Infinite script kill

Chapter 933 Clearing the Battlefield

Chapter 933 Clearing the Battlefield
Don't pay attention to how these little guys who have benefited are making a fuss.

Xu Tong picked up the reins and drove the big bird slowly towards the camp.

On the road, many soldiers could be seen busy harvesting the left ears of those northern barbarian soldiers as if they were harvesting wheat.

Everyone's face showed a simple joy, which made people think of the smile on the farmer's uncle's face during the bumper harvest.

And the big bird carried by Xu Tong naturally attracted the attention of many people.

That is the Kestrel Falcon King, a monster raised by Xiao Leshan in captivity, and now it is carried on his shoulders by his own general, not to mention how exciting it is.

When he arrived at the camp, Wu Jie was already waiting for him in front of the camp with a cold face.

Seeing that Xu Tong was the only one coming back, Wu Jie frowned, his face was filled with anger, and he was about to open his mouth to reprimand, when he saw a team rushing back in the distance, the leader was the young master of the Xu family who was holding the head , today's uncle of the country, Xu Fan.

Just waiting for Xu Fan's figure to pass by Xu Tong, Da Ya also took the opportunity to return to Xu Tong's hall. Suddenly, Xu Fan was in a trance, and when he recovered, he found that he had come to Wu In front of Jie, he was holding a bloody human head in his hand: "Oh!"

Seeing the head in his hand, Xu Fan was startled, and hurriedly threw it away, and the head rolled down in front of Wu Jie. It was the head of Xiao Chi, the coach of Beiman Nanzheng.

This time even Wu Jie was shocked for a moment.

Seeing Xiao Chi's angry eyes staring at him, Wu Jie had mixed feelings in his heart.

The heart was actually a little empty, and the joy of the victory was swept away. Both of them are famous generals in the world, but they have been fighting each other since they were partial generals. They have fought for more than ten years, and each has won or lost. They don't speak more than a hundred sentences to each other, but they already regard each other as the confidant who understands them best.

I didn't expect this last battle to say goodbye in such a way.

It really made Wu Jie feel sad.

"Uncle Guo!!"

At this time Xu Fan suddenly rolled his eyes and passed out.

Everyone hurriedly helped him up, Xu Tong pretended to step forward to take his pulse, and said, "It's okay, it's just that Uncle Guo is too tired, take him down to rest."


The thighs are bald, it's really not my own thing, I don't feel bad, Xu Fan's body is so strong that it can withstand Xu Tong's night-time raids and several battles.

In addition, being possessed by a fox fairy, Da Ya, would shorten his lifespan, and for Xu Fan, it would be even more painful. This serious illness may not last for ten and a half months, and this guy will not even think about getting out of bed.

Xu Tong thought it was fair, if you want military merit, I will give it to you, but you have to get it yourself.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong raised his head and glanced at Da Ya, and saw that as soon as Da Ya returned to the hall, the five little guys immediately sent the golden vitality crystals in front of Da Ya, rolling beside Da Ya, like offering treasures Squeeze your shoulders and beat your legs, so courteous.

It's a pity that Da Ya just hugged the pink and cute little newt, which really failed the expectations of these five loyal dog lickers.

After sending off Xu Fan, when Wu Jie looked at Xu Tong again, his expression was no longer as angry as before, but his face was still unkind, but when his son Wu Zhe came forward with a bag full of barbarian ears to report the results , Wu Jie finally showed joy.

The momentary annoyance towards Xu Tong was not so grudge. After all, they won, not only a big victory on the battlefield, the Xu family got the military merit, beheading the enemy's coach, which was the first achievement.

His son can also get a lot of military exploits, and no one dares to say that Wu Jie is playing for selfishness.

And this battle, a big victory, let the other soldiers earn a fortune, enough to triumph.

After fighting for his whole life, he was able to achieve success in the end. After thinking about it, Wu Jie seemed to have nothing to complain about.

After all, we really have to settle accounts, as if these credits should belong to Marquis Shenwu. After all, he was the one who took Xu Fan away, he was the one who used the lone army as bait, he was the one who broke the chase, and he was the one who ordered the surprise attack on Xiao Chi in the end. But Xu Tong gave all these credits to others, and he didn't get any credit for it himself. The only credit was to capture Xiao Leshan's Kestrel Falcon King.

Thinking about it this way, instead of complaining, Wu Jie could only show a concerned look to Xu Tong: "Marquis Shenwu has worked hard."

"Marshal, you're being polite. Marshal holds the universe in his hands and is planning a plan. This battle is won thanks to the marshal's strength!"

Xu Tong smiled and slapped him flatteringly.

"Hey, Marquis Shenwu was joking, if not for Marquis Shenwu's bravery and invincibility, how could this battle be so simple."

After the two talked about business, Xu Tong was arranged to rest.

Then there are tedious things such as cleaning the battlefield, resting the army, recording the death list, and counting the military achievements of the soldiers.

Xu Tong was happy to be at leisure, and unceremoniously lived in Uncle Guo's tent, calling it a good name, and wanted to take care of Uncle Guo himself so that he could heal his injuries.

It made the guards around Uncle Guo dare not speak out. After all, facing Xu Tong's smiling face, they would also feel the suffocating sense of oppression.

As for the Kestrel Falcon Eagle King, Xu Tong did not treat him badly. He tied the dragon talisman with five flowers and threw it in an iron cage. The iron cage was placed in Xu Fan's tent and placed under Xu Tong's eyes. Prevent accidents from happening.

Gradually, the guards also realized that something was wrong. Gao Zhuo, Gu Xibai, and Li Bo also began to live in the tent. Ge Zhuo and the others even led troops to surround the tent. The guards were squeezed out of the tent.

This is simply Chi Guoguo's obvious robbery, but they can't stand it because they have suffered a lot under the hands of Gu Xibai and Gao Zhuo, so they can only watch helplessly, besides scolding Xu Tong and others for being shameless and robbers in their hearts, I dare not let a fart go.


Xu Tong lay on the large soft bed, took out the hookah pipe and enjoyed it leisurely, not caring at all whether his second-hand smoke would affect Xu Fan.

Gao Zhuo was sitting on a soft leather chair, with a large iron pot in front of him, and the charcoal fire beneath it burst into sparks from time to time, and blue smoke drifted out along the skylight above the tent.

This time the pot also added a lot of precious ingredients brought by Xu Fan, spices to enhance the freshness, mixed with mutton, and boiled into a pot of meat soup. Gao Zhuo stirred it gently, the meat was mixed with the fragrance of long rice, and it had begun Let Ge Zhuo and the others outside the tent whet their appetites.

"Head, we've been going around in such a big circle, and we'll end up being chased and killed by masters from various sects just like the players in the last round. Even if we return to Lin'an, we don't want to stop. It won't make us feel better."

While stirring the meat soup in the pot, Gao Zhuo compared and analyzed the script in his hand.

Xu Tong waved his hand: "It's different!"

Although he was still labeled as an innate god by Zhang Yishan, he has completely changed their backgrounds. The three words of Marquis of Shenwu are enough to make most sects in the world fear.

What's more, my own strength is far better than that of the last round of players, and my record along the way is enough to shock the crowd.

More importantly, this battle changed the direction of the script even more. In the original script, Wu Jie and Xiao Chi delayed until winter and retreated from each other.

But after this time, the conflict between Tiangan and Beiman continued, and in the coming year, wars were launched from all directions. In the last round, the players were forced to join the army, fighting in a panic, and the dangers abounded. group.

But now, Tiangan has won a big victory, killing tens of thousands of Beiman's army, and even Xiao Chi is dead.

Xu Tong didn't know exactly how it would develop, but one thing, if Xu Lai wanted to deal with them again, it might not be so easy.

Xu Tong's analysis was like a reassurance, which made Gao Zhuo and others calm down.

Xu Tong reached out to take the meat soup from Gao Zhuo, took a sip happily, raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help thinking, what happened to Chang Wuzhi...

At this moment, in Pingyao Mansion, which was hundreds of miles away, the retreating Northern Man army had already retreated into the city.

Pingyao Mansion was originally the territory of Xuanguo. When Beiman was annexed, many people in it fled if they could, which made the place look particularly depressed.

Now even a decent doctor can't be found.

In the room, Yeluqi's painful groans could be heard from time to time. At this moment, Yeluqi had a high fever, and his complexion became more and more ugly.

Although Di Qiu is an earth immortal, he has no medical knowledge after all, so he can only stabilize Yeluqi's injury with a lot of energy every day, but seeing Yeluqi's injury getting worse, Di Qiu is also anxious like an ant on a hot pot .

"Master, we can't delay any longer. The wound has already festered. Cutting it off at this moment can still preserve the dragon's root. If we continue to delay it, we may be uprooted."

The person who spoke was an eunuch. Although he was an eunuch, he carried Yeluqi on his back all the way and won the trust of Yeluqi and Di Qiu. Moreover, Yeluqi's injury cannot be rumored, so Di Qiu could find a way to discuss it. He is the only one left.

"But this kind of thing, it's hard to grasp the measure, in case something goes wrong..."

Di Chou frowned, he had naturally seen the wound, the wound was so sensitive that he didn't dare to touch it himself.

"It's not difficult. Although our family has never studied medicine, before entering the palace, we also helped the family with the handicraft of pasting the livestock. The folks in the village even gave me a nickname."

"Oh, I haven't asked my father-in-law's nickname yet..." Di Qiu didn't expect this eunuch to know this skill, so he couldn't help but look at him with admiration, and couldn't help asking more questions.

The eunuch pinched the flower with his hands and covered his mouth with a smile: "Hehe, it's not a good name, they just call egg dismantling expert!"

(End of this chapter)

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