Infinite script kill

Chapter 920 Out of Camp

Xu Tong frowned slightly, and after recalling the contents of the script in his mind, he remembered who this Uncle Guo was.

Then he took a look at the figure dressed as a domestic servant in front of him, and it turned out to be an enlightened master.

Even in this scripted world, enlightened heavenly beings are top-notch masters in the world.

Absolutely not, they are the symbol of invincibility.

Unexpectedly, the other party was willing to dress up like a domestic servant and enter the camp with the army, which shows how powerful the Xu family has become.

The other party was looked back and forth by Xu Tong's eyes, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead not long after, the enlightened heaven and man are still human after all, although Xu Tong is only one level higher than him, but the earth immortal is also an immortal, the gap between the two is so big, it is completely People of two worlds.

Fortunately Xu Tong didn't make things difficult for him, he just nodded lightly and said, "Lead the way."

Then he said to Gao Zhuo and the others in the team channel: "I'll go and see first, I'll talk about anything later."

This Uncle Guo didn't write much in the script, mainly because the players in the last round didn't have much contact with him, so there are only a few brief introductions in the script, such as the negative aspects of dudes, arrogant and domineering, etc. Evaluation.

But as the eldest son of the Xu family, he is definitely not a waste, it's just because the last round of players developed too little script and did not really dig out valuable information.

This Uncle Guo's camp stands on a mound behind the military village. Although this is a high ground, no one would set up their tents here. It is too conspicuous, and it is easy to be targeted by the other party.

What's more, the big tent of this uncle of the country is really too extravagant.

The tent made of elk skin was hung with a layer of light gauze. Before he got close, Xu Tong felt a cool and refreshing feeling, which inspired his clairvoyance and he saw that there was a talisman array on the tent. However, these talisman arrays are not offensive or defensive, but auxiliary talismans similar to air conditioners.

The most exaggerated thing is that there is an orb the size of a baby's fist inlaid on the top of this guy's tent. The sunlight is sucked into the orb, and after being warmed by the orb, it shines into the tent. Not only can the light in the tent be very soft and comfortable, but also Can play a calming effect.

If one day the northern barbarian army rushed over, I am afraid that this tent would be destroyed as a handsome tent in the first place.

When Xu Tong stepped on the thick carpet and walked into the tent, there was a waft of fragrance in the air, and a young man Lang Zhengxie, who was a few years younger than Yang Hong, was lying on the cushion.

Seeing Xu Tong's arrival, Xu Fan just sat up and looked at Xu Tong for a few seconds before standing up with a smile on his face: "I've heard about the prestige of Marquis of Martial Arts a long time ago, but seeing him today is really extraordinary."


Xu Tong secretly screamed strangely, this uncle Guo is not even a great master, his muscles are empty and his breath is chaotic, he is clearly an ordinary person, but the other party dares to look at him for so long, Xu Tong can't help but suspect this Is Uncle Wei Guo deliberately hiding his strength?

"Uncle Guo is being polite, I don't know what orders Uncle Guo has when he calls me?"

Xu Tong sat generously on the soft sofa beside him. Not to mention, it was really comfortable, even more comfortable than the big sofa in reality, with moderate softness and hardness. When he lay on it, he felt as if his whole body was wrapped up. Looking again, Only then did I realize that this soft cloth is woven with gold threads, each of which is as slender as hair, and this craft alone can only be done by a master-level craftsman.

"True TN luxury!"

Xu Tong pursed his lips, this is a luxury item, Chanel and Gucci bags are all scum, and the soft sleeves alone are worth tens of millions of works of art in reality.

Seeing Xu Tong being so casual, a smile appeared on Xu Fan's chubby face: "I just heard that Marquis Shenwu wants to have a single army and prepares to go out to fight. He is also a brave warrior who is good at fighting, and he also wants to help Marquis Shenwu."


Hearing this, Xu Tong glanced at the three people in the camp. The three of them were indeed first-class masters. Their bodies were full of blood, and they shot straight into the sky. If you all go out with me, who will guarantee your safety, Uncle Guo?"

Xu Fan curled his lips, and threw an orange into his mouth: "It's okay, I'm in the camp, and the northern barbarians can't touch me. Besides, you also know that my unlucky relative, Lu Yanfang, caused a catastrophe and ruined my family's life." My prestige in the army has been greatly reduced, and my father asked me to serve in the army in name, but in fact he wants to earn some military merits to go back."

After finishing speaking, he turned his eyes to the outside of the tent: "Look at the current situation, victory or defeat is no longer important. What everyone is waiting for is a step for both sides to withdraw troops. If I go back in such a disgruntled manner, my father will definitely blame me, so I also ask Marquis Shenwu to be accommodating, this kind of favor is definitely indispensable to my Xu family."

"I believe you a ghost!"

Xu Tong rolled his eyes in his heart, what he said was purely a lie.

Based on the status of their Xu family, even if Wu Jie pretended to have no credit for himself, he would still give him three points of military merit.

To let these people follow him, Xu Tong knew with his toes that it was not that simple.

But after thinking about it, he suddenly had an idea in his mind, and secretly said: "There is a way to heaven if you don't go, there is no way to enter hell. This is what you asked for. When the time comes, you can't blame me."

Thinking of this, Xu Tong looked a little embarrassed: "This is a big matter, and we need to report to the commander."

"Don't worry, you can just take my people out of the camp. As for Wu Jie, I have my own way."

Xu Fan said with a smile, and casually called Wu Jie by his first name, which shows that he didn't take this handsome man seriously in his heart.

"Okay! So tonight at three o'clock, we will set off. Please make preparations early."

Xu Tong stood up, bowed his hands towards Xu Fan after speaking, then turned and left the tent.

Only after Xu Tong left, the guards following Xu Fan frowned: "My lord, I'm afraid this matter is wrong. If something happens, I can't bear it!"

Xu Fan picked up a grape and threw it into his mouth: "What are you afraid of? I'll stay here. Who would dare to harm me?" Pass the arrow to the guard at the side:

"With this command arrow, you can mobilize the three armies. As long as you try to lure him to Luoyuebei in the west, you can use this command arrow to order the troops to come back. The Xiao family will naturally help us deal with this person. After that, remember You must bring that thing back, and you must not lose it."

"Head, what kind of medicine is sold in this country uncle's gourd!"

After Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo got together, they found a haystack and sat down. Xu Tong took out the pipe and smoked leisurely. It feels good to bask in the sun while smoking a cigarette.

In fact, Xu Tong was not sure what this uncle Guo was going to do.

It is expected that there will be no good things, but again, being passively beaten has never been Xu Tong's favorite.

A puff of green smoke spewed out from his mouth and nose, Xu Tong narrowed his eyelids: "Whatever he does, he just wants the things in my hands, but since he wants to wade through this muddy water, let's just come here for a while." Take the big one."

After finishing speaking, Xu Tong pulled the three of them and whispered in their ears, and the three of them were all startled when they heard it.

"Head, isn't this a mess??"

Li Bo's eyes widened, he just felt that this plan was too dangerous, and it would affect his whole body.

"If there is no chaos, we can't break the game. Besides, the Xu family is our enemy in the script. Before they officially break up with us, let's act first and catch him by surprise!"

Xu Tong exhaled a puff of green smoke, his eyes became sharper, he never said any kindness and morality to the enemy.

Seeing that Xu Tong had made up his mind, Li Bo could only swallow his mouth and spit, put his hands together and recited Amitabha silently.

Not long ago, the young general who explained the sand table to Xu Tong in front of the commander's tent came, and bowed his hands to Xu Tong: "Wu Zhe, a lowly post, pays homage to the general, and I am ordered by the commander to mobilize manpower to fight with the general!"

This teenager is very young, with white lipstick and white teeth, and a handsome appearance. His eyes are shining with admiration towards Xu Tong.

Xu Tong was named a Marquis in the first battle, and his illustrious military exploits are well known throughout the world. He is the hero that these young men admire in their hearts.

Naturally, Wu Zhe was no exception. Although his father was a famous general in the world, the young man scoffed at Wu Jie's steady style of play.

Xu Tong also asked for a while before he found out that the boy in front of him was Wu Jie's own son, only 19 years old.

"Father Tiger has no dogs." Xu Tong praised.

This time Xu Tong didn't bring many troops, but most of them were familiar faces, such as Ge Zhuo and others. Of course, there were also many unfamiliar generals who wanted to go out to try their luck. Uncle Guo's three bodyguards also put on light armor and rushed over.

Xu Tong gathered these people together, opened the map, and pointed to the direction of the three towns on the left called [Yequan], [Dongchi], and [Xihe].

"We're mainly harassing this time. It would be best if we could find a place where the enemy's food is stored. Don't fight hard, don't go deep, and go sideways. You understand."

Everyone nodded to show their understanding, and then Xu Tong pointed down to the woods on the west side of Langshan Mountain: "We have a large number of people, and it is too noisy to go out together, which is not good for the morale of the army, and it also scares the snake, so we divided into three groups and gathered here. Afterwards, set off on time on the fourth watch, and anyone who violates the order and advances aggressively will be killed!"


After everyone responded in unison, they immediately began to go back and order their men and horses, ready to go.

"Master Hou, we..."

Uncle Guo's three guards followed up, wanting to follow Xu Tong's team, but Xu Tong pointed at Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi: "The two of them are my brothers, and they have my seal in their hands. You go with them first, I will come later!"

The three looked at each other, although they hesitated in their hearts, they didn't dare to tell Xu Tongming, for fear that Xu Tong would become suspicious, and after thinking about it, they would gather together anyway, and they couldn't run away, so they simply took orders to leave the camp.

Seeing that the team had begun to leave the camp in batches, Xu Tong looked back at the hill behind him, raised his brows, and saw five fluffy meat balls coming out of the entrance of the hall, Xu Tong pointed to the uncle of the country. Daying, whispered: "Go, steal the person out for me, don't disturb the others..."

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