Chapter 936

There is a saying in Buddhism, monks talk about money, not yuan, but fate, don't ask, it means eighteen thousand fate.

Xu Tong always thought it was a stalk.

But I didn't expect that one day this stalk would fall on my head.

How much is 5 taels of gold?
In this era, silver is a rare commodity. Silver from Japan and overseas has not yet flowed into China. A tael of silver is enough to feed a family of four for two months, which is almost equivalent to 4000-5000 RMB.

This is true for silver, let alone gold, 5 taels of gold, I was not so arrogant when I was Ma Hongwen.

For a while, Xu Tong tilted his head and looked at Master Minghai in front of him: "I have the money, can I burn it for you?"

Xu Tong's words were obviously stinging. After all, being tricked by someone like this would make anyone feel uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Gu Zang looked displeased.

But what Master Minghai said next surprised both Xu Tong and Gu Zang. They saw Master Minghai put his hands together and shouted: "Amitabha!" Then the smile on his face became stronger:
"If that's the case, the poor monk will be very grateful. Please also invite the venerable to come to my Yunjing Mountain in August next year and burn it to the poor monk on the spot."

The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, wondering what kind of trick this bald donkey is.

On the side, Gu Zang heard the meaning behind his words, and his expression changed drastically. He stared at Master Minghai beside him with wide eyes, and said in surprise, "Brother, you..."

"Amitabha, the poor monk's luck is about to run out, and he will die in August next year. He is suffering from the lack of entanglement on the road. I didn't expect to make a lot of good fortune here. Good, good."

Gu Zang's expression suddenly became complicated.

Xu Tong frowned: "I won't go to Yunjing Mountain, but if you really need it, the money is enough for you on the road."

As he spoke, he took out a stack of money from the item book and put it on the table.

Now Master Minghai didn't care about those details any more, he just put the note into his pocket, folded his palms together, and bowed to Xu Tong: "Your lord's blessings are immeasurable. Venerable set up a golden body to repay His great kindness."

"Don't, don't, I'm still young, I haven't had a baby yet, don't put me on the table, I feel awkward."

Xu Tong hurriedly waved his hand, and put away the glazed pagoda: "I'll take it, baby. We'll pay the bills, and we won't bother you. I asked for leave, so it's inconvenient to stay here. We don't change the green hills and the green waters." Liu, farewell!"

After Xu Tong finished his rhetoric, he didn't even have a chance to be polite to the two of them, so he got on his horse and ran away quickly.

The bald donkey in Guzang didn't love him at all, but this monk Minghai had too many routines. Although he didn't lack money, he always felt that something was wrong. It's better to use 36 tricks as the best strategy.

"Brother!! This... this... this makes him leave with your glazed stupa?"

Originally, Gu Zang brought the senior brother to help him find the place. Unexpectedly, instead of arguing with him, the senior brother gave the other party the most precious glazed stupa of Yunjing Mountain, which immediately made Gu Zang feel that he had lost Madam broke up again.

However, Master Minghai was smiling all over his face. Facing his younger brother’s distressed expression, he just smiled faintly: “Dharma is like seeds. The more you plant, the more you will reap. Unknowingly looking back, it’s already A sea of ​​Buddha."

Gu Zang was confused when he heard the words.

Seeing this, Monk Minghai didn't want to say any more, but his junior brother was still obsessed with his obsession, so he could only ask, "Do you know what the real value of the glazed stupa is?"

"Of course I know that this treasure is blessed by Shakyamuni Buddha's relic, and those who hold it can practice the Nirvana Sutra."

Of course, Gu Zang knew the mystery of this thing. This thing is the most precious treasure of Buddhism. The Nirvana Sutra has the ability to see the future. When it is cultivated to great success, it can control time with the flick of a finger.

Monk Minghai nodded with a smile, and continued to ask: "How far can you control time?"

"Hey, brother, isn't this testing me? The Nirvana Sutra has a total of seven levels. After reaching the fifth level, one will have the ability to control time. Only when one reaches the seventh level will one be able to achieve consummation."

Gu Zang answered fluently, obviously he would not be stumped by such little common sense.

Monk Minghai was very satisfied with the answer, and took out a string of rosary beads from his sleeve and coiled it in his hand:
"Each level has a level of Buddhism. When the venerable master reaches the seventh level, he will be the future Buddha with immeasurable merit. Since he is the future Buddha, I will give him the treasure of Buddhism and help him become a Buddha. I will be the current Buddha. The only junior is you." Still clinging to the Buddhas of the past, how can we attain the Tao?"

This time Gu Zang was completely stunned, for a moment he didn't know how to refute his brother's words.

Master Minghai saw that his younger brother had nothing to say, so he patted him on the shoulder meaningfully: "Junior brother, to cross others, you must cross yourself first. Humans are like this, and Buddhas are also like this..."

Only when Great Master Ming Hai walked out of the tea shed did Gu Zang figure out the flavor, and co-authored himself to invite his brother to come out of the mountain, not to teach Yang Hong a lesson but to enlighten himself.

On the other side, Xu Tong rode his horse back, feeling unmotivated.

Call out the item book, and carefully examine the so-called treasure.

I saw the Buddha's light flowing on this item card, all of which are densely packed with words, and in the middle is a golden Buddha statue, sitting in the void, with countless sun, moon and stars revolving around it.

Just looking at the appearance of the item card, he knew that it was a rare high-level item card, but when Xu Tong looked at its entry with anticipation, he was immediately dumbfounded.

【Glass stupa】

It is rumored that there is a phalanx relic of the Buddha in possession, which has been blessed by the eminent monks of the past dynasties. The holder can practice Buddhist supernatural powers and Nirvana scriptures.

Passive Skill 1: Nirvana Mantra

Holders can comprehend the Nirvana Sutra.

(Note: The Nirvana Sutra is the supreme practice method of Buddhism. It has the magical effect of piercing the power of time. There are seven levels in total. The higher the practice, the stronger the control over time.)
"It's gone?? This is gone? Liar!! Lied to me?"

Xu Tong looked at the entries given in the item book, and instantly felt like being cheated by a bald donkey.

Isn't this a high-level item card?He didn't even have an active skill, and he gave himself a scripture when he co-authored it, and he stole more than a dozen ghost notes from him? ?

"Sure enough, monks who can recite scriptures cannot be trusted. This routine is too deep."

Xu Tong was speechless for a while, what Nirvana scripture, after a long time, still have to study it by himself? ? ?

In an instant, Xu Tong had the urge to throw this thing into the latrine, but when he thought about it, it was something he had exchanged for more than a dozen Ming notes, and it would be good to put it at home as a decoration.

After studying it patiently for a while, Xu Tong noticed that this Nirvana Sutra seems to have the power to control time.

This really moved him.

I only have two time-based prop cards in my hand, Touch of Time and Time Traveler, but there is no doubt that the power of these two prop cards is unquestionable, and even without them, I would have died long ago.

It was because of his own understanding of the ability of time that Xu Tong could barely bear his temper and tried to comprehend the so-called Nirvana scriptures. As soon as a thought arose in him, the appearance of the glazed relic pagoda appeared in his mind.

On the glittering golden glazed pagoda, there are countless teeny lowercase scripts. The handwriting is no bigger than a grain of rice, but it is also very clear, like a knife engraving, without any blurring.

As Xu Tong's thoughts deepened, these scriptures engraved on the pagoda had a feeling that these small characters would move and fly, gradually forming a golden picture scroll in front of Xu Tong.

In the picture scroll is a golden Buddha, sitting in the void. This golden Buddha's eyes are slightly closed, his knees are crossed, his hands are in mudra, and his expression is serene, but unlike the majesty of the Buddha statues in other temples, it reveals a kind and familiar feeling. breath.

In a trance, Xu Tong discovered that the face of the golden Buddha was exactly the same as his own, as if the Buddha was none other than himself.


Feeling the magic of this scripture for the first time, Xu Tong simply let go of his mind and began to study it carefully. Before he knew it, he was already riding on the back of a horse, and let the old horse that sat down carry him back to the marching team. .

The surrounding soldiers raised their heads to look at Xu Tong, only to see him with lowered eyes and a smile on his face, and a sense of intimacy emerged spontaneously. He recited scriptures in a soft voice, which people couldn't understand but I feel extremely comfortable.

Especially Ge Zhuo and others who followed Xu Tong felt that the scriptures chanted in Xu Tong's mouth, and the five tiger kung fu on his body had unknowingly started to practice, following all the way, not only did not feel tired, but felt useful all over. Endless strength is the same.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed. Seeing that the sky was getting colder and colder, the soldiers of the army finally arrived outside the city of Hangzhou and began to station troops.

Xu Tong was separated into a separate camp.

The [-] soldiers led by Ge Zhuo and others were allotted to Xu Tong by Wu Jie. These soldiers have been Xu Tong's pro-army ever since, and Xu Tong can take them with him wherever he goes.

It can be regarded as Wu Jie's reciprocation, and he gave Xu Tong a compensation in advance.

Xu Tong asked Gu Xibai to be his general, responsible for training these troops.

Gao Zhuo didn't stay in the camp, the soldiers practiced in this camp every day, and the blood was so high that he felt uncomfortable all over, so Xu Tong simply gave him a special leave and asked him to find a place to refine the corpse.

As for Li Bo, this guy did not follow Xu Tong, but was valued by Wu Jie, and he was promoted to be a personal guard with him.

During this period of time, Xu Tong tried to practice the Nirvana Sutra every day, and found that the Nirvana Sutra did have abilities beyond his expectations. As he practiced, his thoughts became more pure, with fewer distracting thoughts, and clearer thinking.

Cooperating with his seven-orifice exquisite heart, although his cultivation has not changed for a while, his strength has risen to a higher level, and even his Chunyang swordsmanship has faintly shown signs of breakthrough.

What made him even more gratified was that after he had completed the first level of the Nirvana Sutra, he had a clearer understanding of time control.

I saw Xu Tong opened his eyes, slowly raised his palms, and the sunlight penetrated through the gaps between his fingers, as if there was an invisible and qualityless force in the mist that was wasting his skin little by little.

"Is this the years?"

Xu Tong took a deep breath, and when he was about to continue to meditate, Ge Zhuo strode outside the tent: "General, that beast suddenly ran wild and injured people, after we suppressed it, it seemed to be dying, and its breath became weaker and weaker. "

What Ge Zhuo was talking about was the Kestrel Falcon King, this beast is very powerful, Xu Tong deliberately boiled it, but it didn't eat or drink, and it was so stiff that it didn't even have the slightest intention to bow its head.

Seeing this, Xu Tong sighed and stood up from the soft bed: "Take me to have a look!"

He has already made up his mind, if he can't surrender this time, he will simply kill him and make soup.

(End of this chapter)

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