Infinite script kill

Chapter 922 Chaos Begins

No matter how cruel Xu Fan was scolding, how embarrassed he was running at the moment.

An arrow rubbed his face and flew for an instant, Xu Fan felt that his heart was about to freeze, and his mind went blank. For the first time, he felt that death was so close to him.

As the sound of trampling horseshoes getting closer and closer behind him, Xu Fan only felt that the blood in his whole body was cold from the head to the soles of the feet, and he suddenly felt that there was a cold machete cutting down on him from behind.


For some unknown reason, Xu Fan's ears began to hum, and when he saw Xu Tong and the others' retreating backs, Xu Fan even felt that his vision began to turn black.

In an instant, Xu Fan seemed to hear someone calling him, but he didn't have the courage to look.

I don't know how long the dazed state lasted. Suddenly, a burning sensation hit his face, causing Xu Fanmeng to open his eyes. With the figure of Mohu appearing in front of him in the dim light, Xu Fan opened his mouth dully. : "Am I dead??"

The voices of the four characters were loud or small, until the silhouettes of Mohu gradually overlapped in front of him, and Xu Fan could see clearly the face in front of him that he hated so much.

"Hey, Uncle Guo is really lucky, he is not dead!"

Hearing Xu Tong's ridicule, Xu Fan's consciousness finally woke up, his face changed drastically, and he quickly reached out and groped around himself. After making sure that he was not missing any arms or legs, Xu Fan seemed to have been taken away. Like bones, he was about to fall off the horse all at once.

The loss is that Xu Tong is quick-witted, otherwise, I am afraid that this respected uncle will have to fall half to death.

Seeing that the guy was about to fall into a coma, Xu Tong sighed. He didn't believe until now that this guy really had no martial arts at all. He put his hand on Xu Fan's pulse, and a ray of pure yang zhenqi was injected into this guy's body. Xu Fan regained consciousness.

"I'm alive!"

With this pure yang energy, Xu Fan finally regained his strength. Xu Tong still put his hand on his pulse, and frowned when he woke up; Blood pressure, fatty liver, you can account for them all."

"What did you say??"

Xu Fan had never heard of any of these nouns, but it was true that his body was poor. He was diagnosed with heart disease when he was young.

His father searched for famous doctors all over the world for him, but the results were in vain. If it wasn't for the great fortune of his Xu family who used all kinds of precious elixir to wash his hair and cut his marrow, he might not even be able to survive the age of ten.

Although he saved his life, his physique was terribly weak. Otherwise, with a father who was number one in the world, no matter how unsatisfactory he was, he wouldn't even be able to do anything.

Of course, with his father around, it's the same if he doesn't practice fists and kicks. There are not many people in the world who dare to touch his hair... um... Yang Hong is the exception.

"Forget it, it's alright, let's go quickly, I just took a false shot and turned back with my crew to rescue you, but I accidentally lost your flag, and they will find you later. Identity, we are going to be unlucky."

Hearing this, Xu Fan instantly froze, glared at Xu Tong and roared, "You are being careless, I saw with my own eyes that you deliberately threw my flag on the ground!"

"Is there?? Who saw it??"

Xu Tong pretended to be crazy and foolish, and all the soldiers shook their heads in cooperation, which made Xu Fan want to cramp up this guy.

Just as they were about to continue yelling, a sharp falcon sounded in the sky. When everyone looked up, a gray falcon quickly slid past their heads.

"Yes, it has been discovered, let's go, drive!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong immediately waved his horsewhip, and quickly led the people towards the west.

Xu Fan cursed in his mouth, but he didn't dare to neglect his actions at all, and quickly followed the team. This time, he was afraid of falling behind again, so he wished he would ride a war horse with Xu Tong.

What Xu Tong didn't know was that when they left, both Beiman and Tiangan were in a mess.

On Tiangan's side, the dignified uncle suddenly disappeared. When Wu Jie got the news, he almost fainted.

Others don't know how he doesn't know that this uncle's body is not as good as the little girls in the brothel, let alone encountering a barbarian, even if a cold wind blows, it can make him seriously ill.

My teacher sent his son here, just to appease the dissatisfaction of the lieutenants and soldiers in place of the Xu family.

But if something happened to this uncle of the country, the good days of their Wu family would come to an end.

Immediately Wu Jie went crazy, and sent all the scouts to look for it. No matter what, he had to find the news of this uncle, otherwise everyone would be unlucky.

On the other side, the banner dropped by Xu Tong was also delivered to Xiao Chi.

Looking at the falling flag, Xiao Chi was also a little confused.

This flag is the flag of the Xu family, and the embroidery fabric on it is absolutely infallible.

This big flag symbolizes the face of the Xu family, and it is equivalent to Xu coming in person, how could it be left in the hands of a scattered cavalry.

"At that time, someone shouted, save the country's uncle, I looked like a young descendant in a silk robe, crawling on a war horse."

A barbarian warrior whispered.

Hearing this, Xiao Chi looked even weirder.

"A fraud?"

This was Xiao Chi's first thought, but when he thought about it, he felt something was wrong.

When he was hesitating, someone came to report from outside the tent, saying that the fourth prince had returned with someone.

Xiao Chi raised his brows slightly, and hurriedly walked out of the camp with the banner. At this moment, Yeluqi was walking down the vitality chariot with his head lowered, and Di Qiu was standing beside him.

In fact, he could have come back a few days ago, but his entire face was black and swollen by Xu Tong's beating, and he even had one of his big teeth removed.

He didn't dare to come back until the swelling subsided, but although the swelling subsided, the bruises on his face could still be seen, how painful Xu Tong's slap on his face was.

Xiao Chi didn't even bother to comfort the fourth prince. He walked forward with the banner and told the fourth prince about his doubts.

Di Chou also thought it was very strange, but after taking a look at the banner, it was indeed the golden lion banner of the Xu family that could not be wrong, and immediately took out the Dayan Shen abacus and began to calculate.

It didn't take long to get the result. Although Di Qiu was not good at easy learning, he was sure that it was from the Xu family.

After getting this result, Xiao Chi raised his brows slightly: "Catch, catch the live one, don't hurt him, be sure to arrest this person for me!"

No matter whether the other party is Xu Lai's son or not, as long as he catches it, it is a bargaining chip to threaten Tiangan. This is simply a gift from God.

Originally, he only thought about the biggest victory, but looking at it now, it may be possible to let Tiangan give up even greater benefits.

How could Yeluqi miss such a good thing.

If you can catch this person, you will be ashamed.



At this time, Di Chou's face suddenly changed slightly, his eyes fixed on Dayan Shen's abacus and said: "His Royal Highness, Yang Hong seems to be in the hexagram."

Hearing Yang Hong's name, the expressions of several people present changed instantly.

Obviously, whether it is Wu Jie or Di Chou, they have already developed a great fear of Yang Hong.

However, Yeluqi's eyes sparkled when he heard the words, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It's better that he is doing better. The last big revenge at Shenwuguan, let's count together today!"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Chi hurriedly tried to dissuade him.

"His Royal Highness, this matter needs to be discussed in the long run. It is impossible to say that this matter may be this person's trap!"

However, Yeluqi burst into laughter when he heard the words, took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it to Xiao Chi: "See for yourself."

Xiao Chi took the letter and took a closer look, his expression changed greatly, and he said in surprise: "The patriarch is here!

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and even Di Qiu felt his heart pounding, and the figure like a mountain appeared in his mind, and cold sweat immediately oozes out on his forehead.

There is only one person who can be called the patriarch by Xiao Chi, the third in the world, Xiao Leshan, the king of the Southern Academy!


Yeluqi smiled triumphantly, probably because he accidentally pulled his back molars, so that his expression became painful again. Fortunately, the eunuch at the side hurriedly brought up the iced towel.

The cold towel was stuck to his face, which made Yeluqi's face feel better: "Don't say anything, my uncle is here, and he will only kill one person before leaving. The victory of this battle depends on the old man."

Hearing these words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and there was a feeling of surviving after a catastrophe.

No wonder they're so nervous
Xiao Leshan, like Xu Lai, is a person who has the fortune of the country, and if he takes part in this war, Xu Lai will definitely come in person. the result of.

Once the great war breaks out, there will be no peace in the world.

With his uncle as his backer, this time, he didn't believe that the surnamed Yang could still survive.

Thinking of this, Yeluqi threw the towel on the head of the eunuch beside him, but couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, he jumped over Xiao Chi and said to the crowd: "Get the men and horses ready to go, this time I want to be ashamed!"


Everyone retreated immediately after taking the order.

The little eunuch holding the ice bowl lowered his head and turned around, took off the towel on his head, narrowed his eyes into a line, glanced around, and then shouted on the team channel: "Head, big Trouble is coming..."

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