Infinite script kill

Chapter 927 Rewriting the Script

Chapter 927 Rewriting the Script
Xiao Leshan is here! !

When everyone looked at the figure, their expressions changed drastically.

Xu Tong turned his head when he heard the sound, and felt the oppressive feeling before he could see the figure clearly.

Wisps of scarlet blood ran across the sky and the earth, as if they wanted to prop up the sky and the earth.

"Human blood energy, like beacon fire and wolf smoke, condenses and rises above the nine heavens. No evil can invade, and a hundred demons dare not approach. The peak of the earth immortal is much stronger than my cultivation base. No wonder it is called the one who can stand side by side with Xu Lai." extremely!"

Xu Tong watched with strange eyes, and even discovered that the opponent's head was like a vast ocean of luck. A dragon nested in the ocean of luck, stealing the fate of the Northern Man for his own use, and nourishing his own destiny. At that time, I am afraid that this is the day when Xiao Leshan breaks through the bottleneck of the earth immortal and truly cultivates the immortal way.

But Xu Tong had read the script and knew that Xiao Leshan did not have that blessing.

The god behind him would not allow him to break through this shackle.

A layer of golden rings appeared in Xu Tong's pupils, and he used his clairvoyance to see through the huge blood energy and see clearly the true face of the No. [-] under heaven.

He looked like he was in his forties, wearing a cloak, with a lot of bird feathers on the cloak, a peaceful face, a straight aquiline nose, thick eyebrows and big eyes, slightly curly long hair, and even a bit of Jiao Enjun's taste.

"So strong!"

Gu Xibai's expression on the side was solemn, and he could feel the terrible oppression on the other side.

The appearance of Xiao Leshan was tantamount to a boost to the hearts of the northern barbarians. The collapsed army instantly regained their morale, and under the command of the drums, they quickly re-formed to defend and retreat, not giving Xu Tong and the others a chance to continue the slaughter.

Di Qiu quickly returned to the vitality chariot, and took out a gold silk bag from his waist. The bag was opened, and inside were crystal clear green gems. Trillions of vitality energies were gathered, and one casually thrown into the vitality furnace would cause the vitality chariot to quickly pour out a large amount of vitality essence into his body, allowing him to restore his state to its peak in an instant.

"It's dead, this guy is dead!"

When Yeluqi saw his uncle, he was so excited that he wanted to dance, walked to the Yuandi chariot, and stared at Xu Tong condescendingly: "I'll give you another chance, surrender or die!"

Hearing this, Xu Tong raised his head and gave this guy a white look, then shook his head: "You have a second-year-old boy!"

The sound was not loud, but everyone present could hear it clearly.

Although I don't know what it means, I can use my toes to think about it and understand that it is not a good word.

Yeluqi was so angry that he gritted his teeth. If there were not thousands of northern barbarians below, he would have shot this bastard to death.

At this time, Xiao Leshan moved, just took a step forward, and the horses that Xu Tong and others sat on began to move back and forth restlessly.

"Later, you and your men will just rush into the northern barbarian camp, and after you get out, continue running to the west!"

Xu Tong whispered to Gao Zhuo and the others.

Then Xu Tong reined in the horse, stepped forward, raised his head and looked at Xiao Leshan: "Hey, everyone in the Xiao family is dead, why don't they even have anyone who can fight, and you, an old bone, have to run out. "


As soon as these words came out, everyone felt their scalps go numb. They had seen someone who was arrogant, but they had never seen someone who was so crazy.

How can I say that Xiao Leshan is also a senior who has been famous for a long time in the world, even if he follows the rules of the world, he is so arrogant and arrogant.

Xiao Leshan frowned, raised the long sword in front of him, and slid his fingers along the spine of the sword: "My sword said that I met an opponent with a sword. I want to see what kind of sword you are. Make it so exciting."

Speaking of Xiao Leshan took another step forward, everyone felt that the sky was dim and the earth was dark.

Now, except for the Nightmare Hussars who could control their own mounts, the horses of the others had already started to kneel on the ground.

Xu Tong's face darkened, and when he was about to make a move, he suddenly heard a burst of laughter.

"Hahahaha, Xiao Leshan, you have been famous for a long time, and you boast that you are not weaker than Xu Lai, but today you are doing something against a junior yourself, so what is your skill?"

I saw a person walking out of the forest.

This person was wearing a Taoist robe with a Taoist bun on his head. He jumped up sideways. The wide Taoist robe was like the wings of a pine crane, and it fell lightly between Xu Tong and Xiao Leshan. Spread out, blocking the murderous aura emanating from Xiao Leshan.

"It's Zhang Yishan!"

Zhang Yishan's appearance seemed to have exceeded everyone's expectations.

After the battle at Humen Mountain, this person disappeared without a trace, only appeared in a hurry at Shenwu Pass, and then disappeared again. People can only guess that he handed over the congenital god fetus to Yang Hong.

But I didn't expect him to appear at this time.

"Could it be that he has been secretly protecting Yang Hong!!"

Now many doubts in everyone's hearts were immediately resolved, no wonder Yang Hong knew the secret method of Longhu Mountain, Zixiao Shenlei, which seemed to be taught by Zhang Yishan.

Then the congenital god fetus must be in the hands of Yang Hong.

All of a sudden, everyone stared at Xu Tong more intensely.

When Xiao Leshan saw this real person from Longhushan, his eyes flashed with impatience, and he raised his long sword coldly: "Get out of the way!"

"Hmph, what's the matter, Xiao Leshan 16 years ago, my nephew Zhang Xian went down the mountain, how did you beat you, you forgot."

Zhang Yishan squinted his eyes and smiled and mentioned the events of 16 years ago. When he said this, not only Xiao Leshan's face became dark, but even the good old man Gu Zang who stood watching the battle changed.

The people surrounding Gu Zang looked sideways and saw that Gu Zang's expression was terribly cold, they couldn't help but backed away one after another, not daring to come forward again, for fear of becoming the monk Gu Zang's punching bag.

Zhang Xian, this person's name, has become a demon in front of Tianxia Zhiding that he can't look directly at.

Even people with Guzang's xinxing will break their defenses after years of painstaking Buddhist practice when they hear this name. The shadow is too great for them to let go.

After all, after a lifetime of hard work and climbing to the top, the distance from becoming a fairy to attaining the Tao is already within reach.

As a result, a young man suddenly ran out, punched a child, and rubbed them on the ground.

Who can bear this.

It's as if you've exploded your money and finally become a leader in the rankings. Before you've been happy for a few days, an unknown player suddenly pops up, wearing the next version of the top-level magic costume, and pushes you to the ground. Hammer, if you change your mentality, you will explode.

After Zhang Yishan satirized Xiao Leshan, he looked back at Xu Tong: "Little friend, don't forget our agreement!"

Xu Tong sighed, and cupped his hands: "Don't worry, I will keep the congenital fetus for you!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Tong ignored Xiao Leshan's threat, called back the second soul, the little fat man, turned around and pointed at the northern barbarian army in front of him: "Brothers, get out!"


With Zhang Yishan as their backing, the group of people also got rid of Xiao Leshan's fear, raised their swords and rushed forward to face the northern barbarian army.

It was still the Nightmare Hussars as the forward, but the difference was that there were thousands of cavalry behind Xu Tong.

"Bang bang bang..."

With a huge impact, the war horse directly crashed into the barbarian army's phalanx, easily tearing the barbarian army apart again, and then rushed towards the west without looking back.

"Head, who is that old Taoist priest?"

Gao Zhuo couldn't help looking back, and saw a purple light tearing the sky in the distance, followed by a murderous aura that seemed to divide the world into two, even though it was far away, he could still feel that An air of despair.

So he couldn't help but asked Xu Tong.


Xu Tong just sighed, and the three words Zhang Yishan said when he was at Shenwu Pass flashed through his mind.

"This thing is fake, but everyone in the world must think that it is real. If necessary, I will give you this pot if I have to risk my life!"

"Little friend, I'm sorry, Pindao is just such an apprentice, and Pindao doesn't have the ability to reach the sky. He is ashamed of the ancestors of the past generations, so he can only make a bad plan."

"Little friend, if one day you see my apprentice, please tell him that Master left him a jug of wine under the cherry tree, which is a gift from Master to wish him a wedding!"

The movement behind him was getting louder and louder, but Xu Tong led the team and ran west regardless.

After the team ran wildly for a whole day and night, Xu Tong signaled everyone to stop and rest. Thousands of soldiers were covered in black blood and couldn't tell whether it was their own or the enemy's, but their eyes were extremely excited.

It has been a long time since such a happy battle has been encountered.

Xu Tong signaled Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai to take out the rice for cooking, while he frowned and looked in the direction of Luoyuepi in the distance, not knowing what the battle between Zhang Yishan and Xiao Leshan was going to be like. result.

"General, we had a great time fighting this battle, what should we do next?"

Wu Zhe came over excitedly and asked Xu Tong.

When Xu Tong was about to signal them to take a break first, Li Bo's voice came out from the team channel: "Head, I seem to have found the granary of Beiman's granary!"

Xu Tong was startled, and after a few seconds of being stunned, he couldn't help curling his lips: "Shit luck!" He thought to himself that the team mascot really wasn't blown out.

It turned out that Li Bo did not rush into the battlefield with Gao Zhuo and others, but led Gao Zhuo and others to complete the work of going around and interspersing, and then rushed back according to Xu Tong's plan to report to Wu Jie.

I hijacked this uncle of the country, not only to use him as a bait, but also to coerce the emperor to command the princes. With my move, Wu Jie must take the initiative to attack, otherwise the Beiman will divide his troops to pursue them.

Only when Beiman and Tiangan really fought, could he lead his subordinates to achieve more military exploits.

This is the strategy Xu Tong gave Wu Jie to break the situation. There is no trick, only one word, recklessly.

If you win the fight, Tiangan will be peaceful for at least ten years. If you lose, the worst result for Tiangan is to retreat to the Yangtze River and rule the northern barbarians. The result will not be worse.

It's just that Wu Jie is old, and he doesn't have that courage and ambition.

It's just that he didn't expect that on the way back, Li Bo went the wrong way, and ended up accidentally finding the Tunliang City, which was hidden not far to the east of the Beiman Camp.

"Report it together, you kid has done a great job!"

After Xu Tong praised Li Bo, he looked at Wu Jie and the others, grinned, his ruddy lips raised to reveal a row of neat teeth, and calmly uttered three words to the young generals in front of him: "Kill back!"

At this moment Wu Jie sneezed suddenly, and put his hands on his forehead for a while, his expression looked much older again.

Yang Hong rushed out with 2000 people, but there is no news yet.

Uncle Guo, the little ancestor, also disappeared.

Thinking of this, Wu Jie regretted it in his heart. He suddenly felt that it was a wrong decision for him to let Yang Hong out.

Standing up and walking out of the handsome tent, Wu Jie walked on the camp with a heavy heart.

"Great guy!!"

At this moment, two figures suddenly came running from a distance, and Wu Jie saw that they were the two guards beside Uncle Guo Xu Fan.

I saw two people galloping forward on their horses, turned over and jumped off the horse, and threw themselves in front of Wu Jie with a face full of embarrassment: "Quick, hurry up and save Shizi, that bastard surnamed Yang tied Shizi away, and rushed into it with him." The encirclement of the northern barbarians!"

When the two said these words, Wu Jie was so startled that the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"What did you say?? Say it again!"

"My family's eldest son was robbed by Yang Hong and used as bait. Marshal Wu is in a hurry."

"That bastard surnamed Yang really deserved to be hacked into pieces. If we hadn't discovered that the situation was getting worse and worse when we followed them in the attack, and secretly tricked them, we would have known that they had deliberately dismissed us in advance, and Yang Hong would have taken people with him. Robbed my family."

The two of them gritted their teeth in anger when they said this. When they found out about this, they rushed back to report the news, but they were poisoned by the other party, and then they were plotted against. Only then did he rush back to report the letter.

The words of the two people's complaints shocked Wu Jie's heart, just when Wu Jie hadn't regained his composure.


At this moment, a scout quickly came to report and handed over a piece of information to Wu Jie.

Wu Jie opened it and saw his face flickering for a while. It was yesterday's information. According to the information, Yeluqi led [-] elites to hunt down Yang Hong and others. It was suspected that there was a figure of Uncle Guo in Yang Hong's team.

Seeing the information inside, Wu Jie's eyes darkened, and he almost passed out.

He knew that Yang Hong was bold, if he wasn't bold, how could he have achieved such a great reputation.

But who would have thought that this guy would be so courageous.

"Quick, go find out, go find out what's going on in Beiman!"

Wu Jie's mood was so turbulent at the moment that he couldn't even speak clearly.

At this time, a war horse from outside ran into the barracks again, but it was Li Bo who came.

After Li Bo got off his horse, he sent a copy of the latest battle report to Wu Jie: "Commander, we found a cottage in the east where the Beiman garnered grain!"

How could Wu Jie care about these things at the moment, picked up the battle report and glanced at ten lines, and finally calmed down when he saw the news that Uncle Guo hadn't died in battle.

The content on the battle report was naturally informed by Xu Tong to Li Bo through the team channel, and the real-time broadcast was absolutely accurate.

Wu Jie looked at the content above, and his expression became strange for a while.

"Marshal Wu, send troops quickly!!"

The two guards of the Xu family stared at Wu Jie, urging him to send troops to rescue as soon as possible.

Wu Jie looked at the sky that was about to be dusk, and after thinking for a while: "Come here!"


Several cronies stepped forward.

"Pass down the order, the camp will be strictly guarded tonight, and the generals of the three armies must guard the camp for me!"


Then Wu Jie turned around and walked into the handsome tent: "Shangjia!"

After the words were finished, several cronies stepped forward and put the armor on Wu Jie's body. After putting on the armor, Wu Jie continued to give the order to lead [-] elite soldiers to leave the camp in person.

Seeing this, the two guards of the Xu family couldn't help but look at each other, and then asked: "Commander, is the 6000 troops... a little less?"

"Commander, can you mobilize another [-] elite soldiers? I'll just wait for the leadership. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for the commander to leave the camp."

After the two of them finished talking, they saw Wu Jie sneered: "Six thousand is enough for burning food and stealing camps, any more will be disadvantageous."


Now it was the turn of the two of them to be stunned, so they hurriedly stopped in front of Wu Jie, "Marshal, aren't you going to save my family's heir?"

They also don't know, what kind of medicine did Wu Jie take wrongly, his family's son is in danger, instead of going to the rescue, Wu Jie wants to lead someone to steal the camp himself?

Isn't this nonsense? ?
Wu Jie didn't want to explain to these two idiots, but because of Xu's face, he still said patiently:

"Two, Uncle Guo and the others are now on the west side of Beiman. If we bring people to support us, we will be besieged and killed by Beiman. At this moment, only a surprise attack on Beiman's food and grass can make Beiman dare not divide his troops to pursue them. With the bravery of Marquis Shenwu, as long as Regardless of the division of troops, the Northern Man will definitely be able to retreat completely."


Seeing that the two were still hesitating, Wu Jie immediately became impatient, pushed them away and walked out of the big tent. Taking advantage of the darkness of night, he quickly led 6000 troops and headed straight to Beiman The fortress of grain storage.

And Li Bo, as the guy who discovered the grain fortress, was naturally incorporated into Wu Jie's team and was responsible for leading the team. There is no doubt that Xu Tong's actions this time forced Wu Jie to the point where he had to go to the North It's quite positive and tough, and this is also the key to rewriting the direction of this script...

 This chapter is not two chapters in one, but a single chapter. I went out to stock up on food today. Who knew there were a lot of people, and it was too much tossing. Fortunately, I don’t have to go out from tomorrow. I owe everyone a change, and I will make it up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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