military achievements, and this matter should be up to me." It is up to the Holy Majesty to decide!"

This statement is actually the same as not saying it. Now the emperor is very fond of this Marquis Wu who has given him a big face. I am afraid that this memorial is a disguised way to praise Yang Hong for being brave and resourceful. Maybe there will be another award. .

It's just that Xu Tong brought this matter to the fore. If anyone wants to make a fuss about this matter in the future, I'm afraid they will lose their chance.

What Xu Tong did was not only an invisible statement to Wu Jie, showing that he had no intention of taking credit for pride, but also removed this slight flaw on his body, killing two birds with one stone.

Sure enough, after Wu Jie finished speaking, he took Xu Tong's arm more cordially and walked into the camp.

"My lord, this person is thoughtful and meticulous, and his work is impeccable. Don't let this person take advantage of it!"

The guards around Xu Fan stared at Xu Tong's back, and their expressions became solemn for a moment.

"Hmph! If it's easy to deal with, why would my father let me come to this hellish place to suffer!" Xu Fan rolled his eyes, because the Xu family's prestige in the army has lost a lot because of the money surnamed Lu.

Coupled with the sudden emergence of Yang Hong, even my father began to worry that Yang Hong was growing too fast, so he asked himself to come to the front line to appease the soldiers, and by the way, get close to this Marquis of Martial Arts. As for military achievements, everything is incidental Xu Fan didn't care about things.

"Don't overdo it, use this person if he can, and don't offend him if we can't. My father sits firmly in court, our Xu family is lucky, and the emperor has nothing to do with us."

After Xu Fan finished speaking, he signaled the guards to find a comfortable place to set up camp.

On the other side, Xu Tong was also brought into the commander's tent. Only after everyone was seated, Wu Jie motioned to a young general to tell Xu Tong about the current situation on the battlefield.

Although Beiman retreated thirty miles, he took advantage of the geographical advantage and laid down layers of defenses. If he wanted to rush in head-on, I am afraid that even the land gods would not be able to do so.

Tens of thousands of people form an army formation, and the auras of all people are connected into one piece. The aura swallows the sky and the earth, and evolves into a strange formation. The changes are infinitely mysterious, and it cannot be broken by one person.

The more powerful the general, the better he knows how to use formations.

Xiao Chi is a famous general in the world, and even the best among them. Even his old opponent Wu Jie himself is not fully sure that he can beat him.

"Now the two sides are in a competitive situation. No matter who is attacking or defending, the fight is nothing more than food and logistics. However, the Beiman annexed Xuanguo and has the world's granary as backup. They are determined to consume it. If our army comes to winter If you can't break it, you can only retreat."

After the young general pointed to the sand table in front of him and analyzed the situation clearly, Xu Tong frowned and looked at the sand table for a moment: "Can you make another detour to attack grain?"


Wu Jie said one word very directly. Although he didn't say the reason, one word is enough to explain many problems.

When Xu Tong thought about it, he could think of it himself, but how could he not have imagined that the opponent was a famous general in the world. The two sides were deadlocked to this point, and it was obvious that each other had already started to play their cards.

Seeing Xu Tong's silence, Wu Jie asked everyone to go down to rest first, leaving Xu Tong alone.

"Does Marquis Shenwu have a plan to defeat the enemy?"


Xu Tong didn't expect that Wu Jie would ask such a question when he was left alone, and he was stunned for a second before answering: "I'm new here, I don't have a clue, but I just heard what the young general said, and I think that the method Although many, but nothing more than one word."


Wu Jie stared at Xu Tong with wide eyes.

"Wait!" Xu Tong looked calm, and said what no one dared to say, and then added: "Wait for the flaw."

This is actually only half of what he said, and there is the other half. Xu Tong still didn't say it after thinking about it again and again, but I believe Wu Jie knew it in his heart.

In the current situation, neither Xiao Chi from Beiman nor Wu Jie wanted to fight recklessly. Even if they won, it would be a miserable victory if they fought recklessly.

There are not only Tiangan and Beiman in this world, but also Xia Guo, Dali, and Tubo. Once the two sides fight to the death, they will end up with nothing to gain.

Moreover, both of them are famous generals in the world, and they are almost seventy years old.

He knew in his heart that whether it was destroying barbarism or eliminating cadres, it could not be achieved overnight. At this age, as long as he was undefeated, he was victorious.

Why take the lives of the soldiers to make yourself better.

So both sides are waiting, either waiting for a flaw in the other side, or waiting for an opportunity for both sides to step down.

Wu Jie sighed, and had to say in his heart that this Yang Hong saw it clearly, but he was also a little disappointed in his heart. He wanted to hear some different opinions from Yang Hong, but he didn't expect it to be similar to what he thought.

Immediately after thinking about it, I found it ridiculous again. Being able to think of this level is enough to show that this kid is a general, and isn't he also a person who can't break the game.

It's just... It's much worse than the sixteen characters I saw that day. I think these sixteen characters didn't really come from Yang Hong.

Just when Wu Jie wanted to let Xu Tong go down to rest, Xu Tong looked at the sand table: "Commander, since we have to wait, let's not wait in vain, why don't you let me take a team to harass him in a detour and kill him if there is a chance?" A barbarian army, withdrawing if there is no chance, if a blind cat encounters a dead mouse, maybe it can be regarded as a meritorious deed if it finds the other party's food storage area."

Wu Jie's face suddenly showed displeasure when he heard the words, thinking that this is not nonsense, and the division of troops at this time will cause chaos.

But before he opened his mouth, Wu Jie remembered that this Marquis of Martial Arts was not an ordinary person, he was the best in the world, and after hearing from the soldiers who followed him about how Xu Tong killed A Baobao, he suspected that this man had a Taoist weapon in his hand. Soldiers, the strength is no small matter.

For a moment, I probably understood Xu Tong's meaning, and after thinking for a while, I nodded: "Alright, you go and rest for a while, and I will ask Wu Zhe to order a soldier and horse at your disposal later."

As soon as Xu Tong heard the name, he knew that this Wu Zhe was probably a relative of the general, but he didn't point it out, after all, the cake belonged to everyone, and it didn't make sense for him to go out to grow wild when he was in a group. In the end, why don't you give someone a little head as compensation?

After Xu Tong came out of the camp, the three of Gao Zhuo were standing not far away and waving at him.

When Xu Tong was about to pass by, a figure flashed out from the side and cupped his hands towards Xu Tong: "Shen Wuhou, Uncle Guo welcomes you!"

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