Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1070 SanDisk: This book has more than 1 book

Chapter 1070 SanDisk: This book has more than 1000 book
"Yo, Ultraman Tiga." Saying hello in a very familiar tone, Sai Luo clutched his glasses and came to Dagu: "Why do you want to come to Earth? And it still doesn't belong to your Earth."

"I always have to come, after all...some things I need to be present at the first time." Dagu shrugged, saying that he had to come: "By the way, you can call me Dagu, Di Jia is Di Jiaao Terman’s name, my name is Dagu.”

"It's really troublesome for you to use two names for the Ultraman who has changed from human beings." Sai Luo shrugged and said helplessly: "Then call you Dagu, on Earth, use a name that suits the people on Earth It's really needed."

"No way, after all, this is a human planet, and human society must cater to human beings." That's why Sai Luo would not say that if he is not of one mind, his earth name is Zhu Xingzhen.

He won't say anything about it.

At least now he is called Renren.

"By the way, have you found the source on this planet?" Dagu said directly, getting straight to the point.

After all, he will come to Earth, mainly to find the source.

And after hearing Dagu and Ultraman Sailo reminiscing about the old days, they talked about Yuanquan's body without a few words, and Camilla's aura, which was exuding air-conditioning alone with her hands folded on her chest, suddenly became even colder.

That bright face was gradually shrouded in clouds and swallowed by darkness.

It's just that Dagu didn't care about this, and Sai Luo couldn't feel it out of sheer carelessness, only making people feel something in his body, and asked Sai Luo tremblingly: "Sai Luosang, that cold face, look That scary-looking woman, is she also an Ultraman?"

"Ah? Her, her name is Camila, she is Di Jia... Dagu's lover, she followed him, and this time I came here together." The caution and fear in the tone were not heard by Sai Luo Instead, Sai Luo continued to popularize other people's identities for Sai Luo.

"By the way, unlike us, this Camilla is a dark giant."

"Dark... giants?"

"That's right, it's the dark giant who is opposed to the light giant, but it doesn't have to be said that dark giants are bad, after all, she has already married Dagu." The dark giant lived in the kingdom of light for a while. At that time, if it spreads out, I am afraid that people's attention will be stunned.

But in fact, Camila put her heart on Dagu, and she didn't do anything bad. The Kingdom of Light is not the kind of existence that will execute justice when it sees a dark giant.

This is not a certain country, and the giant of light will not discriminate against the giant of darkness.

Racial discrimination does not exist in the Kingdom of Light.

People don't know what the dark giant represents, he will be surprised, it is surprised that Ultraman can also get married, which is somewhat shocking.

"Sai Luo? Sai Luo?" Stretching out his hand in front of Ren Ren's eyes, Dagu said, "Why have you been talking to yourself since just now? You're still doing some weird movements."

"Uh...Because I am now in the state of one body, not a direct imitation as an Ultra warrior, and the one with me is this man." As he spoke, he pointed to himself: "Iga Liren, This is the human body I chose in this world."

"It's annoying?" Dagu can understand this kind of one-hearted state. After all, his wife Lina is also one-hearted with Camilla, so Lina's lifespan has also become a long life, which is basically the same as that of Camilla. Meera bound.

"Hey?" Sai Luo returned the control of his body to others. In the next second, he was full of confidence, but his youthful expression suddenly became cautious. The smile made him look very humble.

Compared with the very confident person before, it's like a sky and an earth.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it was two people.

"Hello, Mr. Ren." Dagu stretched out his hand and held Ren's hand together: "I am a human from another world, another earth, my name is Dagu, and I am a botanist on Mars. Family."

"Mars... botanist?" Listing these two words alone, people can understand what they mean, but when they are combined, it makes people feel a little numb.

After all, the Gyd universe is at the frontier, and the technology here has not developed to the point where a research institute can be opened on Mars.

"Okay Ren, let me come out instead." Taking off the glasses, Ren Ren's aura was suddenly turned aside, and the confident and flying spirit immediately filled his whole body.

"What do you mean by finding the source? Shouldn't my master fit into the universe?"

"Is he fit into the universe?" Dagu was stunned, and said with some uncertainty: "Impossible, I can feel his breath, he should still be in the human world, and not integrated with the universe."

"Impossible! My master has already merged with the universe. This is what we have seen with our own eyes. There is no falsehood." Sai Luo was absolutely sure of this. After all, this was the last scene that caught his eye before leaving that universe. .

Besides, if it wasn't for the master's sacrifice, how would the universe be saved?
"But..." Dagu frowned, he firmly believed that his perception was correct, and the source must be somewhere in this world.

But the problem is that he can only feel that the source is still there, but Dagu can't predict where it is.

Moreover, this aura belonging to the source is extremely erratic, and it even appears in a situation that sometimes appears and sometimes does not exist, which makes Dagu feel a little at a loss.

But since it is the source, not Yuanyuan or Quanna, then Dagu believes that the source must be back, so he came here.

For a moment, Sairen and Dagu looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing who was telling the truth and who was lying.

Sai Luo saw it with his own eyes, and Dagu had a tacit understanding. Both sides have their own reasons for insisting, but both of them feel that they are right.

This is very embarrassing.

"In short, although I'm not sure, I want to stay here." Dagu shook his head and put aside the complicated thoughts in his mind: "Before I came to the earth, I felt his breath again, and it was extremely strong , This is also the reason why I followed this breath all the way here.”

"But as soon as I reached the atmosphere, this breath disappeared without a trace."

Dagu spread his hands, expressing helplessness: "It is possible that what you and I said is true, but there must be something inside this whole matter that we don't know."

"In that case, even if my master fits into the universe, he is still alive?" Since his defeat to Beria caused the universe to be destroyed by the dimensional bomb, and the master was forced to fill it in, Sai Luo The guilt in my heart never went away.

This is something he will never forget.

But now, Dagu told him that his master Nexus might still be alive, which greatly inspired Sai Luo's mind.

"If my master is still alive, why didn't he come to find me when I came to Earth?" Sai Luo muttered to himself, "Master, where is he now..."

"Relax." Patting Ren on the shoulder, Dagu said: "He didn't come to you, and he has his own considerations. All we can do is trust him and wait here for his return."

"The power of the King of Ultra, the personality of the transcendent, these are all first-class treasures, and those who have evil intentions are gathering here one by one." As he said, Dagu put his grateful eyes on Camilla's body.

As a dark giant, Camila has a natural intimacy with the dark universe, so she often goes to the dark universe to inquire about more news than other people.

It was Camila who went to find out about this and told Tiga.

That's why he's here.

On the one hand, it is the first time to see the return of the source, on the other hand, it is naturally escorted.

He really wanted to see who wanted Yuanquan to die completely.

Shine Tiga, ready to go.

(End of this chapter)

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