Infinite script kill

Chapter 932 I contribute, everyone has something to eat!

Chapter 932 I contribute, everyone has something to eat!

Seeing the little fat man suddenly raised his hand and bowed down to him, the Kestrel Eagle King felt weird in his heart, thinking that this little thing was planning to surrender to him.

Little did he know that after bowing, Kestrel Eagle King suddenly felt his surrounding vision blurred, and following the sound of his head buzzing, he felt that someone hit him hard with a hammer on the back of his head.

Stars flashed in his eyes for a moment, his body lost his balance in mid-air, and fell straight down.

With a pinch of Xu Tong's fingers, five bundles of dragon talismans were thrown out, and the kestrel and eagle king were tightly bound by the five flowers.

Maybe the Kestrel Eagle King never imagined in his dreams that this honest and cute chubby smashed his methods so dirty.

No wonder it was unprepared. It can only be said that in this era, the evil technique of Baishankou is definitely ahead of its time.

In this day and age, every generation has its own characteristics.

The farther you go forward, the more majestic the spells are, the more you use the heavenly phenomenon, the ground evil, and the cultivation skills are mainly head-to-head combat. After all, the resources in this era are still very rich, and no one is interested in top-level spells. Go deep and research.

As time went on, resources were scarce, and spells began to evolve into dark and obscure, and split into various branches.

Master's generation is already at the meeting point of the end of the Dharma era and the new era. Sitting on the fairy pile, flying head down, and red and white evil spirits can be said to have developed the insidiousness of the magic to the extreme, and the master's mountain bow is even more so. One of the masters.

It was the first time Kestrel Eagle King encountered this kind of technique, so it was strange that he didn't suffer.

Xu Tong stretched out his hand and grabbed the Kestrel Eagle King. Seeing that the big bird was shaking its head and was about to wake up, he raised his leg and kicked it unconscious.

Not long after, I saw four furry black mesons rolling into a ball and returning back with the dragon sparrow arrow that he had shot. Xu Tong squinted and found that one was missing: "Why is one missing, where is the other?"

Facing Xu Tong's inquiry, the four meatballs looked at each other in circles, with blank and question marks on their faces.

While Xu Tong was looking for another lost Routuantuan with a sad face, Di Qiu was lying on his stomach in the ruins of the vitality chariot, constantly searching.

The vitality chariot was destroyed, but there was one thing inside the vitality chariot that had to be taken away.

That is the core of the vitality chariot, the vitality furnace.

That is the core treasure of the vitality god sect. It is said that it is a treasure handed down from ancient times. The vitality chariot can only be driven by the vitality furnace as the core.

"Boom blah blah..."

Pushing away the melted iron plate, Di Chou took a closer look, and sure enough, he saw a small golden stove no bigger than a palm in the ruins.

Who would have thought that the core of the divine furnace of vitality that can dissolve all things is such a delicate object.

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as this thing is still there!"

When Di Chou saw the divine furnace of vitality, he felt relieved, but just as he was about to reach out to take it, he saw the furnace shake slightly, and then the golden furnace moved, and a fluffy meat ball pushed the furnace on his head.

"What is this??"

Di Qiu was startled, but when he saw the little guy swaying against his own artifact, he raised his heart: "Don't, don't, little guy, don't move... Hurry up, give me the things, boy, I'm here There are delicious ones."

In order to stabilize the little guy, Di Qiu took out a vitality gem from the gold silk bag on his waist and held it in his hand.

The two big eyes of the meat ball in front of him were fixed on the vitality gem, and they were indeed attracted.

But just as Di Chou moved his foot, the little guy immediately retreated vigilantly with the stove.

Now Di Qiu is in trouble, the northern barbarian army in the distance has been defeated like a mountain, and the black hand who attacked them just now has not yet appeared at this moment.

Immediately, Di Qiu was in a state of confusion, looked at the gold silk bag in his hand, and simply threw the gold ribbon forward: "Here, I'll give it all to you, it's all good things!"

Looking at the gold silk bag in front of him, the little guy's eyes widened immediately, he stepped forward step by step, opened his mouth, and bit the gold silk bag.

"Bring it to you!"

Seeing that the little guy had already taken the bait, Di Qiu leaped quickly with his eyes and hands, opened his big hand, and grabbed it off.

But he didn't know that Rouqiu was very clever, and his speed was much faster than he thought. When he flew back to dodge, he was about to avoid Di Qiu's hand. Seeing that the little thing dodged, Di Qiu opened his palm and raised his hand A mahamudra of vitality was slapped on it, and I planned to slap this little thing to death first.

But who would have thought that the golden light suddenly bloomed on this inconspicuous meat ball, and its original gray appearance suddenly turned into a golden little meat ball, which was slapped by the vitality big handprint, and it even borrowed its strength to support it. Yuanqi Shenlu bit the gold silk bag, and flew out of the gap.


Di Chou was dumbfounded at this moment, and hurriedly crawled out to look around, and found that the meatball was gone. He burst into tears for a while. After living such a big age, someone stole something right under his nose. Di Chou was furious. His facial features were twisted together, and the successive blows made him spurt a mouthful of old blood three feet away. After talking about it, whenever Di Qiu saw a round thing, he couldn't help but want to slap him, but this It's all for later.

Right now, Di Qiu could only take Yeluqi and the little eunuch beside him to run away, and if he didn't run away and wait for the defeated army to come, there would be troubles and chaos.

The northern barbarians were defeated, and this result was beyond everyone's expectations.

Wu Jie packed up the army, chased them for twenty miles, beheaded countless Beiman soldiers, and saw the corpses of the Beiman lying in a pool of blood, all of them had their left ears cut off.

Blood stained the earth red.

However, Wu Jie didn't let anyone chase him down. In theory, they could take advantage of the victory and pursue them, and even let the northern barbarians spit out Xuanguo's territory.

However, with the fall of winter, the military supplies of the sky can no longer keep up, and if we continue to fight, the whole army will fall into a passive position.

After this battle, Beiman will have no chance of war for at least ten years. In the coming year, envoys will definitely be sent to discuss peace. At that time, Tiangan will be able to speak like a lion and bite off a big piece of fat on Beiman's body. .

At the same time, on the other side, Gao Zhuo and others led the team and chased Xiao Chi all the way to a desperate place.

Seeing that there was no way to go ahead, Xiao Chi's face was frighteningly pale, and he turned his head to look in the direction of Langshan, his eyes were full of hatred and unwillingness.

Are you wrong?
That's right, no matter whether Wu Jie really stole the camp or not, there is nothing wrong with his strategy of leading the army straight to Langshan.

After all, whether the food and grass were destroyed or not, as long as he defeated the Tiangan camp, this is an irrelevant issue.

This is like three opponents trying to steal the dragon, and two guarding the house. At this time, you choose to push directly in the middle and tear down the opponent's crystal all the way.

In the end, it couldn't be dismantled, and was surrounded by the opponent from behind and wiped out.

The strategy is correct, but why did he lose? ?
The more Xiao Chi thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved. He looked at Gao Zhuo and the others with red eyes, and sneered, "Although I lose today, the time is not with me, and the sky is my death!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Gao Zhuo and others to make a move, Xiao Chi raised his hand and put the sword across his throat, and wiped it sideways, blood spilled down along the blade.

Seeing the defeat of this famous general in the world, Gao Zhuo and the others couldn't help sighing. The big girl controlled the body of the uncle Guo, walked up to Xiao Chi's body, bowed his hands, and immediately drew his sword and cut Xiao Chi off. The head, is to turn back with the head.

And this battle, with Xiao Chi's defeat, finally came to an end...


Xu Tong walked around the battlefield for a long time, and finally found the little guy who was left behind, um... It should be said that the little guy found it by himself.

It seems that the five of them have a certain sense of each other, no matter how far apart they are, they can sense each other's position.

Xu Tong wanted to reprimand him at first, but the little guy handed him the small golden stove and the gold silk bag happily as if offering a treasure.

Xu Tong didn't care about it at first, and thought it was a gold jewelry he stole from somewhere, but Xu Tong's expression changed as soon as the item was dropped.

Not to mention the gold silk pocket, which is full of vitality crystals.

Each of these vitality crystals is the product of a very long period of refinement in the vitality furnace, combined with the repeated compression of the vitality god's secret method. Each crystal contains a large amount of energy. It was originally a critical moment, used to quickly give vitality The treasures for charging the chariot are all in his hands now.

What is even more exaggerated is this little gold furnace.

As soon as Xu Tong took it, he immediately felt a very subtle feeling, as if this small golden furnace had some kind of relationship with his big day Ruyi furnace, which made the two resonate.

This really surprised me.

Immediately throwing it into the props book for a look, Xu Tong's mouth was almost laughing to the back of his head.

Good guy, there is the Nine Immortals Cauldron in the front and the Yuanqi Furnace in the back. Are these little guys the reincarnation of the God of Wealth? ? ?

If it weren't for the fact that my parents didn't know who they were, I would add these little guys to my family tree no matter what.

vitality furnace

It is rumored that it is an acquired treasure created by the ancestor of the vitality god religion with the treasures of heaven and earth, combined with the secret method of the vitality god religion.

Passive Skill 1: Three-Divided Vitality
It can transform all objects into vitality and collect them for its own use.

Passive Skill 2: Energize

This item can be embedded into some props as a driving device to provide a steady stream of power for the object.

Active Skill 1: Vitality and Divine Fire

Consumes 3000 script points, spews out vitality divine fire, and burns all substances within 800 meters in front into a state of vitality.

Duration: 1 minutes
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Active Skill 2: Essence Refining

Consuming 200 script points, you can separate the vitality in the furnace, and bless yourself according to the vitality of different attributes.

Duration: 30 minutes
Cooldown time: 4 hour
After Xu Tong carefully read the entry of this thing line by line, he felt relieved immediately. This thing must have a great connection with Yanshu.

Because the above abilities are almost exactly the same as those of his own Dari Ruyi Furnace.

The only difference between the two is that my Great Sun Ruyi Furnace is the ability to cut the Dao and stand up with the blessing of the Innate Dao Foundation.

And this thing is an acquired treasure refined with the help of heaven, material and earth treasures and various secret methods.

One congenital and one acquired, he can conclude that the original owner of this thing must be a master of the Yanshu lineage, but for some reason he couldn't cultivate an innate wishful furnace like himself, so he simply replaced it with an acquired one, which is a fantastic idea , is really admirable.

This also explains the existence of such things as the vitality chariot. It must be known that Yanshu masters have creativity beyond imagination in puppets, and this vitality chariot probably belongs to the school of Yanshu puppets.

After getting the treasure, Xu Tong was in a good mood. He took out five golden vitality gems from the gold silk bag as rewards, and distributed them to five little guys. The little guys who got the gem rewards rolled happily.

Especially the one who made the meritorious service this time, with a proud expression on his face, as if he was telling his four brothers: "In short, I will work hard, and everyone will have something to eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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