Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1080 Lucifer: I decided to go straight to Huanglong and rush into the boss room to single ou

Chapter 1080 Lucifer: I decided to go straight to Huanglong and rush into the boss room to single out the strongest boss
Xiao Lu worked very hard in today's special training, and this hard work is reflected in his various actions.

Whether it's running or competing with Yuanquan, Xiao Lu has to work harder and be more persistent than before.

Yuan could also understand Xiao Lu's thoughts, probably because he was defeated with no power to fight back, which aroused Xiao Lu's inner sense of urgency.

And a few days ago, the people Dagu interviewed on the TV station also answered the latest question raised by the TV station early in the morning, that is, what do you think of the new Ultraman.

Unlike Gedd's mixed reputation, Tijia has received countless praises since his appearance.

People have said that such Ultra fighters are the real Ultra fighters, and people like Tiga more than Geed.

Although the color scheme is simple, the simple and extreme appearance makes people feel shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

Obviously it's just a metal face, but when looking at this face, I always feel that Dijia has revealed everything he wants to say on his face.

Silence, joy, gazing, expectation... All these can be found on Di Jia's face, or be interpreted by others.

It is estimated that it was also affected by the appearance of Di Jia, and Xiao Lu's heart was very urgent.

Whether it's transforming into an Ultraman or protecting the world, these things obviously came first.

But why now, people are so obsessed with Ultraman Tiga who only appeared once...

Xiao Lu couldn't ignore it, he cared about it very much, so he wanted to work harder to reverse the impression in people's hearts, and wanted to make himself a hero in people's hearts.

As for the appearance... Although my appearance is a bit vicious, there is no way I can do it. No matter how I switch the shape of my eyes, they will not change, and I don't want to look so vicious!
The appearance can no longer be changed, but in terms of actions, more efforts must be made for it.

Yuan knew what Xiao Lu was thinking, but what he thought was giving, not gaining power. Although he was urgent, his thoughts did not change, and he did not become the kind of guy who pursues power, so Yuan left it alone for the time being.

At the moment Yuan and Xiaolu practiced each other, Ren also successfully connected with the Cosmic Human Administration. After some preliminary communication, Sai Luo agreed to reach an agreement with the Cosmic Human Administration for the time being. Provide internal help.

However, there is something wrong with Zena's coming to Sai Luo, because during this period of time, many cosmic beings who were on the earth were attacked inexplicably.

Although they are not those cosmic beings who are registered to obey the law, but those who sneak in or break the law are attacked, and there is a certain possibility that they will be exposed to human beings.

The existence of the Cosmos Administration cannot be seen by outsiders.

And there is no such thing in their business that can erase other people's memories by taking out a flashing pen (movie: Men in Black), and it will be very troublesome if people notice it.

Zena wants to ask Sero to find out who has been attacking the cosmonauts, and then submit a photo.

Sai Luo thought it was nothing at first, but when he saw the alluring presence in the photo clearly, he was speechless.

Don't tell me, I really know this person!


Shi Shiran was walking on the street, in very good physical condition, so good that he looked like a normal person.

If Fushii Dek was here, he probably wouldn't be able to recognize that this lively guy was the one who was half-dead after he extracted the power of the evil god.

"Hmm~" While a certain child's adult was negotiating with the vendor, Tregchia had quick eyes and quick hands, snatched the cone that the child's mother had just bought for him, and then left in a calm manner.

The child who didn't even get a lick was crying, but none of this had anything to do with Tregear.

Tregear, who had just done something trivial, tasted the cone, and came here without any haste according to the location recorded in his mind.

"This is the place where King Ao's aura is strongest." Looking up at the hospital, a ray of red flashed in Tregia's gray pupils. With his extraordinary ability, he was able to see what ordinary people looked at. less than something.

At this moment, in his eyes, the hospital is filled with countless Karelan elements, shining golden light, distributed around the entire hospital.

Compared with the Wang Zhili here, the Wang Zhili of other enemies is really very thin.

Tregear didn't have a capsule, so he couldn't use the capsule to absorb the power from the King of Austria, but he had another choice, which was to use the animal claw on his right hand to open the hole again to absorb the Karelan molecules into his body.

However, unexpected changes may occur in this way, and no one can tell what this change is.

But a huge amount of treasure is right in front of him, and he has no intention of giving up. Tregia weighed it for a moment, and finally decided to take a little to see...

Slightly open a part of the acupuncture point to absorb as little as possible.

However, after a few light particles entered the body, the evil gods screamed as if they had seen the most terrifying thing, and ran around in Tregia's body, fear made them dare not stop at all.

Heito: ...

Are you so afraid of King Ultra?But just a little bit of his light scares you like this?

Tregchia tried it, and he really couldn't transform and absorb the Karelan molecules with his own power, and he had to get rid of this light from his body, otherwise, it would be no different from having a parasite in his body.

...Belia, that guy, knew about this a long time ago, so he specially trained Fushiidek, the only remaining Stekuru.

Because only the converter organ in the Stekuru human body can transform the power of Ultraman into a power that anyone can absorb.

In other words, only Fukui Dek can absorb these lights at present.

Although it is a bit tricky, although it is a bit uncomfortable to see a treasure right in front of you and not be able to get it.

But Hei Tuo is a patient person, he can still wait for a while.

If Fushii Dek is really so important, then the bomb he planted might hit the wrong way and just hit the general.


"You don't want to become an aggregate of evil gods, do you?" When the big octopus opened its eyes again, he was no longer in the body that covered the sky and the sun, but in a limited area, with no distance between up and down, in an unknown world.

Although it doesn't know what this world is, the moment he wakes up, a special sense of happiness makes the octopus understand all this and his current situation.

He was inside Lucifer, he became a part of Lucifer.

"Although I am the strongest evil god, I am not the king of evil gods after all." Lucifer responded: "If I want to survive death, I must transform myself into that kind of existence!"

"Then who is the next person you want to find?" Octopus understood it, and asked immediately.

"Diga Universe." Lucifer said word by word: "The Kyriairods in the dimensional world, and the so-called gods worshiped by the residents of the dimensional world, and the black king, Gatanjae."

"Eh... everything else is okay, Gatanjae... hasn't it been completely wiped out?" With the tentacles, he waved the consciousness of those evil gods that were also absorbed by Lucifer, but the consciousness of these evil gods had been fragmented and could not be contained at all. self-existence.

"Yes, but the place I'm going to is there." Lucifer broke through the blockade of the big universe, and used the spear in his hand to tear the film of the timeline into it.

Because of this, Lucifer floats in front of countless timelines, and through those structures like nerve centers, he sees two timelines above all timelines and above all worlds.

One of them was he cut open the membrane and drilled out, the one behind him.

And the other one is almost completely overlapped with this universe, like a reflection.

"You want to find Gatanjar in the parallel universe?"

"No, it's not as simple as a parallel universe." Lucifer said in a relaxed tone, slowly raising his hand.

"This is a place that only those who transcend can come."

"If it weren't for your help, I'm afraid it will be a long time before I can set foot here again."


wdnmd, can you shut up if you can't speak!

"A slight movement of these threads will change countless things, and the shock caused by flicking the thread is enough to easily kill a transcendent." Passing around these timelines, Lucifer went straight to the place where no brilliance existed. It belongs to the reflection of the original universe and goes away.

That is a reflection, and another possibility.

If it is said that the original universe has a savior who appeared in response to the legend.

Then here is the opposite, the World Destroyer.

(End of this chapter)

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