Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1071 Others fight with husband and wife, but you fight with husband and wife together

Chapter 1071 Others fight with husband and wife, but you fight with husband and wife together
The moment the swords were handed over, the weapon that was essentially a Blaze but looked like a Titan sword fell down, but was blocked by another Blaze.

The sparks rubbed off during the collision of the swords symbolized the merciless battle between the two sides.

This merciless refers to Xiao Lu and not Yuan. After all, the gap between the two sides is still huge. If Yuan is really merciless, then Xiao Lu will only lose in an instant.

"While slashing, you must strengthen your determination. Why did this sword fall? What kind of determination is contained in the sword move, or what is the will to kill the enemy?" After blocking this move , Yuan continued: "You who have firmly established the path of a hero, have you found a reason to swing your sword?"

"I want to tell everyone that I am myself, not the villain's son in their eyes, and I am not someone else's!" What Xiao Lu wants to prove most now is his own existence.

Although he is Beria's son, it doesn't mean he must be evil.

Just because of the relationship between father and son, he simply thinks that he is evil, such a thing is absolutely not allowed by Xiao Lu.

"The preconceptions of the world are like a mountain. When you try to climb, you will either cross the mountain or fall to the bottom. Success or failure is just a moment away." Lie on Xiao Lu's collar, and said face to face: "There has never been a third way."

"I can do it, I can definitely do it!" Xiao Lu grabbed Yuan's hand, struggled out of control, opened his arms and swept across a large circle, sweeping across with the largest attack range.

This sweeping blow was not ordinary, because Xiao Lu strengthened his heart, on top of this blow, there was an untapped power in his body, that is, the deeply hidden Beria genetic factor.

And it is not the genetic factor of Beria after being fused by Lebrondo, but the power of the genetic factor of Bai Bei, who was a warrior of the Kingdom of Light before being expelled.

Boiling light particles linger on the Titan Sword, but there is also dark energy that cannot be dispelled, always existing in the torrent of light particles.

The sweeping sweep of the Titan sword aroused a strong sword energy, and it flew out of the sword in an instant, heading straight for Yuan's face.

Yuan did not retreat but advanced, seeing Xiao Lu provoke this attack with a smile on his lips, he seemed very happy.

Anything is most afraid of giving up halfway, and it is even more so to reverse the prejudices of the world. Once you shrink back, you will die without a place to die.

The courage to face difficulties, Xiao Lu has already shown it.

Yao Bian stands in front of his eyes, the sword edge flashes red light, Yuan Chang shouted, waved his hand and slashed down, the flashing sword edge cut off the flying sword energy, and turned into broken light particles from the left and right sides. side spread out.

Panting heavily, Xiao Lu raised his hand in surprise and looked at the sword in his hand.

Just now... what is that?Sword Qi?

But how did he do it?
"Xiao Lu, that's great!" Peijia, who was watching the battle, jumped up happily: "That kind of attack, do it again!"

Although Peijia applauded excitedly, Laiye was the one who was most surprised.

Xiao Lu is an Ultraman, this is something Lai Ye has known for a long time, so even if Xiao Lu waved out a sword energy, Lai Ye would not be surprised.

But his elder brother forcibly split the sword energy with the sword!
...Couldn't he really be able to become Kura?
"Okay, let's stop here." Inserting Yaobian Sword into the ground beside him, the whole sword disappeared immediately, Yuanquan went to Xiao Lu, and patted him on the shoulder: "My training is to focus on the heart In my opinion, the strengthening of the body can be done at any time, but the strength of the mind is more important than the strength of the body."

"What to fight for."

"What is the reason for fighting?"

"Do you still have the heart to continue fighting after losing the guardian object?"

"Whether you have the courage to rise again after countless failures."

"A person's body can perish, but his spirit can never die, but if his spirit dies, then his body is nothing but a walking corpse."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and the warm feeling like a spring breeze disappeared, replaced by a flat tone, with only a slightly undulating voice.

"Congratulations on passing this training."

"That's... really lucky." Xiao Lu responded with a forced smile: "I didn't escape from disappointing you, brother."

"I'm proud of you." The Titan sword also disappeared, and Xiao Lu, who lost his support, leaned forward and was about to fall down.

Yuan appeared in front of Xiao Lu, and supported Xiao Lu's body, letting him lean against his chest.

"Go to sleep, the mental experience and mental exhaustion are more uncomfortable than the physical one." Wiping off the sweat on Xiao Lu's forehead, Yuanquan called Peggy over and took Xiao Lu over.

"Take him to rest."


Peijia helped Xiao Lu leave here, Yuan looked at the backs of the two of them for a while, then turned around and prepared to leave.

But just as he turned around, the sound of the soft sword coming out of its sheath could be heard clearly.

And the appearance of the man standing with the sword pointing at him was also analyzed by Yuanquan.

"What does it mean to point a sword at me like this?"

"I want to challenge you." Putting down the scabbard, Laiye suppressed the fighting spirit in his heart, trying not to look so wild: "If your training is the training of the mind, then I want to challenge you."

"What do you want to find in your heart?" Yuan asked rhetorically.

"I want to find that... weak me, I can only watch, helpless me." What Lai Ye said was that she was attacked by Skeleton Gomora when she was a girl before, resulting in the death of her parents.

At that time, she was not the girl she is now, with force and strength, but a girl who didn't understand anything and only had a preliminary understanding of the world.

And what the world gave her was the cruel truth.

"Find the fragile self instead of killing yourself? It turns out that you are also confused." Yuan turned around and raised his hand to summon the cosmic flare sword: "Be prepared, I will not have a special case for women."


"I feel it!" Dagu's eyes lit up, and he was about to turn around and leave immediately, following the direction of that feeling to pursue the past.

But just as he was about to do this, the breath from the source disappeared in an instant, and it disappeared without a trace, the kind that didn't exist at all.

The footsteps that had finally started stopped abruptly, and the excited expression on Dagu's face had not faded, but his heart had already sunk to the bottom.

He couldn't feel it again.

"If this is the case, there should be some special reason." Camilla finally said, "Maybe he is in this state now, half asleep and half awake."

"I know, that's why I want to find him." Dagu sighed and turned around helplessly: "He is so sensitive, without me by his side, he will feel very insecure."

"It was the same at the beginning, so I wanted to go to him immediately, because I knew that he needed me very much."

What Dagu said, of course, was the miracle that the two people who were embarrassed by Faust's conspiracy when they were still in Dijia TV, finally achieved a miracle of one mind.

If one person can't do it, then two people, leaning back to each other, and relying on each other, there will be no fear.

"But if you say that my master is still alive... I did meet a person who looks like my master." Sai Luo had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly came to his senses: "And I have met him before."

"Is there such a person?" Dagu asked back.

"Yes, and that person's name is Yuan, he is a well-known special-shot actor, the kind who only shoots special shots." Sai Luo's consciousness faded, and it was replaced by a local person: "The name of that special shot is Mask Knight Kuga, very famous!"

"Kuu me?" Dagu murmured and repeated: "Kuu me...kuuga..."

"Kamen Rider?"

Although he didn't know the connection between the two, Dagu felt that maybe this was the person he was looking for.

(End of this chapter)

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