Chapter 935

A clear sound woke Xu Fan up from his sleep.

After shaking his head, he realized that he was lying in his carriage.

So he picked up the copper stick in his hand suspiciously, knocked on the carriage, and saw that the curtain in front of the carriage was pulled open, and his own guard poked his head out from the shaft of the carriage, and said with a look of surprise on his face: "My lord, you are awake!"

For some reason, when Xu Fan saw his guards, he suddenly had an indescribable

"Your Majesty, you are awake. I thought that Yang was talking nonsense."

Hearing what the guard said, Xu Fan frowned: "What nonsense?"

"Oh, he said that he helped you recuperate your body recently, which can let you sleep peacefully, and wake up naturally after two days of sleep. I didn't expect you to sleep for three days."

"I slept for three days!"

Xu Fan was a little surprised. Even when he fell into a coma, he woke up from the nightmare intermittently. He had never been able to sleep for so long at once. Not to mention, after waking up from this sleep, Xu Fan really felt that his mental state was better than before. Much better.

This reminded Xu Fan of the dream he had...

Thinking of the figure of Xu Tong standing in the sun in the dream, Xu Fan felt very relaxed and lost his mind for a while, until the guard took out a gold silk bag and placed it in front of Xu Fan. The bag was opened, and the inside was white rice crackers.

"This is left by the surname Yang. He said that every time you eat, break off a little bit at a time, add more water, and stir into porridge. It can cure your deficiency and cold symptoms, but don't eat too much. I'm afraid Your body can't take it."


Xu Fan curled his lips, his face full of disdain, he had never eaten any natural treasures, but his physical illness had never been cured.

But looking at the gold silk bag is exquisite, so let's stay.

"What about Yang Hong and the others?"

Asked by Xu Fan, he opened the curtains and looked out, only to find that they did not leave with the army.

"My lord, let's go faster than them. I'm afraid they will have to wait until winter when they return to Lin'an."

After all, there are tens of thousands of troops, plus the corvee service of the army, there are nearly 10 horses. It is impossible for these soldiers and horses to be brought back to Lin'an. Able to enter Beijing by order.

This tossing, there is no two or three months.

They are not members of the army themselves, so they don't need to follow the army, they just go back to Lin'an.

"Like This!"

Although he knew that the rules were like this, Xu Fan always felt uncomfortable in his heart. He closed his eyes and lay down on the soft couch again, but stopped talking.

On the other side, Xu Tong and others were following the team along the official road.

The relocation of nearly 10 people was obviously not an easy task. Fortunately, the heavenly stems and the army were strictly disciplined, and there were no troubles on the road.

"General, I heard that Hangzhou is beautiful and picturesque, but we haven't seen it before."

On the way, Ge Zhuo and others followed Xu Tong closely, talking and laughing without feeling tired at all.

After all, they won a big victory in this battle, and they returned triumphantly. According to the military merit calculation, everyone can get promoted, but Ge Zhuo and the others are more willing to stay by Xu Tong's side, even if it is to be a personal guard.

Not only for their loyalty to Xu Tong, but also because they eat delicious food every day by Xu Tong's side. They eat a bowl of dragon rice porridge every day, and now they have broken through to the fourth level of Wuhu Kung Fu, and their physique has far surpassed that of Xu Tong. He outnumbered ordinary warriors several times, and he was no problem as a centurion.

"Hey, when we get there, it will almost be winter, and you won't be able to see any scenery."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he looked back at the kestrel eagle king escorted in the prison car. This eagle looked like an eggplant beaten by frost recently, with its head buried under its wings, lying there motionless.

I don't eat, I don't drink, I feel like an old hen's nest, but if anyone really thinks that this guy has no strength, then it's bad luck. Last night, a soldier tried to pluck this guy's feathers, but Early the next morning, the guy was standing outside the prison van with only his pair of shoes left.

Xu Tong knew in his heart that this beast was very arrogant, and it would not be a short while before he wanted to subdue him. Fortunately, he had plenty of time to work it out slowly, and some ways to subdue him.


At this moment, a communications officer rushed over and said to Xu Tong, "General, Commander, please come over."

"it is good!"

Xu Tong nodded and signaled Ge Zhuo and others to be careful. After watching the Kestrel Eagle King in the prison car, he turned around and ran towards Wu Jie and the others behind.

Seeing Xu Tong coming, the faces of the generals beside Wu Jie showed flattering smiles.

Can they please? If it weren't for Xu Tong, how could they have the opportunity to make military exploits. I'm afraid they still have to guard the camp at the foot of Wolf Mountain.

"The commander-in-chief called me."


Wu Jie nodded, took out a list from his chest, and handed it to Xu Tong: "This is a memorial to ask for merit. Marquis Shenwu can see if there is anything wrong with it."

Ordinarily, it is not Xu Tong's turn to look at this kind of thing, but who made Xu Tong make too much credit this time, but he himself distributed all the credit, and Wu Jie should have done it even if he was just pretending. of.

After Xu Tong took it and glanced over it, he couldn't help sighing in his heart that the ginger is still old and spicy.

In this memorial requesting credit, the first creditor turned out to be Xu Fan who came to condolences to the army.

This also makes sense, after all, it is indisputable that beheading the enemy's general should take the lead.

Next, Wu Jie made a list of military exploits, many of them were young generals who went out with Xu Tong, some of them were generals in the camp, and several outstanding fighters.

Among them, Li Bo's name was ranked at the top, only two or three below him.

But Wu Jie's own name was not included in the list, and most of the credit was shared, which was extraordinary. Usually, Wu Jie was greedy for credit, and even a small soldier like Yang Hong knew it.

Now he is so generous, on the one hand, he is going to retire, and on the other hand, he wants to leave a good relationship with his son.

Anyway, he is the commander-in-chief of the three armies, no matter how the emperor rewards him, he will not lose his share.

After Xu Tong confirmed that there was no problem, he returned the memorial to Wu Jie.

"The commander-in-chief has arranged it properly, and I don't think there is any problem."

After getting Xu Tong's confirmation, Wu Jie also breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled up the rein: "Shen Wuhou is good at equestrian skills, let's go and see!"

As he said that, he kicked the reins, and drove his horse towards the side path. Seeing this, Xu Tong knew that Wu Jie had something to say, so he followed. Seeing this, the other generals followed him slowly and wittily. Go a hundred paces away.

After the two of them walked away, Wu Jie looked around and asked Xu Tong, "What is the future plan of Marquis Shenwu?"

"I don't plan to, just take a step and see."

Xu Tong said absently.

Wu Jie didn't take this answer seriously, and said with a sneer, "I think Marquis Shenwu will be on the verge of riding a tiger!"

Xu Tong frowned, looked sideways at Wu Jie, Wu Jie said bluntly:
"Shenwuhou was named a marquis in the first battle this time. It was the time when the spring breeze was proud of the horseshoe disease. Now he is ranked in the world. Even the Earth Immortal cannot escape the fate of being smashed to pieces!"

What Wu Jie said was very serious, but it was by no means alarmist.

The emperor of Daqian is only 30 years old now, but he has been in power for more than ten years, but the power of the country and the country is in the hands of the Xu family.

The emperor granted Xu Tong the Marquis of God, which sounds like a good name, but it is more of a way to win over. I hope that someone like Xu Tong can keep pace with Xu Lai.

In the future, when Xu Tong entered Lin'an City, he was the emperor on one side and Xu Lai, who was in charge of the military power, on the other.

No matter which side you stand on, there will be no good fruit.

Seeing Wu Jie mentioning this matter, Xu Tong knew that the old guy meant to remind himself, so he straightened his expression immediately: "I don't know if the commander-in-chief has a good plan?"

Wu Jie pinched his beard and said without answering: "We have won a big victory this time, and the northern barbarians have suffered a big defeat. Your Majesty will have to reinvigorate the army next year and take the opportunity to expand the territory. Naturally, Xu Guozhu can't go there in person. At that time, we still have to rely on Marquis Shenwu to sit in charge." Zhongjun, my incompetent son still asks Marquis Shenwu to take care of him."

Wu Jie's meaning was already very clear, Xu Tongxin nodded understandingly: "Don't worry, Commander, I really like your son's natural talent, and he will definitely be my right-hand man in future battles."

When a wise man talks, he stops talking at this point.

The deal between the two had been concluded, and when they were returning to the army, Xu Tong suddenly noticed something, his face turned bitter, and he thought, "Why is this bald donkey haunted!"

Thinking of this, he asked Wu Jie for a leave of absence, and immediately left the team, heading east.

Taking advantage of the horse and riding all the way, within a short time of burning incense, under a tea shed, I saw Gu Zang and Master Minghai who were reciting scriptures and meditating.

Seeing this, Xu Tong had no choice but to jump off the horse, throw an ingot of silver to the buddy, and asked him to serve a pot of good tea, and then sat down in front of Guzang monk: "The master didn't go back to the East China Sea, why did you come to me again?" .”

Before Gu Zang could speak, Xu Tong said first, "Let's talk first, if you have something to say, don't let the circle go, I'm in a bad mood today, and I don't want to argue with you."

Seeing that Xu Tong opened his mouth and blocked Gu Zang's mouth, Great Master Minghai laughed instead: "Your Majesty, you don't need to worry too much. I'm waiting for the two of you to come here to give you a treasure!"

"Send treasure??"

Xu Tong couldn't help squinting his eyelids when he heard the words, and immediately smelled a routine.

I saw Great Master Minghai smilingly taking out something wrapped in red cloth from the cloth bag at his waist. When he uncovered the red cloth, everyone in the teahouse couldn't look away.

A crystal clear glazed pagoda suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

What is even more striking is that there is actually a Buddha relic in the pagoda, which is golden and shining in the sun.

Xu Tong saw that he was really a treasure, and looked at Master Minghai curiously: "Are you really giving me this thing?"

"Amitabha, form a good relationship with the Venerable."

After Master Minghai finished speaking, Xu Tong was about to stretch out his hand, but Master Minghai blocked his hand in front of Xu Tong, smiling and stretching out five fingers: "5 taels of gold..."

(End of this chapter)

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