Infinite script kill

Chapter 926 The Great War

Chapter 926 Great War (Two Chapters In One)

"Madman, this guy is simply a lunatic!!"

Xu Tong's operation immediately surprised everyone.

Feng Tianhua was defeated, the sword formation was scattered, and Yang Hong snatched a Huashan Thunder God Sword, which can be called a big victory, shouldn't he run at this time? ?Why did he charge back towards the army of the northern barbarians behind him.

"It's too arrogant, this guy really thinks of himself as invincible."

Everyone looked at Xu Tong leading the charge and blamed him for being too arrogant, but there was a strong shock in their hearts.

However, the three hundred cavalrymen dared to fight with the tens of thousands of northern barbarian elites with vitality chariots sitting behind them, shaking the trees with mayflies, but they did not lose their manliness.

"Hahaha, crazy, crazy, this guy is looking for his own death, kill me, kill them all!"

Yeluqi looked at the scene in front of him, and his expression became even more exciting for a moment, as if he was mocking wildly, but the eunuch holding the fruit plate at the side had already noticed Yeluqi's restless palm, which was tightly clutching his robe.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

The war drum sounded, and the green, red, yellow, and three banners on the vitality chariot were unfurled, and the army behind was ordered to line up.

"Kill, kill, kill!!"

The army was divided into three, and two cavalrymen formed a rainbow-like team. One left and one right charged quickly, trying to surround Xu Tong and others. On the ground, the breath rushed into the sky like wolf smoke.

"Da da da da..."

The thumb-thick iron chain was rotated with the winch, causing the plastron of the vitality chariot to split open, revealing three bronze mirrors. A large amount of vitality in the vitality furnace merged into a stream of spiritual light, which sprayed on the bronze mirror. There seemed to be finely carved rune marks on a bronze mirror. After being blessed by spiritual light, these rune marks were refracted into a piece of rune light and irradiated on the elite bodies of the northern barbarians.

The elites of the northern barbarians, who had received the blessing of the talisman light, burst into breath one by one, and the muscles on each person's body swelled, and their strength rose to a higher level in an instant.

This vitality chariot is worthy of being the treasure of the vitality god religion. The ingenious mechanism layout even combines many talismans and spells, which can be called modern technology and hard work.


At this moment, Xu Tong's men and horses had already rushed in front of him. Xu Tong held the Chunyang sword in his hand. Between the horses, the aura on his body had completely merged with the charging crowd around him. Like a tiger descending a mountain.

Chunyang sword swung, streamer light flickered on the sword body, the dazzling sword glow slid out of a half-moon shaped sword glow in the air, a sword was able to penetrate the shield armor blocking in front of it, the sword glow went straight for [-] meters, abruptly A rift was opened in the barbarian army.

In an instant, the Nightmare Hussars roared in, and the terrifying Nightmare impact hit the barbarian army like a depth charge, making the eyes of thousands of barbarians in front of them dark and sharply stabbed, instantly throwing them into chaos.


Ge Zhuo and the others were caught in the middle of the nightmare cavalry, but it did not affect their killing of the enemy. They borrowed horsepower, and the blade in their hands was like a scimitar of death, quickly harvesting the heads of the barbarians in front of them.

Blood splashed on their faces, and the hot feeling made the bloodthirsty in everyone's eyes even more frenzied.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

In the dark army, outsiders couldn't even see the traces of Xu Tong and others inside, but the sound of swords and soldiers colliding became more and more intense.

"Boom rumble..."

The second soul in the sky beat the thunder drum behind him, under the sound of thunder roaring like the sky, a thunderbolt split from the void, the sky and the earth darkened in an instant, countless silver thunder snakes split from the sky, and struck the wild in the army.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

But the sound of the war drums suddenly turned at this moment, and Xu Tong and others suddenly became brighter. The barbarian warriors who were originally dark and dense quickly dispersed and formed a long dragon-like team. The formation also rushed forward violently, and at the same time, they threw the spears in their hands one by one!

Chi Chi Chi!

A spear made a sound of piercing the wind, shooting down like a rain of arrows.

Xu Tong's face changed, he pulled up the reins, and led the team to avoid shooting from the side.

But there were still several nightmare hussars who were directly pierced by the spears and nailed to the ground.

These spears were stained with the murderous aura gathered by the army, and even the nightmare cavalry couldn't bear it, they were nailed to the ground and howled in pain.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen barbarians rushed up and hacked into pieces with chaotic knives.

Xu Tong found that the auras of the surrounding barbarians changed rapidly as the formation changed. Huge blood energy surged from these soldiers and merged with the battle formation, as if a big snake and python were born out of nowhere. He has invincible power, but if he strikes with a sword, he can only kill one or two people.

This is not because the strength of these northern barbarians has improved, but because they have maintained the rhythm of the formation in an orderly manner, forming a strange aura that prevents their swordsmanship from having the greatest killing effect.

"It's a long snake array!"

Some old Jianghu who watched the battle still recognized this formation, and couldn't help sighing:
"On the battlefield, the army array changes endlessly. Even the land gods can't turn the world around by themselves!"

Those who have experience in the battlefield will know that Yang Hong is in serious trouble by looking at the formation. The Earth Immortal is the best in the world, but it does not mean that he can control the battlefield. Tang, dare not rush out.

"Di Qiu!"

Seeing that the battle formation had taken effect, Yeluqi's eyes sparkled, he turned around and shouted to Di Qiu, pulled out the divine sword Montague and handed it to him: "I will make you a general of the Chinese army, give you the tiger flag, and give me the command of the three armies to kill you!" This thief!"

With the addition of official titles, Di Qiu can mobilize the army to blend with his own breath.

"Honor His Majesty's will!"

Di Chou hurriedly took over the Mengtai sword, but when the divine soldier dropped his hand, there was an ear-piercing buzzing sound, as if the divine soldier was still expressing dissatisfaction with the defeat of Di Qiu, a pig teammate, last time. Chou looked embarrassed, and hastily raised the divine soldier above his head: "Today, with the power of the divine sword, the Yuan Qi God Sect will make offerings with tens of millions of vitality in the coming days."

Only after Di Qiu promised a favor, did Meng Taijian return to normal.

"Your Highness, wait for the good news from me!" After Di Qiu finished speaking, he turned around and jumped off the vitality chariot, and flew into the snake's head of the long snake formation. The billowing vitality, like a galaxy splashed in the army formation, blessed the barbarian warriors, making them faster and stronger.

"Interesting, this thing is really similar to my Dari Ruyi Furnace!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't help thinking, could it be that there is some special relationship between the Yuanqi God Sect and Yanshu, or else the supernatural powers have so many similarities with his own Yanshu.

"Yang Hong!! Come and fight me again!!"

Di Qiu held up the Mengtai sword, and led the long snake formation behind him to kill Xu Tong. He saw that the formation was changing endlessly, including encircling, twisting, shooting, breaking, etc. Seeing this, Xu Tong tightened the reins in his hand, A group of cavalry rushed into the formation, dashing left and right, and Yu Dichou collided with each other.

"How can a defeated general speak bravely?"

Xu Tong let out a long roar, grasped the hilt of his sword with both hands, and slashed at Di Qiu head-on with a sweeping blow.


In an instant, Meng Tai and Chun Yang made a piercing humming sound, and saw the flames splashing everywhere and scorching the eyeballs.

The two divine weapons, at this moment, seem to be immortal enemies, entangled with each other.

"Hahaha, ignorant child, do you really think you are invincible in the world, can you control the battlefield? How can you control the battlefield in the world!"

Di Chou's eyes were as hot as fire, and he slashed wildly with the Montaigne Sword in both hands. He was blessed by the infinite vitality of the vitality battleship behind him, and his moves did not have fancy skills. Like a warrior fighting on the battlefield.

Xu Tong's expression remained unchanged, and he turned the Tai Chi sword in his hand to guard against death. The chubby guy on the top of his head kept chopping out thunderbolts and hitting the battle formation.

It's just that at this moment, the barbarian army's battle formation is already full of momentum, and the murderous aura can make Xiaopang's thunderbolt ineffective. Thunder rolls down one after another, and each time it can only kill one or two barbarian soldiers.

Compared with the huge base of the barbarian army, this casualty is almost negligible.

"Hey, I'm passive. If the fight continues like this, I'm afraid Yang Hong will have to abandon his troops and run away."

Everyone watched the battle from a distance, and they couldn't help sighing when they saw this, thinking that Yang Hong would pay for his arrogance this time.

"Hey, I'm afraid he can't leave, look over there!"

Someone suddenly let out a sneer, raised his hand and pointed, and there was a big red falcon at some point on Luoyuepi in the distance. The kestrel's physique is as big as a golden eagle.

The kestrel hovered on the top of Luoyuepi without a sound. If someone hadn't accidentally seen it, no one would have noticed it.

"The Red Robe Falcon King!"

When everyone saw the big falcon clearly, their hearts beat violently.

The northern barbarians enjoy raising falcons, and there are many famous falcons. For example, the jade claw that Xu Tong and the others met when they first entered the script world was a noble among falcons.

But compared with the giant falcon in front of him, it is not at the same level at all. This is a rare falcon king in a hundred years, and he has even cultivated into a monster, and his master is the number three in the world. , Xiao Leshan.

Since the Giant Falcon appeared, Xiao Leshan must be not far away.

Thinking of all these people's scalp numb, Xiao Leshan actually came in person. He is not only the third in the world, but also Beiman's backer. It is because of him that Beiman has a hundred years of national fortune.

If this person appeared, it is possible that he wanted to fight to the death with Heavenly Stems.

If it really reaches that level, the world will inevitably be in chaos, and if it is serious, it will even reappear the dark age of the Wuhu struggle.

Just when everyone's hearts were chilling, a light Buddha's trumpet sounded suddenly, calming the panic in everyone's hearts: "Amitabha, Lord Xiao has been here for a long time. Since he has not entered the game at this moment, I am afraid that he has no intention of fighting with the heavenly stems!" Thoughts, you don’t need to worry too much.”

Everyone heard the sound and looked back, only to see two old monks walking in the shadows, it turned out to be Gu Zang, the god monk of the East China Sea, and beside Gu Zang was an old monk who was older than Gu Zang, when everyone saw it, they were even more surprised. His jaw dropped in shock, but it turned out to be Master Minghai, the abbot of Zen Buddhism.

"It turned out to be two divine monks!!"

Seeing that the two divine monks had come, everyone felt relieved.

Not to mention Master Minghai, Guzang God Monk is a well-known good man in the world, he has always valued peace, persuading fights to make peace is his forte, he really has the heart of a bodhisattva.

As long as you don't talk cheap and mention in front of him that he was beaten by Zhang Xian 16 years ago, even if you slap him, he may not fight back.

With these two Bodhisattvas in charge, they can sit down and watch a play with peace of mind.

At that moment, everyone rushed to meet them, gathered around the two living Bodhisattvas, one of them pointed to the battlefield below, and saw that Xu Tong's side had completely turned against the wind.

The long snake formation gradually gathered, and his cavalry began to lose the advantage of charging, and the casualties began to increase.

"The two divine monks came here for this Marquis of Martial Arts??"

Gu Zang clasped his hands together and nodded, "Of course."

"Is it also for the congenital fetus?" Another person asked.

That is to say, Gu Zang's good temper can withstand the inquiries of these cats and dogs. If it were someone else, I'm afraid he would have wiped out these guys who wanted to hide in the dark and fish in troubled waters.

"No, I came today just to have another debate with Marquis Shenwu."

As soon as Gu Zang said this, everyone immediately looked at each other, someone shook his head and said: "Then the master is probably going to be in vain, I think today is the death day of this Marquis Shenwu, in the end, he can only be blamed It is easy to be broken if you are too strong, and you are greedy for merit."

Apparently, everyone was no longer optimistic about this Marquis Marquis who had suddenly risen from the army, and thought that he might just be a shooting star in the sky, which would disappear from everyone's sight after a moment of brilliance.

However, Gu Zang shook his head when he heard the words: "The poor monk dare not agree, this battle has only just begun."


Everyone was surprised and thought it was Gu Zang who was going to come forward to protect Marquis Shen Wu.

Just as he was about to speak, a loud killing sound suddenly came from the side woods.

"Head, here we come!!"

Gao Zhuo rode on the horse, his eyes were fierce, and he saw a cavalry behind him forming a torrent and rushing out.


Everyone was surprised by this, and even Yeluqi was taken aback when he saw the soaring heavenly banner: "Why are there still ambushes??"

This was unexpected by everyone, and everyone focused their attention on Xu Tong and his group, thinking that Xu Tong was greedy for merit and led the team to the west.

But who would have thought that there would be an ambush soldier closely behind Xu Tong and the others.

"Quick, change formation!"

Seeing that the cavalry approached the battlefield without anyone noticing, and launched a charge towards Di Qiu's long snake formation, Yeluqi's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly sent an order to change the formation.

What the one-word long snake formation is most afraid of is the cooperation of the inside and the outside. Once the formation is broken, the army will be cut into several sections in an instant.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

The rapid beating of drums made Di Chou's expression sink, and he was about to command the army to change direction, but their movements were still too slow. Gao Zhuo was the first to ride, and raised his hand to call out a large number of walking corpses. Fearing death, he rushed into the barbarian formation.

These walking corpses were knocked to the ground by the barbarian army three or two times, but with an explosion, the corpses were torn apart, and a large amount of poisonous smoke spewed out for a while. In order to achieve the best effect, Gao Zhuo specially led the team quietly. He changed direction audibly, and changed to rushing down from the direction of the upwind. At this moment, the poisonous smoke also quickly took effect in the ranks of the barbarians along with the direction of the wind.

All of a sudden, these barbarian soldiers who were as strong as cattle began to vomit profusely, and some fell to the ground and howled in pain.

With the interference of the poisonous smoke, Gao Zhuo's troops had already rushed into the long snake formation, piercing a hole from the front to the back of the formation.

"Kill it out!"

Xu Tong took the opportunity to pull the team to join Gao Zhuo, and together they fought out a long snake formation.

"Quick, retreat, retreat!!"

Seeing that the formation was broken, Di Qiu hurriedly shouted and ordered the barbarians to retreat, give way, and re-arrange.

But at this moment another team suddenly rushed out from behind them.

"Boom rumble..."

The war horse trampled on the ground and made a deafening roar. I saw Gu Xibai holding the Wu hook in both hands and flying down with another cavalry. With a stroke of the Wu hook, the head of a barbarian soldier was chopped off and flew away. As the cavalry behind them raised their spears, with the power of the charge, the spears directly penetrated several barbarians, piercing them into candied haws.

This time, the originally split army was pierced by two cavalrymen, and the horses stepped over and trampled the corpses on the ground into a pulp. The army's defeat was irreversible.

Xu Tong has always said that his team is the bait. After getting the news that Yeluqi and others led troops to chase and kill him, he kept letting Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai lead the team to approach Xiquan slowly. Converge towards yourself.

With Li Bo, a natural expert in mountains and forests, relying on the power of nature, the dense forests along the way became their best camouflage. With the help of Li Bo, the complicated route became even more magnanimous. Unknowingly detoured here.

At this moment, the soldiers who followed Xu Tong and the others were waving their big knives and spears like chicken blood, frantically reaping the hard-won military exploits.

In a short while, Di Qiu found that he could no longer control the army.

After all, he is not a real general. Faced with such a difficult situation, he is completely blindfolded. He doesn't know how to further recover the loss. If he is replaced by an experienced general, he will definitely make the army gather quickly and form a defensive formation. Retreat step by step, relying on the vitality chariot to minimize the loss.

It's a pity that their general is a layman like Di Qiu. Without effective command, the collapsed army is completely scattered, with military achievements moving one by one.

"how so!!"

Yeluqi looked at the rout of the army below, his face was flushed, he wanted to kill someone angrily, he looked around, only to find that the eunuch who was standing beside him was hiding behind with a fruit plate Now, there is only one disciple of Yuanqi Shenjiao, who is looking at him innocently.

"Idiot, get out of here!"

Yeluqi found someone to vent his anger on, and kicked the person away.

Then he slammed his fist on the fence of the chariot, and shouted angrily: "Fire, fire, blow them to death for me!!"

For a moment, the disciples of the Yuanqi God Sect on the battleship looked at each other. The army below had been routed, but there were still thousands of northern barbarian soldiers. If it went down, these thousands of northern barbarian soldiers would be buried with them.

They can't afford this crime.

Seeing that these idiots didn't listen to his orders, Yeluqi was about to go berserk.

At this time, there was a high-pitched eagle cry, which frightened the sky and suppressed the clouds, as if there was a power penetrating the soul rippling over the entire battlefield.

The originally scattered army, amidst the sound of eagle chirps, the morale that was originally defeated was rekindled in an instant.

Even without command, they quickly gathered into groups.

"That is!!"

Xu Tong took a closer look, and saw a huge red falcon in the sky turned into a red shadow and rushed straight towards the little fat man.

Xiaopang also sensed the danger, but seeing that the other party was just a beast hand, he raised his hand and summoned a thunderbolt to strike at it. What surprised people was that this huge kestrel like a golden eagle did not face the thunderbolt at all. Frightened, the sharp claws opened, and a strange evil light rose from above, and it was a blow that crushed Thunder.

"It's my uncle!!"

Seeing this falcon king, Yeluqi's eyes lit up, and when he looked around, his pupils suddenly tightened, and he saw that the Montague sword in Di Qiu's hand seemed to have been summoned, and it came directly from Di Qiu's hand. Breaking free, it turned into a sword rainbow and twirled in mid-air before lightly landing on a slender palm.


Xu Tong's heart trembled, and he looked back, only to see a middle-aged figure in front of the forest, holding the Mengtai sword, looking sideways at him, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, but his voice was earth-shattering .

"Yang Hong, here I come!"

 There are many fighting battlefields in this plot, so it is inconvenient to develop separately, and post it together, so it is a bit late, everyone forgive me

(End of this chapter)

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