Infinite script kill

Chapter 924 Punching Huashan Nursing Home


The voice fell, and the surrounding air was turned upside down.

There were six long swords and six scimitars, criss-crossing, and the swords were arranged according to the positions of yin and yang.

These 12 people are all enlightened masters, and each of their auras is perfectly connected, turning the surroundings into chaos.

"Yang Hong, some people say that your swordsmanship is excellent, but everyone in the world of swordsmanship is not satisfied. I set up a two-meter formation here. Look at your swordsmanship, or mine!"

A resounding voice came, and someone sent a sound transmission thousands of miles away from the sword formation.

"The sword and sword formation, isn't this formation lost? I didn't expect the Huashan faction to be practiced!"

Someone in the distance in the woods let out an exclamation.

The name of this formation does not dare to be called the Megatron, but it is unparalleled in the world, a set of sword formations that defeat the strong by the weak.

But it is also the most complicated sword formation in the world.

Those who make swords are in order from the shock position to the dry position.Those who use the sword, from the position of Sunda to the position of Kun are inverse.

The Liangyi swordsmanship of the Kunlun School and the anti-liangyi swordsmanship of the Huashan School both have 64, 96, [-] changes, and the sword skills have [-] changes in succession. The complexity of martial arts in the world cannot be described. right up.

It is precisely because of this sword formation that changes are endless, and the people who cooperate with it are also very demanding. Twelve masters who have become enlightened, form a sword formation, and it is difficult for even the land gods to break the formation easily.

"Hmph, this time Feng Tianhua brought out all the veterans of the Huashan faction, but he didn't dare to take it lightly."

Some people hid in the shadows and scoffed at Feng Tianhua's actions.

However, few people dared to respond to this sentence. After all, everyone came here to snatch the congenital fetus, and it was not much better.

"I will only leave Yang Hong alone. If the others leave now, leave as soon as possible, otherwise the sword will have no eyes!"

An old man in the sword formation gave up an empty seat, indicating that the soldiers around Xu Tong could leave first.

But when Ge Zhuo and the others saw this, they didn't move. Instead, they quickly gathered up and formed a horse formation to prepare to rush into the formation.

"This place is complicated, you go out and wait for me first."

Seeing this, Xu Tong signaled Ge Zhuo and the others to go out first. The cavalry's horse formation had the most powerful charge, but after losing the advantage of moving, facing the masters in front of them, Ge Zhuo and others could not protect themselves at all.


Ge Zhuo and the others looked ashamed. Their strength was too low, and they were even inferior to the great masters. After losing the advantage of charging, they became even more burdensome. At this moment, they felt ashamed.

I just hate that I practice too little on weekdays, and I can't help their generals. If each of them has cultivated the Five Tigers to the top, they will not be so weak.

"Don't think about it, you must keep Xu Fan's head after you go out, or we will all die."

Xu Tong noticed the loss in Ge Zhuo's eyes, and immediately reprimanded.

This is an exaggeration. If Xu Fan is really killed, at best, Ge Zhuo and the others will be unlucky. If he can slap his butt and leave, if he is not in the sky, Xu Lai can't help himself.

But he could add himself in, just to remind Ge Zhuo and others of their importance.

Sure enough, Ge Zhuo's eyes lit up when they heard the words: "Don't worry, General, I will definitely not let the General down when I risk my life today!"

As a warrior at the bottom, the most hope is to get the attention of others, not to mention Xu Tong, who led them all the way out of the siege, and immediately led Xu Fan, who had been possessed by Da Ya, to leave the sword formation.

After the group of people left the sword formation, the old man quickly closed the gate of the formation. At that moment, the twelve old people quickly changed their positions, and only 12 people's figures changed, which made people's eyes dizzy.

"Yang Hong, the younger generation, you are the best in the world, but when it comes to swordsmanship, the 12 of us are not inferior to you. If you surrender now, there is still time!"

The headed old man spoke again.

Xu Tong sneered when he heard the words: "I can see that you are amazing, but well, my master said that the sword is respected in the world of martial arts. If you can't play with the sword, you will play with the sword, but if you don't understand how to play with the sword, you will play with the two. If you don't practice well, and your sword is inferior, this kind of person is inferior."


Hearing Xu Tong's sarcasm, the twelve old men suddenly stared at each other, and immediately swung their swords out.

For a while, the sword energy in front of him entered the forest, and in an instant, the surroundings turned into a pitch-black world.

I saw that the sword energy was like cotton and water, entwined like cotton silk, causing a dark air flow everywhere, the universe was upside down, the five elements were misaligned, and huge pressure hit, the horse Xu Tong sat down suddenly let out a scream, Unable to bear such terrifying pressure, he fell to his knees directly on the ground.

Seeing this, Xu Tong could only dismount and wave his palms, feeling as if he were swimming in a sea of ​​mercury, each step being very heavy.

At this time, Xu Tong suddenly opened his palm, and saw that the sword light in the palm of his hand was soaring, strangling the surrounding black clouds, and they melted like boiling soup and snow.

But as soon as these black clouds were melted, they were immediately replenished from all directions.

Suddenly, there was only the sound of the wind whistling around, and thousands of sword lights that seemed to be fluorescent flew out, like a group of mosquitoes encountering blood, and rushed towards this side.

As soon as these sword lights touched the sword lights that Xu Tong popped up, they were shocked, and then burst open!The huge explosion seemed to have formed a chain reaction, and in an instant, there were sparks and rumblings around Xu Tong.


The violent explosion shook the whole earth, and the explosion shocked people's hearts, and the blood was not in harmony!

Seeing this, everyone who stood watching from a distance was also startled by this thunderous sound.

It is rumored that this sword formation can kill terrestrial immortals, even to the extreme, even the gods in the sky dare not easily set foot in it, but this is just a rumor, but seeing it today, it is enough to be convinced that the power of this sword formation, The strongest among people.

"As expected of the heritage of Huashan."

Humen blood eucalyptus has caused the Huashan faction to suffer heavy losses, and the seeds of the younger generation have been slaughtered. This is no less than a fatal blow to the Huashan faction. The luck of the century-old faction has evaporated, and withering and decline is already a sure thing. This time Feng Tianhua invited ten The two elders in the sect came out to capture the innate divine embryo and renew their luck for the Huashan faction.

After this round of indiscriminate bombardment, the entire black cloud changed again. Suddenly, the brilliance of Qing Yingying flickered, and countless giant swords that were as thick as giants flew out and smashed down towards Xu Tong.

"It's nothing more than that. Compared to the two-meter dust formation I encountered when I broke through the gate of heaven, it's still far behind!"

In the chaos, Xu Tong stood still and opened his hands, only to see the Great Sun Ruyi Stove appear behind him. He saw the divine stove ignited with a blazing fire of pure yang. The essence fell on Xu Tong like a waterfall.

Immediately following, Xu Tong had a white hair on his forehead, and a golden dharma image floated behind him. He squeezed the Vajra Seal in his left hand, and a Great Compassion Seal in his right hand slapped the void in front of him.

For a moment, the surrounding void shook, countless giant swords shattered in response, and the violent anti-shock force greatly changed the expressions of the twelve elders.

"This is not swordsmanship??"

Everyone was a little surprised, but Xu Tong was like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus at the moment, the golden scales on his body flickered, and he was not afraid of the sword light coming in front of him. Overturned in the array.

This time, the faces of the elders of the Huashan faction suddenly turned dark. Xu Tong's nonsense, of course, could not break the formation, but it also greatly increased the load of the formation. The ice came in wave after wave.

After all, these elders are already old, and their blood is not enough. If they can't hold it for a long time, some people can't bear it.


Now many people can see Xu Tong's intentions. This is clearly a street rogue's style of play. It is obvious that the formation cannot be broken. It is necessary to accelerate the load of the formation, and bully the elders of the Huashan faction. exhaust them.

At this time, many people are fighting against the Huashan faction, but Xu Tongcai doesn't care what they think. Seeing thousands of swords congealed into a terrible storm, Xu Tong not only did not retreat, but went forward.

"Bang bang bang..."

Countless sword qi swords smashed on Xu Tong's body for a while, but even if the scales and armor on Xu Tong's body were opened, the wound was quickly restored to its original state with the blessing of the Da Ri Ruyi Furnace.

And the violent collision finally made a Huashan Sect elder unable to support it.

Without the support of an elder, cracks appeared in the formation very soon. As soon as Xu Tong received the magical powers of Buddhism, he raised his hand to receive two thunder talismans, directly blasting the gap in the formation, and jumped out of the sword formation.

At this time, several elders of the Huashan faction who maintained the formation had another elder who couldn't stand it and vomited blood and died.

"Yang Hong, I'm waiting for the test. You don't need swordsmanship, but you use brute force to break the formation. It's nothing more than bullying me and waiting for my old age. You won't win by force!"

Facing the accusation of the Huashan faction elder, Xu Tong responded with a sneer: "The ancients said, old people don't use fists and feet as their strength. You old people don't go to nursing homes for old age, don't blame me for bullying you!"

After Xu Tong finished speaking, his expression became serious: "You dare to openly attack the prince and prince, and you will be sentenced for disobedience, and your crime should be executed!"

I saw Xu Wenwenyin fall, and his feet shrank into an inch. In an instant, he rushed to the front of the old man at the head, and he held a pure Yang sword in his palm: "If you want to see me play the sword, you are not worthy!"

In the final analysis, these Huashan elders still didn't have the right position in their hearts, and they still thought about the rules of Jianghu, but they didn't think that the person they met today was a Jianghu rascal who didn't follow the rules with you.
While speaking, I saw a pure Yang sword in Xu Tong's hand excited. Facing Xu Tong, a land fairy, without the blessing of the formation, these old bones were no longer able to fight, and they were instantly killed by Xu Tong. up and down...

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