Infinite script kill

Chapter 925 Killing Out

The Liangyi formation of Huashan School is indeed a rare sword formation in the world, with unpredictable changes and the power of ghosts and gods.

If the person who set up the formation was 20 years younger, even if Xu Lai came in person, I'm afraid it would not be beneficial.

But the Huashan faction is too old. The sect has been out of date these years and lacks a backbone. Although the strength of the twelve elders in the formation is sufficient, they are too old to withstand Xu Tong's rogue style of play.

When everyone regrets, Xu Tong shows no mercy. The so-called name of sparring is just to cover up the fact that the bandits are real. For the enemy, the only kindness Xu Tong can give to the other party is death.

I saw streams of pure Yang sword energy surging in Xu Tong's hand, and the sword light slid out with his fingertips.

An elder from Huashan wanted to resist with a sword, but the gap between human and immortal was instantly manifested at this moment. The sword energy bursting out from the long sword in his hand couldn't block even a single move, only a crisp "bang" sound was heard, The next moment is to cut it down.

Blood was sprayed on the ground, but Xu Tong's eyes gave birth to a different feeling.

He looked at the sky, and saw Yinhu behind him floating in the air, opening his bloody mouth wide open, continuously devouring the luck of these Huashan elders.

Every time Yinhu kills a person, the luck swallowed by Yinhu will increase by one point, but this is not something that distracts him, but a strange feeling in the dark. Gathering around yourself, as if to absorb all the remaining luck around you.

It seems that there is a kind of power in the dark that is blessing me.

This feeling made Xu Tong fall into a very strange state, and the sword energy in his hand became more and more fierce.

In an instant, most of the 12 people were killed or injured, and the remaining few old people did not dare to fight, and ran back one after another.

But Xu Tong had already killed them, so how could he let them go, strolling, the surrounding forests and leaves became shadows, shrunk to an inch, and chased after him in an instant, killing everyone without leaving.

The iron-blooded method made everyone's eyelids twitch wildly.

But until now, Feng Tianhua didn't show up, as if he just disappeared, causing everyone hiding in the dark to curse this bastard for a while.


At this moment, there was a long and deep sound of horns in the distance, Xu Tong looked sideways, and saw the vitality chariot rampaging in the mountains and forests.

And followed by a cavalry in black armor.

"It's finally here!"

Someone saw the iron cavalry of the Northern Man, and saw the vitality chariot.

"Yang Hong!

From a distance, everyone could hear Yeluqi's roar.

I saw Yeluqi standing on the front of the vitality chariot, glaring at Xu Tong's direction, everything was smoother than he thought, and I thought it would take a lot of trouble, but Yang Hong would commit suicide and plunge into the Yuebei.


When Ge Zhuo and the others saw this, their faces changed drastically. They didn't expect Bei Man to chase them so quickly.

Seeing Yeluqi, Xu Tong didn't panic, but asked Ge Zhuo and the others to follow closely, turned over and jumped on a horse, and pointed to the front: "It's okay, I'll take you out."

His eyes were clear, and he was still looking around. The strong feeling was getting closer and closer, as if there was a power gathering around him in the dark, urging him to break out of the encirclement.

"Arrogance, do you really think you are invincible!"

A sneer came from midair, followed by the four flying swords falling through the air, blocking Xu Tong and the others.

These four flying swords have their own differences. They have the power of heaven, earth, wind, and thunder. When the four swords fall on the ground, they form a set of sword arrays, blocking Xu Tong and others from going forward.

The light of Buddha suddenly appeared in Xu Tongtong's hole, and his psychic vision was activated, and he saw Feng Tianhua hiding behind the four swords.

Seeing this, Xu Tong frowned for a moment, he painstakingly fabricated the Humen blood eucalyptus, just to avoid these chasing and killing, but he didn't want these people to find his side in the end.

Everything seemed to be the same as the plot in the last round of script, as if nothing had been changed by me.

"Is this the so-called fate?"

Xu Tong faintly felt the malice from the world of the script. From the moment Zhang Yishan found him, it seemed that there was an invisible hand trying to forcibly change the script to the original direction.

"No! It's not the same. This time, the trump card in my hand is enough for me to push all the way up and change the direction of the whole script!"

At this time, Xu Tong squinted at Xu Fan who was possessed by the big girl, and suddenly became more determined in his heart.

"Yang Hong, if you want to leave, leave behind the innate fetus!"

Feng Tianhua hid in the shadows and refused to show up directly. At this time, he would hide his ears and steal his voice. This hypocrisy of being a bitch and erecting a monument made many people feel sick.

Xu Tong took out the box, hung it on his waist, patted the box, and said with a smile: "Whether I am invincible in the world or not, don't you know if you try it?"

Feng Tianhua didn't respond when he heard the words, instead he made a tactic with both hands, causing the sword formation in front of him to unfold, and the sword light in front of him flickered for a moment, forming a field of sword shadows.

Vientiane Sword Formation!

This set of sword formations is not as complicated as the Liangyi formation, but its power cannot be underestimated. Combined with the power of heaven, earth, wind, and thunder, plus Feng Tianhua personally sits in charge, it is enough to kill an earth immortal of the same level.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Feng Tianhua is determined not to fight Xu Tong directly, but chooses to block the way in front of him, so that the vitality god sect behind him can deal with Xu Tong.

This explains why Feng Tianhua still refused to take action when the Liangyi array was broken and the elders in the door were brutally killed by Xu Tong.

"Hey, Huashan faction really..."

Seeing this, those watching the battle in the dark sighed and complained.

The Huashan School back then was so majestic, the sword came out of Huashan, and it swept the world. The founder of the Huashan School, one person and one sword, made a great reputation in the rivers and lakes. If you don't want to lose this reputation today, Feng Tianhua has completely lost it.

The complaints from the crowd were very low, but Feng Tianhua, a top expert, couldn't be fooled. It's just that he didn't feel the slightest bit about these complaints. Without a congenital birth, the Huashan School is really about to perish.

"Boom rumble..."

The vitality chariot was getting closer and closer, and Di Qiu was in command personally. He saw a dense cannon muzzle, and began to adjust the wind direction to aim at Xu Tong and the others.

Seeing that the vitality chariot had begun to charge, Xu Tong couldn't help but sighed: "Old Taoist priest, your half copy of the Purple Heavenly Thunder Talisman is really hard to get!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Ge Zhuo and the others: "Are you afraid?"

Ge Zhuo and the others looked at each other, and then they even looked at each other with a smile: "We are born as generals, and we are the general's ghosts in death. I just hope that the general will take me with me after I die in battle, and continue to serve the general as a dog and a horse." labor!

Speaking of which, Ge Zhuo and the others pulled out the scimitars around their waists, their eyes were firm for a moment, and they were ready to die at any time.

"Ding! You have gained the loyalty of Ge Zhuo and other fighters!"

After receiving the prompt, Xu Tong's smile became deeper and deeper, but he waved his hand: "That's not okay, I still want to take you back!"

As he spoke, he slowly raised his palm and called out the two hundred firefly riders from the void.

The cold light of fireflies illuminates the mountains and forests in front of them.

"Dao Soldier!"

Everyone's eyes widened for a moment, they didn't expect Yang Hong to carry Taoist soldiers with him.

Seeing this, many people felt relieved, no wonder Yang Hong was able to make great achievements on the battlefield repeatedly, so it turned out that he had such a Taoist soldier to help him.

"But even Dao soldiers, such a small number..."

At this time, Xu Tong took out the [Hussar Order] from the item book again and looked at the token in his hand: "Upgrade!"

Accompanied by the upgrade prompt from the item book, the fluorescent light in front of him exploded instantly, and the originally ice-blue firefly suddenly turned into a piece of crimson. As the fire quickly gathered, the crimson fire spread from the horse to the body of the cavalry.

All in red scale armor, with a six-foot-long horse and broadsword, even the horse let out a low cry like a tiger and leopard in the red fire, and the body was tightly bound by a layer of red armor that looked like flesh and blood. Wrapped tightly, even the blinders of the horse.

"Ding! You have used Hussar Order 9, and your troops have been promoted to Nightmare Hussars!"

"Ding! Your troop has been promoted to the Nightmare Hussars. This time, it has been upgraded to the highest level and cannot be further promoted."

"Ding! Your troop has been promoted to Nightmare Hussars, gaining group skills, Nightmare Charge."

Dream Demon Charge: When the troops charge at the same time, they will send out a mental shock to all targets in front, and the damage will be calculated by the number of troops X300.

Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Two hundred succubi hussars stood there neatly, giving people a strong sense of oppression, as if they were a team of evil spirits crawling out of hell.

Xu Tong glanced back at Ge Zhuo and the others, called out the flying dragon flag and pointed forward: "Follow me, kill!


With a sound of killing, Xu Tong raised the bright red flying dragon flag, and the flag was unfurled. Suddenly a gust of wind fluttered, causing a layer of faint golden light to appear on everyone's body.

Active Skill 1: Gale!
Consumes 1000 script points, the flag bearer is the center, and radiates all friendly summons and soldiers within 1000 meters, increasing their morale by 100%, moving speed by 45%, strength by 40%, and gaining the blessing of [Flying Dragon Armor] .

【Flying Dragon Armor】

Make allies gain a layer of light and shadow armor, in the charging state, immune to 45% physical and magical damage, and immune to stun, control, and spiritual attacks at the same time, and generate ten times its own strength against the first enemy encountered after the charge Impact damage.

With the blessing of skills, the speed of this team suddenly accelerated, rushing straight towards the sword formation in front of them like a bloody sharp blade.

"Bang bang bang!


The moment Xu Tong and the others rushed into the sword formation, countless dense sword qi, as thin as cow hair, splashed on everyone like a torrential rain.

Just in the blink of an eye, someone on Ge Zhuo's side was pierced through by the sword energy.

"Dari Ruyi Furnace!


When Xu Tong saw this, behind him was a big sun wishful furnace hanging high above everyone's heads, and a large amount of life breath poured down to repair the physical bodies of these soldiers.

"you wanna die!"

Feng Tianhua probably didn't expect that Xu Tong really dared to forcibly break into his Wanxiang sword formation. His expression of horror was full of murderous intent. With a pinch of his fingers, the surrounding world turned upside down, thunder and lightning flashed, countless terrifying Lightning thundered towards Xu Tong.

Unexpectedly, Xu Tong finally summoned the Pure Yang Sword at this moment, the moment the sword was held in hand, Xu Tong activated the Vientiane at the same time, and his body radiated light for a moment, turning into a pure Yang body.

With the pure yang body and the blessing of the pure yang sword, Xu Tong's aura soared to the extreme for a while, and the blazing pure yang fire, like a white rainbow, tore apart the sky above his head.

Raising his hand and slashing his sword, Huoxi, who had been strengthened to level 10, was like a giant tiger, slashing towards the void in front of him.

The fire of pure yang burns away ten thousand dharmas. In an instant, the thunder is shattered, and the light of the sword dissipates. One sword is better than ten thousand swords.

Even Feng Tianhua couldn't help being shocked, he didn't expect Xu Tong's counterattack to be so fierce, he immediately called out the sword at his waist to resist the attacking sword force.



Under the clashing sound of golden cries, Feng Tianhua intuitively felt the long sword in his hand humming, and there were bursts of mournful sounds.

With a glance, the gentleman's sword in his hand has been cut with a thumb-sized gap by Xu Tong's sword.


At this time, the dream demon hussars rushed towards him, a purple mental storm gushed out from them, Feng Tianhua felt a splitting headache for a moment, as if countless dense steel needles had pierced his head.

But Feng Tianhua is the head of Huashan sword after all, he sensed something was wrong, without even thinking about it, he immediately entered the realm of being unable to have no thoughts, in this state, Feng Tianhua's eyes were empty, everything moved by instinct, he completely gave up his five senses, All rely on this sixth thought to control the body.

At this moment, he is equivalent to a puppet who is blind, deaf, and has no sense of touch, smell, or taste, but precisely because of this, Feng Tianhua's fighting power can soar to another level.

I saw the long sword in his hand shaking, the heavenly sword, the earth sword, the wind sword, and the thunder sword, the four swords in the formation returned to his side at the same time, and as the long sword in his hand danced, the four swords swung at the same time, like five swords One, but it seems that one is divided into five.

Even those spectators in the distance felt contemptuous of Feng Tianhua's character, but seeing this, they couldn't help but sigh sincerely, "Good swordsmanship."

"Your Highness, it's time to fire!"

On the vitality chariot in the distance, seeing Xu Tong and Feng Tianhua fighting, Di Qiu immediately suggested to Yeluqi to use this opportunity to directly raze the forest in front of him to the ground.


However, Yeluqi shook his head, as if he was not in a hurry at all. He turned his eyes and saw the little eunuch holding the fruit plate, beckoned, and called the little eunuch to the front, and picked a piece of fruit from the fruit plate. Pop a grape in your mouth:
"What's the rush? Isn't it good to let their dogs bite dogs? If you blow him up like this, it will be cheaper for him."


Di Chou frowned upon hearing this, thinking that if such an opportunity was missed, it would be gone.

But Yeluqi seemed to see what he was worried about, and said with a sneer, "The vitality cannon couldn't kill him, but Feng Tianhua is old and cunning. Seeing that we are going to fight, he will definitely not fight Yang Hong again, but let Yang Hong escape. Opportunity."

After speaking, he spat out the grape seeds in his mouth and continued: "Let him escape, don't forget, my uncle is still waiting for him in the back mountain."

When Di Chou heard this, the awkward feeling in his heart was instantly swept away.

Thinking about it, King Xiao came all the way here just to kill Yang Hong himself, and he would definitely not let him escape. Why should he try to steal the king's limelight at this time, it's not beautiful.

"Bang bang bang..."

Hearing the sound of swords, Feng Tianhua actually charged into the army. With the sword in his hand and the help of four divine soldiers, he seemed to be descended from the heavens for a moment, and in an instant, more than a dozen of the dream demon cavalry standing in front of him were beheaded and killed. name.

"Keep going, I'll do everything!"

Xu Tong let out a loud roar, and met Feng Tianhua, the Chunyang sword seemed fast but slow, one equals five, if Feng Tianhua's sword was extremely fast, then Xu Tong's sword was extremely slow.

He only has the basic item card of Taiji Swordsmanship, but the combination of Taiji Sword and Pure Yang Sword Qi is perfect. Xu Tong took this opportunity to carefully taste the mystery of Taiji Swordsmanship, and then evolved more swords Law.

Gradually, that wonderful feeling struck again. Yinhu behind Xu Tong let out a roar of filial piety. For a moment, it seemed that he was blessed with a feeling of blessing to the soul, and the sword in Xu Tong's hand became lighter and lighter.

The two of them came and went, and there were more than a hundred moves in an instant, but Ge Zhuo and the others had already changed their direction and charged towards Feng Tianhua again.

Sensing Feng Tianhua who seemed to be falling into passivity, a cold light flashed in his empty eyes, the gentleman sword swung, and the four swords of sky, earth, wind and thunder swirled, turning into countless rain of swords.

"Little Fatty, blow him up!"

Sensing Feng Tianhua's thoughts, Xu Tong no longer held back his hands, his mind moved, and the second soul came out of his body.

The plump little fat man patted his belly and jumped up. The difference from before was that there were only two thunder drums behind the little fat man, but now it has three sides. With his fleshy little fist, he knocked Hit the thunder drum behind him.



The whole sky seemed to sink all of a sudden, making a loud noise.

Immediately following, everyone's eyes widened, watching a purple light as thick as a bucket tear open the void and hit Feng Tianhua's body directly.

"Zixiao Divine Thunder!

"Second soul!"

When everyone saw this scene, their jaws almost dropped, and they didn't even know which item to focus on.

As we all know, Zixiao Shenlei is the housekeeper's unique skill of Longhushan.

What made people even more bewildered was the appearance of the Second Soul.

The second technique of primordial spirit is the mysterious method of Taoism. The primordial spirit comes out of the body and can kill the enemy thousands of miles away.

But this kind of magic is already a Taoist secret, and no one in the world has seen it for a hundred years, and today they have opened their eyes.

Feng Tianhua didn't expect Xu Tong to have such a killer weapon, he instinctively called for the four swords to converge into a straight line to block his head.


A muffled loud noise shook people's hearts, and Feng Tianhua himself was thrown out, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his consciousness was stripped from the state of helplessness. Seeing Xu Tong coming to kill with a sword, Feng Tianhua's face grew pale. Changed, he waved it casually, and the four swords flew towards Xu Tong like a shooting star.

"Good come!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong yelled, and drew a circle with the Chunyang sword in his hand, and a gravitational force was generated for a moment, the blade stuck to the Thunder God Sword, and with a flick of the horizontal sword, it struck the other three swords. However, the Thunder God Sword was caught by Xu Tong.


The Excalibur fell into his hand, and immediately issued a dark blue arc, trying to break free from Xu Tong's grasp.

Seeing that the sword contained the power of thunder, Xu Tong couldn't help but secretly delighted: "It's really a meat bun... Bah, anyway, if it falls into my hands, don't even think about running away."

With a flick of his finger, the Dragon Beam Talisman flew out, directly wrapping the sword tightly.

Then he threw it to the little fat man on top of his head: "I gave it to you, it just matches your attributes."

The little fat man grabbed the Thunder God Sword, Fat Dudu's face was almost laughing to the back of his head, not to mention how happy he was, he immediately opened his mouth and swallowed the Thunder God Sword, intending to use the power of thunder in his body to wipe it away. The spiritual imprint on the sword body.

Seeing that he was defeated and lost the Zhenpai divine sword, Feng Tianhua's face turned pale for a moment, he let out a loud roar, but took the rest of the divine soldiers away, turned around and left.

"Feng Tianhua is defeated!"

Everyone looked at Feng Tianhua's back, and couldn't accept this result in their hearts.

Not to mention character, after all, he is the swordsman of martial arts, and the senior who has been famous for many years lost to a rising star.

However, this also made everyone more confused about what sect Yang Hong was from.

With a pure yang aura, he clearly looks like the True Monarch of the Nine Suns, but he also understands talismans, Taoism, and Buddhist supernatural powers. Now even the Zixiao Shenlei of Longhu Mountain can master it.

Little did he know that at this moment, in the woods beside him, Zhang Yishan's expression was even weirder to the extreme.

Of course, he would not easily believe Xu Tong's words, but he could prove that Xu Tong was indeed the Chosen Son recorded in the sect.

It's just that he never dreamed that Xu Tong would master Zixiao Shenlei so quickly.

You must know that Zixiao Shenlei, if you are yourself, you have to comprehend it for a year before you can be regarded as a small success.

"It's strange, this kid's second soul, no matter how you look at it, looks like my Longhushan's split mind!"

Zhang Yishan was even more uncertain about the existence of the little fat man.

Little did they know that this second soul technique was originally taught to Xu Tong by their Taoist Lingxu of Longhu Mountain. Although it has gone through many vicissitudes, this thaumaturgy has been simplified by the sect, but the root remains the same.

Therefore, Zhang Yishan is now greatly shaken by Xu Tong's previous words.


Seeing Feng Tianhua's defeat, Di Chou no longer had any scruples, and gave an order, several bright lights gushed out from the vitality chariot.

"Boom rumble..."

In an instant, the whole world was turned into a world of black and white by strong light, and the bucket-thick vitality shells fell on Xu Tong and the others, turning the surrounding mountains and forests into a piece of gravel with a loud bang.


Seeing this, Xu Tong quickly called Ge Zhuo and others back to him.

The flying dragon flag in his hand was fluttering in the wind, and there were bursts of dragon cries. Accompanied by the long cries of the flying dragon, Ge Zhuo and others found that the golden light on their bodies became more and more brilliant, and their bodies seemed to burst out with inexhaustible strength.

This is Xu Tong's second active skill activated by Flying Dragon Banner, the ambition to fall into battle.

Active skill 2: Will to fall into battle

Consumes 1000 script points. After activation, all allies under the blessing of [Flying Dragon Armor] will gain bloodthirsty, berserk and other effects.

Inspired by the ambition to enter the battle, the breath of the cavalry became more manic.

At this time, a scene that everyone didn't expect appeared, I saw Xu Tong pointing at the Northern Man chasing soldiers with the dragon flag in his hand: "If you have the ambition to fall into the battle, you will die or not, so follow me to kill!"


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