Infinite script kill

Chapter 934 Nightmare Walker

Chapter 934 Nightmare Walker

After a few days, the news of Tiangan's victory has spread all over the world.

Needless to say on the Tiangan side, the whole court cheered and the whole people celebrated. The emperor even gave amnesty to the world and exempted the tax for three years to recuperate.

The cleaning work at the foot of the wolf mountain was similar. A large number of northern barbarian bones were piled up into a hill and burned.

So much so that the burnt stench could be smelled more than ten miles away, and when the strong wind blew, gray ashes were scattered like goose feathers and snow.

It made Chang Wuzhi and Li Bo complain wildly, saying that they have no awareness of environmental protection at all.

At this moment, Gao Zhuo opened the tent and was full of obscenities: "I will give some advice, who should I guard against, and guard against your father."

Originally, he proposed to bury some of the corpses on the spot. With so many corpses buried in the ground, covered with soil, sprinkled with water, and counted one, two, three, four, five, a brand new mass grave will be formed. The treasure land of corpses.

As a result, it was said abruptly that the military law stipulated that all the corpses of enemy soldiers could only be burned, and the corpses of friendly soldiers should be three feet next to each other. They should be buried in groups of three to prevent the corpses from being infected by evil spirits!
Isn't that just pointing at Gao Zhuo's nose and saying, I'm just on guard against you.

Not only Gao Zhuo was worried, but Xu Tong was also worried.

I wanted to go out at night and use the Mountain Blessing button to capture some undead who died in battle to replenish myself with Yin soldiers, and then slowly upgrade to make up for the number of nightmare cavalry.

As a result, I went out to have a look, good guy, they set up a mountain temple not far from the place where the corpse was burned.

The land of the mountain god is responsible for receiving ghosts, and these tens of thousands of ghosts were directly detained by the mountain god.

I have no hands, I feel lonely, and my face is full of depression.

"Cough cough cough..."

There was a light cough from behind Ruanta, and then a hoarse laughter: "Hey, you want the corpse of the ghost, what's the problem?"

I saw Xu Fan opened his eyes. Compared with a few days ago, his complexion is much better now. Xu Tong cooks a big pot of meat soup every day. In addition to sharing it with Ge Zhuo and others, he will also give Xu Fan a portion .

This dragon rice is the most nourishing for the body, and it is the ration of the dragon clan in the sky. For people with extremely poor health like Xu Fan, it is better than ginseng and ganoderma.

Just now when Gao Zhuo was cursing, Xu Fan had already woken up.

"Oh, I also ask Uncle Guo to teach me a thing or two."

Xu Tong squinted his eyelids and looked at Xu Fan, put one hand on Xu Fan's pulse, and injected part of the pure yang energy into Xu Fan's body.

Although this Uncle Guo didn't get along well with him, he really couldn't let him die. Not only couldn't he die, Xu Tong also wanted to win him over as much as possible.

At least before they officially turned against the Xu family, this uncle Guo still played a big role.

Xu Fan lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "There is a sky prison outside Lin'an City. They are all vicious masters, hundreds of times stronger than these ghosts who died in battle. If you need them, you can go in and get them." , But don’t blame me for not reminding you, there was a lot of resentment in the prison that day, my father would go to the prison himself every year, and use his aura to suppress the resentment in the prison.”


When Xu Fan said this, Xu Tong immediately patted his forehead, good guy, how could he forget about such a place as Tianlao.

I remember that when I and Zhang Haisheng were in the same script, Lu Zhi was lurking in the sky prison, and almost released all the resentful souls in the sky prison, causing a catastrophe.

This prison is an excellent geomantic omen.

"Hey, thank you Uncle Guo for reminding me!"

Xu Tong looked back and found that the uncle Guo had fallen asleep again.

Seeing this, the three of Gu Xibai also went out to exercise their muscles and bones. After all, although the tent is comfortable, it would be boring to lie in it for a long time.

Seeing that Xu Fan was sleeping soundly, Xu Tong suddenly had a heart move, called out the item book, and looked at the item card in the item book [Dream Walk] (from Chapter 14 of Volume No.1)
【Dream Walk】

Di passive skill 1: full of energy

Item card holders are always in a full state of mind.

Passive Skill 2: Can't Dream at Night

Item card holders will no longer be able to dream.

Active Skill 3: Nightmare Walker

Consumes 3000 script points. After activation, you can become a nightmare walker, able to enter other people's dreams at will, and distort the other's dreams to a certain extent.

Duration: 4 hours
(Note: Don’t work hard, there is everything in your dream...)
This item card is a reward given to myself after the last script world settlement.

I didn't clean up this prop, just to make a fresh start. Seeing this uncle Guo fell asleep again, Xu Tong was a little curious, and with a thought, he tried to activate the active skill, Nightmare Walker.

Accompanied by the activation of the skill, Xu Tong's thoughts began to slowly dissociate from his body, as if his soul had left his body, but there were subtle differences. When he glanced at it, he saw a faint smile on Xu Fan's forehead. The rising white light, after Xu Tong tried to touch the white light, his consciousness was immediately sucked into Xu Fan's dream.

Suddenly, with a flash of white light, the picture in front of him gradually became clear.

Whether it is a human or an animal, when sleeping, the mental defense is the weakest and the most vulnerable time to be attacked.Those so-called demons, ghosts, and even gods will choose to easily enter people's consciousness at this time.

Therefore, in many myths and legends, there are often stories about immortals passing through their dreams and demons harming people in their dreams.

Moreover, in a dream, the door of a person's subconscious mind will be opened, and some of the most profound memory fragments will emerge, allowing demons and ghosts to peep.

Now that Xu Tong turned into a nightmare walker, with the ability to travel through dreams, he could directly see the most impressive memories in Xu Fan's mind.

It was just unexpected that Xu Tong originally thought that Xu Fan, the uncle of the country, must have been well-clothed and lived a carefree life since he was a child, at least he could not be worse than Ma Hongwen.

The result was a small cold room.

A thin quilt with two holes in it, the cotton inside is already negligible.

A child who looked no more than seven or eight years old wrapped himself tightly in a quilt, but still shivered uncontrollably. Looking at that pale little face, one couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Is this Xu Fan's childhood memory?"

Xu Tong stood by the bed, feeling very surprised.

From the daily necessities in Xu Fan's tent, it can be seen how exaggerated this guy's daily necessities are. The luxury of wishing to wipe his butt with gold is completely inconsistent with everything in the dream.

Just when Xu Tong was wondering, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and a few women in gray clothes pushed the door in, and the next moment they roughly pulled Xu Fan up on the bed. He wiped Xu Fan's face without wringing it dry, and then pushed Xu Fan out of the door amid urging and impatience.

Xu Tong followed closely, and when he walked out of the room, he realized that the room Xu Fan lived in was so dilapidated that it was clearly like a small woodshed.

Compared with the rich and gorgeous decoration of other rooms, it is completely two worlds.

Xu Fan was forcibly dragged to the front hall, where he saw that breakfast was already prepared on the dining table in the front hall. Against the background of the exquisite tableware, the breakfast even shone with a hazy golden light.

Xu Tong wanted to go up to have a look, but found that it was blurry and he couldn't see anything clearly.

Looking back, I found that Xu Fan didn't come in, but stood outside the door, in a far corner, waiting outside like those servants.

At this time, a gorgeously dressed woman sat down with her big belly supported by a group of maidservants. Under her delicate appearance, she carried a majesty that made people dare not look directly at her.

The woman turned a blind eye to the delicacies on the table, just picked up the bowl of chicken soup and drank it.

Suddenly the woman raised her head, that delicate face gradually turned into the face of a poisonous snake, and then turned into a huge poisonous snake coming towards him, opening its bloody mouth to devour him.

Immediately after, the picture went dark, and a ray of cool firelight illuminated Xu Fan's thin face, but at this moment, there were a few more wounds and bruises on his already thin face.

And in front of him was a pot of chicken soup that was being stewed. Seeing the fragrance wafting out of the pot, Xu Fan was still struggling in his pupils, and finally stretched out his palm tremblingly and sent a packet of poison into the pot.

"He's poisoning!"

Standing behind Xu Fan, Xu Tong looked at the reflection in the soup pot, which was the scene of the woman falling to the ground and dying after drinking the chicken soup.

But at this moment, a big hand stuck out from the darkness, grabbed Xu Fan, and held it high in the air.

Following the changes in the dream, Xu Tong looked behind him, and suddenly his heart trembled. A burly man stood in front of him. The man's face was covered by shadows, so he couldn't see his expression clearly, but anyone could feel the man. In an angry aura, Xu Fan was lifted above his head with one hand by the man, and in the next second he would be smashed to pieces.

But strangely, Xu Fan was smiling.

His laughter was piercing, in stark contrast to the man's anger.

Amidst Xu Fan's laughter, the man finally put him gently on the ground.

At this time, an ironic scene appeared. The domestic servants who had been cold-faced towards Xu Fan rushed forward one after another, bringing the most gorgeous clothes and the most delicious food to Xu Fan. It is spacious, bright and resplendent like a palace.

He won, and he is the sole heir.

Even if he commits a heinous crime, it cannot change the fact.

But Xu Fan was not happy, and the figure of the man stood behind him all the time.

The man held a shining big knife in his hand, and more and more female relatives appeared beside him.

The number of female relatives is increasing, and the knives in the hands of men are getting closer and closer. For Xu Fan, every moment is a kind of torment.

I'm afraid that one of the women's belly will bulge, and the next moment will be the day when he will die without a place to bury him.

Seeing Xu Fan in torment like a quagmire, Xu Tong frowned slightly, a bold idea rose in his heart, he suddenly stretched out his palm, the warm light of pure sun in his palm tore apart the darkness in front of him, shining On Xu Fan's body.

Xu Fan was stunned, feeling a long-lost sense of relaxation under the sunshine, as if the pressure on his whole body had disappeared in an instant, and when he raised his head to meet the warm light, he saw Xu Tong's magnanimous face. The figure was slowly stretching out its palm towards him...

(End of this chapter)

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