"Xiao Leshan is coming!

When Xu Tong heard the news, he was also shocked, and looked suspiciously at Xu Fan, who was nibbling on compressed biscuits.

"It's not wrong, I guess they came here for you, and the other side has already set off, and I'm afraid I won't be able to find you in a long time."

Chang Wushang mingled on the vitality chariot and followed Yeluqi closely. Basically, he could hear the information that Di Qiu and others knew clearly. In addition to the concealment of the team channel, Chang Wushou In terms of information transmission, it is completely possible to achieve a seamless connection like a bug.

He even said that if necessary, he would backstab Yeluqi at a critical moment, or destroy the vitality chariot.

Without the blessing of the vitality chariot, Di Qiu is no match for Xu Tong at all.

The only trouble now is Yeluqi's uncle, the third in the world.

In principle, this person's strength is equal to Xu Lai's and is called the second in the world. As long as that perverted evildoer from Longhu Mountain does not show up, no one in the world can be his opponent.

Luck is one aspect, strength is another aspect.

The last time I was on the vitality chariot, I got this confirmation when I wanted to kill Yeluqi by force. At that time, Xiao Leshan only relied on the idea of ​​possessing Yeluqi and the blessing of the divine sword. Being able to overwhelm Xu Tong on the way of the sword shows his strength.

From the bottom of his heart, Xu Tong was not sure that he could beat Xiao Leshan, but he couldn't beat him, and there were others behind him.

So even if Xiao Leshan came in person, Xu Tong didn't hesitate at all.

Instructing Chang Wuzhi to hide his identity for the time being, and not to reveal it unless it is absolutely necessary. After all, such a good bug is really easy to use.

Then Xu Tong called Gao Zhuo and the others and asked them what was going on there.

Gao Zhuo and the others said that everything was going well. He and Li Bo formed a group, and Gu Xibai brought a group of troops. They were divided into two groups and made a surprise attack in the direction of Yequan and Dongchi respectively, beheading a group of barbarian roamers. Bing, the process is effortless.

Originally, the three guards under Uncle Guo had a quarrel with them and planned to leave the team to find Xu Tong, but Gu Xibai beheaded one of them on the spot, and the remaining two were honest.

Li Bo checked his words and found that the remaining two seemed to have some hole cards to show, so he proposed to separate the two.

Now both of them are quite honest.

"Okay, that's the same sentence, don't love to fight, don't go deep, we will attract firepower in front, with Xu Fan as the target, I am not afraid that they will stay silent."

After instructing them to act according to the plan, Xu Tong turned around and walked up to Xu Fan with a dark face, staring at Xu Fan, making Xu Fan feel hairy: "What... are you going to do?"

"Nothing, is this delicious?"

Xu Tong pointed to the compressed biscuit in Xu Fan's hand.

Xu Fan shook his head. For other soldiers, this thing is simply heavenly delicacy, but for Xu Fan, who spends as much on shit as ordinary people spend in a year, this thing is Eat fresh.

After all, no matter how delicious compressed biscuits are, they are not as good as freshly baked white flour steamed buns, not to mention those delicacies from mountains and seas.

Xu Tong nodded: "Then you should be wronged for a while."

As he said that, he sat beside Xu Fan and said, "We will definitely not be able to go back. The people from the northern barbarians have blocked our way back. If we want to run now, we can only go back." Continue to go west, where do you think we should go?"

Xu Fan gnawed on the compressed biscuit, and didn't answer easily, but asked rhetorically, "Do you want to die, or do you want to live?"

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the soldiers all stared at Xu Fan, and Ge Zhuo and others, who were the leader, had already put their hands on the handle of the knife.

This move was naturally noticed by Xu Fan, but there was only a sarcasm in his eyes. He didn't know whether he was mocking himself for having such a day, or the courage of these soldiers.

"How to say!"

On the contrary, Xu Tong was not angry at all, and even took out a bottle of wine from his item book and handed it to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan finally frowned after taking a sip of the wine, and handed the wine to Ge Zhuo who was beside him.

Then he talked about another thing: "When I came here, I heard from people in Jianghu that Zhao Yishan from Longhu Mountain met you at Shenwu Pass and gave you something."

Xu Tong pointed to the cloth bag behind his horse's buttocks: "It's inside, if you like it, I'll give it to you."

"give me?"

Xu Fan looked at Xu Tong suspiciously: "Are you willing?"

"It's just a broken one, take it if you like it."

Xu Tong had an indifferent attitude on his face, as if he wished that Uncle Guo could take the things away sooner.

However, Xu Fan felt that Xu Tong was joking with himself: "This thing, if you give it to me earlier, I won't have so many things, but do you know what this thing is?"

"I don't know!" Xu Tong shook his head.

I'm not pretending to be stupid, I really don't know.

Although it is mentioned in the script that this thing is an innate treasure, there is no information about it written in the script.

"Hey, this thing is an innate divine fetus, a treasure that was born and raised by the earth. It can be seized and refined, and it can reach the sky in one leap!"

Xu Fan pointed to the cloth bag on the horse and told Xu Tong the origin of it.

Rumor has it that this thing was supposed to be a treasure dedicated to the former emperor, but the former dynasty collapsed and the world was torn apart, so this thing was suppressed under the Dragon and Tiger Mountain. The current Emperor Gaozong.

Hearing what Xu Fan said, Xu Tong instantly understood.

If the emperor got this congenital god fetus, he could transform into a congenital god body, which would be a catastrophe for the Xu family.

After all, it was not a day or two since the Xu family hijacked the fate of the country and controlled the government. The emperor was only supported by a group of civil servants, so that he was not completely emptied.

Now the monarch and his ministers are harmonious, but the emperor fears that the Xu family and the Xu family need the fortune of the country, and each takes what he needs.

Otherwise, once there is a civil strife, no matter who wins or loses, it will touch the foundation of the country. In this era when the northern barbarians are staring at each other, Dali, Xixia, and Tubo have ambiguous attitudes, and no one can afford such turmoil.

Of course, this is true for Tiangan, and the situation for Beiman is similar.

However, the heir apparent of Beiman is Yeluqi, and with the support of the Xiao family, even if the king dies, as long as Yeluqi is still alive, Beiman will not be in chaos.

"Unfortunately, my sister has been married to the emperor for so many years, but she has never conceived a dragon."

Xu Fan couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he said this, otherwise, as an uncle, he would be able to support his nephew unconditionally like Xiao Leshan.

"Then if I give you something, can I change my way of life?"

Xu Tong stared at Xu Fan and asked.

"It's hard to say. What my father means is that this thing came out of the rivers and lakes, and it must return to the rivers and lakes. This is the best ending. If you believe me, go west. If you don't believe me, go south."

After Xu Fan finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued to nibble on the compressed biscuit in his hand. This thing tasted a bit rough and tasted a little bad, but it was better than those dry rations and jerky for the march, at least not too much to eat.

Xu Tong took out the map casually, opened it and watched it carefully.

To go south is to go back, but if you go back now, you must run into people from the Northern Man.

If you continue to run to the west, and finally detour back to Langshan, although the distance is a little farther, it is also a feasible solution.

But judging from what Xu Fan meant, he obviously wanted to go west.

"In that case, I will do as you wish."

Xu Tong looked at the map, and he was already reconstructing the map, the script, and all the information he had in his mind.

According to the escape route of the last round of players, which was also all the way to the west, there must be a large number of Jianghu masters gathering in the west.

Plus Xu Fan's words, and the news of Xiao Leshan's visit.

Xu Tong's eyes finally locked on a place called Luoyuebei, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and preferring to go to the mountains, Xu Tong's heart beats like a flame, just like his determination to push all the way up: "Come on! I'm ready, it depends on how much surprise you can give me! "

Seemingly aware of Xu Tong's excited gaze, Xu Fan looked at Xu Tong in confusion, not knowing what the boy was thinking: "But if you really arrive at Luoyuepo, I'm afraid it will be your death day!"

After they rested for a while, they got on their horses and continued towards the west.

The farther to the west, the more desolate, but in this rarely populated place, Xu Tong found traces of many people walking. Although they were well concealed, these traces still had nothing to hide in front of Xu Tong.

The clairvoyance was activated, and his eyes looked forward. Sure enough, the deep forest in front of him was already set up as a trap. Xu Tong vaguely saw a group of figures hiding silently on the side of the forest.

"Have you arrived? It's faster than I thought."

Seeing that Xu Tong suddenly made everyone slow down, Xu Fan who was on the side couldn't help but said, "If you're afraid, leave the innate god fetus and go now, maybe there's still time!"

Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, glanced at the woods in front of him, and then at Xu Fan: "Are you afraid of death?"

Xu Fan frowned: "Of course, I haven't lived enough."

"Then...good luck!"


Before Xu Fan understood what Xu Tong meant, Xu Tong suddenly pushed Xu Fan off his horse with a wave of his hand: "Pick him up!"

Xu Fan was thrown to the ground, dizzy and dizzy. Before he understood what Xu Tong was going to do, Ge Zhuo and the others rushed forward, took off Xu Fan's clothes three times, and followed Xu Tong forward. , holding a mask that looked like human skin and put it on Xu Fan's head: "The next road is up to you!"

Xu Fan realized something was wrong, but before he had time to think about it, he saw a white fox suddenly appearing behind Xu Tong, followed by him and lost consciousness all at once.

When he stood up again, Xu Fan's expression and demeanor became a little more charming, and even his voice changed: "Headmaster, this person is quite strong, but his body is too weak. If there are any sequelae in the future, I can’t blame me.”

The upper body of the Xian family depends on whether the horoscope is strong enough, and the horoscope is hard enough is the first step to become a disciple.

Xu Tong waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, just don't kill him."

As he said that, Xu Tong took off the light armor on his body and put it on Xu Fan, then put on Xu Fan's luxurious robe, got on his horse, and looked at Ge Zhuo and the others: "Brothers, if we Immortal, when I go back, I will promise everyone a fortune, let's rush together!"

After finishing speaking, he kicked the horse's belly and only heard the neighing of the war horse. The group of people rushed towards the woods in front of them. Not long after they rushed into the woods, there was also a burst of brisk footsteps in the surrounding woods. The voice was very soft, but the number of people was not small, and the rustling footsteps sounded like the wind blowing on the forest leaves.

Suddenly, a long sword pierced through the forest, and a black shadow followed the sword light in front of their horses, and the long sword in his hand slashed on the ground: "Form the formation!

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