"Sir, people have already set off!"

"Oh, I see."

"Young master, Wu Dashuai asks you to come over later, saying that there is an important matter to discuss."

"Oh, I see."

"Sir, Butler Xu sent someone to send a verbal order from the master, saying that if there is any change in the plan to retreat this time, let us go first..."

"Get out!"

This time, before the servant could finish speaking, a ball of tissue paper smashed on the servant's head and scolded the servant out of the tent.

"Damn things, shit doesn't make me clean."

Xu Fan sat on the toilet and cursed with a black face.

Sitting under the buttocks is a sandalwood withered wooden barrel. The wooden barrel is carved into the image of a three-legged golden toad. It opens its big mouth to capture its prey. Stepping on the ground, the craftsmanship alone is invaluable.

The wooden barrel is even more paved with a thick layer of fine rosin powder. This powder should not be too fine or too thick, so that it is extremely fluffy, so that the feces fall into it, and it will be immediately wrapped in thick rosin. .

Its principle is equivalent to the effect of cat litter in reality.

It's just that the rosin in it is hundreds of times more expensive than a pot of cat litter.

In this era, there are no newspapers, no mobile phones, and Xu Fan couldn't help complaining while sitting on the wooden barrel: "The top is broken, if I knew I would be sent to this ghost place by my father, I should have gone out early before March. Jinling is playing."

Xu Fan was thinking about it with his eyes closed. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong. He felt lightness around him. He opened his eyes and took a look. Only then did he realize that he had been moved out of the tent.

Looking down again, I saw that under my bucket, there were four fluffy meat balls running out quickly against my toilet.

Seeing this scene, Xu Fan was sluggish for a second, and was about to start calling someone, but a fluffy black meat ball suddenly jumped out in front of him. bump up.

"King Kong supernatural power??"

Xu Fan's eyes went black, just this thought flashed through his mind, and he was already unconscious.

When Xu Fan woke up, he could only feel the breeze in front of him, and his head was still buzzing.

After finally regaining his senses, he opened his eyes and saw that Xu Fan was dumbfounded.

I saw that I was riding on the back of a horse, following a group of people stepping on the grass and galloping.

"I was kidnapped by Beiman people?"

Xu Fan was about to shout subconsciously, but after a closer look, he found that the armor worn by this group was all the clothes of their heavenly warriors.

Although everyone covered their faces, the clothes on their bodies could not be wrong.

Just when Xu Fan didn't know what was going on, a person next to him walked on a horse, and in a moment he came to his side: "Uncle Guo, you can sleep comfortably."

Xu Fan was even more stunned when he heard the voice.

After a closer look, sure enough, this person is none other than Yang Hong in light armor.

"Yang Hong!

Xu Fan was sluggish for a few seconds, and then he yelled, "Fuck you surnamed Yang is courting death, you dare to hold me hostage!


"Hey, don't talk nonsense about this." Xu Tong's head immediately turned into a rattle, and he said innocently: "It was you who wanted to make military contributions and decided to go with the army, why did you bite me back at this time, Uncle Guo Lord, we have to be conscientious as a human being."

Xu Fan almost jumped up from the horse when he heard the words, raised his finger and pointed at Xu Tong, his expression suddenly gloomy: "Yang Hong, you really don't want to die, if my father knew about this, he would rip you off, don't let it go. I thought you were the best in the world, and my father was far worse than you."

Xu Tong took out his ears and looked fearless, making Xu Fan's teeth itch with hatred.

"Okay, my uncle wants to make military exploits, how can he let his servants do it for him? Now there is a great opportunity to make merits and careers. We can't miss it."

Xu Fan suddenly became alert when he heard this. He looked around and found that the surroundings were getting more and more desolate, and he was officially heading north. His expression changed and he said coldly, "What are you going to do?"

"Killing the enemy and making meritorious deeds, is it possible that I can still sell you?"

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he looked up and down at Xu Fan, and said half-jokingly; "Don't say, your body is white and clean, if it really falls into the hands of those rude northern barbarians, it's impossible to say that it is really true. A couple of unique flavors."

"Yang Hong!

Xu Fan's eyes widened. He really didn't expect this guy to be so daring and kidnapped in the military camp.

His own dignified uncle, Xu Lai's son, even if the emperor saw his brother-in-law, he would only dare to be polite.

However, whether Xu Fan was glaring or yelling, Xu Tong pretended not to hear.

Gradually Xu Fan calmed down, grabbed the reins, stopped the war horse, and squinted at the cavalry around him: "Let me go if you don't want to die!"

Saying that, you're about to turn around.

Seeing that Xu Fan was about to leave, Xu Tong didn't stop him, and even deliberately signaled everyone to move out of the way, but said sternly, "Uncle Guo, you have to be very careful this way, we are already deep in the back of Beiman. , if you encounter Beiman's scouts, you must be careful that their bows and arrows don't have eyes."

Hearing this, Xu Fan turned his head suspiciously and stared at Xu Tong: "Didn't you say that this operation is just harassment, not in-depth, and not a hard fight?"

"Yeah, we don't do bait, how can the generals of the three armies make contributions?"



Xu Fan is not a fool, he understands it as soon as he hears it, and can't help but exasperately said, "Then what are you doing with me??"

Xu Tong scratched his head: "I'm not thinking about it, I have a cheap life, and it won't work. With your uncle, I'm afraid that Xiao Chi and the others won't mind?"

Xu Fan suddenly sneered: "Hehe, you are really humble. You slapped Xiao Leshan, do you think your head is worthless?"

After saying this, Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, his eyes swept across the uncle's body, the smile on his face gradually narrowed, and he stared at Xu Fan and said, "How do you know that I slapped Xiao Leshan."

Everyone in the world knows that he slapped Yeluqi three big slaps at Shenwuguan, but few people know that the third slap was actually slapped on Xiao Leshan's face.

Xu Tong didn't say anything about this, but just told Gao Zhuo and others about it.

Xu Fan not only knew that he slapped Xiao Leshan in the face, but also knew that it was a slap, which was abnormal.

As soon as these words came out, Xu Fan's face froze instantly, realizing that he had said something wrong, Xu Fan's heart sank, but he responded very quickly, and immediately explained: "My father said it."

This is nonsense when it comes to others, but it is not so nonsense when it comes to Xu Fan alone.

"My father and Xiao Leshan have been mortal enemies for many years. They know Xiao Leshan very well, and there are even eyeliners placed beside him. Yeluqi has a ray of Xiao Leshan's thoughts on his body. No one else knows about this. I won't know."

Xu Fan's reason was very good, and even Xu Tong couldn't judge whether this guy's words were true or false for a while, so he simply stopped asking questions.

But Xu Fan doesn't plan to run away now. This barren mountain is still near the Beiman camp. If he encounters Beiman's scouts, his life will be lost here.

The group continued to grope their way to the north along the path. Along the way, they encountered a few Beiman scouts. However, Xu Tong had a good eye and found the figures of these people early. After carefully avoiding them with the team, they explored After a pass, I finally saw a large tent of a tribe.

It seems that the scale is not large, it seems that there are only five to six thousand people stationed.

"General Yang, I think they are all cavalry. Let's retreat first. It doesn't look like a place to store grain."

Xu Fan stared at it with wide eyes. He had seen Beiman's messengers, but before he saw them, those messengers were forcibly washed three or four times and put on new clothes, at least they looked like a human being.

But right now, these rude men had a stinky smell on their bodies, and there was horse dung and human dung around the camp. This made Xu Fan, who cost an ordinary person a year's salary to poop, really couldn't stand it.

Xu Tong heard the words and looked around with wide eyes: "What kind of cavalry, why didn't I see it? They are all old and weak women and children."

Seeing Xu Tong open his eyes and talk nonsense, Xu Fan was angry, but he could only stare, and he had already sworn in his heart that if he returned to the camp one day, he would definitely take out the gold medal and put this guy on death row.

No, it's not enough to just be put on death row. You must let your father personally take action and smash this person into tens of thousands of pieces.

Just as Xu Fan greeted Xu Tong in his heart, he suddenly felt his shoulders warm, and when he looked back, he found that Xu Tong had put the cloak behind him on his body.

"The weather in the mountains is too cold. Uncle Guo, you are delicate, so don't suffer from the cold."

Suddenly being treated so gently by Xu Tong, Xu Fan stared at him defensively: "You take me back to the camp now, I'll assume that this has never happened."


Xu Tong readily agreed this time, but who knew that the next second, he would whip up the whip and hit the mount under Xu Fan's crotch.

"Crack!" A whip sounded, and when the whip was pulled down, the horse's buttocks were split open. Under the severe stabbing pain, the warhorse let out a painful scream. Unprepared, Xu Fan's eyes widened subconsciously. The ground tightened the saddle, Lin Ying swayed in front of him, and rushed out of the woods with a curse.

There was Xu Tong's roar from behind: "General Xu's martial arts are unparalleled, brothers, go!"

Xu Fan took a closer look and found that Xu Tong and others had already rushed out with their own banners.

Seeing Xu Tong holding the battle flag high and riding the horse and whipping the whip, Xu Fan's heart widened, and he thought, "You don't dare to care about my life or death!"

Who knew that this line of cavalry had just rushed out of the woods, and two cavalrymen rushed out in the distance.

"Brothers, the wind is screaming!

Seeing this, Xu Tong simply threw the flag of the Xu family on the ground, and when he waved his hand, he turned around and ran away with everyone.

This time Xu Fan was completely dumbfounded, and when he looked at the cavalry charging in the distance, his face turned pale for a while, he hurriedly tightened the reins, turned around and chased after Xu Tong and the others, scolding while chasing, "Beasts! , I want my father to kill you sooner or later!


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